x.Chasing Sunshine


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Wait. Your school tells you where to apply?

"Well, I'd like to live with you as soon as we both turn eighteen. Maybe we could get our own home. I'm not really sure. Or maybe we'll have to wait until we're both in college or something." she wondered to herself what would work. She wasn't quite sure exactly how it would work.

As in suggestions for the kinds of schools we should be looking at, I guess.

My parents don't really mind, so long as I'm happy where I go and that I'm doing what I love.

"Provided we both go to the same college, I think that would be a good option. We'll need someplace to stay, so we may as well both get somewhere to stay in together. I'd be surprised if your parents would object to that. Particularly because I can't be too much of a ruffian if I'm going to the same university as you," he suggested. "Again, it's another thing we'll figure something out for. If we can get something together for when we've both turned eighteen.. Well, even better."

Ahh. I see.

Oh. I can't believe I hadn't told you but ---- GLEE STARTS IN EIGHT DAYS!:)

"And it's times like these when I wish we were already eighteen and already in college. I don't like having to work our relationship around school." she laughed.

Um, yay?

I never told you that I don't really like Glee, did I?..

Yeah, when I watched a few random eps on the internet, I thought I liked it. But actually, anybody who covers my favourite songs and doesn't do them well, I just can't watch or listen.. Plus, now everyone refers to songs as, "Oh, that's Glee!" I had a guitar audition and a girl there knew me from Seussical and she said, "You're amazing at guitar! Oh yeah, and piano. You played Glee, Don't Stop Believin'." Grr. It. Is. Journey.

And the story.. I don't know, I just think it's a little.. Weak, is maybe the right word.

So I stopped watching it ):

"I know," he chuckled, finishing his food. "And we haven't even started our last year yet," he sighed quietly. "But I don't want to wish a whole year or our time away, either.."

Oh that's cool. I still love it.

I actually think a lot of their covers are good. Especially towards the end of the first half season. I love covers and I think songs are beautiful in that way because...well I could go on for hours on why I love covers but I won't bore you.

"We should have just been born a year early." she laughed. After taking a few more bites of her food, she asked "Would you like some more?"

At least you don't take my dislike for Glee too far like some people. I'm glad about that. It's sometimes dangerous to say you don't like it xD

The one I actually really liked was "Bust the windows out your car". Which, interestingly enough, is an original written for the show.

Oh, it's definitely not that I don't like covers. I love them. Just not the way Glee do them, most of the time.

"Exactly," Brandon laughed. He seemed thoughtful for a moment, and then said, "Pasta's kind of heavy, actually. I think I'm alright, thanks." He took another sip of his drink. "But, please, go ahead if you want something else."

Actually, Bust Your Windows was a cover too. I think it was by Jasmine Something or the other.

I actually like the way they use the songs to correlate with the singer's feelings/add to plot.

Ahh. I actually love the general world of covers because I think covers have a lot of depth to them. Adding your own style to someone else's song takes guts and I love to see how people do them. I respect people who do covers a lot.

"No. I'm actually kind of full." She smiled. Most of her meal was finished anyways. There was only a bit left. She took a sip of her drink instead.

I heard it was an original song. How odd.

I just Googled it, and you're right. And the radio was wrong xD

I hate covers when they're done exactly the same as the original. That bugs me. But, I have to agree with you. Covers are amazing when done right.

Haha, it's funny. (Random thing here). I'm using Google Chrome which has a spell checker. And Google isn't even in its dictionary xD

He looked out across the water to see how dark it was, nodding. "Well, I guess we can probably go once we've finished our drinks. It looks about dark enough," he said, smiling.

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I heard about that!:)

Okay. I'm honestly about to cry right now. My computer has like 3 Trojans or something and I have no clue how. The site advisor never warned me and after I got it it's like "oh btw, you have three major problems." and then my scanner thing won't verify itself and so I transferred all my important files to my portable harddrive thing and turned the computer off but I'm so lost now. These manual removings of bad viruses doesn't make sense. D;

She nodded "I can't wait. It'll definitely be exciting." she said, looming towards the canal as well "It's so pretty."

Oh s--- :S

I'm trying to think of the best way to do it.. I mean, if your scanner isn't working, then manually removing them would be a nightmare, anyway, because you don't know what files they're in.. I'll get back to you on that.

