My Would-Be Self


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((All done!))

Name: Lyle Saito

Gender: Male

Age: 17 1/2

Grade: 12

Alias: Seiyo High School (Student)


Special Item: Dumpty Key

Guardian Chara (1):

Name: Ryoku

Gender: Male

Egg Insignia: Red Fleur de Lis


Character Change: Charming, Clever, Perverted, Confident, Greedy

Talents: Flirting, Manipulation, Dancing, Strength

Item: Crown, Cane

Character Transformation:

Name: Dark Prince

Guardian Chara: Ryoku


Items: Dumpty Key, Staff

Moves: Lock Heart, Crown Force

Anything Else: Lyle works separately from Easter. Although normally a quiet person, he has his own ambitions and has chosen to search for the Embryo himself so that no one else can get in his way. Also, Lyle's "Lock Heart" move can seal X Eggs.


(I've made a new topic that lists all of the characters, and it's also a place to hold major plot discussions; you can find it here. Please read over your character and make sure everything is right, and then post in the OOC topic saying that you have done so; I did my best already. You may still talk OOC in parenthesis on the main topic here, like I am doing now, but limit it to four sentences or less (the opposite of the in-character post requirement, which is four sentences or more.) Remember to stay active!!)

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Taiyo and Fushigi finished up their morning munch of peanut butter spread on toast. There was, however, a difference in their finishing. Taiyo was one huge chomp, while Fushigi nibbled daintily.

Taiyo looked at the green clock sitting on the wall.

"Well, looks like I'd better get ready," he said to Fushigi.

Fushigi looked up from his book titled "The Giant Big Book of Sudoku" that he was scribbling in with a pink pencil.

"Oh, all right. But I was just coming to the end of the puzzle marked Hard x10," Fushigi pouted.

"There will be time for that later," Taiyo said as they clomped up the stairs.

Taiyo slipped into his uniform, Fushigi adjusted his bowtie and polished his cane. Suddenly they heard a rumble. Taiyo looked outside. The sunny only just a few minutes ago sky had suddenly darkened.

"Oh dear," said Fushigi.

"Looks like it might rain. I'd better pack my umbrella," Taiyo said. "Now. Where did I put that thing?"

Taiyo searched and searched. Searched and searched meaning checking all the normal places where junk tended to accumulate: under the bed, on that puffy white chair, and in that corner of the room that was home to the dust bunny family called the Howards.

A sudden shock of inspiration hit Taiyo. "Ah! How about my closet? I haven't checked there yet!"

"Jeez, Taiyo. I simply cannot believe that you can't keep things organized. I mean, an organized person can find things a lot easier then you can. You know, just the other day I organized your paper clips into piles of red, blue, green-" Fushigi's lecture was cut off by a giant crash.

He turned around to see Taiyo's closet doors open, with Taiyo buried in a pile of more junk at the bottom of the avalanche.

"Oh.... I just can't seem to find it-" Taiyo began, when his black umbrella popped down a bonked him on the head. "...anywhere."

"Taiyo!" Fushigi yelled. "Goodness gracious! You are just the most disorganized person I have ever met!"

"Well, at least I found the umbrella," Taiyo replied, rubbing his head. His head turned to his clock. "Oh shoot! We have to go!"

"But Taiyo! You can't just leave this mess here!" Fushigi said.

"Yes, actually, I can. And I will. Come on!" he ran out the door carrying his umbrella and a grumbling Fushigi along with him.

Taiyo began a brisk walk along his usual path to school. A few sprinkles of rain hit him as he neared the big apartment building. As he got closer, two figures came into view. Coming even closer, Taiyo recognized them as Isan and Mizu.

"Ohaio, guys!" he called, running over to them.

He stopped in front of them, catching his breath.

"Hey," he panted. "What weird weather, huh?" He looked down to their hands. "Forgot your umbrellas? Oh, I've got one. I don't know if we can all fit under it, though."

Grinning, Isan waved to the ebony-haired teenager that was running toward him and Mizu. "Good morning, Taiyo-kun!" Isan flinched as a large raindrop fell from the sky and landed on his nose, then he looked back up at the clouds. "Yeah, it is weird weather..." The 17-year-old replied to Taiyo, clasping his hands together in front of himself pensively. When offered rain protection from Taiyo, Isan smiled at his fellow high school senior with gratitude. "...I'm sure we can all squeeze under there with you, considering these particularly unfortunate circumstances. Arigato, Taiyo-kun." Isan walked over to the boy's left side, gently took hold of Taiyo's left arm and then stood as close to him as possible.

Isan tilted his head back to gaze up at Taiyo. Having just met the guy, Isan never really noticed before how tall the Joker's Chair was; he was at least a head taller than Isan, if not more, and he completely dwarfed poor little Mizu. Isan giggled at the image that formed in his mind of Mizu dressed as one of the Seven Dwarves from Disney's "Snow White."

Just then, the telltale plinking of raindrops on the street gave away the increasing intensity of the rain. The Joker's Chair sighed, his brief episode of the giggles having come and gone already. "Looks like we're going to be in for a heck of a storm, huh? Anyway, you two ready to head to school?" He asked, indicating in his voice that they should probably get going soon as to avoid getting stuck in the storm.

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Lyle silently sat on the steps outside of school staring at a girl clutching a failed math test. He was patiently waiting, counting the moments until his chance would appear, but his heart was thudding nervously in his chest. Ryoku perched on his shoulder with narrowed eyes focused on their target.

“Are you ready yet?” Ryoku asked impatiently. Lyle nodded. “Character change from a dull boy to a dark Prince!” Lyle closed his eyes and practically felt the Fleur de Lis pin appear at the collar of his shirt. His eyes opened with a new burst of confidence.

“Now, now, it’s only a math test,” Lyle purred as he stepped by the girl and snatched the exam from her hands. “It really shouldn’t be all that important, but how many does this one make?” He tore a strip from the paper. “One?” Another strip. “Two?” Rip. “Three? I think it’s three, isn’t it? I wouldn’t worry if I were you, though. There are plenty of other options around.” He tossed the remaining paper behind him and placed his lips next to the girl’s ear. “You don’t have to chase after that dream of yours. You aren’t good enough. Why don’t you find something else that you’re good at?” his voice whispered in her ear.

Taking a step back, Lyle could see the X Egg appearing as the girl’s eyes fluttered closed. He wrapped his fingers around it and inspected it like it was a precious jewel.

“Thank you very much, my princess,” he said as he pulled out the Dumpty Key.

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Mizu greeted Taiyo, "Ohaio, Taiyo-kun!"

She stared up at how tall he was and felt a little envious at his height. She glanced over at Isan giggling a little.

What's he laughing about? she wondered.

"Hey, Fushigi! Long time no see!" Rei greeted the other chara.

Even by chara size, Fushigi was taller than Rei also.

Mizu, too noticed this.

Must run in the family, she thought, and smiled at the remark.

She shuffled under the umbrella next to Isan and noted the raindrops making a faster drumming sound on top of the umbrella.

"Yeah, we'd better go so we don't get stuck in this downpour," Mizu replied to Isan.

Rei sighed. She had just been drenched by a single raindrop on her way under the umbrella.

"Morning, Mizu-chan!" Taiyo smiled at Mizu.

"And a lovely morning to you too, my dearest Rei," Fushigi said formally, tipping his little top hat.

Taiyo glanced up at the sky, which was darkening even more now. Rain drops began to dot the sidewalk in odd little patterns.

"Yeah, we'd better go, guys," he replied, and started walking towards the school smooshed close to his friends in an attempt to stay dry under the puny umbrella.

As the trio came closer to Seiyo Academy, they rounded the front gate and started walking briskly toward the high school building. By now the sky was falling; Isan could barely see in front of him due to the intense rain. Other students were cowering under their umbrellas as well, hoping to avoid soaking themselves to the bone. Really freaky weather... Isan thought a second time, gazing around at how the deluge made everything gray and fuzzy. As he gazed around at the people scrambling around on the campus grounds, the curly brunette noticed a girl sitting on the front stairs leading to the entrance of the high school...without an umbrella, or any kind of rain protection. Isan frowned in concern, seeing another girl from his class acting in the same strange way. It was as if they didn't even notice the rain...or maybe they didn't care.

Isan tugged on Mizu's cape and then Taiyo's arm, finally pointing at the two kids. "Hey, what's up with those guys? They're acting kind of funny."

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Yuna left, discouraged, but walked along to school.

Feeling uncomfortable with the clouds.

She felt some rain pouring against her new up-do, and started sprinting.

She was pretty fast, and kept running until she got into the school.

But before she could reach the gates she bumped into Mizu.

"Oops! Sorry!" Yuna said. "I didn't look where I was going."

Yuna helped Mizu up.

"So, what's new, Isan, Taiyo?" Yuna said, realizing they were right there.

(Everyone remember to keep checking the OOC topic; important stuff will be posted in there.)

Isan flashed Yuna a friendly grin. "Good morning, Yuna-chan. Come on under here, I bet we can all squeeze together for just a little bit." Once the four of them had squished together as much as possible beneath Taiyo's umbrella, Isan pointed at the two strange-acting girls on the stairs. "See those two girls, Yuna-chan? They're acting really weird, almost like zombies...c'mon, let's go over there and check it out." Isan suggested, and the quartet shuffled along toward the high school sector of the academy. As they climbed the stairs leading up to the front entrance, Isan called out to the girl who was his classmate and friend.

"Hey, Midori! Are you feeling okay?" He shouted over the rain, watching as she sluggishly descended the stairs toward them. She stopped a couple of steps above them, her eyes lifeless and sorrowful.

"...Dreams are useless. They can only bring you disappointment and pain..." She muttered, tilting her head on its side limply like a rag doll would.

Isan gasped, running out from under the umbrella and grabbing hold of Midori by the shoulders. He stared into her eyes, looking for something but not finding what he was looking for. "Oh no...her Heart's Egg! Where is it?!" He screeched desperately, looking around to see if he could locate her X-Egg nearby. His efforts in vain, Isan looked back at his friend with a look of saddened compassion upon his face. "Oh, Love, who did this to you?..." He embraced the girl in the rain, even though she didn't respond to his actions, and then turned back to the other Guardians. "She wanted to be a math teacher...we need to find her X-Egg! Look for the other girl's, too, and whoever did this has to be nearby still." Isan blinked, surprised at his sudden authoritative attitude. Since when was he a leader?

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"Right!" Taiyo replied to Isan. "Maybe we should split up and search different parts of the school. It's bound to be around here somewhere."

Taiyo glanced again at the girl's dark eyes and was determined that they had to find the egg, no matter what it took.

No one should have to feel like that, he thought.

Fushigi squinted around the campus. It was hard to see due the the heavy curtain of rain falling all around them. Suddenly he saw a black blur, then it was gone again.

"Taiyo!" he said. "I thought I just saw it, over there!" he pointed a tiny finger. "But I'm not sure. It's so hard to see..."

Mizu moved aside as Yuna scooted under the umbrella next to them, then continued gazing with concern at the poor girl.

"That's horrible..." she thought out loud. "Guys, this must mean that there are people from Easter right here in this school," she realized.

"A math teacher..." Rei said. "A pretty good dream, I'd have to say."

Mizu listened to Taiyo's idea.

"Hmm... I don't know... maybe it would be safer if we all stayed together," she said. "Since I can't character transform or anything yet..." Mizu looked down at her feet. "But what do you think, Isan-kun?"

Isan stared at the ground in concentration as he tried to come up with a good plan. Mizu was right, they needed to stick together, but Taiyo was also right in that they needed to cover more ground. Inspiration hit him when his sight focused on two dandelions that were growing side by side out of the concrete by his foot. "Aha! We'll go in pairs!" Isan declared, placing his hands on his hips proudly. He was so in the moment that he didn't even notice how completely and utterly drenched he was, having been standing directly in the rain next to Midori and all.

"Mizu-chan, come with me. Since I have the Humpty Lock, we can track down the X-Eggs and return them to their proper Heart Egg form." Isan explained, then shifting to face Taiyo and Yuna. "Taiyo-kun, Yuna-chan, try and track down the person who corrupted the Heart's Eggs of these girls. I know you guys can Chara Nari, so you shouldn't have that much trouble." Isan fist pumped into the air. "Now let's go do what us Guardians do best: protect everyone's dreams!"

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“Lock Heart!” Lyle whispered as he turned the Dumpty Key that was pointed at the egg. A flash of light and a click later and a grin spread across Lyle’s face. Tucking the X Egg away in his pocket, he turned to watch his victim float away in a daze of pessimism.

“Good work, but you’re not quite done yet!” Ryoku exclaimed as he perched on Lyle’s shoulder. “Look!” He pointed at another girl just inside the front doors of the school. She gazed at a magazine cover longingly and ran a hand through her hair casually. Lyle took a step back like a photographer examining his next shot before he began to stride towards the girl. In one swift movement he snatched the magazine and tossed it over his shoulder.

“Why are you looking at those girls?” he asked coyly. “We both know you’re very pretty.” He wrapped a lock of her hazelnut hair around his finger. “Now those girls in the magazines, they’re beautiful. To start with, they don’t have split ends like your hair.” He dropped the hair that had been around his finger before he placed a hand beneath her chin and began to inspect her shocked face. “Round eyes, quite a plus, but those eyebrows are simply atrocious. I don’t think that big nose of yours would be very attractive on the camera either. And since when were thin lips supposed to be hot?” The X Egg started to appear as Lyle continued his critique. With a few more insults, he finally was able to grip the tainted egg.

“But you’re still a princess to me.” He pulled out his Dumpty Key and locked the egg with a simple utterance of “Lock Heart!”.

“You might want to take a look at the entrance of the school, Lyle. We’ve got company!” Ryoku giggled excitedly as he tugged on Lyle’s sleeve.

“Well, won’t this be fun?” Lyle wrapped an arm around the confused girl at his side as he pulled out the other egg that had been tucked away in his coat. The Dumpty Key flashed between the fingers of the hand that rested on the girl’s shoulder. “Shall we take a walk, dear?” Lyle asked with a voice that dripped bittersweet tones. The girl nodded deafly, and with that, Lyle began to lead her out towards the Guardians gathered at the entrance of the school.

Lyle’s eyes narrowed as he slowed to a stop at the top of the stairs. He had nothing to gain from these losers, but he was willing to bet that they were interested in the little eggs that rested in his hand considering how much they were fawning over his previous victim.

“Looking for these?” he called out to them as he tightened his grip on the girl at his side. “These little ones had some nice presents for me, but I don’t think I need them anymore. Funny. They were nice while they lasted. Would you like them?” He looked down at the two eggs in his hands as if he was actually contemplating his decision. “What am I saying? Of course you do! Here!” He tossed the pair of X Eggs towards the group. “Enjoy! Good luck on trying to crack them open. Their shells are locked pretty tight.”

Isan inhaled sharply. "The eggs!!" He shouted, dashing forward and grabbing the X-Eggs out of the air just before they fell to the ground. The senior boy tripped in the process, stumbling forward and coming face-to-face with the new presence at the scene. Isan grimaced, pushing the other boy's body away from his own. "You're sick." He spat, cradling the precious eggs in his two palms. They felt cold and were completely motionless, as if they had somehow been frozen. However, Isan smirked confidently, staring boldly into the other boy's eyes. "It doesn't matter what you've done to these eggs, I can always use Open Heart to cleanse them. No problemo, right, Romeo?...Romeo?!..." Isan looked around him with a horrified expression on his face, just realizing what that important thing was that had been missing all morning. Oh my God...where are all my Guardian Charas? He thought, glancing back at the new boy standing a few feet away with one of his victim girls by his side. This is not good...guys, where could you be?

"Guardians, attack!" Isan shouted over his shoulder, trying to buy time. If the others kept this new enemy of theirs busy, maybe Romeo, Crush, and Hime could find their ways back to Isan in time. Isan said a silent prayer for his Guardian Charas, then hollered at the others once more. "Be careful not to hurt any of the girls!"

"Should we transform? I'm afraid if we do, our attacks may harm these poor ladies."

Yuna looked around, holding Ariana and Adrianna tightly.

Her back was against, Mizu's, her body shivering with fear.

"Honestly, Yuna-chan, where's your usual confidence?" Isan snapped at Yuna, his face full of annoyance, "Have faith in yourself and you can do anything! Plus, we don't exactly have time to act like cowards. He could find another victim if we don't stop him now!" Isan ground his teeth as beads of sweat formed on his temple. I need to have faith in my Shugo Chara to get here in time... The brunette thought, trying to convince himself to be optimistic.

"O-okay!" Yuna said, taking Ariana by the arm.

"Chara Nari, Spring Charm!" She yelled.

The Spring Rose bloomed on her bracelet.

It enlarged, and veiled itself around Yuna.

Finally it dwindled into nothing, as Yuna was uncovered.

"I'm ready! Mizu, please do something to cover me!" Yuna said.

She was still in her same place, behind Mizu.

Isan smiled approvingly as he watched Yuna transform. That's more like it... He thought, his heart beginning to pick up pace with his increasing excitement.

Just after Yuna called out to Mizu, the Humpy Lock burst into light around Isan's neck. It glowed a calming brownish-red color, one Isan had never seen it glow before. The 17-year-old watched in awe as the lock floated out in front of him. Gasping loudly, Isan buckled forward when he felt the Humpty Lock's energy billow out and pour into Mizu's fountain pen. The Humpty Lock continued to glow after the link was formed, but the circle of light shining through Mizu's clothing signaled that the pen was glowing with the same bright light. "Mizu-chan...could it be...?" Isan wondered out loud, mystified by what had just occurred. Did the Humpty Lock really possess such a power as this?

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Lyle was beginning to grow bored. The childish antics of the group in front of him failed to impress him in the least. Such cowards he thought as he analyzed their movements. Such childish, clumsy cowards.

Isan’s threats barely dented Lyle’s haughty morale. As far as Lyle was concerned, his spell was unbreakable. What was one silly lock against his charm?

“What is everybody waiting for?” Lyle sneered. He turned to the girl at his side and grabbed her hand. He gave her one quick spin before catching her and leaning back to face the others.

“I’m really quite harmless.” His blue eyes fixed themselves on Isan. “I haven’t done anything to you. I’ve only been minding my own business and doing my job. You can’t blame me for trying to be productive.” His peripheral vision caught the sight of Yuna transforming. Now that’s interesting

Lyle stood up straight again and let the girl go. She tottered off in a daze as the boy turned to face the Guardians. “Oh, now that’s just not fair. Transforming already? What are you going to do? Dazzle me until I turn the X Eggs back?” he teased as he watched the Humpty Lock glow. