What's something you learned today?


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I learned that mother gets mad when I go grocery shopping and end up buiying treats =]

Don't eat too much chocolate...

Well, yesterday, I learned that I post at quite an amazing speed, when I try

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My super skinny brother can eat alott

He's 6'0" [182.5cm] and 120lbs [54kg]

I learned that the only times that most of my friends are on is when I am about to sleep, or about to wake up. Curse you, time differences.

I learned that Kaitlin and Kathy now hate me for reasons I am sick of explaining.

I also learned Michael Jackson's birthday, and will now never forget it; 29th August. Mr K gave Jen this random kid's magazine from the 1990's and it had it randomly written there.

Everyone's learning people's personal information O:

I learned that I'm allowed to send parcels and letters to my TT friends, which I am incredibly happy about. It will make me happier.

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