x.Chasing Sunshine


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I don't see how people can actually stand to watch them.

She bit down a little bit harder, progressively increasing the amount of pressure she was putting on his skin. Finally, she went back to kissing along his neck, slowly, making her way up to his lips.

Brandon kept reacting to her kisses until she reached his lips, when he kissed her.. Hungrily, almost. With a great deal of passion, in any case. He murmured against her lips, "I don't know if I've told you, but you drive me crazy, in the best possible sense."

"I think you may have mentioned it a few times." She replied, in between kisses "And to tell you the truth, I like being able to do that to you." She stopped talking then, and went back to kissing him, matching his force.

He smiled against her lips and said, "And I'm pretty sure I like that you can do that to me, too. Like nobody else in this world can, I wonder how you do it." One hand found her hair as he began to kiss her again.

She smiled as she kissed him, her hands around him. She kissed him for as long as she could, before pulling away from him to breath. "I also like being theo nly one who can do it to you." she told him, once she had caught her breath.

hey look. I'm alive.

"Of course there are. First of all, nobody in the whole world can make me as happy as you do. Whatever you do seems right. You're perfect and everything you do is perfect. You're the only person who can reach such a level of perfection." she smiled.

Yaay! How was.. Was it summer school you went to? :)

"Except for you, of course. You and I are as perfect as each other." Of course, he didn't really believe that; he believed that she was far more perfect than he. But it was an argument that would never be won and therefore not worth having when he could be kissing her or something. So that's exactly what he did.

Goodness, I haven't been on in a million years.

She would have argued against that, though his kiss took her by surprise. Complaining, however, wouldn't have been the right thing to do for sure. Avery kissed him, more eagerly than before. One of her hands found his hair quickly enough and she used the other to push him closer to her.

Divaaaa <3 -attack-

I missed you, you know :)

Brandon smiled when she seemed to recover from the surprise and kiss him back. He pulled her close to himself, an arm around her waist, pressing her against him. Much better than arguing, he thought to himself.

Hiiii Tarryn:)

I'm sorry. I just got, I don't know, bored, I guess. Of TT, generally.

She continued kissing for a while longer before ending it, somewhat hesitantly, though she did need to breathe. "We should probably sleep soon" she smiled "If we're going to leave tomorrow. And if you're going to get up early."

I did for a period, too. I go through phases. After I got back from Germany I just constantly thought about wanting to go back, and I was so disinterested.

But it's lovely to talk to you again <3

"You're right, we should," Brandon murmured, planting just one more kiss on her lips before relaxing, still holding her close, however. "Thank you for another amazing night," he said to her, smiling softly.

Yeah, I do that all the time. Sometimes much longer than others. xP

Indeed, it is. How have you been?

"You don't have to thank me." She replied softly, pulling the sheets up to cover them properly. "It was an amazing night for me, as well." She closed her eyes for a few seconds before saying "I love you."

I think I'm about to go into another one.

Great, thanks. Had an amazing day of shopping with Mum. Overally, summer's going great <3

How about you?

"An amazing day, on the whole, actually," Brandon added, getting comfortable under the covers. "I love you, too," he whispered, reaching an arm out to switch off the lamp on the bedside table before closing his eyes.

Yeah, I can kinda sense when I'm going to do it.

My summer's been okay. It's been a blur. Theatre camp was definitely the highlight though.

Avery agreed with him, though she didn't say anything. What she did do was shift so that she was closer to him. The lights had only been off for a few minutes before she was already in a deep sleep. It had been a tiring day, after all.

asdfghjkl. this needs excitement.

I especially hate it when there's this huge post right in front of me. It makes me want to whack my head against a wall.

Well, the time since I remember you got off for summer and up to now has felt like a blur for me, too. So it must be even worse for you. Theatre camp sounds good, though.

I'mma just skip until tomorrow. ~~

Brandon woke up before Avery in the morning, as he'd told her he would, to leave early in the morning to get something. He kissed her very gently on the cheek before slipping out of bed. He changed and then left. Finding what he was looking for was the hardest thing, but finding the way back was easy. He was back within an hour.

Yeah, I know... Any groundbreaking ideas? :S

Haha, I know what you mean.

Ahh - theatre camp was INTENSE. It was 6 days, 12 hours a day, of non stop work, work, work. But it was the kind of thing I like so you know..

And we had a dance off - our group won. ;D

Avery was still asleep when he got back, though she woke up maybe half an hour later. She sat up in bed, happy to see he was there. "Did you find whatever you were looking for?" she asked, assuming he had already gone.

Well, after I mentioned it, I did think of something but I don't know how to work it in or if it'd even work. :/

Wow, that is intense. But that kind of work is usually so much fun. It was like that at long weekend musical rehearsals.

That's awesome =D Well done.

"I did," Brandon said to her, smiling. He was busy packing their stuff, preferring that she slept longer. "Hopefully whoever it's for is going to like it, though I can't give it to them for a while yet," he continued. "How did you sleep?"

Run it by me..?

I love Saturday rehearsals, actually. Most people hate them. Not me :3

We built a dryer too - it looked so legit. And for one of the shows, they needed extras so they just kinda picked off the techies who would be backstage for the show. So I got to dress up as an army guy covered in blood and die onstage. :D

"I slept really well, thank you." She wanted to ask him what he had got. But seeing as he had already told her that he couldn't tell her right now, she didn't push it anymore. Instead, she got out of bed and asked "Can I help you pack?"

well, I was thinking like maybe Avery could get pregnant, and then she'd freak the hell out, I suppose. Then stuff would happen.

But it would be anticlimactic and miscarry or something depressing like that.

Me, too. I hate it when people moan about rehearsals. It's like, 'Why are you in the show if you don't want to come?'

Brandon said, "Well, you can if you like. But if you need to take a shower or something, I'll be alright here until you're done." He smiled at her and continued packing stuff while she decided what to do.

I think it could work. Maybe after they get back from New York, she'd start feeling sick or something. And when they find out, maybe, because Avery's parents aren't convinced about Brandon, they might not want him to see her or something-- your characters, so whatever.

And then, yeah, she could miscarry. Something like that?

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