My Would-Be Self


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Mizu set down her pencil and studied her work of art. She had drawn a sketch of how Rei had looked that morning. She snickered and decided that she couldn't show that to Rei unless she wanted to get poked sharply in the ear. She hurriedly flipped to another blank page before Rei had a chance to glance over Mizu's shoulder.

Mizu turned her head and looked at Rei, who was busy sketching in a tiny chara sized notebook.

"What'cha drawing there?" Mizu asked.

"Oh nothing!" Rei said, covering the page with her hands.

Through fingers, Mizu could see something that resembled Crush.

Have fun, Rei. Have fun.

The warning bell rang. Through the open classroom door, a cluster of senior girls bustling down the hallway caught Mizu's attention.

"Did you hear? Yamaha-san is back!" one said.

"Really?" said another.

Really? He's back? the thought sparked Mizu's mind. But of course, that could just be some of their gossip. Mmm... I won't know for sure.

Mizu sighed as class started once again.

Isan, his blush only slightly rosey now, smiled thankfully. "Nice to meet you both, Yamaha-san, Fushigi-kun. Let me introduce you to my Guardian Charas." He held his hand up, and Hime gracefully floated over and stood in the center of his palm with her feet together. "This is Hime-chan; she's the manifestation of my dream to be more domestic, and she acts like my outer character at school that's 'quiet and saintly'."

Hime bowed. "It's a preasure to meet you. Prease don't judge Isan-kun for giving birs to a femare Shugo Chara." Isan sweatdropped, and his blush returned again.

Isan laughed nervously. "Hehehe...anyway, this is Crush. He's the physical form of my desire to surf, preserve the environment, and just live a relaxed life." Crush flew over, throwing up a peace sign with his fingers. "Deuces, brah..."

Isan smiled, then pointed at the last of his Shugo Charas. "And he's—"

"I'm Romeo, Isan's favorite and first-born Chara! Glad to meet you!!" Interrupted Romeo, greeting Taiyo and Fushigi with intense enthusiasm. Isan, meanwhile, facepalmed.

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Taiyo smiled at the three charas.

"Glad to meet you too, Romeo-kun, Crush-kun, Hime-chan," he said politely. "Let me tell ya a little more about Fushigi here. He's all fancy and high class stuff. Pretty much the exact opposite of me. He loves reading gigantic books, he seems smarter than he really is with his British accent, you know."

Fushigi glared at Taiyo.

What a rude introduction! Hrmph! he thought.

"Very pleased to meet the three of you," Fushigi said. Then, leaning in closer and blocking Taiyo's view of his mouth, he whispered to Romeo, Crush, and Hime, "But really, I'm nothing like how Taiyo described me. What a dreadful description, really."

"I heard that," sighed Taiyo.

(This'll probably be my last post for a bit. Going on vacation. :) )

( ^ same for me, seeing as I'm her sister. ;) I might be able to connect to wi-fi or something somewhere along the line, but I'll be gone for a while.)

In class, Mizu was half listening half tuned out to some history lecture about one war or another.

"Now, does anybody have an opinion to share about the impact this had?" the teacher asked in his usual droning voice.

Mizu started at first at the sound of a different tone in the robotic voice, then understood the question.

Yeah right, as if anybody will. she thought.

Come on Mizu! Rei said in her mind. We need to shake this boring class up a bit! Give them something to think about! Character Change!

Ah Rei NOOO!!! Mizu thought in panic, but it was too late.

Her necklace flashed into a maple leaf, and she stood straight up in her seat, the chair making a sharp squeaking noise on the chair.

"Ah, Kazena? You have something to say?" the teacher perked up, seemingly surprised that one of the students actually had something to contribute.

"Why, yes!" Mizu cried. "A very strong opinion! All this fighting and war obviously had a terrible impact on health of this planet! The fires might have burned down countless forests, and the smoke from cannons and stuff probably caused serious air pollution! We must save and protect this Earth because it's the only one we have! Reduce, reuse, recycle people!" she slammed her finger down on her desk, making a point.

All eyes were fixed on Mizu. Her necklace flashed once more and turned back to its normal charm.

Oh shoot, Mizu thought, sitting down.

"Ah... thank you that interesting opinion, Kazena-san, but I don't think that's exactly what I meant," said her sensei, looking a bit bewildered. "Anyone else?"

Rei..... Mizu tried hard to conceal her anger, resting her head on her hands and silently fuming.

