My Would-Be Self


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Taiyo looked around the garden. It was now empty, save for him and Fushigi.

"Well," Taiyo said, still a little bewildered at everything. "Didn't even get to tell them what I found out about Easter. Oh well, it'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"In the meantime," Fushigi said. "This place is a mess."

"Mmhmm," Taiyo agreed. "What'dya say we clean this place up a bit?"

"Let's do it!" Fushigi said.

Taiyo went to the back of the garden and filled a bucket with water, while Fushigi grabbed an oversized sponge that was almost as big as he was.

Taiyo burst out laughing when he saw Fushigi struggling under the weight of the sponge.

"Oh, cut it out," Fushigi sighed. "Just help me carry this huge thing!"

Wiping the corners of his eyes, Taiyo lifted the sponge off of Fushigi. Rolling up the sleeves on his uniform, he said, "Let's get to work here, buddy."

Fushigi and Taiyo worked hard to scrub all the purple goo off of the ground and picked it off of some of the bushes. Taiyo straightened the chairs and Fushigi got into the hard to reach nooks and crannies to do a little extra scrubbing.

After about 45 minutes of intense cleaning, Taiyo stood up and wiped his forehead with his hand. "Whew. Finally done. Looks squeaky clean to me."

"No no no! There's one more little spot right...." Fushigi flew over and picked a tiny drop of goo from the tip of a leaf. "Here! Now it's squeaky clean, Mr.Dirty."

"Neat freak," Taiyo mumbled.

Satisfied, they walked out and headed for home.

Isan glanced back at Cain with shock at his sudden assertiveness, then quickly looked downward in embarrassment. Sighing with frustration, Isan bent over and massaged his temples. "I'm sorry, Cain-kun, that was selfish and stupid of me. It's just...a lot of things happened today, and my mind's kind of jumbled right now. I need a good night's rest so I can start thinking clearly again. Can we continue this conversation tomorrow?" He asked, looking back up at the boy of his affection. Isan smiled in spite of himself; Cain just had that kind of effect on him. "Oh, and thanks for caring enough to chase me home like that...haha." The curly brunette chuckled, scratching his cheek idly.

Romeo sighed in unison with Hime. "Gracias a Dios that things seem to have calmed down..." Romeo whispered to his little sister. Hime nodded, laying her head back down on Crush's stomach; Crush, by the way, was fast asleep already.

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Cain lOoked in surprise, but smiled.

"Okay, Isan- kun. Tell me what happened tomorrow, given I don't forget again." Cain chuckled lightly and began to walk away. " Good night, Isan- kun."

He walked downstairs and thanked Pema for letting him in and turned. Standing there, he saw, Was Yuna.

" Yuna- chan... Why are you here?"

"Oh um ... I would ask you the same thing ... I came here to um ... watch you. To see if maybe Isan opened up about something. You?"

Yuna fidgeted her hands, and looked down, waiting for a reply.

Meanwhile, Adrianna and Ariana were sitting on the kitchen counter, Ariana helping heal Adrianna's broken nail.

Cain looked at Yuna, then turned away. "He doesn't want to talk about it today, he's tired." Cain said. He turned to Yuna. "Why don't we go home and get some sleep, Yuna-chan."

Cain walked homward and looked for Onerai... or so he thought. He looked up and aruond, but didn't see him. "Kuso!" Cain said, as he facepalmed. "Knowing him, he's with Hime."


Onerai smiled at Hime. "Pretty crazy stuff, right Hime-chan?" He said. He looked up at Cain... but didn't see him anywhere. He facepalmed himself and said, "He left, didn't he?"

Yuna walked home, wondering.

"It's true. Saying to wait for tomorrow has to mean that he opened up."

Yuna kept her tears back.

Adrianna and Ariana stood by her side, floating with her until she got home.

(Awesome signature, Emilson!)

"Yes...I berieve sat Cain-kun reft a whire ago." Hime replied, sitting on the edge of Isan's bed. She swung her legs back and forth idly, feeling the mattress rise and fall with the deep breathing of her sleeping owner. She looked over her shoulder, studying Isan's peaceful face. If it weren't for his puffy eyes, one wouldn't even be able to tell that he had been upset earlier. "Poor Isan-kun...he never had se best of ruck when it came to romance." She mentioned, half to herself and half to Onerai. Hime noticed that Romeo and Crush were fast asleep as well, curled up next to Isan's warm body. "It wirr be interesting to see how sis turns out in se end."

