x.Chasing Sunshine


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It's just this month basically. Then exam week then SUMMER. Not that summer will be particularly exciting. I'm taking summer school, a PSAT class, an SAT class, as well a theatre camp. I can't wait for camp! It's six days and from 9-9. I'll be so stressed out but it'll be great. And I may even fit in newspaper camp, which is only three days and two nights.

She nodded "Life before you seems like and distant memory. Everything seems faded. The only things I can really remember is performing and being with my friends. Everything else seems almost nonexistant. Like it was a different person doing those things."

Wow, looks like a pretty hectic summer, too. I have no clue what I'm doing this summer.

"As long as you're happier now, and that you don't mind things being that way, the same way as I feel, then I'm glad," he said. "All I know is that falling in love with you has changed me for the better and has been the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Yeah. But this month will be like inportant thing after important thing. It's the end of the year hype and since our school district splits up high school into senior high school and high school, all the sophomores are loaded. D:

I have my first AP test next Thursday. Then the 19th are productions try outs so I'm getting my portfolio together. Then banquet is the 23rd. And I have to deal with my birthday, and my party in between it. Thank god my sister's birthday is over. And after banquet is a show and revew week, preceded by an off Monday then finals. THEN SUMMER<3

but the first day of summer is my World History SAT subject test </3

"Of course I'm happy" she laughed "I can't be unhappy when I'm with you. Seeing you makes my day better. Ever since I met you, I've been happier. You're perfect for me, and I'm perfect for you. And I only look forward to spending the rest of my life with you."

Well, good luck with it all, is all I can say! :)

"That's wonderful. And all I needed to hear from you. Despite me knowing that you love me as much as I love you, I still can't help but want you to tell me again. Sometimes it doesn't feel real, because it's so amazing to be with you all of the time, and I don't know what I've ever done to deserve true love, and so soon," he smiled, and then kissed her on the lips.

Ahh. Thanks. I'll definitely need it.

She had been about to say more after he had spoken, butthe kiss caught her off guard. She smiled as she kissed him. Her hold in his waist tightened a bit more and she leaned up to make it easier for him to reach her.

Just don't stress about it too much like I know most people do. Like, don't revise too much or think about it too much. That's the best advice I can give, I think.

You'll be just fine, anyways :)

Brandon picked her up gently, just a little off the ground, and stood her on his feet, so she could reach him without having to lean too much, and that, as they both knew, always made kissing much better. He smiled against her lips, and kissed her tenderly, so fairly slowly, but passionate all the same.

It's over and done with now. Wasn't that bad. I expect at least a three, but I feel like I might have made a four.

As she kissed him, her fingers slipped under his shirt, lingering around his lower back. She was almost too focused on the kissing to do anything more with her hands.

I have no idea what that means, but I'm glad you seem happy with that, anyway.

Avery's hands felt warm against his back, and he smiled at the feeling. It was a shame that he couldn't focus everything on kissing her-- he was afraid that he might end up leaning too far one way and cause the gondola to tip over.

Well. It's a one to five scale, with three and above being passing.

She pulled away from him after a while. Her hands still lingered against his back however. She buried her face in his chest, smiling happily.

Ah, I get it.

"I love you, Avery," Brandon said, breaking the silence, smiling down at her in his arms. He was quite happy just to hold her. And for a few moments, that's exactly what he did, until he asked her, "So are we continuing or heading back? Or not moving at all, in fact, for the moment?"

Yeah. I'm just glad it's over. I'm freaking out for tomorrow though. Ahaha.

She had whispered back an 'I love you.' after he had told her. When he asked her what they were doing she answered "I don't know. Maybe we should head back. It's too hard to kiss you in here." she smiled, looking up at him.

What was today?

Brandon chuckled and said, "You're right, actually. I'm not too sure I fancy a swim right now." He gave her one last peck on the lips and then let her go so she could sit down comfortably and he could start paddling them back down the canal. He took it a little slower this time, just rowing gently and checking out the gorgeous scenery. Definitely, he thought as he finally tied the boat up at the mooring, this had been a great idea.

Wednesday was auditions/interviews for Productions.

She had been silent on the way back, sitting next to him and looking at everything they passed by. She hadn't realized that they had come so far. When they were back where they started and after he had retied the boat, she lifted herself out of it and then held out her hand to help him.

Ah, I see. How'd it go?

Brandon took her hand to steady himself and the boat, then hopped up onto the pontoon next to her. He grinned as he looked back briefly and said, "A great time. And we didn't get caught, either."

I don't know. I don't really wanna say anything until I get the results.

She nodded happily "That was the best part." She stood on her toes to give him a quick peck on the lips. "Where to next? The hotel or do you want to stop somewhere." She glanced around at the few open stores nearby. There seemed to be what looked like a tiny grocery store and a few restaurants still open.

Okay. When do you find out?

"Well, are you hungry? Thirsty? Anything else?" he asked her as he led her back up to the main streets from the river. "I guess that's about all I can suggest as an alternative to going back."

I don't really know. She didn't really give us a date. I expect it'll be sometime next week though because the week after is exam week. Although the teacher is in Colorado until Tuesday according to my friend in the class.

She shook her head, unable to think of anything. "No. I'm still full from our meal." She thought again "Oh.." she held his hand "I think it'd be a good idea to get some pills. Just to be safe."

Well, the best of luck, anyway. Let me know as soon as you find out (and can actually get to the means to tell me xD)!

"Oh, yeah, you're right," he agreed, nodding. At least pharmacies in big cities such as Venice were open until quite late at night. And they're not hard to find in continental European countries, either-- for some reason, they like their neon signs--, so tracking one down didn't take too long.

I will. It'll be on facebook for sure because we'll all be discussing it. And I'll post here too:)

She led him into the pharmacy, looking through their over the counter things. She had never bought any before, and wasn't sure where to look. Avery looked up and Brandon and smiled slightly, asking him for help without saying it.

Awesome :)

And on that note, I'm off. G'night :)

Brandon wasn't too sure, but he assumed that you had to ask for them from a pharmacist. He went to one of the other counters where a woman was standing, she just seemed like she wasn't hired just to pack bags for some reason. He asked her if he could get anything for Avery, and she asked him a couple of questions before handing him a box of tablets. He gave the box to Avery once he'd found her again and told her the pharmacist's instructions.

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