The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi


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V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Quill

Gender: F

Character type: Urazukyutchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 48

Job: Doctor?!

Status: Little miss skeptical

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Theo

Gender: M

Character type: Crackertchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 4

Job: Fisticuffs Student

Status: Learning about geography? Noooooooo!

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Reverie

Gender: F

Character type: Marotchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 18

Friendship: 6/6

Status: She didn't really notice

Dr. Blobagus: Everyone, I have an important announcement to make. I have come to believe that Kinene is an alien.

Quill: Really.

Ramada: Well were do you think wephls, yressia, and niriphale come from? Earth?

Theo: I thought aliens had grey skin and they talked funny.

Dr. Blobagus: If we aren't careful, they'll lay their eggs in our stomachs when we're not looking.

Ramada: We're mammals. We don't lay eggs.

FKOD: Platypuses lay eggs.

Ramada: Plat-a-whats?

FKOD: Kind of like a duck and a mole put together. They have duck bills, fins, claws, fur, and they lay eggs.

Dr. Blobagus: So we'd only have to worry about stomach eggs if we were dealing with platypuses.

FKOD: No, they just have like nests or something.

Dr. Blobagus: ...Nests? What are those?

FKOD: Anyways, I guess we never really discussed you guys planet of origin in the log.

Reverie: I guess no one noticed or cared, since it hasn't been brought up before.

Theo: Ramada, where did you and the others come from?

Ramada: Our world is called Ne by most people.

Quill: That's a mouthful.

Theo: So how did you get here? Do you have a UFO?

Ramada: No. Thing is, in Ne, the dimensional veil between worlds has gotten pretty weak from mages tampering with them. Sometimes we just sort of slip through.

FKOD: That reminds me of Torchwood, like how the aliens would end up on Earth and stuff. Anyways, I better finish this update up, 'cause it's about my bedtime. The platypus thing can be the fun fact, I guess.

Ramada: Well, I don't feel tired, so maybe I'll draw you a crappy map of Ne, so I can show you how it looks and crap like that.

FKOD: Sounds fun.

Theo: *groan* A geography lesson. Is that your idea of fun, FKOD?

FKOD: Don't complain, you're getting a lesson from the illustrious Ms. Bensith!

Ramada: Darn straight!

FKOD: Anyways, nighty night!

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Quill

Gender: F

Character type: Urazukyutchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 48

Job: Doctor?!

Status: Married?!

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Theo

Gender: M

Character type: Crackertchi

Age: 2 years

Gen: 4

Job: Fisticuffs Student

Status: *yawn*

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Reverie

Gender: F

Character type: Marotchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 18

Friendship: 6/6

Status: Why?

FKOD: Okay, guys, we're ready to get learned.

Theo: I'm not!

Reverie: Shh.

Ramada: Alright, here's the map.


Epere: ...Wow. That is one crappy map. Do you even know what any of the countries west of Cata look like?

Ramada: Oh, shut up. I did this entirely from memory.

Airon: I think it looks all right, even if most of the smaller countries aren't labeled.

Ramada: I did what I could. MS Paint's text tool leaves something to be desired.

Quill: Why are there two maps?

Ramada: The second one just shows the underground continent of Ebel... which I forgot to label. Crap. Anyways, some of those countries' borders actually extend into continents beyond Odusen, but I got lazy and didn't draw that.

FKOD: It's pretty maptastic. So, tell us about where you came from.

Ramada: Me? I come from Cata, also known as the Heartland.

Dr. Blobagus: I have a question for Ms. Bensith.

Ramada: Yes?

Dr. Blobagus: Do they sell felt hats in Cata?

Ramada: Well, I guess there's probably some hat shops that do.

Quill: Question! Why the heck is there so many little contries there in Odusen?

Ramada: Back a few centuries ago, most of those little countries were tribes. They got bigger, formed nations, fought each other a lot and then decided to cut that out for a while, at least until the First Neyan War in 1893.

Theo: *yawns*

Ramada: It was a pretty terrible war. I've never seen so many rubber chickens thrown at people.

Theo: ...Wait, what?

Ramada: Just kidding. I wasn't even born yet. And also it was the second bloodiest war ever fought. No rubber chickens were involved.

Theo: Oh. Okay.

Ramada: Anyways, why don't you guys talk about your home countries?

Ryyx: They already know about Piarnil.

Kinene: Oh, you come from Piarnil? ...I'm sorry.

Ryyx: Me too, Kinene. Me too.

Kinene: Well, I come from Veshiana, but my parents immigrated there from Aline.

Dr. Blobagus: I have a question for Ms. Apelli.

Kinene: What is it?

Dr. Blobagus: How many ducks live in Aline?

Kinene: ...I don't know?

Reverie: I have a question: Why?

Kinene: Because I haven't personally counted the duck population in Aline...?

Reverie: I meant why did your parents move.

Kinene: Oh! Well, you see, Aline isn't exactly the most pleasant place. It's renowned for having a higher concentration of monsters and other less friendly creatures than any other country. The second worst is Bita, which, if I recall correctly, is Epere's mother's country of origin?

Epere: Yeah. But I was born in Veshiana.

Dr. Blobagus: I have a question for Mr. Amloda.

Epere: *sigh* What?

Dr. Blobagus: Can you tell me everything you know about your mother?

Epere: Why would you need to know that?

Dr. Blobagus: I believe I'm the one asking the questions here.

Epere: Anyways, in Veshiana--

Dr. Blobagus: *ahem* You haven't answered my question.

Epere: Fine, she was a necromancer who liked to terrorize people for the fun of it until my dad seduced her and convinced her to stop. Then they got married and had too many kids, including me. There, can you shut up now?

Dr. Blobagus: *jots that all down* Mhmm. I see. You see, judging by your relationship with your mother, I think you've been deprived of poodles all your life, causing you to act like a pheasant.

Epere: ...Sure whatever. Hey Airon, why don't you talk about your home country so that Blobagus can drill you with questions instead.

Airon: Okay. I come from Resdi--

Dr. Blobagus: I have a question for Mr. Cerel.

Airon: Hm?

Dr. Blobagus: Are those countries going to squish Piarnil? It looks like they will. Just look at the malevolent glare in Resdi's eyes.

Airon: Um... well, Piarnil is pretty weak at this point, so I guess it might get conquered if Resdi decides to withdraw its military support. That depends on how the new Piarnillian king handles things, I guess? And Resdi and Piarnil are allies, there's no glaring between them at this point.

Dr. Blobagus: Another question: why is Resdi spewing out lava into the ocean?

Airon: That's not lava, that's Vesh. Ramada just colored it in red.

Dr. Blobagus: So Vesh is red? That must also be another factor in Epere's personality.

Epere: It just looks that way on the map, stupid.

Dr. Blobagus: Are you doubting my credentials?

Quill: You don't have any credentials.

Dr. Blobagus: Ah, but you are mistaken, my friend. Behold!


Reverie: What is that, I don't even.

Theo: Gaia, isn't that your handwriting?

FKOD: He held a gun up to my head, I had no choice.

Ramada: Wow... That's almost as bad as Ryyx's handwriting.

Ryyx: Hey!

Dr. Blobagus: Anyways, now that you're done admiring my degree, I have a question for Mr. Lanren.

Ryyx: Er, you could just call me Ryyx. But whatever, just ask your stupid question already.

Dr. Blobagus: Who would win in a fight: Flex Plexico, or a trained battle narwhal?

Ryyx: FKOD, you should do today's fun fact so we can end this update and ignore Blobagus.

FKOD: 'Kay. Did you know: only 11 percent of Earth's surface is used to grow food. And that's all folks!

Theo: Yay, we're finally free!

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Quill

Gender: F

Character type: Urazukyutchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 48

Job: Doctor?!

Status: It was a ruse

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Theo

Gender: M

Character type: Matsuritchi

Age: 3 years

Gen: 4

Job: Fisticuffs Student

Status: They're inanimate objects, dude

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Reverie

Gender: F

Character type: Marotchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 18

Friendship: 6/6

Status: Married to a ninja

Dr. Blobagus: I was having this dream where I was eating this cake...

Reverie: And then you woke up and found out you were eating your pillow, right?

Dr. Blobagus: Actually, no. I woke up and I was in space.

Theo: ...What?

Dr. Blobagus: So, when I was in space, I met a man named Winston. Then I appeared here.

Kinene: Dr. Blobagus, that space thing was probably part of your dream.

Dr. Blobagus: Nonsense. When I was in space, I couldn't breathe. And neither could Winston.

Kinene: Nevermind. I should really know better by now.

FKOD: That's okay, Kinene. Ryyx still tries to argue with him.

Ryyx: Shut up.

FKOD: Oh. You were standing right there. Hi Ryyx.

Ryyx: Hello, Gaia.