"Just so long as we don't get caught," he chuckled. "To be honest, though, the Italian Police are so much more laid back. Plus, we're foreign, they might see it as something we misread," he smiled with amusement. "It will be a lot of fun, though. I haven't done anything reckless in a while."

I'm really pi**ed. Beyond belief. I was seriously like htf did that happen? D:

manually removing it would be hell. Everything I read just scares me more. But like the most important password I have on my computer is my email. But I deleted my whole entire browsing history after I figured out and I haven't been anywhere but like scanner sites since. Except the scanner costs money which I at the moment don't have. So it needs to verify itself. And there's no way in hell I'm turning it back on till I know exactly what we're doing. If I have to, I'll take it back to the store because my warrenty ends in a few days.

"Neither have I." Avery nodded "I can't think of anything really reckless that I've done for the past few months." She sipped her drink again. She was almost done.

It's difficult. I mean, I don't know what we did when we had our huge virus problem..

Brandon finished the last of his drink, then said, "I admit, it's hard to do anything reckless in the new town, though. Its features don't exactly spell out excitement or recklessness," he laughed.

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Ahh. It was really nice of you to look. I'm just kind of freaking out. I think I'll go to bed and literally sleep on it so I don't freak myself out.

"True. It is the epitome of boring and safe. That's why I like the city. I feel free." She said before finishing her own drink "Shall we go? I'll ask the waitress to put it on the hotel bill."

Are you at school today?

It is scary, though. I freaked out. I remember, we had some kind of really bad one, not the kind you've got, though. And I remember, I was on Facebook, or, actually, I think it was Bebo back then, and it just started typing in stuff right in front of me, and just started sending messages to all of my friends. I could see it happening. That was weird.

"I agree," he smiled. He stood up and offered her his hand. "Yeah, lets go." The waitress took their room number on the way out. Brandon paid her a tip, and then headed out of the hotel with Avery, to a place along the canal that had a gondola tied to a mooring spot.

Ugh. Yes. :/ with two tests. I'm definitely out. Gah.

That's so weird! I would scream. I would. I'm just wary of the Internet on the computer now. It's too weird. Like even though I deleted everything I'm scared they can find it!

She glanced around to make sure they were alone, which they were. "You get in first." she told him, too nervous too step in first because she was scared it would topple.

I don't know how you can be up at 4 am on a school day. Honestly. I was tired when I was talking to you at 11:30 last night xD

It's why I want a Mac. Perfect for music and art. Mess around with the programs and settings as much as you want, and it won't break. And almost zero chance of viruses.

He lead her down the steps on the side of the canal, until they were at a little stone platform, so it was easier. He pulled the boat a bit closer, and then stepped in. He picked up the large oar pole and then put it into the water until it touched the ground, holding the boat steady, then offered her his hand.

My computer geek friend suggested Avast. It's a free deal and h says it's good. I tray him with computers.

Mehh. I'm not a Mac person! D:

She took his hand, and steadied herself as she stepped inside. She managed to not topple the both over, but she suspected it was only because she had been able to use his hand to steady herself. "Thanks, love." she smiled.

That's funny, I was going to suggest that but I wasn't sure what the download involved. We've got Avast. It is good.

Macs <3 I'm desperate to have GarageBand.

"You're welcome," he said quietly, smiling as well. Because of the fact that it was a canal, the water was never really unpredictable so long as it was nice weather, which hopefully meant that the chances of toppling over were fairly slim once they were moving. He took another quick look around, and then pushed the boat away from the side.

Ahah. Yeah. He suggested a few.

I don't need that, then again. xD

She watched him for a while before asking "Can I do something?" She felt bad about just sitting there and not helping.

Yeah. Most people wouldn't xD

They're hard to get to grips with, at first, because everybody's so used to PCs. But I like the way they look and run. They're actually simpler once you get used to it. Still, it's a ongoing argument over which is better :L

Brandon straightened the boat out, and then put the oar into the water again so that it stopped, so he could talk to her. "It's alright, actually. That's all it takes to get it out. So all that's left to do is paddle. But I can do that, it's fine," he said. "Thanks for offering, though."

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