x.Chasing Sunshine


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Well..that would make it hard to do much.

Really? I haven't listened to her in forever. :) she was my first musical love.

Ohmygosh--don't you start school tomorrow?

:) that's so exciting.

She felt the exact same way, but yet again said nothing. She was immersed in her thoughts. It was amazing how she had gotten so quiet.

She could see a small, run down looking grocery store, but wasn't quite sure wheter it looked interesting or not.

She was my first, and I still really love her music <3 She's changed a lot, but I've stuck with her.

I do indeed x3 It's gonna be hard work from here on in, but I'm looking forward to it.

He glanced at her. "Ave, you okay?" he asked. It was unlike her to be so quiet.

I actually came across an article about her while unpacking magazines. She always has the most fabulous shoes. :)

I remember when Girlfriend came out and I felt so awesome, listening to it before my friends did.

The first week is always relaxed...chill. The second gets a little hectic. Is it the same there?

She nodded. "I was just thinking about..." she paused, wondering how to phrase it without sounding cliche "that I never actually thought that someone could be so in love, so quickly. But I was wrong. It's amazing."

My favourite pair of shoes she wore were the ones she wore when I saw her live last year. Black. Glittery. Converse. I really want a pair, they brought some out recentl, but only in red and silver, and low tops ):

But she always has great heels, too. I love the way she dresses. It's actually similar to what I wear sometimes.

My friends didn't really like Girlfriend. I just thought it was awesome xD

Yeah usually. Apparently this year we're going to get a huge talk about how important our GCSEs are.. Funfunfun x3

He slowed down a bit and nodded. "It seems too.. Fairytale, almost. I mean, some people are never this much in love, and yet they've been with each other for so long.. I was always a little skeptical about love anyway.." he said thoughtfully.

I want them. O:

I love Converse, but I can't wear hi-tops. My ankles feel funny in them. It sounds so unethical but it is what it is.

Whyy? I thought everyone loved Girlfriend. D:

Ohh. Things like that are always so---joyous.

"Why?" she asked, softly. You could tell she was being overly curious. There were times when she had doubted wheter love existed, but it was his 'always' that had aroused her curiosity.

I bought a white pair and drew on them to make them unique :)

They said it was a pointless song. But, to be honest, they're not big fans of her music anyway. A lot of my friends don't like music much period, actually. And they don't listen to the same stuff as me. I'm mostly into the old stuff, as well as modern alternative rock. But I like all kinds if music. They don't get that.

He tried to think of the best way to explain it. "Well, I already told you why most girls were interested in me, and it made me wonder if love was just people being attracted to someone by the way they looked, and nothing more. And love in movies and books.. How most of them just seemed to live happily ever after. I've had a few experiences in my life that taught me life almost always doesn't work out that way."

Your friends officially confuse me. Music is big where I live. Like huge. And by music--I mean all music. In general. It's kind of hard to explain.

"Well, I love you for many more reasons besides the way you look. You're nice--one of the nicest people I've ever met. You're likable and I trust you. And when I'm with you, I can't be sad or angry. You actually care about me. And I really could go on forever." She replied "And I'm sure everyone gets their fairytale moment someday."

I know. Some are like me, music obsessed. In this country, most people like music (although, most of it is total crap, in my opinion), but there are people who aren't bothered about music at all (my dad included, unless it's me playing it xD), which astounds me. I couldn't live without it.

"I know you do," he said. "I just wasn't sure if anyone ever would, until now. It's strange, though. Because I can write about love like I've had it a hundred times, I can sing it like I feel that way, and yet I wasn't sure if there ever was such thing. Funny how that works.." He smiled now. "But I know you love me. And I love you for more reasons than I think even I realise. Of course I think you're beautiful, but you're also easy to talk to, very understanding and considerate. And you do really like me as a whole. And noone makes my heart beat a mile a minute the way you do when you look at me, or touch me, or kiss me.."

Blahh. I know what you mean. Our school has it's fair share of waana be gangsters with what I think is terrible music taste. They're a little funny to watch, honestly.

