The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi


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V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Gaius

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 40

Job: Bus driver

Battery: Deaded :<

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 107 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 178 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Natalio

Gender: M

Character type: Shimashimatchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 11

Friendship: 4/6


Epere: FKOD, stop singing.

FKOD: Adventure seeker, on an empty street! Just an alley creeper, light on his feet.

Epere: FKOD.

FKOD: Young fighter screamin', with no time for doubt--


FKOD: But... I gotta find me a future...

Epere: I don't care.

FKOD: Well. Shut up.

Qetesh: Meow. Meow.

FKOD: Oh, what are you meowing at me for-- HEY GET OFF THAT RAILING YOU CRAZY FELINE.

Qetesh: *purr purr*

FKOD: You crazy fuzzball.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Aria

Gender: F

Character type: Kuribotchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 41

Job: Preschooler

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 109 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 180 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Natalio

Gender: M

Character type: Shimashimatchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 11

Friendship: 4/6

FKOD: Wow... I haven't updated since... last year. Anyways, yesterday the snow had finally melted enough for us to get out of the house, so we went to my grandparents' house. Thus, no update for New Year's Eve.

Aria: But that's not important because...

FKOD: ...

Aria: FKOD, you were supposed to finish that sentence! Shame on you!

FKOD: Oh, yeah the battery. I got you a new battery. It's a battery. It's new.

Aria: Yeah! My family is back in action! Woooooo!

Eriines: So, it's New Year's day. Anyone making resolutions?

FKOD: Hm... I resolve to... uh... make a resolution at some point.

Eriines: :|

FKOD: It's a start.

Asula: Hm... I resolve to... hm... this is quite a bit to think about.

Dr. Blobagus: I resolve to visit Venus and bring back a souvenir.

Ryyx: Mine is of a personal nature. I'd prefer not to share it with the general public.


Ryyx: You would find it boring anyways.

FKOD: Oh okay.

Epere: I'm going to get a job and get out of this dump.

FKOD: My house is not a dump.

Epere: Whatever. I need to get a life.

Airon: Well, it's good that you're trying to find a better life for yourself.

FKOD: So what's your resolution for 2011, young man?

Airon: Uh.... mine's personal, too.

FKOD: What is the deal with all this personal stuff? Oh well, I guess yours is boring too. So... anyone else?

Aria: I can't think of anything.

FKOD: This was a pretty weak resolution discussion. People, I am disappoint.

Epere: No one cares if you're disappointed in us or not, FKOD.

FKOD: Well. Your face. :V

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Aria

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 41

Job: Turtle Trainee Super Sports Announcer Person

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 110 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 181 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Natalio

Gender: M

Character type: Shimashimatchi

Age: 9 years

Gen: 11

Friendship: 3/6

Aria: Dun dun, dun dun DUN! It's time to cover the latest sports news!

Mr. Margleton: Huh?

Aria: Of course, around here, we don't do a lot of sports stuff... but there is one thing! HEXBUG HOCKEY.

Mr. Margleton: Oh, you mean those little robots FKOD has?

Aria: That's right, Mr. Margleton. They play their own version of hockey.

Mr. Margleton: I didn't know that.

Aria: So, without further ado, let's take a look at some photos from today's game!


Aria: Here, on the left, we have Itchy! And on the right, we have... what was that guy's name again? Hm. Oh well, we'll just call him the blue bug, 'cause he's blue. And we have Tiny Optimus Prime as the referee! Anyways, as you can see, the game is played with six pucks!

Mr. Margleton: They look like little plastic beads to me.

Aria: Well... they're pucks, regardless of what they resemble. So there. Anyways, the bugs have to get pucks into one of the goals. When they get the pucks into that loop, they score a point. Then they have to push the pucks out again if they want to keep using them. Whoever gets more pucks into the goal wins!


Aria: And there they go! Isn't this exciting?

Mr. Margleton: Oh cool! Who's winning?

Aria: ...Uh... Tiny Optimus Prime? What's the score?

TOP: I was supposed to keep up with the score? I thought that was your job.

Aria: No.... oh well, it's the action and stuff that matters! Oh, wait, what's this?


Aria: It looks like some spectators have gathered to watch the game!

Mr. Margleton: Is that Diminutive Droideka? I thought he got blown up.


Mr. Margleton: But you were a pile of ash. How could you have been rebuilt?


Aria: So, how's the game?



Aria: Oh no! Droideka guy, you're not supposed to enter the hex thingy!

TOP: Diminutive Droideka, calm down, bro. You're a spectator, not a participant.


TOP: That's up to me to decide.


Aria: Well, I guess that concludes that exciting game! So the score is... oh wait, we weren't keeping track. Oh well, next time we will!

Eriines: *walks in* What exactly are you guys doing?

Aria: I'm being a sports announcer! I think I'm good at it. I could make a career out of it!

Eriines: Ah. Just wondering, since DD seems to be back and in the mood to shoot at Epere because "that #$@! bug was cheating."

TOP: Oh, maybe I should go stop him, then. *leaves*

Mr. Margleton: Sports sure do make people act weird sometimes. Why can't they just chill and enjoy it?

FKOD: Because people are crazy. You know how crazy I am? I'm so crazy that I forgot the fun fact for the last few updates. But now, I will compensate for that with a crazy fun fact! Did you know: research indicates that mosquitoes are more attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas?

Eriines: Oh, I bet you don't want to eat bananas ever again now, do you?

FKOD: Was that directed at me or the readers.

Eriines: You.

FKOD: Hm........................

Eriines: Well?

FKOD: Uh........................

Eriines: Weeeeeeeell?

