My Would-Be Self


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Cain looked surprised at how Osan had no idea of the dinner they just had and asked "how do you not--" and was cut off by the brilliant flash of the lock.

After the transformation sequence ended, Cain accepted her hand and said, " Okay!!"

He felt power from Amulet Sakura and Purity Shine combine. He felt a new power come on... A combination of Purity orb and... Something pink...

Cain remembered his question and asked again, "but what about the dinner we just had?"

As Yuna awoke, she saw Cain, and, remembering what happened before, she sobbed into his shirt.

"Cain, is this true?" She asked, with a soft squeal to her voice. "You like Isan?"

Yuna sobbed more as Ariana and Adrianna sat on her head, having a worried look on her face.

(I'm thinking when Yuna realizes that Cain forgot his memory, Yuna can take this as her chance to get him back, so she could maybe get a makeover. :D )

(Like, when Cain is in loss of memory, she is going to get a makeover for Ariana, Adrianna and herself to intimidate Cain that she is more prominent than Isan, to make him like her more with her beauty. Pretty desperate, eh?)

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( I'll wait for SB to post since my last post ended in a question. Also, I accidentally god- modded, so sorry about that Sakuranboy)

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(DA FAQ JUST HAPPENED?!?!? Whoa...y'all, this is not good. At all. I'm sorry, but you REALLY need to pay more attention to detail in your posts. Make it realistic, and COHERENT. First of all, Yuna was passed out on the ground, wasn't she? Secondly, she realistically wouldn't have run home to get a frickin' makeover when everyone was in the midst of a dangerous battle agains an X-Character. Also, like I've said many times before, make sure the sequence of events takes much longer and don't cram so much in one post. Instead, be more detailed and GRAMATICALLY CORRECT about fewer occurrences. Lastly, WATCH THE ANIME. There has never been a giant monster, ever. They're always either X-Eggs, X-Characters, or ?-Eggs. *sighs* I swear, sometimes this RP gives me a splitting headache. When I accepted your profiles, I was expecting not to have to do this. It's a Seriously RP, not a normal one for amateurs. But right now I can't even tell the difference between this and a normal RP. My rage rant is over now. Fix these last few posts of yours before we move on with the story, rethink how you post in this RP, and commit yourself to watching the entire anime or I'm closing this topic for good. Sorry, but it has come to that.)

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( I'll wait for SB to post since my last post ended in a question. Also, I accidentally god- modded, so sorry about that Sakuranboy)
(Just try not to repeat any mistakes you make. Everyone makes them, but truly smart people learn from their mistakes. For now, we shall ignore Emilson's posts after being knocked out by the X-Chara's attack; let's say it also wiped her memory since last night, so she doesn't remember Isan's confession. Also remember that we're outside of the Royal Garden, not inside.)

Amulet Sakura, or Sakura for short, gazed into Cain's eyes with concern. She studied his face, and inhaled sharply upon realization of what had just happened. " seriously don't remember anything after that?..." Sakura let go of Cain's hand in shock.

The floating X-Chara growled angrily. "Muuuuuniiiii!!!" Annoyed from being ignored by the two humans below, the X-Chara launched yet another blast of forget-ink from it's magical pen. But this time, Sakura was ready to counter the attack. Snapping to attention, Sakura whipped out her signature frying pan, which expanded and shielded Sakura and Cain from the purple gunk.

Sakura shouted over her shoulder. "Cain-kun, while I keep it busy sneak up on whatever that thing is and see if you can hit it with Hyperperfection!" Sakura wasn't sure if this plan would work, but she figured they needed to try every possible way to defeat this thing.

Cain replied, "But how could I FORGET? It just happened, like, 10 minutes ago."

After hearing what Amulet Sakura said, the plan seemed fine. "Okay!" said, and summoned his own shield. "Large orb!"

He walked calmly over under the X-Character and said, "If you can't remember anything, try studying harder! Instead of pushing your problem onto others, take the initiative to do it yourself! Hyper---PERFECTION!!!" Cain shouted. The white light expanded from his hands in a DNA shape, twisting until it hit the X-Character.

(For the sake of organization, I will double post :D BTW, I am so so so so sorry for what I did. i got carried away and forgot that this is the SERIOUS RP section. Please, forgive me. My dearest apologies.)