(And perhaps we could do a timeskip soon? Seeing as Mizu can't really have any interaction with Taiyo until a meeting in the Royal Garden, her being in the class below.)

Cain headed foo to school and walked through the crowded hallways, Onerai pushing against him. He saw a very small coat and thought it looked familiar. He continued to follow the coat until he saw it go into a classroom. A quick glance inside confirmed his guess. Taiyo had returned along with Fushigi.

"Onerai, look." Cain said. Onerai turned to look at his long-lost friends and jumped with joy.

"We'll see him at the meeting, right Cain?" onerai inquired, ready to talk to Fushigi about what leads he had gotten on Easter.

"He IS the Jack's chair, so of course we'll see him."

"Ooh! It's Cain spying on Taiyo!"

"NEW gossip! The old was getting sooo boring."

Cain spn around to see a group of boys and girls alike looking at Cain watch Taiyo. He hoped they didn't see him talking to "himself."

Cain said politely, "I'd appreciate if I wasn't followed constantly," and walked off. an entourage of people followed him. Cain looked over his shoulder and sighed. He gave a cold stare and said, "Ahem." Everyone left as he entered art class.

In art class the teacher droned on and on about shapes, when she drew a very lopsided circle and staqrted to explain about it. Onerai saw the misshapen circle-like-shape as an insult to perfection. "This teacher needs to LEARN SOMETHING ABOUT PERFECTION!"

Cain realized that when Onerai got this excited, only one thing could happen.

Onerai exclaimed, "CHARA CHANGE!"

Suddenly, a white orb appeared by his right ear and he abruptly stood up.

"Yes, Howell-san? Is there something you would like to say?"

"Why yes, there is." Cain began angrily. he walked up to the board, all the while thinking I'm goint to sooo get onerai for this... He began by erasing the circle and commenting on it's imperfect nature. He then redrew a perfect circle, ending with, "and THAT, Sensei, is how to draw a circle."

All of Cain's classmates looked stunned as he not only drew a perfect circle, but also got on the teacher's case about it. They were all speecless and the teacher said dryly, "Well... Thank you for fixing my circle, but yur attitude was unacceptable. Meet me after school.

Suddenly, the orb poofed away as the character change ended. Oh NOW he ends it! grrr!

"But Sensei, I have a Guar--"

"Frankly, I don't care. Meet. Me. After. School."

Cain sighed with a, "Hai, Sensai." And sat down. The kids were still agape until one laughed, joined by a chorus of other students. After a while class continued as normal. At the end, Cain tried to keep a low profile, but with his popularity amongst the other students that was... Difficult...

Isan giggled lightheartedly at the antics of Fushigi and Taiyo. "You know, guys, you two remind me of Rei and Mizu a lot!"

Hime gently tugged on Isan's cape. "Isan-kun, crass is about to start..." She said softly.

Isan nodded in response, smiled at Taiyo once more, and then returned to his desk.

The teacher walked into the room not much later, laying his books on his desk. "Stand! Bow!"

**That day after school...**

Isan played with his fingers while sitting at the tea table in the Royal Garden. Cain was usually the first one here, but this time Isan was. And Isan was all alone at the moment. He sighed, standing up to go fetch the teapot and cups. "I guess in the meantime I'll make some jasmine tea..."

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Cain walked toward the class of his art teacher after school. "I hope this is quick, I don't want to be too late for the meeting."

After a fairly short discussion about circles and my lack of a behavioral "filter," the teacher sais, "because you are a guardian, and for that reason alone, you won't have any detention. Good day Howell-san. Son't EVER do that again."

"Hai, Sensei." Cain said as he walked out of the room. "Don't get me in trouble like that anymore Onerai!"

Cain stepped through the gates of the Royal Garden and opened the big glass doors. he spotted Isan making some tea. Ohaio, Isan-Kun." Cain said with a smile. "Sorry I'm late, but Onerai got me in some trouble with a Character Change." At that comment Onerai sweatdropped and looked guilty.

The tiny white Chara flew over to Isan's triplets and greeted them, starting a chat.

Mizu opened the door to the royal garden andlooked inside anxiously. She surveyed the faces: Cai: Cain and Isan. No Taiyo. Mizu sighed, slightly disappointed.

There's still the possibility that he's not here yet! Don't give up hope yet shereminded herself.