Airon: Hi, Gaia.

Dr. Blobagus: Ah. I'm glad you're both here. I require your assistance.

Ryyx: *sigh* What is it?

Dr. Blobagus: You see... I think Sarah has been kidnapped by a dragon. You know, it's a girl thing.

Airon: Not really. I've been kidnapped by a dragon before.

Dr. Blobagus: Oh. Well, anyways, I need you to rescue her for me.

Quill: Actually, I think I saw her yesterday with another nesting doll.

Dr. Blobagus: ...What.

Theo: Oh yeah. They looked like they were having a lot of fun together.

Dr. Blobagus: Really.

Reverie: I saw them kiss.

Dr. Blobagus: What?! I could overlook Sarah's cannibalistic tendencies, but this crosses the line! *leaves*

FKOD: ...Let me guess. The other nesting doll was from inside Sarah?

Quill: Yup.

Ryyx: And the kiss?

Theo: Dude, they're nesting dolls.

Ryyx: Oh. Right.

FKOD: Ryyx, you sure are dense sometimes.

Ryyx: Why does everyone call me stupid?!

Airon: I don't think you're stupid.

Ryyx: Well I know that!

Kinene: Ryyx, calm down. Gaia just says things like that because she likes to pick on you. She doesn't really mean it, right?

FKOD: Well...

Kinene: Just say yes.

FKOD: B-but it's funny when he spazzes!

Kinene: I'll give you a cookie if you say yes!

FKOD: Oh, of course, Ryyx, I'm just kiddin' around! You know me!

Ryyx: :/

FKOD: I think he's doubting my sincerity.

Kinene: I can't say I'm surprised, really.

FKOD: I know! I'll change the subject! SO, I THINK EPERE AND RAMADA ARE SHIPPABLE.

Airon: Gaia, they hardly get along.

FKOD: Airon, haven't you ever heard of tsunderes?

Airon: No.

FKOD: Well, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of tsunderes! You see, tsundere is a japanese term that's a combination of tsuntsun, meaning harsh, and deredere, meaning sweet. There are two kinds: Type A, who's harsh on the outside and occasionally sweet towards people they like, and Type B, who's nice to everyone but rude to those they like. See, Epere is rude towards everyone, but I've seen him let a little bit of his softer side slip... AROUND NONE OTHER THAN MS. RAMADA. And then Ramada, who's generally nice to people... GETS IRRITABLE AROUND MR. EPERE. See? N-not that I'm telling you for your benefit... stupid.

Ryyx: Did you just call Airon stupid?!

FKOD: That was just my generic Type A tsundere impression.

Kinene: So when you pick on Ryyx...

FKOD: Oh come on, I'm antagonistic towards other people too. If I were interested in somebody, I'd waggle my eyebrows at them. AND NOW, FOR TODAY'S FUN FACT. Did you know: Intelligence is strongly influenced by the quality of the brain's axons, or wiring that sends signals throughout the brain. The faster the signaling, the faster the brain processes information, resulting in better intelligence.

Ryyx: You were awfully quick to change the subject there...

FKOD: Ryyx, we're not all tsunderes here. So stop being a hipster.

Ryyx: How am I a hipster?

FKOD: ...I don't know, you just are.

Ryyx: :/

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Sophi

Gender: F

Character type: Hitodetchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 49

Job: Preschooler

Status: Too mainstream to know what a hipster is

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Theo

Gender: M

Character type: Matsuritchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 4

Job: Baked Goods Factory Operator

Status: Gaia's just weird, that's all

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Reverie

Gender: F

Character type: Marotchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 18

Friendship: 5/6

Status: Always with the Arcade Fire

Sophi: What's a hipster?

Reverie: A hipster is someone who hates mainstream things, you know, stuff that a lot of people like.

Theo: Yeah, they're all like, "I liked that band before they signed on with a major label," or "That show? It was good and then everyone started to watch it and now it's terrible."

Sophi: Then why did Gaia call Ryyx a hipster?

Theo: She just... uh.... says weird stuff.


Reverie: Gaia, aren't you going to listen to something else besides Arcade Fire at some point?

FKOD: I can't help it. I just want to listen to Arcade Fire. So stop judging me.

Reverie: I wasn't judging you.

FKOD: Yes you were.

Reverie: No I wasn't.

FKOD: Yeah huh.

Reverie: Nuh uh.

FKOD: Prove it.

Theo: Gaia, why don't you just do the fun fact or something?

FKOD: 'Kay. Did you know: the harmonica is the world's best-selling musical instrument.

Sophi: Do you have a harmonica?

FKOD: Actually, I do.

Sophi: Do you know how to play it?

FKOD: Oh sure. You blow into it and it makes noise.

Theo: Cam you play songs?

FKOD: Not really. But I can play songs on my kazoo!

Reverie: :/

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Sophi

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungmarotchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 49

Job: Smiley face student

Status: Is creeped out by Dr. Blobagus

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Theo

Gender: M

Character type: Matsuritchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 4

Job: Baked Goods Factory Operator

Status: Yay cookies

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Reverie

Gender: F

Character type: Marotchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 18

Friendship: 5/6

Status: The cookies aren't helping

Sophi: Hey, Reverie, I'm almost like a mini version of you!

Reverie: Hey, you are!

Dr. Blobagus: *floats in, holding Sarah* Okay Sarah, it's okay. It was all a big misunderstanding. I know your cannibal culture is different than my not-cannibal culture, but I'll do my best to respect that from now on.

Sophi: What's a cannibal?

Theo: Someone who eats members of their own species.

Sophi: Oh.

Dr. Blobagus: There's nothing wrong with it. It's a cultural thing. Anyways, Sarah and I are going to Wal-Mart again.

FKOD: Didn't that end horribly for you last time?

Dr. Blobagus: What do you mean by that?

FKOD: Remember that time when you melted?

Dr. Blobagus: I'm only going to browse their less exotic section this time. You know, the side with the meat, the vegetables, the laundry detergents, that sort of thing.

Theo: Actually, laundry detergent isn't very good for you.

Dr. Blobagus: But it's on the side of the store with the things you typically eat.

Reverie: That doesn't mean it's edible!

Dr. Blobagus: Fine. I'll just stick to the paper towels. Let's go, Sarah. *leaves*

Sophi: He's really weird.

FKOD: Yup, just like today's fun fact! Did you know: Marilyn Monroe doesn't really have six toes, this myth came from a beach photo where a clump of sand was stuck to her foot. Of course, this is really silly because there are other pictures of Marilyn, like baby picture, which show her perfectly normal feet.

Sophi: If there's other pictures of her like that, then why do people think she has six toes?

FKOD: Because people thought it was so crazy they decided not to check if that was true. Sadly, it happens with a lot of things. All we can do about it is stuff cookies in our mouths.

Reverie: That doesn't sound like an effective solution.

Theo: But cookies are delicious.

Reverie: Well, I never said they weren't.

Theo: Well I never accused you of saying they weren't.

Reverie: Oh okay.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Sophi

Gender: F

Character type: Hitodetchi

Age: 3 years

Gen: 49

Job: Smiley face student

Status: Where are your friends when you need them?

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Theo

Gender: M

Character type: Matsuritchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 4

Job: Baked Goods Factory Operator

Status: Is a dad now, and also a helper

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Aislin

Gender: F

Character type: Belltchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 20

Friendship: 2/6

Status: Wants to hear a story

Aislin: Ryyx, Airon, can you tell me a story?

Airon: Um, can it wait? We're really busy right now.

Ryyx: If we don't sort these letters, Tomas is probably going to smash our skulls in.

Theo: Who's Tomas?

Ryyx: We don't know much about him, except that he's exceptionally strong. He demonstrated it to us by crushing a stone in his hand.

Airon: Which is why we're sorting these letters.

Ryyx: Well, that, and because he's paying us.

Sophi: Why aren't your friends helping you two?

Airon: They're running other errands for him.

Theo: Can I help?

Ryyx: Uh...

Airon: Well...

Theo: I won't mess up. I promise. I'm good at sorting things. I was bored so I took FKOD's colored pencils and put them in the order of the rainbow.

Ryyx: Well, I guess we're sort of close to finished, maybe I could show you what to do and Airon could tell Aislin that story.

Airon: Oh, you don't have to sort the rest of it, Ryyx. I'll do it.

Ryyx: I'm fine.

Airon: Come on now, I can tell you're bored out of your mind.

Ryyx: Aren't you too?

Aislin: I can go without the story. I think.

FKOD: Let me tell you a story.

Ryyx: No, don't let her tell you a story.

FKOD: So, there was this space slug, and--

Sophi: FKOD, why don't you do a fun fact and wrap up this update?

FKOD: Okay, so the space slug ate all the other space slugs and became a mega space slug and took over the universe. The end. Now, did you know: slugs are so sensitive to changes in temperature they can tell when it's changed as little as two degrees Fahrenheit?

