x.Chasing Sunshine


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See you tomorrow, perhaps. I have a pretty hectic weekend so we'll see how it goes.

She had barely even noticed him leave so when he handed her the box she was definitely surprised. "Thanks." she smiled, once he had handed them to her. The instructions didn't sound too complex. It was like the morning after sort of pill, which didn't sound confusing at all. "So I guess we're done here."

Okay, that's fine. I'm pretty busy myself :)

Brandon smiled and replied, "Yeah, that's it I guess. Unless you need anything while we're here-- I have no idea, but you might.. have hay fever or something," he chuckled. "Or.. I don't know.. Assuming there's a next time, do you want me to get anything?"

Yeah. Lol. I think I have a few hours to relax right now though. (;

"If you want to." she said "These should be enough, shouldn't they?" She shook the box Brandon had just handed her. "Its up to you. I don't know."

Yay =D

I'm trying to relax, but I'm worried that I just won't be able to get any ideas together before I start recording my own music tomorrow ):

"We're not really here for that much longer, actually, so I suppose you're probably right," he agreed. He took her hand once more and started to lead her out of the pharmacy. "And I think I'm also alright with the hay fever thing, so we can just go," he chuckled.

Write it down!

What are you recording for?

Once they were out, she smiled and kept walking back to the direction of their hotel. They had been gone longer than she had imagined, because the lobby was empty, save for the employees and few other people waiting for a room. Avery led him to the elevator and pressed the "up" button, and then waited for it to arrive.

I know, I'm just getting chords and riffs together first.

Well, I have to write a piece of music for my Music GCSE, so I decided to write a song for it, so recording the guitar and laying down all my ideas with some other instruments just makes them come to life a little more.

And then I want to put them onto my YouTube and Myspace.

Brandon gently pulled her into the lift with him once it had arrived at the lobby. A few floors up, then out, along the corridor, and back to the door of their room. He fumbled in his pocket for the card, then opened the door and let her in upon finding it.

Oh. I see. Well, good luck. It sounds like fun. :)

She put the pills down on the table, and then sat down on the bed. After kicking her shoes off, she looked up at him. "Now what would you like to do?" she asked him, laughing quietly.

Once I've got the chords done it should be. I'll have lots of ideas for drum beats, basslines, solos, riffs, melodies harmonies. The only other part I hate is writing lyrics..

Brandon stepped close to her, standing in front of her, looking down and smiling. "That all depends on why you're laughing, I think. I could interpret that in so many different ways," he said.

Have you got any lyrics at all yet?

She laughed again, placing her arms around his waist. "So let me hear your first interpretation, then." She pulled him slightly closer towards the bed.

No. I don't write them until chords are done. Otherwise you don't know what fits. Personally, that's what I think, anyway.

He smirked slightly, willingly following, wrapping his arms around her loosely. "Right now I'm thinking that it means you'd rather not sleep, because you're not tired.." His interpretation stretched further than that, but he was almost trying to tease her with his words.

Ahh. I see. Have you ever written a song before?

"Yes." she nodded, still looking up at him "I was also thinking that since I now have those pills you got for me, we might as well put them to some use. Test them out, maybe."

No, not really. I've started out, then gave up. But I have to do it now, so at least it'll get finished xD

"Ah, so you see the last part of my interpretation of your laugh," Brandon smirked, leaning his head down to kiss her neck gently, but passionately. "So when you asked me what I wanted to do, there wasn't really any inscentive of giving me a choice. But that's okay, since I think my first pick would have been to help you test out those tablets.."

Ahh. Well good luck. When is it due?

"Mhmm" she muttered, tilting her hea back to make it easier for him to get to her neck. "I'm glad we're on the same page." she managed to say, savoring the feel if his lips on her skin. She leaned back onto the bed, pulling Brandon completely on top of her as well.

17th June, I think. So it's quite a while, really. Most musicians take less than a day to make the first demo of a track. On a good songwriting day, anyway.

He smiled against her skin, kissing along her neck, his lips lingering a moment on where he'd memorised as her sensitive spot before continuing upwards until he reached her lips, and he kissed her passionately, forcefully, even. He let his hands slide underneath her shirt, caressing her skin, before pulling it up and off by the hem.

That's far off. O: when in the world does your school end!?

She moaned when his lips had reached her most sensitive spot. When his lips reached her mouth, she kissed him back with equal, if not more, force. Once her shirt was off, she went back to kissing him, too preoccupied to bother with his clothing just yet.

July the 20 somethingth.

I finish on July 14th to go to Germany, though.

Yeah, it's way after you break up.. xD

After a few moments of kissing, that became more intense with every passing second, he parted his lips slightly, his silent way of asking for permission. His hand found her hair, fingers entangling themselves in it absently, while the other just held her to him as tightly as was humanly possible.

Wow...Yeah. Our last day is the 4th.

She granted him permission, and started French kissing him. Her hands moved to the buttons on his shirt. Once she had managed to get his shirt off, she tossed it, on to the floor, most likely. She would have pushed him closer to her, but they were as close as possible already.

So, that's what.. Not the coming Friday, but the Friday after that? O:

While he French kissed her, he rolled over onto his back, partly so as to actually get further onto the bed, since he didn't fancy falling off, and partly because he had been so tightly against her that it would have been near impossible to slowly slip off her jeans as he was doing so now, throwing them aside and then rolling on top of her again, his heart flying.

Yeah. And these last two weeks are blowoff weeks in almost every class.

She pushed herself just as tightly to him as they were before. Her hands were exploring his upper body now, going wherever they pleased. She pulled away from his lips, just to whisper "I love you so much." before she started to take off his pants.

Ahh, well, I'm on break after this week. Then I go back, German Exchange gets here, I then go on two weeks of work experience Two days at school after that, and then I go to Germany and my year is finished.

"I love you, too," Brandon whispered in reply, already breathless and totally consumed by his love for her, past the point of wanting her now that instead he needed her. Finally, he told himself not to stare too much as he slipped off her underwear.

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