x.Chasing Sunshine


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He's like obsessed with computers. He could probably make money as a hacker. And whatever.

Still PC. My mom's Mac is insanee.

Ahh. How have you been lately?

"Okay. If you say so." she smiled. Avery looked around. "Am I allowed to kiss younwhile you're rowing?" she asked, almost teasing him. She would have kissed him even if he said no.

I know the type. I used to be best friends with a guy like that for six years. Then suddenly he decided he doesn't like me. He's odd.

That's fair enough :)

I'm great, thanks. The weather's been absolutely gorgeous for the past three days, so I've been out enjoying it. Hopefully it'll carry on into next week, too.

The only thing that's getting me down is that Dad's having one of his bad days, because of new medication. I always hate those days when he's not himself :S


Brandon smiled his signature crooked smile at that, while he continued to paddle. "Well, I'm not too sure about that. It seems like too much hard work for the both if us," he said, chuckling, clearly a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

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That's weird. :/

ahh. You're having good weather. It's been good here too.

Ahh. It's getting better and worse. Today's good. Thebrest of the week will suck

"Oh. Okay." she replied, pretending to look depressed "That's fine, I guess."

I know. And he did it in a really bi***y way, too, like deleting me secretly from his facebook, and telling all of my best friends how much he hates me, but not saying a word to me. Which was silly, since obviously they would all tell me what he said about me :S

Ahh, jinxed it. Not so nice today. Ahh well :)

It'll suck? Howcome? ):

"I thought so, too." He was quiet for a moment, chuckling, before he said to her, "Get over here and kiss me. Now," smirking, unable to contain it any longer..

I hate people who pull crap like that! :/

oh. There's this boy. It's a long story. Things have pretty much been terrible since Thursday night.

Today was good. I snuck out from 1-3 AM and walked to Walmart with my friend. I'm about to crash.

She laughed and moved so she was next to him. She had to move slowly, because the gondola rocked slightly. She kissed his cheek gently, moving down slowly towards his neck.

Oh, I see ):

Haha, sneaking out.. You definitely make me look like a Mummy's girl with the stuff you do, Diva xD

Brandon smiled, and shivered, mind you, at the feeling. He let her continue as he rowed the gondola. It was hard for him not to forget that he was in control of the boat, because she was very distracting.

Ahh. It's quite complex.

Awwh. Why!? It's not like it was bad, was it. I didn't get caught or anything.

She smiled, pausing at the top of his neck, not as gentle now, but careful nonetheless. "Is this okay?" she whispered, her lips barely an inch away from his neck.

It's just that I'd never think of doing that right now.. xD

He nodded, still shivering at even just her breath being on his neck. "Please, keep going. It's.. Wonderful," he said softly, still managing to row pretty well despite her being there. How long it would last, though, he wasn't too sure.

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It was amazingly fun. :)

"Maybe you should stop rowing?" she suggested, brushing her lips against his skin before she went back to kissing him. Her fingers tugged playfully at the bottom of his shirt as she worked her way to his most sensitive spots, which she knew well by now.

It sounds like it. I honestly would never get away with it, though. My house floor squeaks and the front and back doors are so noisy. xD

"That sounds like a good idea," he replied. So they didn't drift too much, he stuck the paddle into the bed of the canal again, and hooked it on the side of the gondola. With his hands free, he pulled her much closer, burying his face in her hair as she kissed him, trying to muffle the sounds of his reactions, because she was right on his most sensitive spots, and he knew that she knew she was, too.

Ahaha; It was tons of fun though.

She smiled, shifting even closer to him. Now, she could only have been closer had she been in his lap. She bit down gently on one of his most sensitive spots, her smile growing slightly. Her hand moved away from his shirt and found his hand. She intertwined her fingers in his.

Well, I'm glad it was. And I'm glad you didn't get caught xD

He pressed her against himself with the hand that was free, while the other squeezed her hand when he felt their fingers entwining, though he was surprised to find that she hadn't taken his shirt off-- she was usually inclined to do that all the time. He groaned, much louder than before, as she bit down on exactly the most sensitive spot on his neck.

ahah. me too. I haven't been on in like foreverr. I'm so sorry. There's just like, so much going on, it's insane.

I started medication and it's making me eat more. Which is okay. It doesn't exactly make me happy that I'm gaining this appetite that I've never had but whatever.

And like it's helping with the sleep pattern too.

Which I guess is good.

She bit down a bit harder now and squeezed his hand once she felt him put some pressure on it. She wasn't exactly planning on taking his shirt off right now; he probably expected her too though, she figured.

That's okay. Is the medication specifically for your sleeping patterns?

He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he groaned, still trying his hardest not to make too much noise, in case it attracted someone's attention from somewhere. "Avery, you drive me crazy sometimes, in the best possible sense," he murmured against her skin.

No. For my thyroid. They think my hyperthyroidism may be a reason for the crap sleep I usually get.

Him saying that, brought a sort of mischievous smile to her lips, not that he could see. She let go of his skin, teasing him slightly. Her lips brushed along his neck again, not doing much of anything.

Oh dear. I don't really know what to say :/

He had to smile at that. It had been a long time, he thought, since she'd teased him, and it brought back memories of their time at the beach, where they argued over whether it was fair, and whether he secretly actually liked it. He'd never admitted that she was right about the last argument, but she was-- he did like it when she teased him--, and chances are, she knew it, too. "You are mean," he said, despite that thought.

It's not a big deal, really.

"I'm not mean." she smiled, her lips still inches away from him. "It might be mean if I moved back to where I was sitting before." she murmured.

I don't really know what it is, so I guess that's why I wasn't sure what to say.

Brandon chuckled and said, "That's true, I suppose. But you're not going anywhere right now-- that I will make absolutely sure of." He tightened his arms around her so that there was no space between the couple. It was tight, and firm, but not so much that it would make her uncomfortable or hurt her.

It's really not a big deal.

Ew. This is going to be such a hectic month. :/

She pressed her body against his, completely content with the space, or lack thereof, between them. "This is fine with me too. It's definitely better than sitting by myself." she smiled. She tilted her head upwards to kiss his cheek.

It's going to be a hectic few months ahead, for the rest of the year. At least my exam week is over.

What about you?

"That's good. I don't think I'd lose the incentive to be near you and keep you here even if you weren't quite so fine with it. But it's better that you'd rather this," he returned the kiss, but to her forehead instead. "Being near to you has always better thn being anywhere without you. I often wonder to myself what I did with myself before I met you."

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