Aislin: Slugs are weird.

FKOD: You know what else is weird?

Aislin: What?

FKOD: Everything.

Aislin: Okay.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Sophi

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 49

Job: Doctor

Status: Gaia, I am disappoint

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Brogh

Gender: M

Character type: Crackertchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 4

Job: Smiley face student

Status: Wants to be the star

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Aislin

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 3 years

Gen: 20

Friendship: 4.5/6

Status: Doesn't agree with Tari

Sophi: FKOD, you didn't update for two days!

FKOD: Sorry.

Sophi: That's like, two 24-hour hour periods.

FKOD: I'm sorry!

Sophi: And that's terrible.


Aislin: Okay Sophi, stop tormenting Gaia.

Sophi: But she has to update the log every day. You know, to catch precious moments in our life.

Brogh: I don't know about that. I mean, I just read through the entire thing and I think she just writes about various shenanigans that sometimes involve tamagotchis.

FKOD: Hey now, Brogh, a good majority of those shenanigans involve you guys!

Brogh: No they don't.

FKOD: Yes they do.

Brogh: No they don't.

Tari: *runs in* Okay, Fuzzy-Head, I can't take this crap from you anymore!

FKOD: Wait, wait, wait, Tari.

Tari: What.

FKOD: You see, the tamagotchis and I were talking, and they mentioned that you know, when I'm doing the log, they don't get a lot of action. So, see, you're mad at me, but I think it'd be in their best interest if you were mad at all of us.

Tari: Oh okay. Should I do the running in part again?

FKOD: Sure, go ahead.

Tari: Okay. *leaves, then runs in again* Okay, you guys, I can't take this crap from you anymore!

Sophi: What crap?

Tari: Well, Fuzzy-Hea-- I mean, all of you haven't had me on the log for like how long now? I mean really.

Brogh: Wait, that's only Gaia's fault.

Tari: According to her, you're in cahoots with her!

Brogh: But--

Tari: CAHOOTS, I SAY. So, therefore, I'm going to beat you all up!

Brogh: You know what, Gaia? A-actually I don't mind, you know, the fact that... um...

FKOD: Too latndo;fshkoirljvbc

INTERMISSION TIME, brought to you by Sophi who isn't getting beat up right now.

Now for a short episode of Pokemon Drama, a show about Pokemon who are experiencing drama.

Terry: You're pregnant!?

Haze: No, no. Pokemon don't get pregnant.

Terry: Oh okay. Want to go out for popsicles?

Haze: Sure.

*they go out and eat popsicles*

Haze: Anyways, what I was meaning to tell you before you freaked out about me being pregnant and then taking me out for popsicles was that I laid an egg.

Terry: :0

That has been Pokemon Drama. Thank you for tuning in!


FKOD: Ow... Tari, why did you give me a hernia?

Tari: Get over it. Anyways, who's next?

Brogh: Uh, you know, Tari, I think you should be on the log every day.

Aislin: Yeah, we can just, you know, call you when the log is starting.

Sophi: It's a promise!

Tari: Hm... Well okay! So, what were you guys doing before I beat the crap out of Fuzzy-Head?

Sophi: Brogh was saying that us tamagotchis didn't get to be in the spotlight enough.

Tari: Oh come on. At least you get speaking parts. I'm not even mentioned most of the time! *pouty face*

Brogh: Well, you're here now! Right?

Tari: Yeah.

Aislin: Hey, Tari, I have a question.

Tari: Hm?

Aislin: Why do you call Gaia "Fuzzy-Head" when it would be shorter to call her Gaia?

Tari: Because I forgot her name. Fuzzy-Head is easier to remember, because her head is very fuzzy. Well, except for after showers.

FKOD: Your face is fuzzy except after showers!

Tari: I don't have a beard. Well... last time I checked, anyway. *checks self in mirror* Nope. No beard face.

Aislin: Of course you wouldn't have a beard. You're a girl!

Tari: What, you haven't heard of bearded women before?

Aislin: No.

Tari: Well, there is a such thing.

Brogh: Well, if you were able to grow a beard, wouldn't that have started around puberty, when guys usually get their beards? I think you shouldn't have to worry.

Tari: Hm. If you say so. But if I end up growing a beard, I'm going to slap you for lying to me.

Brogh: Okay.

Tari: Anyways, it's time for the fun fact!

FKOD: It sure is! Did you--

Tari: No I was going to do it, Fuzzy-Head.

FKOD: But... but... I always do the fun fact.

Tari: Well, I'm doing it, so there. Did you know: Brazil nuts don't actually speak Portuguese like the rest of the Brazilian population.

Aislin: But... Brazil nuts can't even talk.

Tari: Yes they can. You just never listen to them.

Aislin: ...

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Sophi

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 49

Job: Doctor

Status: Is not a drink for toddlers

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Brogh

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 2 years

Gen: 4

Job: Smiley face student

Status: Would never hit a girl

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Aislin

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 20

Friendship: 6/6

Status: Anatomical expert

FKOD: It's log time!

Brogh: Wait, we need to invite Tari up here, or she'll hand your butt to you again.


Tari: *pokes head out of hat pile* I'm right here.

FKOD: Well, you never told me that.

Tari: I was just napping. Should I warn you every time I go to take a nap?

FKOD: You should tell me when you come up to my room, ideally.

Tari: Well excuse me, princess.

Aislin: Gaia isn't a princess.

Sophi: She isn't regal enough.

FKOD: I'd prefer to be a queen anyways. Queens get crap done.

?????: You know what doesn't get work done? This orphan.

FKOD: Who are you and why did you bring an orphan into the room.

Tomas: I'm Tomas, but you can call me Red. Everyone else does. 'Cept them two boys I hired to do busywork for me. Where are they, right now?

Tari: In your hat.

Tomas: Okay, demon girl, wanna know why they call me Red? 'Cause that's what color people turn when I'm through with 'em.

Tari: :/

Tomas: If you don't catch my drift, I mean I'm going to beat you into an unholy bloody pulp.

Tari: *sad panda face* Are you judging me because I'm a demon? You know, I used to be human...

Brogh: Plus, she's a girl. You can't hit a girl!

Tomas: I don't hit girls. Unless they're demons.

Tari: I used to be human!

Sophi: Mr. Margleton told me if you stopped being mean that you could be turned back.

Tari: But... my demon side makes me do bad things!

Ryyx: *walks in* Oh, h-hey Tomas, I thought I heard your voice up here.

Tomas: Yeah. Here, take this orphan. He doesn't speak my language and I can't deal with kids. *hands orphan to Ryyx* I decided to name him Toma, after me. But without the 's' so you can tell our names apart. Anyways, I gotta go. I've got some pressing business down at the factory. *leaves*

Ryyx: ...

Toma: ...

Ryyx: Uh...

Toma: ...

Aislin: So what now?

Sophi: I don't know. Does he talk?

Brogh: Red said he spoke another language.

Ryyx: Um... I don't...

Toma: ...Papeta?

FKOD: Yes.

Sophi: You don't even know what he just said.

Ryyx: He's asking me if I'm his father.

FKOD: Eh, you might as well be, now.

Ryyx: Er... I'm not ready for this... What's Airon going to say? W-what do I do?

Tari: Oh, stop spazzing. Taking care of kids is easy. You just pop them in front of the television and tell them to stay there.

Ryyx: What? Are you crazy?

Tari: That's how I was raised. And look how I turned out!

Ryyx: I don't want him to turn into a psychopathic adult child like you!

Tari: ...What did you just say?

FKOD: He called you a psychopathic adult child.

Aislin: FKOD, I don't think you're really helping very much right now.

Ryyx: Well, it's true! She starts beating on people whenever she doesn't get her way!

Tari: That's not true, you liar. Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Toma: Liar, liar...?

Sophi: Toma, why don't you come over here? *beckons to Toma* Come on, don't be shy.

Toma: ...Babai?

Sophi: Uh, sure?

Toma: *walks over to Sophi and tries to pick her up* Ing!

Sophi: Hey, cut that out.

Toma: ...

Tari: Hey, is that kid trying to steal your pet gourd?

Ryyx: I think he's thirsty. *starts talking to Toma but dude you're talking fast and I'm lazy*

Toma: *says something back*

Ryyx: He doesn't even know many words...

Tari: Your face doesn't know many words.

Ryyx: Right. Well. Maybe I should try to focus on figuring out what to do with him while you guys have fun with the log or something.

Tari: Woah, wait just a minute. We've got unfinished business. I don't care if your orphan is distracting you.

Ryyx: *sigh* Look, can we talk about this later? I'm under a lot of stress right now.

Tari: Well, you put me under stress!

FKOD: Tari, everything you say is silly.

Tari: What was that, Fuzzy-Head!?

FKOD: You're a spaz, and what I'm saying isn't just a way to direct your anger towards me so that Ryyx can escape your wrath.

Ryyx: *leaves*

Tari: ...What?

Aislin: Gaia, I though you liked making Ryyx miserable.

FKOD: I don't make him miserable, I just tease him. For funsies.

Tari: Well... I'm about to tease you in a minute!

FKOD: 'Kay.

Tari: Stop being so nonchalant about it!

FKOD: 'Kay.

Tari: ...Grr! *leaves*

FKOD: Well, you guys know what this means? I GET TO DO THE FUN FACT TODAY! YEAH. Did you know: Babies and young children grow, learn and develop rapidly when they receive love and affection, attention, encouragement and mental stimulation.

Dr. Blobagus: *floats in* And I was just getting used to that tingling in my femur, too!

Aislin: You don't have a femur. You have no legs.

Dr. Blobagus: Well, whatever. I saw Ryyx carrying around a child, so I'm guessing that's the orphan that was making my phalanges tingle.

Aislin: You don't have fingers!

Brogh: How do you know all this stuff about organs?

Aislin: Just bones and muscles. I was bored so I looked through Gaia's anatomy book.

Sophi: Maybe Dr. Blobagus should look at it too.

Dr. Blobagus: I've read it before. I wasn't sure what the point of the plot was.

Aislin: It doesn't have a plot.

Dr. Blobagus: Oh.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Sophi

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 49

Job: Doctor

Status: Has a son

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Brogh

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 4

Job: TV Show Host

Status: Has a tail

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Aislin

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 20

Friendship: 5.5/6

Status: Has wings

FKOD: Hey, guess what? Me and my bro, we have a blog. A blogtastic blog. With adventure. It's right here.

Aislin: Yeah?

FKOD: Totally.

Brogh: Really?

FKOD: Yeah. Anyways, I'm going to make this quick 'cause dinner is coming up soon. So, here's the fun fact. Did you know: one out of every eight letters you read is the letter ‘e’.

Sophi: 'Kay.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Sophi

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 49

Job: Doctor

Status: Sophi criticizes everyone!

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Brogh

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 4

Job: TV Show Host

Status: Eep!

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Aislin

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 20

Friendship: 6/6

Status: Married!

Tari: I can't believe it! You went to your grandparents' house and bugged them to make their internet work for you so you could update without me?!

FKOD: Not really--

Tari: AND you just used yesterday's update as an advertisement for you blog that nobody cares about?!

FKOD: There wasn't time for anything el--

Tari: Oh, you vile creature! You monster! You're nothing but a--

Airon: Tari, stop yelling, you're making Toma nervous.

Tari: What, you don't care that your friend here has slippery morals and a twisted mind?

Brogh: I thought that was you.


Brogh: N-nothing.

Sophi: Brogh, Gaia just typed down what you said, there's really no way of getting out of this.

Aislin: Unless you ran really fast. But with her normal legs and your stubby tama legs, I don't know how that will work out for you.

Tari: It won't work out well, 'cause I'm going to kick him from here to the neighbor's house!

FKOD: Hey, no kicking tamas on the log. Or off the log. Or at any time, really.

Tari: But he's meeeeeeeean.

Sophi: You're mean, too.

Tari: It's my demon half!

Aislin: That's always your excuse!

Tari: But I really can't help it!

Airon: Etrius is a pure demon, and he's not evil.

FKOD: He's just really mopey all the time.

Tari: Well. Shut up. *leaves*

Brogh: Phew. That could have gotten bad for me.

FKOD: So what did we learn about being sassy today?

Brogh: Not to be that way around crazy people?

FKOD: Eh, good enough.

Airon: Gaia.

FKOD: Hey, your boyfriend is sassy. Maybe he could use some anti-sass lessons brought to you by yours truly.

Airon: He's working on it.

FKOD: Sure, Airon, that's what they all say.

Sophi: Gaia, now you're being sassy to Airon. Isn't that kind of ironic?

FKOD: Well. Shut up.

Toma: ...Well. Shut up.

Airon: Toma....

Toma: *giggles*

Aislin: Gaia, you sure a bad influence on him.

FKOD: You know how kids are. They're like tape recorders.

Airon: I would appreciate it if you wouldn't let him hear things like that.

FKOD: Well, you are trying to teach him English, right?

Airon: Yes, but I don't think he needs to know how to tell people to shut up.

FKOD: But that's a valuable life skill!

Airon: Gaia.

FKOD: Well it is.

Airon: You know, if Toma says that to Ryyx, he's going to have a pretty good idea who taught it to him.

FKOD: Airon, Airon, Airon. How can you teach Toma English if you can't even use pronouns properly? Because in that sentence, it sounds like you're saying that Toma will probably have a good idea of who taught it to him.

Airon: ...That doesn't matter! Ryyx is going to get mad at you!

FKOD: He could think it came from Tari.

Airon: And where did she get that from?

FKOD: Uh, from Aislin.

Aislin: Hey, I've never said it, though!

Airon: Gaia, stop using your tamagotchis as scapegoats.

Sophi: Yeah, that's not what we're here for!

FKOD: Sorry.

Brogh: You had better be!

FKOD: Can I make it better with a fun fact?

Sophi: Sure.

FKOD: Okay. Did you know: the word "set" has more definitions than any other word in the English language. Hey Toma, can you say, "set?"

Toma: ...

Airon: Say "set," Toma.

Toma: ...

FKOD: Boy isn't he a chatterbox.

Airon: Actually, when he's alone with me or Ryyx he's very talkative. I guess when people speak English to him he gets uncomfortable.

FKOD: What about... EN ESPAÑOL?

Airon: I think three languages would be a bit much for him right now. He's overwhelmed enough as it is.

FKOD: Okey doodles. So, where is everyone else, anyways?

Airon: On adventures, I guess.

Aislin: Did you decide to stay home and take care of Toma?

Airon: Uh-huh. Ryyx really needs to stay with the group... to be honest, I don't think they really need me.

FKOD: Don't be such an angsty angst ball, Airon.

Airon: B-but it's true. I get too scared sometimes and...

Dr. Blobagus: You wouldn't get scared if you had a shell, like me.

Brogh: Dr. Blobagus, did you strap that M&M-shaped tin to yourself with rubber bands?

Dr. Blobagus: Yes. Now I am safe from all forms of attack.

Sophi: But your tentacles and eyes are sticking out and that rubber band could be cut of easily.

Dr. Blobagus: You're just jealous that you didn't come up with this brilliant idea. Anyways, Airon, I had to borrow one of Toma's juice boxes for this project I'm working on, I hope you don't mind.

Airon: Er... Okay, but could you ask me before you take one, next time?

Dr. Blobagus: Of course. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to work on my juice powered ham materializer device. *leaves*

Aislin: Dr. Blobagus sure is weird.

FKOD: Yup.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Cooli

Gender: M

Character type: Kuchitamatchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 50

Job: Preschooler

Status: Less than helpful

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Brogh

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 4

Job: TV Show Host

Status: Has his own little daughter

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Aislin

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 20

Friendship: 6/6

Status: Is being highly inquisitive

FKOD: Okay, let's get this update done before Tari finds out.

Tari: What was that?

FKOD: Oh hey Tari. You were in my hat pile again.

Tari: Yeah, I was.

Aislin: Tari, is it really important to you that you're on the log every day?

Tari: YES.

Aislin: Why?

Tari: Uh. Well... um.... uh....

Brogh: Sounds like a very compelling reason.

Tari: What did you just say?!

Brogh: N-nothing!

Cooli: He said that "sounds like a very compelling reason."

Brogh: C-cooli!

Cooli: In a very sassy manner, I might add.

FKOD: This is what happens to sassy people.

Brogh: G-guys, you aren't helping!

Toma: *singing* Yeah-ah-ah, it's a party in the CIA...

FKOD: Aw, he's singing, how cute.

Tari: Toma, stop being the center of attention.

Toma: ...

Tari: Thank you. Now, Brogh...

Brogh: D:

Tari: I'm going to surgically remove your spleen.

Brogh: D:

Tari: So sit still.

Brogh: *runs*

Tari: Get back here--

*she runs into Efisngenana*

Efisngenana: Hey, don't run into me like that!

Tari: You flew into me. I just happened to be running at the time.

Efisngenana: Pft. You're such an idiot.

Tari: Am not. I got a chip in my brain. I can calculate pi to a million places, I know the specific heat of any substance, and I know every word in the English dictionary.

Efisngenana: And you have the emotional maturity of a six-year-old.

Tari: Hey! My chronological age is 10 years, 4 months, and 15 days!

Aislin: But... you look like a grown woman!

Tari: Don't I? My aging process was sped up a bit when I was young.

