Hello! Getting back into Tamas a couple years after my first playthrough.


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Jan 12, 2025
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Indiana, U.S.
I got a gen 1 rerelease at Target on a whim a couple years ago, and kept perfect care of my beloved Sprinkleton, and was devastated that he died of old age haha. I wanted a newer Tama with more 'replayability' or longevity than the gen 1, but didn't like the Pix being sold at the time, and the On was already being thoroughly scalped. I'm glad I waited though, because the Uni seems perfect for me, and I now have a pink one one on the way! I played the homebrew Gameboy Color virpet game Piropa a few days ago, and, while lovely and incredibly well made, it reminded me of things i preferred about Tamas, so here I am back in it!
Hello Lucario1829! My first Tama was the Gen 2 re-release. After that, got a Uni and fell down the Tama rabbit hole and got enchanted :furawatch:🪄. Great to have you interested again, welcome to TamaTalk! happy2
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Hi hi! Welcome! I'm back into tamas again as well after a break. Once you get hooked that's it unfortunately, there's no going back LOL. Hope you have fun! Check out the tamagotchi connection rerelease too! :lol:
I got a gen 1 rerelease at Target on a whim a couple years ago, and kept perfect care of my beloved Sprinkleton, and was devastated that he died of old age haha. I wanted a newer Tama with more 'replayability' or longevity than the gen 1, but didn't like the Pix being sold at the time, and the On was already being thoroughly scalped. I'm glad I waited though, because the Uni seems perfect for me, and I now have a pink one one on the way! I played the homebrew Gameboy Color virpet game Piropa a few days ago, and, while lovely and incredibly well made, it reminded me of things i preferred about Tamas, so here I am back in it!
Hello and welcome baaack! My first tama was a v3 that I shared with my sibling... ouhhh its been forever since then > . <

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