x.Chasing Sunshine


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Avery wouldn't have cared if he did stare anyways. She pressed her lips against his again while pulling his underwear off. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him completely on top of her. She smiled against his lips and pulled away, just to look at him.


For you, yes.

So I'm glad today is extra good because you're on holiday and you got my note =D

- Skip :) -

Quite some time later, Brandon pulled away after one final kiss, and then rolled onto his back, pulling her so she was half on him, with her head on his chest. He currently didn't have the ability to say anything, and all he could do was take deep breaths to try and calm his heartbeat and himself as a whole.

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That did make me very happy. :)

She smiled and waited for her breathing to return to normal. When it did, she leaned over towards him and gave him a brief kiss. She pushed herself up with one arm, so that she was looking down at him. "I love you, baby." she whispered.

I just felt like you should know :)

He looked up at her and smiled gently. "I love you, too. So, so much. And that was.. Well, amazing wouldn't be doing it justice, love."

Back in a bit, dinner.

Your favourite, too, pizza xD

Pizza. Ew. D:

It made me reallly happy. :D I was smiling like that when I read it.

"It was perfect." she said, before leaning down for another kiss. She made this one last longer than the last, but it was still very short. "Are you tired?"

Haha, that's what I thought xD

Brandon had kissed her back while it had lasted, maybe holding onto it a bit longer than she'd intended. "Yes, that's about right," he said with a smile, and then looked thoughtful. "Well, maybe a little. But I don't know whether it's just a brief thing while I come to my senses or whether I'm genuinely feeling a bit sleepy. What about you?"

Bleeh. I need to join Janna's RP. I typed out the whole form on my phone yesterday and then my mom took it up. So I had to retype it on the computer. I was definitely not happy.

"No. Not yet." She shook her head and laid down next to him "Let me know if you're tired, though. I don't want to keep you up." She was silent for a few seconds before asking "Is there anything particular you want to do tomorrow before we leave?"

It's cool that you're joining, but not so great that you have to retype it ):

I wanted to write more, but I wasn't in the mood.

"I'll let you know if I am, but I think it was the first reason.. I'm already feeling less tired than I was," Brandon replied, running a hand back through his hair. He thought about it for a moment. Yes, there was something he'd thought about looking for, but he couldn't tell her what it was, exactly-- not that there was necessarily a chance that he would find what he was looking for anyway. He said, "There's something I'm looking for, but it's not something I can take you with me for, a personal thing. I can't say any more than that. But, if you want to do anything I'll go out earlier in the morning so we still have time for you."

I was going to add a second character but I didn't feel like it. :)

She looked at him, wondering what he was talking about. However, she didn't push him to tell her, despite the fact that she did want to know. "No." she shook her head "I'd rather wake up with you. I can pack our clothes or something while you're gone."

I might add a female character later. We shall see.

He nodded and said, "That's fine with me." He turned his head, pushed himself up on his elbow and leaned down to kiss her briefly. He pulled away about an inch or so, "It'll all become clear very soon, I promise. But it won't be any fun for either of us if you find out now."

I probably will add a second. Just...later.

She looked up at him, confused now. Still, she nodded "Okay." She wasn't quite sure what else to say, since she didn't know what he was talking about at all, so she just leaned up to give him another quick kiss.

Yeah. I'm doing too many things at once already xD

He held onto this kiss much longer, keeping her there with his hand behind her head for a while. He then kissed the tip of her nose, "Don't dwell on it, just forget about it for now and be happy when you know what I mean later, okay?" he whispered, smiling softly, before lying back down again.

I just don't want to think more than I'm required to...

She nodded "If you say so, love." she replied before moving as close to him as she possibly could. She reached for his hand, and squeezed it gently after finding it.

Yup, I hear ya.

He smiled and squeezed her hand back, just gazing down at her lovingly, noting as he always did how astoundingly beautiful she was. He said softly, "Today, as a whole, has been just perfect," half to himself, but as a statement, too. "Thank you," and that was to her and only her.

Oh, Britain's Got Talent is on. I might be able to post between breaks.

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Okay. :)

I kinda gave up on shows like that a few seasons of American Idol ago.

"No." She smiled "Thank you. You have made everyday I spend with you perfect. You are perfect." Avery kissed his neck once, very lightly and then looked up at him.

BGT's been good this year, actually. But Idol will never be the same after Adam.

"Darling, I'm far from perfect in reality. But I always want to be as perfect as I can to be deserving of you, and so that I can make you as happy as possible," he replied.

ahahahaha. Oh, only you.

Contest shows have kind of been downhill for me.

"You're perfect to me, and that's more than enough." She smiled, squeezing his hand gently. She rolled over slightly, resting her head under his "I love you so much."

Of course ;)

I understand that. I'm actually getting bored of them now.

"It's far more than enough for me, too, I know that. Noone else matters anymore," Brandon said softly, sliding an arm around behind her to wrap around her shoulders. "To me, you are the very definition of perfect. Flawless, breathtaking. I love you, too."

They're all so...repetitive. I mean, at every AI audition, you can expect similar things.

She pressed herself as tightly to him as she could manage and let go of his hand, only to place her arms around his waist. "I still think it's amazing that we can be so young and so in love. I would have never thought I'd be able to feel like this until I was at least in my twenties."

Yeah. It's not even funny anymore that often when someone really weird turns up.

But, apart from Crystal, who didn't even win in the end (that's the other thing, people don't vote wisely anymore) noone shone at all this year. They were all distinctly average.

He nodded and smiled softly, enjoying the closeness. "I know," he said, "I had never thought that I could even be romantic with or commit myself to someone with everything else that comes with still being in school and everything.. I didn't know I was capable of passion or love like this until I met you."

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