Dr. Blobagus: *floats in* Ahem. FKOD, aren't you forgetting something?

FKOD: Oh yeah. It's winter, so there's no mosquitoes out there. I can put off thinking about Eri's question until spring!

Dr. Blobagus: Remember our challenge?

FKOD: What challenge?

Dr. Blobagus: The one that now I've officially won! This means that I'm the most popular character in the log.

Eriines: No, it just means that you're more popular than FKOD. If you could even interpret it that way.

Dr. Blobagus: But I still won.

Aria: Won what?

Dr. Blobagus: The Formspring contest. With the new year's arrival, it ended.

Aria: Uh, okay.

Dr. Blobagus: Anyways, I'm off to see if I can find a rocket ship. *leaves*

Aria: He's weird.

Eriines: Yup.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Aria

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Age: 2 years

Gen: 41

Job: Turtle Trainee

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 111 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 182 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Mattaritchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 1/6

FKOD: Okay, here's a quick update since my brother is going to do some maintenance on my laptop.

Eilian: Why?

FKOD: 'Cause computers need to have stuff done to them to keep working all nice and proper.

Eilian: Oh. That sounds boring.

FKOD: Yup. So, here's a quick fun fact. Did you know: there are more television sets in America than there are people in Japan.

Aria: How is that possible?

FKOD: Well... some people might have more than one television set in their house. Seriously, we have three big T.V.'s, and two little ones. That's a bunch of T.V.'s.

Eilian: I want a T.V.

FKOD: Uh. Maybe when you grow up you can buy one.

Eilian: Oh I see how it is. You won't get one for me.

FKOD: Nope.

Eilian: H-hey, you're supposed to feel bad that you don't love me that much.

FKOD: Love isn't about buying stuff for people, it's about family!

Eilian: Pft. Whatever. *leaves*

Aria: How immature!

FKOD: Well, he's a kid. Kids a greedy little monsters.

Aria: Well, I'm giving him a piece of my mind! No one should act like that to anybody! *leaves*

FKOD: Well, now that everyone is gone....... time for video games! :3

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Aria

Gender: F

Character type: Purimatchi

Age: 3 years

Gen: 41

Job: Turtle Trainee

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 112 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 183 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Kilalatchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 12

Friendship: 3/6

FKOD: And it lasted for 48 minutes. But you know what's really weird? We were playing Gruntpocolypse, but these brutes and elites showed up later.

Ryyx: Woah, that's weird.

FKOD: I know. I blame the Halo ghosts.

Ryyx: Halo ghosts?

FKOD: Well, apparently, in multiplayer mode, sometimes these random players with no gamertags or anything show up. They don't have a walking animation and they're accurate shooters. No one really knows for sure what they are. But... I think one killed me today. I got blown up for no reason.

Ryyx: Are you sure? A grunt could have stickied you or got you with a--

FKOD: No, no, it was more like a frag grenade explosion. And Gabe wasn't close to me at the time.

Ryyx: Hm. And what does that have to do with the brutes and elites?

FKOD: Idunno. I just felt like blaming something.

Eilian: Wow, you guys are nerds.

FKOD: No we're not. Well, I am, but Ryyx... he's more like... hm...

Ryyx: Ah. Ever since I got that haircut, your weak justification for labeling me as an "emo" is--

FKOD: It's not just that. You cried too. Except you don't do that much anymore.

Eilian: *snerk*

Ryyx: Shut up. There's nothing wrong with crying. It's a display of emotion, like smiling or growling.

FKOD: Oh come now. I just poke at you for fun.

Efisngenana: It's not hard to do.

Ryyx: W-when did you get in here?

Efisngenana: Oh, just a minute or so ago. I have this uncanny sense that tells me when FKOD is logging.

Eilian: Like, your hearing, detecting the sound of typing. Jeez, grow up, you don't have any dumb supernatural abilities.

Efisngenana: You do realize your saying that to a demon, which is a supernatural being, right?

Eilian: So? You never do anything cool, like launch fireballs and #$&@ out of your hands.

FKOD: Er-hem. Eilian, what did I say about swearing?

Eilian: Pft. You're so lame. They're just words, okay?

FKOD: They're dumb words for dummy people who can't express their thoughts with more socially acceptable substitutions!

Ryyx: Swears can be socially acceptable in some cases.

FKOD: Shut up, Ryyx, the big kids are talking.

Eilian: Tch. FKOD, you are so--

Aria: Eilian! There you are, you little jerkface!

Eilian: Oh. Great. Now you're here to lecture me, too.

Efisngenana: I know how to make them stop lecturing you.

Eilian: Really?

Efisngenana: Yeah. You could stop being a prick.

Eilian: Hey, what the crap? You're a prick, too.

Efisngenana: Sure. But I'm a much better prick than you are. You see, you're attitude is fueled by the usual "bluh bluh pay attention to me" crap, while I antagonize people out of spite and for the satisfaction it brings me as a member of my culture.

Eilian: ...Whatever, you're just an idiot in a chicken-suit.

FKOD: But he's our idiot in a chicken-suit.

Efisngenana: Hey!

Aria: Eilian, look, no one really likes your attitude. You keep pushing people away, and not only does it hurt us, but it hurts you too. You're surrounded by people, and yet you're alone.

FKOD: You're a loser with no friends!

Ryyx: FKOD, you don't have much of a social life, either.

FKOD: Well at least I don't waste three hours on the phone every day with sassy gossip time.

Ryyx: Stop calling it that! I'm just keeping up with friends and family!

Aria: Guys, can you save it for later?

FKOD: Maybe.

Aria: >:|

FKOD: Sure.

Aria: Ahem. Anyways, Eilian, look what you're doing to yourself! Look at what you've become!