Having cheered herself up, she greeted the others. "Hey guys!"

Rei floated over to the other charas. "Helloo everbody!" she said, a wide grin spreading across her face.

Mizu took a seat and inhaled deeply. "Mmm, that tea smells good Isa n-kun!"

(Sorry for any typos. I'm not used to working on a tablet.)

(It's okay xD)

Isan smiled shyly, looking away from Cain's eyes and back to the teapot. "Hi, Cain-kun, Onerai-san..." While the Charas started talking to each other, Isan poured two cups for himself and Cain and four miniature ones for their Guardian Charas.

When Mizu came in, Isan waved. "Hey, Mizu-chan! Rei-chan! Come and get it!" He then poured the girls some tea as well.

Crush flew over to greet Rei first. "Hey dudette, hope your day was chill..." He put his hands behind his head casually.

Hime and Romeo followed suit, greeting Rei their usual ways.

"Ohaio Mizu-chan!" Cain said. Onerai turned to greet Rei, then back to secretly admiring Hime. Chara love... Cain thought.

Cain pulled Isan aside.

"Hey, Isan-kun, what's wrong? You seem so... shy when you talk to me nowadays... When you talked to Mizu-chan... it changed." Cain calmly and coolyleaned against the wall. He cocked his head to one side, awaiting a response.

Isan's face grew pale. He wasn't ready for this to happen yet! Taken completely off-guard, Isan fumbled around awkwardly for the right words. "" He shivered, looking down at his feet in defeat.

Romeo snapped his head toward the scene, his nose twitching. "My love senses are tingling!" He shot off toward the two boys.

"Romeo-kun, no!" Romeo stopped in mid-flight, turning to see Hime holding onto his shoe. Hime shook her head. "Ret me do sis one; you'd onry drive Howerr-san away..." Romeo opened his mouth to protest, but decided against it and let Hime fly past him.

Hime hid inside a bunch of flowers nearest to the two boys. She inhaled, then initiated her magical chant. "Sugar, frour, baking powder!" Now the rest was up to Isan.

With that, a pink cherry blossom poofed onto Isan's head. Isan closed his feet together, held onto the collar of his cape with both hands, and closed his eyes. His cheeks became rosey instead of pale, and a light smile graced his lips. "Cain-kun, I..." Isan opened his eyes, which looked extra big and sparkly for some reason.

" you."

A bell chimed somewhere in the distance.

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And then it was Cain's turn to be caught off guard. He stumbled a bit then blushed a shade of red even the sun would fear to make. He stared at Isan, then looked at his forehead. There rested a Pink flower. Onerai heard the crunch of leaves at Cain stepped back in amazement and immmediately realized what happened. Cain then stood upright and looked into Isan;s eyes. The sparkle in them didn't fade, and the bells kept ringing. Cain heard them, and blushed even deeper. Onerai already knew that Cain... in a way... liked Isan back, but he also liked Yuna because she saved him from drowning that one day at the beach. Onerai flew over to Cain and smiled.

"Pure, white, perfection!" He chanted and with THAT, an orb appeared on Cain's head. He smiled at Isan and said,

"There comes a time in everyone's like where they have to make a decision about job, money... or, in this case, love. I think I've just made my decision..."

Hime's pink cherry blossom remained in Isan's hair, just above his left ear, and he inhaled sharply from Cain's response. "Does that mean...?" Isan began, unable to finish the sentence. Try as he might, the combination of Hime's innocent character change and the magnetism Isan felt toward Cain prevented him from looking away from the taller, dirty-blonde American boy's warm chocolate-colored eyes.

Isan's own dark brown eyes remained unwavering despite his inner turmoil. Why now?! This isn't happening! Hime-chan, do something!!

Isan could feel Hime's reassuring smile from inside his own mind. It's okay, Isan-kun. Everything from this point onward is beyond my control. Just wait to see how he in me. And just like that, Hime ended her character change with Isan. Surprisingly, Isan barely responded to the sudden change; he was too into the moment to notice.

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Isan gasped, covering his mouth with both hands. His eyes instantly began to well up with tears as his deepest emotions started surfacing. All those years of crush after crush, heartbreak after heartbreak, had finally paid off. He had found the boy he had been looking for, and it was all thanks to his Shugo Charas. Without them, none of this would've been possible.

