x.Chasing Sunshine


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I don't know. Madagascar was pretty cute. The first time at least.

I thought The Dark Night was good, but I felt they dragged it out a bit too long. Actually, on the subject of movies, I really want to see Alice in Wonderland. Mr. Depp looks wonderful as the Mad Hatter.

She couldn't help but to smile when she heard his reaction. She sucked slightly on the spot.

I think Madagascar 2 was better than the first one.

I didn't know anything about a new Alice in Wonderland. Ohhh. Jonny Depp. Some say he's too old, I say he's gorgeous! xD

He tried not to make any further noise, though it became increasingly harder for him, and continued to shiver. He pulled her closer, instinctively, as if he were shivering from the cold, and another groan escaped him.

I love him. :)

It's Tim Burton and should be amazing. My sister organized my bathroom shelf. I didn't like the way she organized it so now I'm reorganizing it. D:

Avery pulled her lips away from his neck, teasing him yet again. He was holding her close to him, and therefore her lips were just barely brushing his neckline.

My mum does that all the time with my stuff. It's so annoying. I can't find my sweatpants for school so lord only knows what I'm going to wear for sport when I get back. I blame her for moving my stuff around D:

"Teasing me again, I see," he said, a little breathlessly. "When I can't get away, either. My, you are mean to me," he snickered.

Awwh. My mom knows not to put my stuff everywhere. It's usually my sister. Or dog. Either one.

Go ask where your sweats are. Do you really start phys ed the day you get back?

"Poor Brandon." she said, kissing him--not his lips exactly, but very close.

I did ask. She said it's my fault that I can't find them D:

We do if it's on our timetable, unfortunately.

Brandon faked a pout, which must have looked rather amusing to her. "I know. I actually feel sorry for myself." He chuckled quietly and tried his luck at getting another kiss.

I'm going for a shower. Back in a bit.

D: they give us the first week to sit around and be jerks.

The irony- I just showered.

She giggled, and turned her head slightly. She did feel like kissing him, but at the same time didn't feel like giving in just yet.

We start work right off the bat, pretty much.

I just finished. My shaving attempt failed miserably. Ohh well, you can't really see it on my legs anyway. It's great to be blonde x3

He pouted again. "Aww, pleeaaseee, Ave?" he asked, sounding dragging his words out the way small children did when they asked but weren't getting.

I hate when shaving attempts go wrong. D:

I usually end up cutting myself.


She shook her head. "Nope." She was smiling, but only because she wanted to see what he would do next.

Well, I was using hair removal cream, and it didn't work this time :S

"Fine, then. Maybe I'll just have to make you kiss me. If you won't do it while I'm being nice, you'll just have to learn the hard way." He pressed his lips to hers with a bit more force than usual, pulling her even closer to him.

Those never worked for me. I used a spray though.

Avery resisted at first, but eased into it soon enough, and was soon kissing him back with equal force. She somehow managed to hook her leg around his waist, pulling herself even closer.

It's worked well the first few times. But today it just failed D:

He smirked rather than smiled against lips this time, seemingly satisfied that he'd gotten her to give in. He knew it wasn't as if she didn't want to kiss him. He wondered how on earth she'd managed to get her leg around him in such a confined space, but he remained focussed on kissing her, parting his lips ever so slightly.

I stick to my disposable razors now. D:

I just cast a silencing spell on my sister. :)

She was more than content with following his lead, which she did. Her hands were busy--unbuttoning his shirt again. She was thinking that he might as well have kept it off.

Oh, and how, exactly, did you do that? xD

The only reason he'd put his shirt back on was because he didn't think the people working wherever they decided to get food from would appreciate him being bare chested while he was in there. The hand that had just been resting on her leg for a while slid up a little bit, underneath the bottom of her dress, but he wasn't going to push his luck by going much further.

I pulled out this glowstick wand from last Halloween and yelled "Silencio." And she was quiet. For two minutes anyways. xD

She shivered slightly, feeling his hand. She didn't mind it in the least, and probably wouldn't have, had he gone further. She kept her lips pressed against his, wondering to herself why she had gone through the hassle of refusing him a kiss in the first place.

Nice one xDD

Well, I'm off. Wish me luck at the madhouse tomorrow xP

As she shivered, he slid his hand up just a little more, about as far as he really could go. This did mean that his shirt, him having shrugged it off the other arm, was hanging off from about the elbow of the arm attached to the hand that was on her leg. He didn't feel as if he wanted to take his hand away, though.

Oooh. Have fun. :)

First days are the best/worst. Nightnight.

She pulled him closer--if it was even possible. She tugged on his shirt gently, trying to pull it off his arm completely, but without him moving his hand off her too much, because he wasn't the only one who wanted to keep it on her leg.

T'was an okay day :)

Eventually the shirt slid underneath his hand and then fell onto the floor somewhere in the car. He'd seemed to have forgotten his need to breathe again, having being able to hold it for so long already.

Had fun?

She seemed happy that his shirt was lying on the floor. She still hadn't pulled her lips away from him, figuring she could go without air a bit longer.

It was fun just to see the faces of people when they realised how tough music is gonna be xDD Good luck to them.

But, yeah, it was a good day :)

How was yours?

"If you'd had a shirt on right now I don't think it would have been long before it was down there as well," he murmured against her lips between kisses. He didn't want to be the one to pull away unless he became absolutely deprived of oxygen, he was hoping she would first.

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