Eilian: Jeez, you're acting as if I turned to a life of crime or something. Look, I don't care what you think, or what anyone else thinks. You can rant all you want, but I don't care. *leaves*

FKOD: *sigh* Teenagers.

Ryyx: FKOD, are you forgetting that you are a teenager?

FKOD: Oh, no. I don't like being a teenager, really. I'm driven by hormones and angst and so are my peers. It's terrible.

Efisngenana: I'm glad that demons don't have to go through crap like that.

FKOD: Well, you know what, I'm not a demon. I'm not even an elf or something cool like that. You know how I put up with being a human?

Efisngenana: Enlighten me.

FKOD: Batman. I just ask myself, "What would Batman do?"

Efisngenana: I'm glad you're a... practical thinker... or something.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Aria

Gender: F

Character type: Purimatchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 41

Job: Bus driver

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 115 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 186 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 3.5/6

FKOD: So. Uh. Stuff happened. I'm back in school. So yeah.

Eriines: Yeah. So... apparently, Dr. Blobagus was right about Dorle and Rhian being evil.

FKOD: Some crazy stuff went down in past few days, guys.

??????: Uh, who are you talking to?

FKOD: The readers.

??????: ...What?

FKOD: I'm doing the log.

??????: Is that a human expression for talking to nothing?

Eriines: Er, no. You see, sometimes we type what everyone says and then we put it on the internet.

??????: So this is some sort of archive on this "internet" thing?

Eilian: How can you not know what the freaking internet is?

??????: Because I'm not good with computers. Which I already told you, twice.

Asula: Eilian, look, not everyone grew up in front of a keyboard.

Aria: Hey, we're getting off topic. And we haven't even introduced Kinene.

Kinene: Er, am I supposed to be meeting someone?

Aria: Not really. They just need to sort of know who you are.

Kinene: Why?

FKOD: Because... uh.... stuff.

Kinene: Er. Okay? Should I formally introduce myself to these "readers?"

FKOD: We'll do that later. It's getting kind of late, and I should just wrap this log entry up.

Kinene: Oh. I see.

FKOD: Alright, so, everything was going normally. You know, Dr. Blobagus being an idiot, Ryyx being a spazz, etcetera. But, all of a sudden, Aparus and Kinene stumble out of a portal and into my room.

Eriines: They were pretty beat up.

Kinene: Aparus is still recovering... but I think he'll be okay.

FKOD: Yeah, so apparently... let's just say that Rhian borrowed Dorle's power stealy thingy. And we have no idea what happened to Dorle.

Dr. Blobagus: The lesson here is that you should all listen to me.

Teysa: Yeah, but we have a perfectly good reason for not believing you. You see, Dorle and Rhian didn't appear to be planning anything that day I spied on them because they knew we were watching them... because they read the log.

Dr. Blobagus: So... what you're saying... is that it's actually Kenny's fault.

Eilian: Who the heck is Kenny?

Dr. Blobagus: That girl with the funny tail.

Kinene: Er, me? I don't follow your logic, and my tail isn't funny. All wephls have tails like this.

Dr. Blobagus: What about waffles?

Kinene: Wephl. That's what I am. A wephl.

Aria: Blobagus, I think you should invest in some hearing aids or something.

FKOD: Speaking of hearing things, did you know that cicadas have hearing organs in their stomachs?

Eilian: What?

FKOD: True story. Probably.

Eilian: Probably?

FKOD: Well, it is from the internet.

Dr. Blobagus: You see, the interesting coincidence in that fun fact is that my hearing organs are in my knees.

Everyone: ...

Kinene: Your knees?

Dr. Blobagus: Yes.

Aria: You don't have knees.

Asula: You don't have any joints at all.

Dr. Blobagus: What? How can you say that? I'm practically made of joints. I have so many joints that I can bend a piece of iron.

Eriines: Okay Blobagus, I think it's time for your medicine.

Dr. Blobagus: Ah yes. I haven't been able to find it. Maybe I'll get lucky this time. *leaves*

Kinene: So... is he any less strange when he's on medication?

Eriines: There isn't any medicine that he takes, I just say that to make him go away.

Kinene: Ah. That makes sense.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Aria

Gender: F

Character type: Purimatchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 41

Job: Bus driver

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 117 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 187 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 3/6

FKOD: Oh whoops no update yesterday.

Eriines: Actually yes there was.


Eriines: You updated at midnight yesterday. So, technically, you did update yesterday.


Asula: But considering that the readers would have been asleep at that time.

FKOD: What about people in different timezones?

Asula: Well, in that case, they'll be expecting updates at a certain time of the day. For you, that would be anywhere from afternoon to late evening. And since you didn't update at that time yesterday, you still technically missed an update.

FKOD: Well. Uh. So, Kinene, how do you like it here?

Kinene: It's nice but... do you live anywhere close to a town? I wouldn't mind seeing it.

FKOD: We live pretty far out, yeah. And there's a little town nearby, but it isn't much to look at, really. Although the downtown area isn't too bad.

Kinene: Ah. You don't leave the house very often, do you?

FKOD: Uh, I go to school five days a week. That's pretty often.

Kinene: I meant to go out, have fun, that sort of thing.

FKOD: I go shopping sometimes, and occasionally Mom takes me and Gabe to the movies.

Eriines: As you can see, she has a very exciting life.

FKOD: Yeah, especially when I fight ninjas and rescue dames!

Kinene: I assume you just made that up?

FKOD: Would I make something like that up?

Asula: Yes.

FKOD: Ahem, I wasn't talking to you.

Asula: I think I have the right to participate in this conversation. Don't you agree, Kinene?