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(Thanks. I had a few Wide Awake (Katy Perry) and Shark in the Water (VV Brown) Quotes, but the stupid editor messed it up and I was too tired to edit it all over again. Maybe tomorrow.

Oh and I'll post tomorrow, I'm tired XD )

Mizu was about to turn the key to her apartment when she saw a girl staring at her across the hall. She had seen her around before.

"Hello!" she smiled at the girl.

Rei studied the girl intently. She wasn't sure, but she thought she had seen a glimpse of another guardian character.

Just who is this person? Rei wondered.

Onerai flew home, but stopped short when he remembered something Hime had said... romance? Had Cain and Isan had some kind of romantic meeting?

He brushed this feeling aside, knowing it would be brought up tomorrow.

He met Cain back home, who he saw frantically searching. He whirled around and grabbed Onerai.



Yuna was at home, wondering.

"If Isan opened up, then Cain probably said no, since i think he is straight. Isn't he?"

Araina and Adrianna comforted Yuna, trying to cheer her up.

**Timeskip to next morning**

Isan skipped down the stairs of his home, slipping and falling down the last two steps. He grimmaced, rubbing the back of his head as he stood back up. It didn't matter; he was in a great mood today. Walking into the kitchen, Isan sat down in his seat at the table. "Ohaio, Mama!" Isan greeted his mother, waving to her from the table.

"Good morning, Isan-kun. How does an omelet sound to you?" Pema asked, scrambling two eggs in a bowl. She already knew what her son's answer would be, but she always asked.

"Of course, Mom!" Isan replied. "Mom, you know where Dad's gun is, right? If I ever say no to that question, please use it on me."

Pema chuckled good-humoredly, folding the omelet in her frying pan. "Haha, oh dear. Isan-kun, you sure know how to make me laugh." After a couple of minutes more, Pema slid the finished omelet onto a plate and brought it over to Isan at the table. Isan immediately dug into his breakfast, while his mother sat next to him idly. She studied him for a second, then spoke up. "Y'know, your friend Yuna-chan came over yesterday."

Isan looked up from his meal with surprise. "Really?"

Pema nodded. "Yep. But she left as soon as Cain-kun did. Isn't that curious?" She pointed out, tapping the tabletop.

Isan nodded slowly in reply, looking down at his plate. I wonder why she left... He pondered, finishing up his food and standing up. "Alright, Mom, time for school again. Love you!" Isan bent down and kissed his mother on the forehead before grabbing his backpack, books, and bento. Just before leaving, he turned around and waved goodbye, then closed the front door behind him. "To Mizu's place!" Isan declared, running down the road and then stopping in front of her apartment building. He typed her room number into the intercom system, then presssed the talk button. "Good morning, this is Isan. Is Mizu-chan ready?"

(I have an announcement to make! A good friend of mine has joined TamaTalk and she will soon be joining "My Would-Be Self" as a male antagonist. She is a very experienced RPer, even moreso than me, so she'll be a wonderful addition to our group :3 Everyone get excited, 'cause she has some great ideas for the plot.)

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(I can't wait to meet her! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY Sorry, I got excited.)

Yuna's eyes fluttered off to sleep, as she thought about sexuality and Cain and Isan.

Yuna awoke, with Cain as the last of her problems. She decided she had to look good for school.

She fixed her hair into a bun, and took a long shower. She had 30 more minutes to get to school.

After drying off, she put on her uniform, tweaked her hair into a ponytail, and walked downstairs.

"I'm going off to school!" Yuna said, hugging her mom as she walked out.

She walked down the street and turned a few streets. She finally got to Cain's house.

After knocking on the door, she sat down, to enjoy the weather.

Adrianna and Ariana floated to Yuna, gasping for air. Yuna forgot about them.

"We -gasp- were -gasp- floating everywhere -gasp- to find -gasp- you -gasp- and it turns -gasp- out -gasp- you were here." Adrianna said.

"What? Why is Ariana completely fine then?" Yuna said.

Adrianna continued, gasping a little less this time, "Oh -gasp- that's because she -gasp- was riding on my back -gasp- because she got -gasp- ketchup on her wing -gasp- because of your siblings-gasp."

"Ariana, you're going to go back home and back and bring some water for Adrianna. Remember to put it in her special mini bottle. You guys can share."

Yuna started doodling again, bored.

(BTW, what`s her username?)

(Mm! That'll be good! Can't wait! It has been going a little slow lately, so that should pick things up!)