Yuna awoke, and found Isan and Cain shielding goo away. Yuna sat up. "Please Adrianna, stop bugging Ariana." Yuna thought, thinking she was on her way to the Royal Garden. Ariana and Adrianna helped her up, and Yuna rubbed her eyes in confusion, wondering what happened with the Royal Garden. There was goo everywhere, and Mizu was standing there, doing nothing.

"Chara Nari, Lilac Twist!" Yuna said, pulling Adrianna to her. Quickly, a big violet light shone and Adrianna was capsuled into her egg, and as the egg floated to her heart, Yuna's clothes were already appearing. Finally, Yuna landed on the ground and flew to Mizu, trying to protect her, in case something happened.

Taiyo headed toward the royal garden, excited. As he rounded the corner to the final stretch before the door to the garden, what met his eyes was total confusion.

What happened here? he wondered, surveying the confused mess.

Isan was character transformed as... a girl? Cain was standing beside him, Yuna was standing in front of Mizu, who was sitting on the floor. Purple goop was everywhere, and a faint cloud of purple haze was evaporating over the area.

"Uh... guys? Sorry I'm late, but... what happened?!" he asked with wide eyes.

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Mizu sat with her calves tucked under her on the floor. The chair she had been perched on had fallen. Her expression was a blank stare. Her brain replayed the confused mess of memories she had just witnessed. Isan's character transformation with Hime, Cain and Sakura's attack together, faints, and everything else that had happened. It had all happened so fast that Mizu didn't have time to react. Now it was probably over for the most part.

Mizu sighed. I probably wouldn't have been much help anyway, seeing as I can't transform or anything... she thought.

Hello everybody! If I joined, do you think I could get a part where I have Guardian Chara?


Hello everybody! If I joined, do you think I could get a part where I have Guardian Chara?

(Yes, of course! The only spots like that currently available are bad guy spots, though. Have you seen the anime?)

Feeling the X-Chara's attack on her frying pan stop as soon as Purity Shine's hyperperfection commenced, Sakura sighed with relief, decreasing the frying pan's size back to normal. She looked behind her when Taiyo shouted, and saw that everyone was here. "Thank goodness, you're all okay..." Seeing Mizu sitting on the floor like that, Sakura quickly became worried and rushed over to her side. "Mizu-chan! What's wrong, Honey?" Amulet Sakura rubbed Mizu's back, and looked up at Yuna from the ground. "Awesome work, Yuna-chan. Your quick actions might've just saved Mizu."

(I understand, Emilson. No need to grovel and beg for forgiveness xD Just make sure to learn from your mistakes so they won't be made again, k?)

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"Oh, well, I had to choose, you two or Mizu. Since Mizu was all alone, I had to help her. You guys were doing pretty well too, so helping you wouldn't help Mizu. Good job guys, although I kinda did better." Yuna joked, with a laugh.

Adrianna flew to her. "Good job Yuna-san!" She exclaimed, de-transforming from Yuna.

Yuna hugged both her Shugo Characters, and whispered in their ear, "We're getting a treat today, kay?"

Ariana and Adrianna nodded, their hair glistening in the sunlight.

(Yes, of course! The only spots like that currently available are bad guy spots, though. Have you seen the anime?)
I have watched most episodes via YouTube, a few were unavailable.

Having an antagonist part could benefit this RP, since there are no people RPing as one.

I'll be glad to help out and RP as an antagonist.

Would you like my Shugo Characters to be in their X-Character form? Or in their Shugo Chara forms?


I have watched most episodes via YouTube, a few were unavailable.

Having an antagonist part could benefit this RP, since there are no people RPing as one.

I'll be glad to help out and RP as an antagonist.

Would you like my Shugo Characters to be in their X-Character form? Or in their Shugo Chara forms?

( No Easter Employee has X- characters, just charas who help with bad deeds)

(Yes, that would be really helpful. I think we need an antagonist would be good, since we already have all the guardians. :) )

Mizu looked up and smiled at Sakura.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks. Sorry I wasn't able to battle.... it's just that everything happened so fast and everyone was character transformed and it was over before I knew it, I guess," she said, feeling herself blush. "I... guess I wouldn't really have been as much help anyway, since I can't transform yet."

Mizu lowered her eyes and stared sadly at the ground.

Rei looked at Mizu with concern.

Don't give up yet, Mizu-chan! she thought. I'm sure we'll be able to do it really soon!

The sound of footsteps alerted Mizu. She turned around to see a sight she had been hoping for.

"Taiyo!" Mizu cried.

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