My Would-Be Self


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Taiyo greeted everyone, since all the comotion seemed to have died down and someone had noted his arrival.

"Well hello everybody. Sorry I was late. Got caught in the hallway with a bunch of excited girls asking me "how was it studying abroad? did you learn all these awesome things? did you bring me a souvenier?" Taiyo made mouths with his hands as he mimicked the girls. "Sheesh, it was really annoying.... so. Obviously I missed a lot. What exactly happened here?"

Karen Mannuez



Age: 16 3/4Grade: 11Alias: Easter


ClickSpecial Item: Onyx Choker

Guardian Characters (2):Name: ErisGender: Female

Egg Insignia: Swan of Death Insignia




Character Change: Gluttony, Greed, Pride.

Talents: Debating, Running, Reading, Dancing, Flexibility

Item: Royal Hatred Staff


Name: Ratri

Gender:MaleEgg Insignia:

Phoenix Underworld Insignia

Appearance: Change: Corruption (After a small chant, corruption falls upon the lost heart egg desired), Lust, Sloth, Wrath, Envy.Talents: Athleticism, hacking, agility.Item: Flaming Staff of RubyCharacter Transformation:

Name: Flaming Greed

Guardian Chara: Eris


ClickItems: Flamed Bow and Arrow

Moves: Flaming Arrow - Singes opponents, in the place the arrow hits the opponent


Name: Royal Envy

Guardian Chara: Ratri



Items: Bleeding ScytheMoves: Sword Strike - Sword Strike is an attack that hits its opponents with sword, can cut or wound them, depending on how weak or strong opponent is.Anything Else: Easter enrolled Karen in Seiyo High School so that she could keep an eye on the Guardians.


(How should my first post go as? Her living life? Watching the guardians?)

"Dam**t, that guy took off the corruption spell I put on that kids lost heart egg!" Exclaimed Karen, and she pulled Ratri and Eris behind the bush with her.

"Guys, we got to find a way where we can corrupt eggs mutely. Now ple-" Karen said, before getting cut off by her grumbling stomach. "Go get me some of those crackers left on the table. Remember, be mute! I don't care who gets it. Get it now!" Karen demanded.

Karen Crossed her arms, and out her arms in the air, like the antagonist she is. She started doodling, and heard a few rumbles and chants as if battling was going on.

After a while, Ratri and Eris came back, toasted, but hands full with crackers.

"Oww..." They said, after slouching down at the bush, tired from trying to dodge attacks. "We got hit by s few attacks. Just a few."

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Yuna stared into Taiyo's eyes.

"Well, I was walking here and then suddenly I realized that I was in some big mess of purple goo."

Yuna looked around, bewildered. "I just transformed in the nick of time to save Mizu."

"What did happen Isan?"

"Yeah, Isan-kun..... I have so many questions. For starters, how do you not remember the restaurant. We were just there. More importantly, we're right outside the Royal Garden!"

Cain looked around, searching for said restaurant. "Also," he said, "Why did you Chara Nari with Hime less than 10 miknutes after she hatched? Overbearing, much?

Amulet Sakura sighed, separating from Hime as the Chara Nari ended. Isan coughed, no longer his newfound female alter ego, and then began to answer everyone's question. "Well, you see guys, we were at the restaurant last night. You must've had a lapse in memory or something from getting hit by that purple gunk..." Isan looked at Mizu, a look of sadness in his eyes. "Mizu can confirm what I say to be true. You two don't seem to remember anything since last night..." I can't believe this is happening... Isan thought, trying to put on his best poker face.

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Cain looked at Isan, his face a mangle of horror and confusion.

"Last... NIGHT?" Cain said. Onerai separated from Cain and looked equally as scared. They were totally oblivious to the events since last night, and as such, didn't remember the confession.

"What happened since we left the restaurant?" Cain asked.

In response to Cain's last question, Isan looked down at the ground, clenching his fists to hold back his emotions. "I...I have to be alone right now. Mizu-chan, please tell them everything. See ya later." And just like that, Isan was running off and away from the scene, his Shugo Chara following behind sympathetically. Stupid...why did I think that things could've ended up the way I wanted? This is too much...

Isan kept running. And running. He ran so much that he barely realized that he had arrived at home not much later. Without saying a word, he dashed upstairs, collapsed on his bed, and literally cried himself to sleep. His Shugo Chara, also teary-eyed, cuddled up next to him to provide comfort.

Romeo sniffled, burying his face into Isan's shirt. "I-It'll *hick* be okay, Isan-kun..."

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"Isan-kun, WAIT!" Cain said, running after him. He ran and ran and ran, just as Isan was. His silent footsteps were overshadowed by Isan's loud ones. Cain hear Isan sobbing. Cain stood by a tree, waiting for Isan's next move. he watched as he climbed up the steps of a house and ran inside. He noticed It was getting on towards sunset. He waited for about five minutes and rang the doorbell of his home.

"I am the king's Chair of the Guardians, I need to speak with Isan.

Yuna followed Cain. Maybe, just maybe, Isan opened up, but Cain forgot. She had to spy on them them to find out. She didn't want to take Cain away, because that would totally break up their friendship.