Kinene: Of course. I wouldn't want to leave anyone out.

Efisngenana: Speaking of being left out, Ryyx is ignoring me now. I hate it.

Eriines: We don't care.

Efisngenana: Hey now, I listen to you when you talk-- wait, no. No I don't. But still, he's ignoring me for no reason.

Asula: No reason?

Efisngenana: Well, I guess for other than the fact that he despises me. But he.... he's ignoring me.

FKOD: Mhmm.

Efisngenana: Seriously, he doesn't yell at me or insult me or anything else he used to do.

Kinene: *snerk*

Efisngenana: What?

Kinene: I really think you should give up your "rivalry."

Efisngenana: Wait, are you implying something?

Kinene: *sigh* You don't get it, do you? He doesn't understand the way you feel about him.

FKOD: What does that mean?

Dr. Blobagus: I think it's obvious. Ehfizzygenamana is jealous of Ryyx.

Efisngenana: What? That is not my name at all! It's Efisngenana! It doesn't take rocket science or something to pronounce my name! And here I thought that "Fizzy" was the worst name that could be bestowed upon me! ...Also, I'm not jealous of Ryyx.

Kinene: No, but it seems that you really.... like him.

Asula: Like?

Eriines: Like?

FKOD: Liiiiiiiike?

Efisngenana: I don't like him, I hate him!

Kinene: Well, I guess it'd be hard to put it in terms understandable to us mortals, but surely you see what I'm getting at?

Efisngenana: Oh. Oh. You're implying that there's something romantic between him and I.

Asula: What?

Eriines: Eh?

FKOD: Bwuh?

Dr. Blobagus: Oh, should I update the shipping chart? Wait, Ryyx is already paired with Mini Cthulhu.

Asula: Um, Blobagus, he's been dating Airon for a while now.

Dr. Blobagus: Oh. Er. I can't help but to get those two mixed up sometimes.

Eriines: How do you mix up a pint-sized eldritch horror and a telepathic niriphale?

Dr. Blobagus: There's more similarities between them than meets the eye.

Eriines: ...

FKOD: So, how 'bout a fun fact, kids? Did you know: your more likely to catch the common cold by shaking hands than by kissing.

Efisngenana: Yes, thank you for that short and pointless diversion. Anyways--

FKOD: Pointless?

Efisngenana: Yeah--


Efisngenana: B--

FKOD: No. No more talky. Go get ignored by your not-boyfriend or something.

Efisngenana: Oh no you didn't.

FKOD: Yes I did. I totally did.

Eilian: *walks in* Er, FKOD, why the crap are you still awake? Don't you have school or something?

FKOD: Nope. They canceled it for tomorrow because a snow storm is coming I think... or something like that.

Eilian: Oh. Okay. Uh, hey, Kinene, is that Aparus guy still supposed to be walking around yet?

Kinene: No! Dang it, I knew I shouldn't have left it up to Ryyx to keep an eye on him! *leaves*

FKOD: Hm. I guess he was ignoring Aparus while he was ignoring Fizzy.

Eriines: Hmph. Insult me all you want, but I don't care. I'm just... going to ignore you now.

FKOD: Oh, wow, I got rejected.

Eilian: What the crap do you mean by that?

FKOD: Obviously, I was flirting with him. In a demonic fashion.

Eilian: ...Okay, whatever.

FKOD: Well, it's sleepy time!

Eilian: Sleepy time? You sound like a two-year-old.

FKOD: And you sound like your face!

Eilian: ...

FKOD: ...

Eilian: ...

FKOD: Time for bed!

Eilian: Yeah, sure, whatever.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Aria

Gender: F

Character type: Purimatchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 41

Job: Bus driver

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 118 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 190 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 5/6

FKOD: I did it! I escaped TV Tropes!

Kinene: Er, what?

FKOD: TV Tropes. It's a website. It will ruin your life if you're not careful.

Kinene: So you acknowledge that at yet you still visit that site?

FKOD: Uh. Well. Your face.

Kinene: What about it?

Eilian: That's just some dumb thing she says when she doesn't have any good responses in mind.

FKOD: Eilian, stop being a jerkface.

Eilian: No.

FKOD: >:[

Aparus: *walks in* What's going on here?

FKOD: Apaaaaaaaarus, Eilian is being meeeeeeeean!

Aparus: Is he?

Kinene: Aparus, what did I tell you about--

Aparus: Oh, don't you worry, I'm perfectly fine! Well, at least I'm healthy enough to walk around now, anyways.

Kinene: Are you absolutely sure about that?

Aparus: Of course. I wouldn't be trying to get around if I weren't well, would I?

Kinene: Yes. Yes you would.

Aparus: Well, that's besides the point. Anyways, Eilian... ah, he left.

FKOD: Well gosh golly. I guess I'll just have to spend the rest of the night angsting.

Kinene: Don't do that. I'm sure he doesn't really mean what he says.

FKOD: No, but it still makes Gaia a sad panda.

Kinene: ...A sad panda?

FKOD: A sad panda. It's me. *makes a sad panda face*

Kinene: Er. Well. Goodnight.

FKOD: 'Night.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Beryl

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 42

Job: Sparkliness student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 120 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 191 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Age: 9 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 4/6

Eilian's wife: I can't wait 'till tomorrow! We're going to have a baby! I'm soooooooo excited!

Eilian: ...

EW: Are you excited! Wait, don't tell me! I bet you are! :]

Eilian: FKOD. Why have you done this to me?

FKOD: :3

Eilian: S-stop making that dumb face!

FKOD: :3

Epere: FKOD, you're enjoying this far more than you should.

FKOD: Yeah. I am.

