x.Chasing Sunshine


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Music like band? What happened?

Not bad. Did announcements for the first time. T'was a comedy in and of itself.

"Makes me wish I wasn't wearing this." she replied, still keeping a close distance. She didn't want to be the one to end it either.

GCSE Music class. People thought it would be an easy way out of French as long as they could sing or play a little xDD

Far from it.

"Hmm.. Maybe it won't make such a difference when we get back to beach," he smirked against her lips, kissing her a few moments longer before he finally had to pull away for air. "That is, depending on if you'd agree to that or not," he continued.

Oh wow. That sounds amusing. :)

"I could agree to that." she giggled, leaning on him slightly. "But for now..?"

Nightnight. I am amused by the fact that you sleep before I get home from school. :)

She nodded in agreement. "It would be easier." She said, giving him a last peck on the lips, before getting of him and back to her own side of the car.

Haha, usually I'll be asleep even before that xD I just can't stay awake much longer if I want to get up in the morning xD

It was quite dismaying to him that it had to end there, for now. Still, he could cope for a little bit. He chuckled to himself as he thought that, it sounded funny to use the word 'cope' in that. "So, tell me if you see anywhere we can get something," he said, starting to drive again.

Wait so how long is school for you?

"Therr was a grocery store--I don't know what exactly they'll have though. Or do you want to keep looking?" She replied. She wasn't even sure it'd be open. The whole place seemed empty for the most part.

I start at nine o' clock and finish at quarter to four. I have to get up at about half six, though to get the bus.

And I do something pretty much every evening besides Monday, so I'm tired by about 10pm. I vowed never to stay up until 10:45 on a school night ever again after this morning xDD

"We may as well check it out," he said, "I'm not sure how many other places there'll be so it's worth a look." He turned the car and startrd heading back, spotting it a little ways down from where they'd been parked.

Oh god. How do you sleep so much??

She waited for him to park the car before getting off. She stood outside, waiting for him.

It's because I do so much while I am awake. When I'm on holiday I barely need any sleep but I need loads when I'm at school.

He took her hand after having gotten out himself, heading towards the grocery store. He hoped whoever was working there-- it looked as if was open, lights were on-- didn't mind that he just walked in shirtless.

I am lucky of I get as much sleep as you. I usually set alarms early because I haven't finished homework. I have a crapload of WHAP today. She changed our quiz to open note so I have to go through everything I highlighted. Ackk.

She did her best to supress a laugh. There were two people there--one boy and a girl, standing at the registers. The girl stood, gaping at him, where as the boy looked on, confused.

EDIT; I just realized your day is a whole half hour shorter then mine. We go from nine to a quarter past 4. I'm jealous.

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WHAP? x3

Oh, and, I now have separate Science classes. So now it's weird for me, and normal for you xD

How long is your lunch break, though?

Although he managed to keep himself from laughing, he was still unable to stop looking amused. He was well aware that the girl was staring at him the whole time. He went over to the register.

"Hi. I wonder if you could tell me, do you sell sandwiches in here?" he asked.

The girl just blinked, apparently only focussing on him, and not what he was talking about. "What, sorry!?"

"Yeah, we've got some in the back corner, over there," the boy piped up, pointing.

College level history.

Um half an hour. With another half hour study hall.

Avery was watching him, trying her best to keep from bursting into laughter. She turned, and started walking to where the boy had pointed, because she didn't want to start randomly laughing at the poor girl.

Ohyeah xD You did tell me that.

Brandon followed along beside her, smiling widely to himself because it was the only way he'd be able to not laugh. He picked out a sandwich at random, he wasn't fussy about food, and got a bottle of Diet Coke from the fridge next to it.

Agh. I'm doing better in that class than my

high school courses.

Avery smirked seeing him. She picked up the first sandwich she saw, and got a bottle of water for herself. She took his hand and led him back to the check out.

I love History <3

He put his food on the counter, along with hers,-- in front of the girl's register, because she'd looked at him as if to say 'if you don't come here you're gonna know about it'. This, of course, didn't make it any easier to keep his composure. He paid for the food and winked at the girl just to get a laugh later as he turned around, well aware of her eyes on his back.

It's. Interesting. To say the least.

She let out a giggle this time, unable to contain herself.

"That girl--" she said once they were outside, unable to continue, because she couldn't find a word to continue with.

We can't take higher classes. We just do a higher tier paper during the exam.

Brandon finally got to laugh at the whole situation once they were outside. "I hadn't ever expected to have a girl literally swoon over me. It's an amusing sight," he chuckled.

We have a choice between regular, honors, and some AP for most classes.

"She's going to be thinking about you all night now, you do realize that?" she asked, laughing.

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