Yuna hid behind a tree and watched closely, as Cain knocked on the door. Quickly, she wrote the Number and Street Name of Isan's house, for future reference.

Yuna then wanted to cry, because she knew that Isan probably did open up, remembering the one tiny trickling tear, as Isan ran away.

She blocked her tears because she did have a tiny spark that thought Isan didn't. Closely watching, she sat down, and thought about things.

"Please don't be true, please," She thought.

Isan's mother answered the door, studying the tall 18-year-old boy in front of her. "I'm sorry, but I think he's asleep right now. You're welcome to come in and wake him up if you want, but be careful; he didn't seem to be in a very good mood." Said Pema, standing back and crossing her arms with worry. "He didn't even say hello to me...just ran up to his room. Come in, Dear; his room is up the stairs and the second door on the right."

"Arigato!" Cain said. He walked toward the door Pema had described. He knocked on the door and it opened. he opened it more and saw Isan lying on his bed, evidently crying. Cain walked up to the bed, standing next to Isan. "Isan-kun..." Cain said. "Something important must have happened... what was it?"

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Mizu looked around, everybody was gone, save for Taiyo, apparently chasing after Isan.

Geez. If he wants to be alone, just leave him alone. I mean, I might text him or something later to make sure he's okay, but... she thought.

"Um.... well, I guess I'm going to explain this now that everybody seems to have run off. But I guess you can listen.... well, we were just settling down to have a nice guardian meeting, when the x-character showed up. It went on about getting bad scores on tests and stuff. It was a vicious attack, with all this goo and stuff. Cain character transformed. And Isan did his first transformation with Hime. Cain fainted, and so did Yuna, seemingly getting some amnesia. They don't remember anything from us going out to eat at last night on. Then Cain and Isan teamed up and were able to create some sort of special attack to turn everything back to normal. And then you showed up..." Mizu tried to explain everything to the best of her memory.

"Sorry your first visit to the royal garden in a while kind of got messed up like that... well, anyway, I think the meeting's pretty much over now anyway. I'm just gonna go home."

Mizu grabbed her bag and walked out, saying, "It was good to see you again!"

She walked down the sidewalk with Rei near her shoulder until she reached her apartment building. She questioned for a moment whether she should go check on Isan.

I know I we can't love each other like that, but I still care for him a lot, as a friend. she thought.

In the end, Mizu decided against it.

I'll make sure to text him later tonight.

"Hey, Mizu-chan?" Rei said.

"Yeah, Rei?" Mizu asked.

"I think we're going to be able to character transform really soon, I can feel it."

"You really think so?" Mizu's eyes lit up.

"Yeah. And it'll be awesome when we do!" Rei cried.

Mizu laughed. "Right, Rei. Very awesome."

They rode the elevator up to Mizu's apartment.

Karen watched as the drama happened.

"Wow, talk about drama llamas..." Karen said.

Karen picked up her notebook and finished doodling, and walked away, Eris and Ratri floating behind her.

She threw back some pieces of crackers to Eris and Ratri behind her, and walked diva-esque towards her apartment, watching the other Guardian girl talking to her chara.

"I never realized that girl lived in the same apartment as us." Karen said to Eris, who was now sitting on her shoulder.

"Yeah, that's because you never take notice of anything," Ratri replied, playing with Karen's hair.

"Just shut up, Ratri," Karen said. "We've got a new plan. We gotta befriend this Muzie girl to get some info."

"Mizu, Karen. Mizu." Eris said, chuckling with the other two.

Yuna knocked too, trying not to get Cain's and Isan's attention.

She waited for a reply, so she could see if thigns were true.

Adrianna and Ariana peeked out to see as well.

"Open up, open up..." Yuna thought.

"My nail broke, my nail broke!" Adrianna thought.


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Isan looked up at Cain with his swollen eyes, sniffling. "Cain-kun, I thought I said to leave me alone for a bit..." The brunette sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and letting loose a shaky sigh. "You don't remember anything since last night, so obviously what you can't remember wasn't that important to you. So why would you care?" Isan gazed outside his window, refusing to look at Cain.

Hime sighed from on the bed as she watched the drama unfolding in front of her. "Oh, Isan-kun..." She shook her head; her owner was lashing out at Cain out of pain.

**Meanwhile, downstairs**

Pema heard someone knock on the door and she hurried over to it. Looking through the hole, she saw a blonde girl standing there with a worried look on her face. Thinking her to be one of Isan's girlfriends from school, Pema opened the door and greeted Yuna. "Hello! You must be here for Isan, too. What's your name...?"

Cain looked astonished. That astonishment soon evaporated into anger. His happy nature evaporated and he looked at Isan with what looked like fury.

"Look here Isan," he began, purposefully leaving out the "kun" part, "Blame the X-Character for taking my memory." His voice was filled with rage that Isan, mostly nice, would do this to a friend. "It isn't fair that you would do something like that. I came here with pity for you, don;t let me leave with hate." He said. His eyes widened, making hos point. He knit his eyebrows.

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