Aislin: ...What?

Tari: I'm an artificial being. Daddy didn't really like the idea of raising a baby, though, so he aged me up into a teenager.

Brogh: *pokes head in* Wow, no wonder you're so messed up.

Tari: What did you say?!

Cooli: Wait, Tari, who's your dad?

Tari: Dorle. That son of a #$%@&.

FKOD: Sounds like you have a very pleasant relationship with him.

Tari: Cut the sarcasm, Fuzzy-Head.

Airon: Why do you hate him so much?

Tari: Curly, haven't you ever noticed what a huge jerk he is?

Airon: I thought he might be nicer to his family...

Tari: I'm just an experiment. He doesn't care about me. I loved him, I practically worshiped him all my life... just to have him hand me off to some demon! Just to be made into some freak!

Efisngenana: Boo hoo, get over it. Being a mortal stinks. I would know, I was one.

Cooli: Really?

Efisngenana: Yes. I barely remember it now, it's been so long, but I remember being stuck out on the streets, always starving. But then a demoness approached me and asked me if I wanted a better life. So I accepted, and she turned me into a demon and took me in as her servant. It wasn't a bad deal, either, until she unfortunately got killed by another demon.

FKOD: Should I give my back-story too, while we're at it?

Brogh: What about Airon? We don't know much about him.

Airon: Oh, um, maybe another time. Gaia, you should do the fun fact.

Tari: Curly, it sounds like you're changing the subject.

FKOD: I love subject changes though! Did you know: one calorie is the amount of heat it takes to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree celcius.

Tari: Thanks for that obvious bit of information about very basic physics.

FKOD: Well. Shut up.

Tari: Also Curly left while you were talking about obvious stuff.

FKOD: Okay.

Tari: :|

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Cooli

Gender: M

Character type: Daiyatchi

Age: 2 years

Gen: 50

Job: Fisticuffs Student

Status: Gaia sure is weird and zany

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Fran

Gender: F

Character type: Kuchitamatchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 8 (Whoops forgot this for awhile.)

Job: Preschooler

Status: What do you mean he doesn't evolve

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Aislin

Gender: F

Character type: Pipotchi

Age: 9 years

Gen: 20

Friendship: 5/6

Status: Isn't judging you

Fran: Hey, Ryyx?

Ryyx: Yes, Fran?

Fran: When is Toma going to evolve?

Ryyx: Er... he doesn't really evolve.

Fran: But he's not an oldie. Everyone knows that only oldies and sometimes adults can't evolve.

Ryyx: But he's not a tamagotchi.

Fran: We're not the only ones who evolve. Gaia says pokemon evolve.

Ryyx: Toma is neither a tamagotchi or a pokemon.

Fran: Well duh. He's a niriphale like you, right?

Ryyx: Yes, and we don't evolve. We grow slowly.

Fran: ...That's confusing. How do you know when he becomes a teenager?

Ryyx: Puberty.

Fran: What's that?

Ryyx: Er... Well...

Kinene: It's when our bodies start changing so that we can have children.

FKOD: It involves a lot of body hair and social awkwardness. Also angst, can't leave that out.

Fran: Oh. I'm glad that I evolve then.

FKOD: I'm glad too. So, how about a fun fact? Did you know: larger Roman houses had a special kitchen, called a careale, just for making cheese.

Cooli: What does that have to do with anything?

FKOD: Because cheese is great. I freaking love cheese. Except for Swiss cheese. I'm not crazy about it.

Cooli: ...Okay?

FKOD: Don't judge me.

Aislin: We aren't judging you.


Cooli: Because you're kind of strange sometimes?

FKOD: Oh okay.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Cooli

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Age: 3 years

Gen: 50

Job: Fisticuffs Student

Status: Gossip? Whatever.

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Fran

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 8

Job: Fisticuffs student

Status: Drums? Can't find 'em.

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Feliciano

Gender: M

Character type: Mattaritchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 21

Friendship: 2/6

Status: Shipping? It's happening.

Ramada: Yeah, he hasn't said much to me about it either, but then again, I don't know if he trusts me. Still thinks I'm a thief, I gue-- Oh, you doing the log now?

FKOD: Yup.

Ramada: Alright, just making sure. Anyways, I wouldn't know his deal, and Ryyx is tight-lipped about it.

FKOD: Seems kind of hypocritical to me. Airon made Ryyx tell us his backstory, after all.

Kinene: Really?

FKOD: Yup. Said he couldn't date a liar.

Kinene: Hm...

Cooli: *walks in* Hey, what are you girls doing?

Ramada: Talking about our friends.

FKOD: In other words, sassy gossip.

Kinene: We were gossiping?

FKOD: Yes, we were gossiping in a sassy manner.

Ramada: No, we were just plain gossiping. If it were sassy gossip, I'd be making lots of snide remarks.

FKOD: Oh okay.

Cooli: ...So should I leave?

Kinene: You don't have to.

Cooli: ...Maybe I will.

Ramada: It's up to you.

Cooli: ...I'm going to leave.

FKOD: Bye.

Ramada: So--

Fran: *runs in* Hey guys, I can't find my drum!

FKOD: Did you look in your inventory?

Fran: Yeah! But it's not in there!

Kinene: Maybe someone stole it.

Fran: Hm... Cooli was acting suspicious just a little while ago. I'm going to find him and tackle him! *leaves*

Ramada: So--

Feliciano: *walks in* Hey, uh, Cooli and Fran are being all crazy, so I'm just going to stay up here.

Kinene: Well, we were just talking about things.


Kinene: Yes, Gaia, gossiping.

Feliciano: I don't mind. I was going to color.

FKOD: Go for it man.

Ramada: Anyways, I was going to ask, what's this whole deal with you thinking I should be with Epere?

FKOD: Because you are both tsunderes.

Ramada: Okay, look, I'm not a tsundere. I have my own way of dealing with the people I have a thing for.

FKOD: Yeah?

Ramada: Yup.

FKOD: What is it?

Ramada: Hm... well, let me show you. *grabs Kinene and kisses her*

Kinene: !


Feliciano: I drew a boat-- oh, wow, okay.

FKOD: Feliciano, I think it is time to update our shipping charts.

Feliciano: I don't have one.

FKOD: We can share mine, then. Let's cross this out, put a line here, draw a tiny boat... done.

Feliciano: I like the boat you drew.

FKOD: Thanks. Okay you two can stop now, Feliciano doesn't need to see you make out, he's too young.

Ramada: Sorry. Convinced now?

FKOD: Sure.

Kinene: Ramada? Was that just to prove you weren't a tsundere or... do you actually...?

Ramada: The latter.

Kinene: Oh! T-this is all very sudden, Ramada!

Ramada: Well, you do like me, right?

Kinene: Oh, yes!

FKOD: Good, because I just drew the official boat of sailing on my shipping chart.

Ramada: Awesome.

FKOD: So, how about a fun fact to celebrate your feelings of liking someone a lot.

Feliciano: Don't you mean love?

FKOD: Yeah, that. Did you know: the science of kissing is called philematology.

Feliciano: People study kissing?

FKOD: According to this site I'm on there's all sorts of stuff that happens when people kiss.

Feliciano: I guess I'll find out when I get a girlfriend, right?

FKOD: Yup.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Cooli

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 50

Job: Weight puller

Status: Can't stand a dirty mouth

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Fran

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Age: 2 years

Gen: 8

Job: Fisticuffs student

Status: Can't stand Cooli or Feliciano

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Feliciano

Gender: M

Character type: Kilalatchi

Age: 1 year

Gen: 21

Friendship: 5/6

Status: Can't stand immaturity

Fran: Cooli, stop that!

Cooli: I'm not doing anything.

Fran: Yes you are.

Cooli: No I'm not.

Feliciano: Guys, cut it out.

Fran: He started it.

Feliciano: Jeez, Fran, what are you, one?

Fran: I'm two. You're one!

Feliciano: Well at least I don't act like a one-year-old.

Airon: Okay you guys, break it up.

Fran: He started it!

Cooli: No he didn't, you did.

Epere: Why don't you all just shut the #$%& up?

FKOD: Hey, they can't do that. I'm doing the log. Also no swearing.

Airon: Epere, are you okay? You seem like you've been in a bad mood all day.

Epere: I'm fine.

FKOD: Airon, that was a very silly question. There's always something wrong with Epere, and he's always in a bad mood.

Airon: I honestly think something is bothering him, though.

Epere: I said I'm fine. Just what part of that don't you understand?

Airon: Epere, are you sure about that?

Epere: Just shut the #$%@ up, Airon. I'm not telling you.

Feliciano: Would you tell me?

Epere: No.

Fran: What about me?

Epere: No.

Cooli: And me?

Epere: What do you think, stupid?

Cooli: So... that's a no, then.

FKOD: Okay, so what about me?