The more Isan thought, the more he lost control of his bodily functions. The water in his eyes started overflowing as streams of heartfelt tears streaked down his cheeks. Isan couldn't hold back any longer.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhh!!!" Isan wailed, throwing himself into Cain. He wrapped his arms around Cain's neck, burying his face into the 18-year-old's shoulder as the curly brunette sobbed uncontrollably. His knees shook beneath him with overwhelming emotion. But at that moment, Isan couldn't have cared less about those things.

Hime smiled from the flowers, then floated back over to Romeo and Crush. "My work here is done." She then flew back over to the tea table to finish off her jasmine tea.

Romeo, whose jaw was practically touching the ground, was in shock. "Huminah...hum...nah...?"

Crush patted Romeo on his back sympathetically. "Dude...looks like you're not the only one who's an expert in romance, huh?" Not recieving a response, Crush chuckled and looked back at Isan and Cain; Crush's expression suddenly became paternal and mature. "Anyway, I'm still glad for Isan-kun. And Howell-san, for that matter."

Romeo snapped out of his trance and stared Crush with admiration. "Hermano, I don't think I've ever heard you speak that way before..."

Crush rubbed the back of his head bashfully. "Really? I can't really tell that I'm speaking differently than usual..." He laughed wholeheartedly, as they were all in good spirits.

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Cain smiled and laughed. He hugged Isan back and whispered into his ear: "I love you too, Isan-kun..."

Suddenly, a shrill scream pierced the air. Cain saw purple energy and immediately knew it meant trouble. He rushed toward the scene and saw a X-character.

The dark creature said, "If I can't remember anything on tests, NO BODY CAN!!!!!" And shot a beam at Cain's head.

Cain tried to Character Transform, but it failed. The beam hit Cain and surrounded his head in wisps of purple energy. Cain fainted.

While in this state, he began to forget,like he x-chara promIsed. He forgot everything after he left the Franch restaurant that night.

Onerai tried to awaken him, but another beam snuck up on his and smacked him too. Onerai forgot all the way back to that night as well. Subconsciously, the two could only hope the guardians could help.

(Just got interesting!!! I just wanna make sure nothing's happening too fast, but with a twist ;) )

Isan hiccuped when Cain whispered those few words into his ear. They were forever imprinted into his memory, and Isan silently wished that this moment would never end. He...loves me, too... Isan thought blissfully.


Isan opened his eyes with a start at the shrill sound of the scream. He felt Cain let go of him, and watched as the older boy ran out of the Royal Garden in a flash. Isan, coming to his senses, started to run in the same direction as soon as Cain had left the building. Throwing open the door, Isan dashed outside to see what had happened.

Isan's eyes grew wide as he witnessed his newfound lover and his Chara fall to the ground by a strange purple energy. "C-CAIN!!" Isan shouted, rushing to his side on the ground. Checking Cain's pulse, Isan determined that Cain was only unconscious. "HELP!! Somebody, ANYBODY!!!" Isan yelled for assistance. He ground his teeth in frustration; where the heck were the other guardians?

"Muuuuuniii!" Isan looked up in time to see what looked like a black Shugo Chara with a red X on its forehead. It pointed a pen at Isan, spewing a blast of purple energy. Isan flinched, readying himself for impact.

"Isan-kun, Character Change!" A pink cherry blossom popped onto the side of Isan's head again. Standing up quickly, he held out his hand, and in it appeared a large agemono nabe, or Japanese frying pan. Isan held it out in front of him with both hands gripping onto its handle tightly, and the black character's attack was successfully blocked. Hime floated over next to Isan, her look now serious. "Shierd success!"

Isan flinched. "Yeah, thanks, but just barely. This thing's a lot stronger than an X-Egg...I wonder what it is..." Isan turned his head toward his other two Guardian Charas. "Romeo-kun, Crush-kun! I want you two to try and find he others ASAP. Go!!"

Romeo and Crush stood at attention, saluting. "Roger, Sir!" They replied in unison, flying off in separate directions in search of the other guardians.

Please hurry... Isan thought, deflecting yet another attack.

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(OMG I am so sorry. I was so busy these past two weeks. I AM SO SO SORRY)

Yuna went upon her usual events, and finally the bell rang and she made her way to the Royal Garden. Everyone was there, and Yuna hid, because maybe they were talking about her.

They weren't.

She kept making her way to the table, and there she stopped.