Hearing him speak only want to kiss him again. She did, and she seemed to be forgetting they were in a car--making the whole leaning over process slightly awkward, due to the amount of space between. There was, also, the fact that he hadn't exactly stopped the car. Unfortunately, it was one of those facts she had coveniently overlooked.

Oh--if I disappear, it means I fell asleep.

So many people here listen to rap and hiphop, and it drives me insane. I don't mind Kanye West, he's quite cool, but otherwise, I can't stand it.

The other things people are into are Eurodance singers like Cascada, Basshunter and September.

I'll never forgive Cascada for her cover of Sk8er Boi.

Haha, okay xD Are you not at school today or something?

It was a good thing noone seemed to be around, he didn't want to pull away from her even though he was still driving at the time. His foot eased off the gas pedal little by little as he did so. "This wasn't one the best places to decide you want to kiss me," he murmyred against her lips, and yet he made no attempt to stop kissing her.

I haven't heard that but it sounds scary. xD

No. Labor Day weekend. It's like a work free day or something. I'm honestly not sure. I assumed that's why you didn't starts school today. :)

"Am I distracting you?" She asked, pulling away, just out of reach of his lips, despite the fact that he wasn't doing much driving now.

Here it is. The work of the devil D:<

Oh, I get you. We call them Bank Holidays, but we had our last Monday instead.

No, today is teacher training or.. What was it Janna called it? Inservice, that's it!

I prefer to call it Staff Training Day, just because it shortens to STD. I can be extremely immature when I want to be xDDD

"If you were distracting me that badly, would I really have kept on kissing you?" he asked with a smirk. "Get back here right now, I wasn't done. And I don't think you were, either."

Aha. I have to go to the shop now, because there is no way I'm eating the bread that's there for lunch. And then I'll eat. Back in a while :)

I'm really scared. D:

haa. Lovely. Reminds me of when we did the musical and Wes changed 'assistant tech director' to 'student tech director' because we are just that cool. That also reminds me that rehearsals start tomorrow. And end at 6:30 with one Saturday rehearsal. Hmm. They run for a month.

Seeeyaasoon. :)

She smiled, almost ready to refuse, but decided against it. She pressed her lips on his again, slipping into his seat, because it made kissing him easier.

Ahh, now I realised that my neighbour also has her STD so I'll be over there for a while :)

Brandon put the handbrake on to stop the car completely and was then able to kiss her much more easily, now that he didn't have to think about driving and also because she was in his lap.

Have fun. :)

The kiss was slower, but still just as passionate as the last. She adjusted her body slightly, into a way that would be more comfortable for them in the small amount of space.

That was a good day. Ben and Jerry's and two movies makes a rainy day bearable xD

One hand found its way into her hair while the other wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her close. He hadn't just been speaking metaphorically when he said his heart sped up when she kissed him. It was pounding, and with her being so close he wouldn't have been surprised if she could feel it.

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Yum. :) I always get chocolate.

What did you watch?

She slipped her hand up his shirt, fingertipping up along his spine. "I love this." she managed to whisper through the kiss "I love you, Brandon."

We had Phish Food. It was amazingg <3

The Dark Knight and Madagascar 2. Guess which I preferred xD

"I love you, too, Avery," he whispered in reply, shivering, only slightly, though, as her fingertips went up his spine. By now, had she been wearing a t-shirt, his hands probably would have been doing much the same. Still, guys seem to like girls legs, and Brandon was no different, running his index finger down across the top of her thigh.

Ohh. I tried that at the airport because it was the closest to chocolate. It's good. :)


This time, she shivered slightly, feeling his fingers on her legs. Her hand was up, somewhere along his shoulderblades now. She kissed his neck again, because she knew by now what effect it had on him, and she would be lying if she had said she didn't like it.

No, lol. The Dark Knight was amazing 8D

It was nice for him to get a reaction from her for a change, though she was getting one from him just as quickly as she kissed his neck. She'd found his sensitiv spot, and he hadn't expected to groan as well as shiver, but he did. But he didn't go red this time, because he couldn't deny that he liked it when she kissed him there.

Edittt. Dinner. Back in a bit :)

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