Epere: #$%@ no.

FKOD: Epere, if you swear on my log one more time, you're grounded for two weeks.

Epere: I don't care.

FKOD: Epere, you are being sassy. Go sit in the corner.

Epere: Haven't we been over this before? Your room is too #$%@ing messy to have any #$%@ corners to #$%@ing sit in.

FKOD: You're grounded, mister.

Epere: And how will you enforce that?

FKOD: Well, you see... uh...

Airon: Epere, just stop saying swears, okay?

Epere: #$%& you.

Feliciano: Epere, I could tell Ryyx on you for being mean to Airon.

FKOD: He would flip out all over you.

Epere: Shut the #$%@ up.

Fran: Stop saying bad words!

Cooli: We're going to have to wash your mouth out with soap. I'll go get some. *leaves*

FKOD: I'm extending your grounding to four weeks.

Epere: For saying words that you censor anyways?

FKOD: Just because it's censored doesn't mean you can swear all the time.

Epere: Why the @#$% does it matter so much to you anyways? It's pointless.

FKOD: Swearing is pointless.

Epere: Isn't everything?

FKOD: Stop being such an emo, Epere.

Epere: How was that emo?

FKOD: Why don't you dye your hair black and let your bangs grow over one eye and cry and write poetry too.

Epere: Shut up.

FKOD: Eh, you'd probably make a better hipster. I could see you in hipster glasses complaining about mainstream things.

Epere: What the ##%$ are you even talking about?

FKOD: Anyways, let's get away from Epere's endless angsting about everything forever to do A FUN FACT. Did you know: research shows that among all the risk factors for heart disease, chronic anger is the most significant predictor; more than smoking, obesity and high blood pressure.

Fran: So... getting mad is bad for you?

FKOD: Only getting mad all the time over little things. Just occasionally getting angry at something really worth getting angry at is okay. But throwing a hissy fit every time you spill a drink or stub your toe isn't productive.

Cooli: *walks back in* I got some soap! Epere, open wide!

Epere: No.

Airon: Cooli... I think that's just a saying...

FKOD: Or is it? Let's ask Wikipedia... it is a real form of punishment. But it also says that the victim can be harmed by the chemicals in soap, so maybe we shouldn't do that. Let's just throw it at him instead!

Feliciano: But if washing out someone's mouth with soap is symbolic of cleansing a dirty mouth, what does throwing soap at someone symbolize?

FKOD: *throws soap at Epere* I don't know.

Epere: *catches it* It symbolizes that you're an idiot.

FKOD: Am not.

Epere: You act like a complete ditz.

FKOD: That's so when I say something smart it carries more weight.

Epere: You never say anything smart.

FKOD: I'm waiting for a good opportunity.

Epere: Really.

FKOD: Yes.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Cooli

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 50

Job: Weight puller

Status: May wear a wig, but is not a Whig

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Fran

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Age: 3 years

Gen: 8

Job: Fisticuffs student

Status: Knows all about Gaia's hair, but knows little of Gaia's hare

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Feliciano

Gender: M

Character type: Shimashimatchi

Age: 2 years

Gen: 21

Friendship: 5/6

Status: Wants a beautiful full head of hair, but not a-- oh wait, I already used hair and hare, crud

FKOD: Hey guys, check out my new haircut.

Ramada: It's cute. I like the bangs.

FKOD: Thanks. :3

Feliciano: Yeah, but your hair didn't get totally radical all over the place like that lady in the picture you brought.

Fran: What are you talking about? Gaia's hair is always all over the place.

Cooli: It's like a swarm, but instead of bugs it's hair.

Fran: If it grew any faster, it would have taken over planet Earth. Maybe the moon, too.

Cooli: It controls your horizontal and your vertical.

Fran: Sometimes it doesn't obey gravity.

FKOD: Okay, that's enough flattery.

Kinene: So, Ramada, when's the last time you got your hair cut?

Ramada: I don't know. A seven or eight months, I guess.

Kinene: Shall I fetch the bowl?

Ramada: Eh, I was thinking of letting it grow out, so you could braid my hair. :3

Kinene: Mine's long enough to braid.

Ramada: I don't know how to braid hair.

Kinene: *fake dramatic gasp* You don't?

FKOD: It's easy. I learned from watching some girls in class do it when I was in.. uh... it was a few years ago.

Feliciano: It must be cool having hair and being able to do stuff with it.

Cooli: You could put on a wig.

Feliciano: But it's not the same!

FKOD: Maybe you should put yourself through a situation so stressful that you grow hair just so it can turn white.

Feliciano: ...What?

FKOD: Or you could pick up some of the fur my cat Isis sheds and glue it to your head.

Feliciano: Okay?


Kinene: Gaia, you sure are acting funny.

FKOD: I guess you could say... *puts on a pair of sunglasses* I'm feeling lightheaded.

Mr. Margleton: Was that a CSI Miami reference? You don't even watch that show!

FKOD: Shh, don't tell the readers that.

Mr. Margleton: I kind of already did.

FKOD: Shhhhhh.

Mr. Margleton: :/

FKOD: So. Did you know: your chance of your hair going gray increases 10-20% every decade after 30 years.

Fran: Well, we don't have to worry, huh?

Feliciano: But gray hair can still be styled!

Cooli: Feliciano, stop griping about your baldness.

Feliciano: :[

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Cooli

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Age: 7 years

Gen: 50

Job: Weight puller

Status: Married... to Fran! :U

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Fran

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 8

Job: Bakery Worker

Status: Married... to Cooli! :V

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Feliciano

Gender: M

Character type: Shimashimatchi

Age: 4 years

Gen: 21

Friendship: 6/6

Status: Married... to no one!

Feliciano: What? You two liked each other?

Cooli: Yeah.

Fran: We were just too immature to admit it at first.

Feliciano: Oh. Guess I'll update my shipping chart, then.

Ryyx: Oh Goddess, you ship people too!?

Toma: Ship.... ship!

Airon: Well, at this point, who here doesn't? Besides you and Toma, of course.

Guy Fox: I don't.

Toma: *points at Guy Fox* Dog!

Airon: No, fox.

Toma: Fox... fox. Foxfoxfox.

Guy Fox: Yup.

Toma: Yup. Yup yup!

Feliciano: Can you say tamagotchi?

Toma: T-tom... tama... tamagootcheh? Tamagotchi?

Guy Fox: Yup.

Toma: :D Yup!

FKOD: Can you say "dirigible?"

Toma: Dir... dir... itch... i... bowl... dir... ij... bowl.. dir... *gets all shy*

Airon: I think that's too much for him.

Terry: Hey, guys, I need to tell you something!

Fran: What is it?

Terry: Well, I was looking at future events a little bit...

Mr. Margleton: Woah, dude, I was telling you not to do that! Do you know how delicate time is?

Terry: I had this vibe, man. And you know what I saw? Ducks with guns.

Cooli: So... something about duck hunting?

Terry: No, the ducks were holding the guns. And firing them. At each other. So I guess it is kind of like duck hunting, with the ducks hunting each other.

Feliciano: ...Duck can't hold guns.

Terry: Yes they can.

Cooli: How?

Terry: You'd have to see it. Anyways, if you see a duck with a smiley face on its chest teleporting around, be careful.

Ryyx: ...What? Ducks can't teleport.

Terry: This one can. Every duck has superpowers. In fact, they're going to explain that to you before the big fight. You see, apparently Monroe remembers the marmalade incident and now he's ticked off at Geiger.

FKOD: *eyes widen* He... he wasn't supposed to remember!

Airon: What happened during the marmalade incident?

Ryyx: Nothing good...

Mr. Margleton: The butter ran out when Monroe wanted to make cookies, and--


Feliciano: Why?


Feliciano: Her?


Ryyx: Yeah, I'd rather not talk about it.

Teysa: It's just too... terrible. I'd rather not think about it.

FKOD: Exactly. It would make for a good log entry, but we have to protect the reputation of everyone involved.

Airon: :/

FKOD: So, anyways, it's time for a fun fact. Did you know: ducks are comfortable walking on ice and swimming in icy water because their feet have no nerves or blood vessels making the duck unable to feel cold.

Terry: Oh, and one more thing.

FKOD: Are you going to tell us why you've suddenly started speaking English?

Terry: Eh, I got bored of speaking in Pokespeak. Anyways, what I was going to tell you was that the duck can also turn invisible, and you may need a special pair of goggles to see it.

Fran: What kind of goggles?

Terry: I can't tell you.

Cooli: Why not?

Terry: Because it would mess up this timeline. Can't do that, now can I?

Mr. Margleton: Nope.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Cooli

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Age: 8 years

Gen: 50

Job: Weight puller

Status: Huzzah for teamwork!