Yuna stared, and fell to her knees, sobbing, because the boy of her dreams, the one who she loved, was gay too. She fell on her back and closed her eyes. The tears streamed down her face, and her body was stiff. She had never felt this much pain before. After all this dreaming, of the one guy, it didn't work.

Reacting quickly, Ariana and Adrianna pulled her, as they too saw the X-Character coming towards her.

Adrianna and Ariana flew everywhere and finally found Isan.

"Isan! Yuna has fainted! Please come help her. Some big dark guy is coming to get her!"

Yuna opened her eyes, and the x-character was there.

She closed her eyes.

Opening them was hard to do, because this purple goo was on her. She laid here, stuck to the ground with tears, lost hope, misfortune, and some icky purple goo.

With Cain and Onerai's memory wiped blank past leaving the 'French restaurant, when he finally awoke, he saw Isan battling an X-character, and Yuna falling under the same attack he did, however Cain didn't remember what the attack did. In any case Cain sprung into action:

"My own heart: Unlock!"

He Character transformed as fast as he could and ran to Isan's side. He shot a purity beam up at the X-character.

"That's for ruining the... dinner?" He said, raising his voice at the end. he lowered his staff and looked around. "Hey, Isan, where's the restaurant? A-and the beach? The boardwalk? Huh???"

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Isan furrowed his brow in concern. "Cain-kun, what are you talking about?!" What's going on with him? Isan decided not to think much about it at the moment, as they had more important issues to deal with at the moment. "Anyway, we can talk about this later. Right now, we need to save Yuna-chan!" Isan looked at Hime with a determined glint in his eye. "Hime-chan, Character Transform with me!"

Hime clenched her fist seriously. "Hai!"

The Humpty Lock shone with a sparkling light as it reacted to the determination in Isan's heart. Isan repeated what he had done with Romeo before. "My own heart..." Isan held his forefingers and thumbs in front of the Humpty Lock, each hand in an opposite way, and then flipped them around with two finger snaps. "Unlock!"

With an explosion of light, Isan was gradually stripped of all his clothes from bottom to top. His skin glowed white, concealing any of his bodily features from sight. Surrounding Isan were many large ribbons, all with a pink sakura blossom pattern along them just like Hime's egg. As soon as one of the spinning ribbons passed over Isan's head, his hair floated around freely as if he was underwater. Isan smiled, and then backflipped. All of the ribbons then started to spin into Isan, wrapping him up in a pink light.

Hime calmly floated into the transformation, posing modestly with both of her hands placed over her heart. She closed her eyes, and the two halves of her egg closed around her. Isan held his arms out, and Hime's egg floated down into his palm. Isan spun around a couple of times, and then closed his eyes as he crossed his arms, pushing the egg into his chest. A large mirage of the Humpty Lock appeared in front of Isan, and it now shone a soft pink instead of being multicolored.

With that, Isan began to be reclothed. However, something strange happened first that did not happen with Romeo. Isan's body became curvier, his hips wider than before and his masculine features softened. After his body had undergone these unusual changes, Isan's hair suddenly grew longer to about shoulder length. That was when clothes started appearing on Isan. First, a pair of white tabi socks and black geta sandals developed on his feet. Once his sandals and socks had formed, a beautiful white kimono embroidered with pink cherry blossom branches billowed out from Isan's chest. A matching obi popped onto Isan's torso, showing off his new very feminine body. Around his neck hung the pink glowing Humpty Lock, the source of Isan's transformation power. Finally, Isan opened his eyes (they were closed this entire time) as Hime's pink sakura flower popped onto the side of...his head? The dressing sequence ended.

Isan? struck a few subtle and adorable poses, ending with his? arms open as if welcoming an embrace. Both his? voice and Hime's voice shouted together: "Chara Nari: Amulet Sakura!" However, it sounded like two girl voices shouting, not one boy and one girl.

With that, Isan?'s first character transformation with Hime was complete. He? floated back to the ground, landing gently on his? feet with poise and gentleness. He? then looked down at himself? with a look of confusion on his? face. "I...I..." Isan? blushed furiously when he? heard how high-pitched his voice sounded. Hime-chan, what the heck just happened?

Isan-kun,'ve become Amulet Sakura...who's a girl.

Upon the exact moment of realizing his current gender, Isan's new personality took over as he assumed the mindset of Amulet Sakura. She then looked over at Cain and smiled lightly. "Cain-kun, let's work together..." Amulet Sakura held out her hand affectionately.

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