Ryyx: Er, FKOD?

FKOD: Yeah?

Ryyx: Er... you see, I got a call from a friend requesting help, so you know, an adventuring job.... but we have no means of teleportation.

FKOD: What about Aparus's or Kinene's teleporty thingies?

Airon: They destroyed them, so that Rhian wouldn't be able to track them down.

FKOD: But. But. She knows we're here, anyways. And. Uh. I don't even.

Airon: Well, I think they also said something about a telepathic bond or something.

Ryyx: But yeah, how do we get to work?

FKOD: ...Walking?

Ryyx: FKOD. You live in the middle of a freaking forest. A forest which is currently coated in a packed down layer of snow.

FKOD: Yeah. Uh. That is an issue.

Beryl: What if the bad guys come here? What do we do?

Ryyx: Well, we could use the dwimo-- oh wait, that was stolen.

Epere: Really, Ryyx? You spazzed out like a six year old when you lost it, and then you forgot about it?

Ryyx: S-shut up.

Airon: Hm. Doesn't Fizzy have it right now?

Efisngenana: Is there anyone who doesn't call me that?

Ryyx: Shut up and hand over the stone!

Efisngenana: Oh, now he's talking to me.

Ryyx: Shut up! Now's not the time for your stupid drama crap!

Efisngenana: Well, you see... it was stolen from me.

Ryyx: ...What.

Efisngenana: Hey, it's not my fault! This lady walks up to me and she's all like, "That's too dangerous in the hands of a demon," and I'm all like, "Whatever," and then she stole it.

Airon: Who was she?

Efisngenana: Some yressia chick. Look, you wouldn't have any chance of finding her if you tried.

Kerianna: I know where the stone is.

Ryyx: Can you find it for us?

Kerianna: Dude, you'll use it again. The shadows don't like that. They don't like that at all.

Efisngenana: Pft. Why would you listen to the shadows, anyways? They're totally losers.

Kerianna: They totally guide me.

Epere: Hey, Kerianna. You know, you might think that dwimorscat stone is no longer an issue, but consider your longer lifespan for a moment. Couldn't it be possible that one day that stone will be in another person's hands and that you may meet that person?

Kerianna: ...

Epere: But, maybe if your shadows or whatever helped you track down the thief, then we could take it an find a way to destroy it.

Kerianna: Destroy it? How would you do that? Magic can't, like, affect it at all.

Epere: I'm sure there's a way that doesn't involve any magic whatsoever.

Kerianna: Well, that totally sounds like a plan to me. Be right back. *opens a shadowy portal and leaves*

FKOD: Oh, hey, she can solve our teleporty issue too!

Ryyx: That's handy. Er... we have to wait for her to come back, though.

FKOD: Well, I know a way to pass the time!

Beryl: Yeah?

FKOD: Sleeping!

Beryl: But... that's boring! I wanna play games and read comics and stuff.

FKOD: You can do that tomorrow!

Beryl: *sigh* Fine. >:I

Eilian: *groan* I wish there wasn't going to be a tomorrow.

FKOD: :3

EDIT: Oh crud, guess who has two thumbs and almost forgot the fun fact!

FKOD: :0

Beryl: Quick, FKOD! It's fun fact time!

FKOD: Right! Did you know: chickens experience REM sleep. For those of you who don't know what the heck that is, that basically means that chickens can dream.

Beryl: So, Mr. Fizzy, you can dream?

Efisngenana: I-I'm not a chicken. I'm a demon.

Beryl: Mmhmm. You just keep tellin' yourself that.

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V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Beryl

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Age: 2 years

Gen: 42

Job: Sparkliness student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 121 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 192 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Age: 10 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 5/6

Ryyx: I wish Kerianna would come back... wow, I never imagined I would end up saying that.

Airon: Ryyx!

Ryyx: What? Doesn't she creep you out?

Airon: Well, admittedly, she is a little... er... the point is, you shouldn't say things like that about anyone.

FKOD: Except for Dr. Blobagus, of course.

EW: Hey, guys! Look at our baby!

Ryyx: You've showed her to us about twenty times already.

FKOD: Well, I guess we don't have anything better to do than behold babies. At least this one doesn't have the body of a spider.

Eilian: What?

FKOD: Nothing. Nothing at all. Oh, hey, it's Keri.

Kerianna: Hey guys. I have the stone. There was a person attached to it, so I brought that too.

??????: Hey, can you put me down? Can't we just talk this over?

Efisngenana: Oh, hey, it's that thief.

??????: Aw crap, don't tell me you hired this freak to chase me down! Stupid demons and their stupid hired hands.

Kerianna: Anyways, can we totally destroy the stone now so it doesn't make the shadows mad anymore?

??????: Eh? you wanna destroy it?

Efisngenana: Er, well, Kerianna, do you mind if maybe we use this for a while, and maybe you could go somewhere and--

Kerianna: What? You can shut up, dude. I want to destroy, as the grouchy dude totally promised me.

??????: Grouchy dude? Okay, can someone tell me what's going on here?

FKOD: Well, you see, that guy over there, Ryyx, won that dwimorscat stone in a game of bingo.

??????: What? What kind of bingo game gives out powerful magical artifacts?

Ryyx: Fancy ones? I think a mage donated the prizes that day.

??????: Holy crap. Where was that bingo game held?

FKOD: Hey now, I'm telling my story here, kids, so shush. Anyways, eventually Keri stole it because of shadows or something. Then, Fizzy over there stole it from her, and then you stole it from him, and now we need it, so we tricked Kerianna into stealing it from you. She stole you in the process I guess.

Kerianna: Wait, did you say that I was totally tricked into bringing this thing here?


Kerianna: Dude, I am not stupid.

FKOD: Well, it was Epere's idea.

Kerianna: Hmm... the shadows say that if you promise to destroy it sometime this month, they'll totally be okay with it.

FKOD: Oh, okay.

Kerianna: Beautiful. I'm going somewhere else, so the shadows don't have to put up with that thing.

Ryyx: Wait, can you--

Kerianna: Nope. *teleports away*

Ryyx: Crap.

FKOD: Hm, I guess the thief is stuck here with us, then.

??????: Dang. So, uh.... where am I, and who are you people?

FKOD: Oh, well this is the middle of nowhere.

??????: Is that its official name or do you just call it that?

FKOD: Does it matter either way? You're kind of stuck here.

??????: Oh. Well, crap.

FKOD: So what's your name miss?

Ramada: Ramada. Ramada Bensith. Professional wealth redistribution expert.

Eilian: So, basically, you're a thief.

Ramada: I only steal from rich guys, and I share the wealth with the less fortunate.

Efisngenana: I'm not rich and you stole from me!

Ramada: Eh. You're a demon, so I don't really care.

Efisngenana: Hey, that's racist!

Ramada: Yeah, I know. So, I guess I'm going to be here a while... mind showing me around?

FKOD: Okay! And then I can show you my hat collection, and my pokemans, and my fake weapons, and my demons, and my hexbugs, and my--

Beryl: Woah, calm down FKOD. One thing at a time, miss.

FKOD: 'Kay. Let's go!

Beryl: Wait, aren't we forgetting something?

FKOD: The inside of a kangaroo's pouch is really stinky!

Ramada: Uh, what?

FKOD: That's what Mameshiba told me!

Ramada: I'll take your word for it.

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V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Beryl

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Age: 3 years

Gen: 42

Job: Sparkliness student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 122 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 193 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Eilian

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Age: 11 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 4/6

EW: Eilian, you look a tad nervous. Is something wrong?

Eilian: ...

EW: You're awfully quiet. Isn't that right, Mr. Ippon-Datara?

Ippon-Datara (one-legged, one-eyed spirit): It is natural other things fear me.

Jack Frost (Megami Tensei series mascot): Hee-hoo, us demons have that effect on people!

Efisngenana: So explain how you managed to get these demons to work for you, FKOD. Really, I'm curious.

FKOD: Well, they're not quite like you... you see, these demons can be, like, stored in computers and stuff.

Ubu (it's a spider with a baby's head): In other words, it's complicated! Right Eilian?

Eilian: .....

Erthys (earth elemental dude): I believe that he doesn't wish to speak with us.

Heqet (Egyptian frog goddess): How very rude of him!

EW: Well, he's nicer when you get to know him.

Eriines: Except for the fact that he isn't.

FKOD: So, has anyone heard about the zodiac signs changing?

Asula: No.

FKOD: Well, some dude said that the dates are off... but I read an article about how the actual zodiac is based on seasons instead of the fixed constellations or something like that. I'm inclined to agree with that person because Taurus fits me better than Aries.

Eriines: Yeah, you're too full of bull to be an Aries.

FKOD: And you're a crab... yeah.

Eriines: Is that the best you could do?

FKOD: Your face is a crab with cancer.

Eriines: Mmhmm.

EW: More tea, Mr. Ubu?

Ubu: Yes please!

Efisngenana: Are you sure these are demons? I mean, they're having a tea party with some cutesy puff ball creature in a dress.

FKOD: Well, they're called demons, but they're more like daemons, which are more like spirits and stuff.

Ippon-Datara: You do not forget that fun fact now should be done, before you forget and does that to the end of the log.

FKOD: ...Huh? Oh, fun fact, right. You need to work on your grammar a bit, mister.

Ippon-Datara: Sorry am I.

FKOD: Anyways, did you know: the Bible, which is the world's bestselling book, is also the most shoplifted.

Ramada: Why do you do a fun fact in your log, FKOD?

FKOD: It's tradition. I think you'd get it if you read the whole log.

Ramada: I'll do that... at some point.

FKOD: It's getting to be a long read, yeah. Actually... it's been running for a year.

Asula: Wow. It's not often you show such commitment to something.

FKOD: Hey, it's motivating myself to start something that's hard, the rest is easy.

Eriines: That's not the attitude you have when you're doing homework.

FKOD: Shhhhh.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Beryl

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 42

Job: Hair stylist

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 123 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 194 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Arisana

Gender: F

Character type: Belltchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 1/6

FKOD: *singing* The skies are charcoal grey...

Epere: Not this again.

FKOD: But... it's Quiche. Quiche Lorraine. The poodle.

Epere: I don't care.

FKOD: Oh fine. I'll just lock the door to your kennel. Let's see how you like that!

Epere: Uh-huh.


Arisana: Epere, is FKOD always this random?

Epere: Yeah. You'll either adapt to it or begin to hold a deep loathing for her.

FKOD: Epere, is your face done talking? Because I have a solution to our transportation issues! We just need to get Omirin and H'raeden to help us!

Epere: ...Ryyx didn't tell you, did he?

FKOD: Did he steal my idea before I could come up with it? Dang it!

Epere: FKOD, Omirin and H'raeden broke up.

FKOD: Oh. Well. Uh. So we just call H'raeden then?

Epere: He cheated on her. She hasn't heard from him since they broke up. So, no, that isn't a viable plan.

FKOD: Why does no one ever tell me important things like this! Why must I always be out of the loop!

Beryl: If it makes you feel any better, I didn't know either.

FKOD: Yeah. But do you even know who Omirin is?

Beryl: Nope.