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Fran

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 8

Job: Bakery Worker

Status: If Itty Bitty Batman thinks it's good, then it's good

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Feliciano

Gender: M

Character type: Shimashimatchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 21

Friendship: 5/6

Status: The goggles, they do nothing

FKOD: Goggles, goggles, goggles...

Toma: Goggles!

FKOD: Yup.

Toma: Yup!

Ramada: So you're looking for a pair of goggles that let you see the unseeable?

Feliciano: Yup. But Gaia's goggles don't work.

Airon: Hm... wait, what about Riley?

Kinene: Who?

Ryyx: Dez's goggles. They're possessed by a demon.

Ramada: Yeah, but anyone who gets close to Dez gets claws in the face. How do we manage to get his goggles?

Epere: You're the friggin' thief, stupid.

Ramada: Just because I'm a thief doesn't mean I can just magically take away anyone's stuff, brain-genius. Dez has sharp senses, doesn't sleep much, and he's a formidable opponent.

Kinene: Well, last time it was just Ryyx fighting him, right? If we worked together, I'm sure we could take him down.

Ryyx: I like that plan.

IBB: I'm Batman.

Fran: I guess Itty Bitty Batman likes it too.

Cooli: Yay teamwork!

Etrius: *runs in* No wait!

Tari: *runs in after him* It's a trap!

Etrius: That wasn't what I was going to say.

Tari: Oh.

Etrius: Look, everyone, can't you just ask if he's seen what it is you were wanting to see?

Tari: Yeah, I bet that's the good way... or is it better to beat him up for all the misery he's caused to others?

Etrius: Redemption before punishment, Tari, remember that.

Tari: Rightio.

Ryyx: I don't think he can be redeemed.

Tari: Hey, don't argue with him, bub. He's the moral authority here. I should know, he's teaching me to be a good person.

Epere: Etrius, that girl is a lost cause, you know. She's too immature to even be a halfway decent person.

Tari: Stuff it, Grouchy. Birdy totally knows what he's doing.

Ramada: Well, his way is safer than challenging Hissy McSpeedypants to a fight.

Epere: Don't be such an idiot. He's not going to tell us anything.

Tari: Well, if asking doesn't work, then punish him. Tie him up, and you can play bad cop and Swipey can play good cop.

Etrius: ...I'd recommend letting me handle it if things go awry.

Ryyx: I'm more capable now, though! I can handle him!

Airon: Ryyx, just do what Etrius says.

Ryyx: But Airon, don't you remember what he did to us? To you?

Airon: I know you want revenge, but it's too dangerous.

Tari: Yeah, do what Curly says, Knighty. Birdy can handle it.

Feliciano: I know! Ryyx, you could pull some pranks on Dez to get even!

Etrius: No, that's not--

Cooli: Ooh, ooh, ooh! You should put his hand in warm water while he's sleeping and he'll wet himself!

Fran: That's just an urban legend, though. Plus, Dez doesn't sleep much.

Cooli: Oh. Well poo.

Feliciano: I know! Let's play on his fears and trap him in a room full of shirts!

Tari: Hey, that sounds great!

Etrius: Tari, don't encourage them.

Tari: *sigh* Yes, Birdy.

Kinene: So, where is Dez?

Dr. Blobagus: In the bowels of the great whale, Shin-shin Harpvale.

*everyone stares at Blobagus*

Dr. Blobagus: I believe I've done a great service to you all by sharing that with you. Now, I must go eat a bowl of candy before the witches steal my batteries. Good day. *leaves*

FKOD: So... how 'bout a fun fact. Did you know: Google rents goats to help cut down the amount of weeds and brush at Google HQ.

Cooli: Who needs weed-eaters, right?

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Vivo

Gender: M

Character type: Hitodetchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 51

Job: Preschooler

Status: Why does heat have to rise?

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Mort

Gender: M

Character type: Hitodetchi

Age: 0 years

Gen: 9

Job: Preschooler

Status: Bring me the tail of a dire rat

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Feliciano

Gender: M

Character type: Shimashimatchi

Age: 6 years

Gen: 21

Friendship: 6/6

Status: Married to an adorable Chamametchi

Dez: Why would I want to help you?

Feliciano: There may be cookies in it for you.

Dez: I can grab thosse from the cookie jar at any time.

Feliciano: Oh. Uh, well, how about we... sing you a song?

Dez: No.

Feliciano: But we could sing a really good song.

FKOD: Toma, sing!

Toma: Can't read my, can't read my, can't read my polka face!

Airon: He sure does have a lot of vocal talent for a three-year-old.

Toma: P-p-p-p-polka face!

Dez: I don't care if you make him ssing a polka for me, I'm not helping you.

FKOD: He knows other songs, too. Toma, sing the baby Finn song.

Toma: I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man! I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can!

Dez: Sssssss, I don't care if he'ss a buff baby, or if he can shake hiss fanny.

FKOD: But... if you're an evil witch, he'll punch you for fun.

Airon: I'm glad you're teaching Toma interesting things.

FKOD: I'm cultivating his musical talent. Hey Toma, sing--

Dez: No!

Toma: :/

Vivo: Dez, why are you so mean?

Mort: Toma is a good singer!

Dez: Ssssssss, I don't give a rat's #$@.

FKOD: Hey, no rat tushies on the log. Well, unless you're collecting a bunch for a typical RPG quest.

Dez: ....What?

FKOD: Sorry. I'm a TV Tropes frequenter.

Dez: Okay?

FKOD: So. Did you know: a rat can regulate its body temperature through its tail.

Mort: So if we collect rat butts we can use them to regulate our body temperatures?

Vivo: I want one! It's so hot in Gaia's room, even with the fan on!

FKOD: No, the tails only work while on the rat and only for the rat.

Vivo: Oh.

Mort: Bummer.

Dez: *sigh* Okay, will you let me go if I tell you what I ssee? I'm tired of thiss crap.

FKOD: Yeah.

Dez: Fine. I haven't seen any duckss, and that'ss the truth. Riley can only ssee the thingss you can ssee. Right, Riley?

Riley: Yeah, I'm not that magical. I'm not strong enough.

FKOD: Hm... Terry, is he telling the truth?

Terry: Yup. Both of them are.

FKOD: 'Kay. Somy, let go.

Somy: *lets go*

Dez: Finally. That thing hass a tight grip.

Feliciano: That's why we had him hold you!

FKOD: He isn't aware of his own strength.

Terry: Yes he is.

FKOD: No he's not shut up.

Terry: Okay.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Vivo

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 51

Job: Balloon Catcher

Status: This is what a coma feels like...

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Mort

Gender: M

Character type: Samuratchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 9

Job: Banker

Status: Is going to write about his coma in a memoir

Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Demetria

Gender: F

Character type: Mikazukitchi

Age: 0 years (probably more like 1, she's been paused so yeah)

Gen: 22

Friendship: 1/6

Status: Everything is confusing forever

FKOD: Okay, it's time for me to explain myself.

Dr. Blobagus: Ah, so you're the one who sharpied on my face while I was asleep.

FKOD: I was talking to the readers, Blobagus. It was Ryyx who drew a mustache on your face.

Ryyx: No I didn't.

FKOD: Anyways, school started, so I didn't have much time for the log. Plus, my bro and I have that blog too. So yeah.

Mort: Well, okay, so tell me what went down while we were in a coma.

FKOD: It wasn't a coma, I just paused you guys.

Vivo: Yeah, but it's more dramatic to call it a coma.

Mort: I'm writing a memoir.

Demetria: I'm just confused. What's that floating TV thingy?

Airon: Wait, that wasn't there before.

Dr. Blobagus: And Dorle's trapped inside!

Dorle: I'm not trapped... but I do have some people trapped, at my base. Want to know who they are?

Dr. Blobagus: Dorle, I'm not saving you from TV land this time. You'll have to save yourself.

Dorle: Shut up, Blobagus! Anyways, I took the liberty of kidnapping all of your parents.

FKOD: ...Mine are downstairs.

Dorle: Well, I wanted it to be a surprise, and I knew you would notice if your parents were gone... but the others I could get away with.

Tari: Hang on, if you kidnapped everyone's parents... did you have to kidnap yourself to blackmail me along with the others?

Dorle: I'm not the one who cloned you... I think he's over there.

Dorle 2: What, me? I didn't make her. That was 4, he got eaten by his pet landshark, don't you remember that?

Dorle 1: Well, you're his direct successor, aren't you?

Dorle 2: Yeah. But I don't want to take credit for her.

Kinene: Ouch, that's harsh.

Epere: I don't blame them.

Tari: Grouchy, I swear I'm going to... uh... turn the other cheek, whatever that means.

Vivo: How will you do it if you don't know what it means?

Tari: ...Shh.

Dorle: So, how does it feel to have your parents held captive, ready to be tortured at a moment's notice?

Epere: Mine deserve it.

