Hello! New account :D


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hi and welcome
to comment on a thread there should be a text box after the rest of the messages where you can type your comment (1)
if you want to reply to one or more ppl in the thread you can click reply (2) on the message youre replying to and itll insert their message into the reply box (1 again) to show that its a reply to them and also notify them they you replied, youd just type your message underneath where it inserts it
hope this helps :newmametchi:

what does odd and even generation mean in Tamagocthi connection?
tamagotchis in the connection devices can have babies to continue their family onwards. the first tama you hatch will be the first generation of the family and when it has a baby that will be generation 2 and so on
I'm new here. How do you comment or reply to comments?? thanks :D also what does odd and even generation mean in Tamagocthi connecthi,
Hi, Welcome. On the connection your tamas can "Reproduce" via Infared or on device. the generation of tama is tracked internaly, everytime your tama has a baby it Changes by +1. Odd or even honestly just depends if the number is (obv) odd or even, this can be found in the scale icon (first solt on connection)

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