FKOD: :/

Arisana: Hmm... I know! Maybe if we believe in ourselves, we can go anywhere we like.~

Asula: We already tried that.

Eriines: It didn't work very well.

Beryl: Some of us hurt ourselves trying.

FKOD: It was a horrendous failure.

Arisana: ...

Eriines: We were just joking.

Arisana: Oh.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Beryl

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 42

Job: Hair stylist

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 126 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 197 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Arisana

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 3/6

Eriines: Hey, FKOD, forgetting something?

FKOD: ...

Eriines: The log.

FKOD: Oh yeah. Uh. You guys want to know why we didn't update for the last few days? Communism.

Ryyx: That explains everything.

Kinene: No, it's just that FKOD has school.

FKOD: Darn it Kinene, we're trying to be silly!

Kinene: Sorry.

FKOD: And now, a fun fact! Did you know: Antarctica is the only continent that has no reptiles.

Arisana: Well duh.

FKOD: Well. Your face. So shut up.

Arisana: :<

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Beryl

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 42

Job: Hair stylist

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 127 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 198 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Arisana

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 3/6

FKOD: Man, I wish we had time to do a long update.

Ramada: You get a bunch of homework, do you?

FKOD: Yeah. It's terrible.

Eriines: Yes, your drawing homework is very terrible.

FKOD: Well, okay, that's not bad, but then there's the Spanish, the three or four essays I'll have this semester, the physics, the reading assignments, the essays, the geometry, the studying, the essays...

Kinene: You mentioned essays three times.

Asula: Oh, there's a reason for that. Have you ever seen FKOD try to write a paper?

Eriines: She makes faces like she's experiencing physical pain.

Beryl: Really? I thought FKOD could write pretty well.


Airon: Yes you--


Arisana: What about your fan fiction thingy?

FKOD: TIME FOR A FUN FACT. Did you know: the praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head.

Arisana: Ahem. FKOD, I asked you a question.

FKOD: Oh yeah, Arisana and Beryl have husbands now. Just so you guys know.

Beryl: What about--

FKOD: BED TIME. I have school tomorrow, you guys.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Beryl

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Age: 9 years

Gen: 42

Job: Hair stylist

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 128 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 199 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Arisana

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 12

Friendship: 3/6

FKOD: Quick update time!

Arisana: Okay!

FKOD: Fun fact time! Did you know: in Cleveland, Ohio, it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.

Dr. Blobagus: But that's how I make my living!

Beryl: Dude, chill out, we're nowhere near there.

Dr. Blobagus: Oh. Right. Hrm. I'm going to have to edit some documents... *leaves*

FKOD: What, I don't even... :|

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Avir

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 43

Job: Smiley Face Student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 136 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 207 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Anatolius

Gender: M

Character type: Necktietchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 14

Friendship: 1/6

FKOD: Oh gosh we haven't updated in like a week oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh.

Avir: Get a hold of yourself, Gaia!

FKOD: Okay. Uh. So. Guess who has two thumbs and has had a buttload of homework lately?

Anatolius: Hm... Well, if I had to guess, I'd say it was y--

Dr. Blobagus: Ramada. It's obviously Ramada. She had so much homework that FKOD couldn't update.

Ramada: No, it was obviously Kinene.

Kinene: How dare you accuse me of being the one who caused the hiatus.

FKOD: I know right? It's not her fault that I had homework dumped on me forever.

Eriines: And it's not Kinene's fault that FKOD has a tendency to procrastinate--


Ryyx: Have we really done anything of note in the past week?


Airon: I can't think of anything.


Anatolius: Well, there was that one time when Ryyx was making toast and he burnt himself.

Epere: I still have no idea how anyone can manage something like that.

Ryyx: S-shut up.

Avir: Don't feel too bad. Remember when Eri mrph mmph merph herph hrmph?

Eriines: Shh. Shhhhhh. You don't need to comfort Ryyx. That's what Airon is for.

Airon: Are you sure you're not just saying that to cover up for mrph hermph hrmph mmph?

Anatolius: Uh, Eriines, is something wrong?

FKOD: I know! It's late and she thinks it is totally my bedtime! I am sleepy and stuff.

Eriines: Yes that is obviously what it is.

Ryyx: I don't think that mrph hermph hrph.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Avir

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 43


V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 138 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 209 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Anatolius

Gender: M

Character type: Necktietchi

Age: 10 years

Gen: 14

Friendship: 4/6

Avir: Well, FKOD, you should be ashamed of yourself.

FKOD: W-what? Why?

Avir: You update after your eight-day hiatus, then you leave your readers hanging for yet another day!

FKOD: I had homework and--

Anatolius: It's the weekend, you shouldn't be getting homework!

FKOD: Tell my teachers that.

Anatolius: Give me their e-mail addresses.

Eriines: Look, most of it is stuff FKOD blew off when she would have done it.

FKOD: And some of it is stuff I didn't have time for this week because OF THE EIGHT TONS OF HOMEWORK I GOT LAST WEEK. I was seriously working on homework any time I wasn't in school getting more homework or riding the bus or sleeping.

Asula: Why not work on your homework on the bus?

FKOD: 'Cause I get sick to my stomach if I read in a moving vehicle.

Eriines: Wow, really.


Airon: I've never heard of anything like that.


Ryyx: FKOD, stop being a spaz.


Aparus: Well at least you could stop yelling FKOD, then none of us would have to spaz.

FKOD: NO. I REFU-- *cough cough* Ugh. Stupid cold. Okay, you win, Aparus. BUT NEXT TI-- *cough*

Kinene: Don't get worked up, FKOD.

FKOD: Your face.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)


Gender: F

Character type: Tsubatchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 44

Job: Jobless bum

Status: Unnamed until FKOD has time to take care of her

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 143 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 214 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)


Gender: M

Character type: Kinotchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 15

Friendship: 0/6

Status: Paused until FKOD has time to take care of him

FKOD: Hey guys, I had a two-hour delay this morning, so instead of spending an hour or so this morning playing Ghost Trick before heading off to school, I decided to bring you an update to let you know how it's going around here. This whole homework dealie is getting out of hand, so I've decided to put off letting the kids grow up for a while.

Ramada: I bet there's some parents who wish they could do that in real life.

Asula: FKOD, you didn't have this much homework last semester... what's going on?

FKOD: Well, you see, this semester, I have more classes, I don't have a class-free period several times a week, and the English teacher I have now gives out a ton of work.

Eriines: But it wouldn't be as bad if you didn't procrastinate.

FKOD: Yes it would. As soon as I finish some stuff, I get more homework! It's terrible!

Eriines: Yeah. But you procrastinated on that one physics paper and now...

FKOD: I had a Spanish project to do!

Eriines: Which you procrastinated on.


Eriines: So? You said yourself that you figured you would work on it on your own until you figured that bit out. And then... you waited until--


Asula: FKOD, you have 10 minut--


V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)


Gender: F

Character type: Tsubatchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 44

Job: Jobless bum

Status: Unnamed until FKOD has time to take care of her

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 144 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 215 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

Tama-Go Status (White)


Gender: M

Character type: Kinotchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 15

Friendship: 0/6

Status: Paused until FKOD has time to take care of him

Ryyx: *walks in* So, has anything of interest happened while we were gone?

Airon: *walks in* It was nice to get out for a while.

FKOD: Wait, where were you again?

Ryyx: Did nobody tell you?


Airon: Well, you see, my dad has a friend who's really good with teleportation spells, and I've been wanting to introduce Ryyx to my parents and to meet Ryyx's parents, so we went to my parents' house and then brought his parents so our parents could meet--

FKOD: Okay I think I get it. So how did that go?

Ryyx: Oh, it went wonderfully... and then my parents showed up and ruined everything.

Eriines: That good, huh?

Airon: Well, uh, Ryyx's parents--

Ryyx: Are horribly judgmental and not willing to listen to me for five minutes and--

Asula: Okay, Ryyx, calm down.

Ryyx: Sorry. I'm just not in a good mood right now.

FKOD: So I take it that your parents are kind of spazzing about you and Airon?

Ryyx: Unfortunately... I don't want to think about it right now. I'm going to bed.

FKOD: 'Kay.

Asula: Hey, FKOD, haven't we been forgetting the fun fact again.

FKOD: Oh noes, we have! Ahem. Did you know: people who are lying to you tend to look up and to the left.

Dr. Blobagus: *looks up and to the left* I don't see anything up there to lie about.

FKOD: Dr. Blobagus, get back into your box.

Dr. Blobagus: Hmph. Fine. But one day you'll respect my right to be independent.

FKOD: Uh-huh.

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Asula

Gender: F

Character type: Otokitchi

Age: 145 years

Gen: 11


V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Age: 216 years

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Wild Guitar

FKOD: So, we just watched Toy Story 3. And yes, you readers are probably all like, "Didn't that come out a while ago, seriously FKOD, you are behind on the times." But, since I live in the middle of nowhere, my family is like the last people on Netflix's list thingy of who to deliver movies too, or something like that. Basically, they don't love us. But, I finally got to see Toy Story 3 today guys, and it was as kickin' rad as everyone said it was. And if you are behind on the times and you haven't watched it yet, WATCH IT. WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.

Eriines: This message was brought to you by Pixar. Except not really.

FKOD: Well, this is more like a review, except in the way that it's not.

Asula: Besides, I don't think FKOD would rant like that if it wasn't a good movie.

FKOD: In fact, it was good enough to make Epere cry.

Epere: I didn't cry.

FKOD: Yes you did. I heard you sniff.

Epere: That's because I caught your friggin' cold.

FKOD: I saw tears.

Epere: No you didn't.

Ramada: It's okay Epere, you can admit it. It's not like anyone is going to think your less manly for it or something dumb like that.

Aparus: And if you don't admit it, we'll just think your some sort of emotionless freak instead.


Airon: It's okay, FKOD. I don't think Ryyx cried either.

Ryyx: I almost did.

Aparus: There's no need to make a big deal out of it, I was only joking.

Kinene: You didn't sound like you were joking at the time.

Airon: Uncle Aparus is like that. The trick is not to take him too seriously.

FKOD: Yeah, he's like Mom and Gabe-- wait, since when was Aparus your uncle?

Airon: Siiiiiiiince I was born?

FKOD: I'M. OUT. OF. THE. LOOP. *sad panda face*

Epere: FKOD, it's not that no one tells you anything, it's just that you don't pay attention to anything at all.

FKOD: Well. Shut up.

Ryyx: He has a point. I'm fairly certain I've mentioned the fact that he's Airon's uncle several times in your presence.

FKOD: Well. Your face.

Kinene: Haven't you at least noticed some physical similarities between the two?

FKOD: It's time for the fun fact.

Eriines: Oh, cool, a distraction.

FKOD: DID YOU KNOW: Mr. Potato Head was the first toy to be advertised on television. Wow, isn't that all relevant and stuff, considering that we were talking about Toy Story? Gosh golly.

Ramada: *snerk* Gosh golly? No one ever says that anymore.

FKOD: Well. It's bedtime. I have school tomorrow.

Ramada: That has nothing to do with what I just said, but okay, whatever floats your boat, kiddo.

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