Airon: Epere!

Epere: Well, sorry I don't come from a perfect @#%!ing family like you do.

FKOD: Epere, I'm sure you've gotten used to your swearing privileges, but we're doing to log so you have to put the lid on that potty mouth.

Ramada: I think if you did do the log the last couple of weeks, he would have cursed and swore his way throughout it. Anyways, Dorle, why the heck did you steal our parents?

Dorle: Well, you see, I need a little favor. Of course, I knew that if I just asked, I would be refused, so I decided to take hostages.

Ryyx: You monster!

Dorle: Yes, yes, I know. Anyways, unless you really want me to force your parents to watch some really bad movies.

Kinene: My mom really likes bad movies, though.

Epere: My mom is really good at tuning things out. Like her children.

Vivo: You sure don't like your parents, do you?

FKOD: Don't worry about him, he has issues and stuff.

Dorle: Could they tune out the likes of... Birdemic: Shock and Terror?

Kinene: Mom would love that movie! It's name gives it an aura of bad-movieness!

FKOD: I've never heard of that one.

Dorle: It was on Wikipedia's list of the worst movies of all time.

Airon: Have you ever watched it?

Dorle: No. But I'm sure it's bad because... the title... Birdemic.

Ryyx: I can see that. But what's this favor you want, anyways?

Dorle: I need you to bring me every duck you've encountered thus far.

Ryyx: ...For what purpose?

Dorle: To... Ah... Okay, I'll admit it, I think they are just too adorable.

Tari: Are you sure it's not because you want to experiment on them or something?

Dorle: I've done duck experiments several years ago... and I intend to never repeat them, or let anyone else do so.

Ramada: And how do we know we can trust you?

Demetria: Uh, hello, he's on TV. Anything anyone says on TV is true.

Mort: No it's not. I'm going to mention that in my memoir.

Vivo: What is it with you and memoirs?

Mort: I'm writing one.

Demetria: What is a memoir?

Mort: It's an autobiography sort of deal. About my coma.

Airon: I thought memoirs were written from personal experience. You can't include anything from the time you were in a coma because you didn't know what happened during that time.

Mort: But... "memoir" sounds cooler than "autobiography."

Airon: Well--

Mort: Just say it, Airon! Memoir. Memoir.

Airon: Uh--


Ryyx: Okay, that's enough of that.

Mort: But.... memoir.

Ryyx: Yes, we know. Anyways, I guess we'll do this task or whatever.

Epere: Ryyx, are you stupid or insane?

Ryyx: What?

Epere: The last time we got anywhere near a duck, it tried to blow our brains out? And now you want to collect them? What kind of moron are you?

Ryyx: The kind that wants to rescue everyone's parents?

Ramada: We could just bust in and save them.

Kinene: But collecting ducks sounds like it would be more fun.

Epere: Kinene, did you not hear anything I just said?

Kinene: Caroline only did that because you intimidated her!

Epere: No, it was Ryyx's spazzing that did it!

Airon: Ryyx didn't do anything!

FKOD: Fun fact time! Did you know: putting shaving cream on windows keeps them from fogging up.

Kinene: Really?

FKOD: That's what a girl at school told me during chemistry when my goggles kept fogging up for no reason.

Airon: Have you tested it?

FKOD: Nope.

Airon: So you don't know that it's true.

FKOD: Well. Shut up.

Ryyx: Don't tell Airon to shut up!

FKOD: It's my bedtime. Good night, maybe I will update again at some point hopefully.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls)

Name: Vivo

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 51

Job: Balloon Catcher

Status: Hey guys

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Mort

Gender: M

Character type: Samuratchi

Age: 5 years

Gen: 9

Job: Banker


Tama-Go Status (White)

Name: Demetria

Gender: F

Character type: Mikazukitchi

Age: 0 years (probably more like 1, she's been paused so yeah)

Gen: 22

Friendship: 2/6

Status: Loving and accepting

FKOD: Hey guys, guess who's back?

Vivo: I think if your readers read that once you post it, they'll know.

FKOD: Well. Yeah. But you see... uh... I just felt like saying that, okay? Anyways, I figured that I could unpause you three for Thanksgiving.

Mort: So, let's see, you last had us unpaused... September 6? And now it's November 22? How busy have you been lately?

Epere: Let's see... busy enough to attend a school dance.

FKOD: Well, yeah, but--

Ryyx: You've been playing Borderlands, The Sims 3, and some other games, right?

FKOD: I have to take breaks, you know--

Epere: Oh, and this is a good one! Raising chao! She may not have "had time" for you guys, but she sure did have plenty of time for her chao! Feeding them, bringing them animals...

FKOD: Epere, Ryyx, I demand silence! >:U

Demetria: What's a "chao?"

FKOD: Well, uh, they're these guys, you know...

Vivo: And you raise them?

Ryyx: They get so many cuddles from Gaia. She baby-talks them and tells them how much she loves them.

FKOD: Okay, I can see Epere being a tush about this sort of thing, but you Ryyx? Really? Did Epere drag you to the angst-side?

Ryyx: No, he--

FKOD: Did he bribe you with cookies?

Ryyx: No, actually--

FKOD: What did I do to warrant such negative attention from you, Ryyx?

Ryyx: What haven't you done? This is payback for every snide comment, rude remark, and any other transgression you have committed.

FKOD: ...Payback?

Ryyx: Payback.

FKOD: So you're getting your payback by backing Epere?

Ryyx: Yeah, sure.

Mort: So, back on subject, what is a chao?

???????: I'm a chao!

FKOD: Cadence, get back to Station Square! It's not safe here! Look at Mort, there is violence in those eyes!

Mort: It's not violence. It's irritation... pain... betrayal... Ooh, that's going in the memoir. Uh, anyways, betrayal.

Cadence: What's betrayal?

Vivo: It's when someone backstabs you.

Cadence: Oh. Wait, what is backstabbing?

Demetria: It's when you go against someone behind their back! Like Gaia did.

Vivo: Yeah, Gaia.

Mort: Gaia!

Ryyx: Gaia. >:3

FKOD: Ryyx, shut your face. You weren't betrayed.

Ryyx: Not this time, no. But this is for all the times you've wronged me!

FKOD: Epere, why did you put Ryyx up to this?

Epere: Well, it's not just you. He's standing up to anyone who's ever pushed him around thanks to me. I couldn't be prouder.

FKOD: That... okay, I'll admit I've been a jerk, but who else are you talking about?

Epere: Airon and Ramada. Can't you tell?

FKOD: Oh, the 1 and the 8... well, I think Ramada is an 8.

Epere: Huh?

FKOD: Ones tend to control others when unhealthy, and I can tell Airon has had something up with him lately.

Ryyx: Why are you talking about numbers all of a sudden?

Mort: Ahem!

FKOD: Right. Okay, I apologize. It's just that I've been so stressed lately that you guys seemed like another responsibility... I know that sounds selfish, but then again, I am selfish, so I guess it sounds like me being me.

Vivo: Is raising chao not a responsibility?

FKOD: Well, it's not an around the clock dealie like it is with you guys... their aging stops when I leave the garden where they live. Also, Cadence, get your tush back to the garden. We don't need more characters on the log, especially after a hiatus.

Cadence: *melodramatic sigh* Fiiiiiiiine. *leaves*

Demetria: Alright, then, Gaia, we'll accept your apology.

Mort: Wait, we will?

Demetria: *elbows Mort* Yes, Mort. We are going to accept her apology.

Mort: Ow. Okay.

Ryyx: Okay, so, numbers. Why is Airon a 1?

FKOD: Because he is a freaking perfectionist. So, Ryyx, what is his deal right now?

Ryyx: Uh... well, you see... he's been worried that Toma doesn't really like him that much.

Epere: Because he's way too hard on the kid. As you said, he's a perfectionist.

Ryyx: Yeah, he kind of is.

FKOD: Mhmm. And what did you do about that, Ryyx?

Ryyx: I discussed it with him.

Epere: He flipped out on him.

Ryyx: No, I discussed it with him.

Epere: Really?

Ryyx: Yes, Epere. Really.

Mort: Hey now, we can talk about you guys' relationships and drama and stuff later. Right now, we have to get caught up.

Vivo: Yeah, last I remember, you guys were catching ducks?

Ryyx: Oh yeah. Ramada got frustrated and made us all free our parents anyways.

FKOD: Cool. So, anything else you want to tell the readers?

Ryyx: Uh... I don't know. You just kind of put me on the spot there.

FKOD: Alright, how about a fun fact. Did you know that people fear public speaking more than death?

Mort: I knew that.

Vivo: And knowing is half the battle!

FKOD: Especially if you're a 5 like me!

Demetria: Eh?

FKOD: Oh, I never explained that, did I? Oh well, it's bedtime, so yeah.

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