Mizu gazed on, still puzzled at who that girl had been, then shrugged and walked into her apartment. After going through her normal ritual of homework, doodling until dinner, eating a dinner of teriyaki chicken and onigiri, Mizu plopped down into bed, exhausted.

She rose early the next morning. The sun was just peeking out above the horizon and she quietly slipped out of bed, being careful not to wake Rei. Her mom and dad were already awake, her dad already heading out to work, her mom sipping her coffee slowly. Mizu stepped into the shower and turned on the warm water. Since she had a little extra time today, she sighed blissfully and let the warm drops massage her back for a while. After a while, Mizu decided it was time to get ready. She stepped out of the shower and got into her uniform tugging on her tie. She dried her hair and combed it out. Satisfied, Mizu walked back into her bedroom, where Rei herself was brushing through her long, wavy hair.

"Ohaio, Mizu-chan," Rei greeted her.

"Hey, Rei-chan!" Mizu smiled back.

Rei sniffed the air. "Hey, is that waffles I smell?"

Mizu laughed. "You bet! Come on, let's get some!"

Mizu and Rei walked into the kitchen together and enjoyed a delicious plate of steaming waffles piled with strawberries and whipped cream. After breakfast, Mizu brushed her teeth, grabbed her bag, and was about to head out the door when her mother called her.

"Mizu-chan! There's someone here to see you!" she said, holding the button down.

Mizu walked over to the intercom system and listened. Her eyes brightened.

"Be right there!" Mizu said.

"Bye mom! I'm heading out!" she waved and hurried down the stairs.

She pushed on the doors leading out of the building into the bright sun, where she saw Isan waiting for her.

"Isan-kun! Ohaio!" she called.

((Since you all are curious, here's just an ooc post so that I can say hi! I just go by my username, Drasi, so just call me that. Looking forward to RPing with you guys! I've got a pretty interesting character planned.))

(There she is! ^w^ Hey Drasi!)

Isan grinned from ear to ear. "Ohaio gozaimasu, Mizu-chan, Rei-chan! Isn't it a beeeauuuuutiful day?" The brunette asked rhetorically, spinning around with glee and with his arms wide open.

BBOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!! Isan stopped in mid twirl, looking up at the sky; he had forgot to even do that in his state of euphoria. A sheet of gray was spread out across the entire sky, blocking out the sun and casting a gloomy shadow. Lighting flashed in the distance, followed by the rumbling and crackling of thunder. Isan sweatdropped, facing Mizu again with a blush of embarrassment upon his face. "Er, I forgot to look up at the sky...hehe..." He scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say next.

Isan also began to notice the absence of...something. He didn't know what, but something was off; really off. The senior boy just simply couldn't put his finger on it, so he decided to think about that feeling later and deal with the current issue of the weather. "Please tell me you brought an umbrella in case it rains, Mizu-chan." Isan asked the blue-haired girl standing in front of him.

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Mizu stared up at the sky, which had somehow suddenly out of nowhere gone dark.

That's... really weird... she thought. Something was not right.

"Uuuuhhh....... no..." she replied slowly. "And my dad and my sister have the only two we have! Dang it!" she snapped her fingers.

"I didn't think of it because it was so sunny just a moment ago..." she trailed off.

"Oh no!!" said Rei. "I hate rain."

A cold breeze blew, making Isan's blue Guardian cape wave in the air. The brunette shivered and crossed his arms, then looked up at the ominous sky. "Alright then...let's get to class as quick as possible. Maybe we can beat the rain!" He began to briskly walk down the street toward Seiyo Academy, then turned around to beckon Mizu. "Mizu-chan, hurry! You too, Rei."

((All done!))

Name: Lyle Saito

Gender: Male

Age: 17 1/2

Grade: 12

Alias: Seiyo High School (Student)


Special Item: Dumpty Key

Guardian Chara (1):

Name: Ryoku

Gender: Male

Egg Insignia: Red Fleur de Lis


Character Change: Charming, Clever, Perverted, Confident, Greedy

Talents: Flirting, Manipulation, Dancing, Strength

Item: Crown, Cane

Character Transformation:

Name: Dark Prince

Guardian Chara: Ryoku


Items: Dumpty Key, Staff

Moves: Lock Heart, Crown Force

Anything Else: Lyle works separately from Easter. Although normally a quiet person, he has his own ambitions and has chosen to search for the Embryo himself so that no one else can get in his way. Also, Lyle's "Lock Heart" move can seal X Eggs.

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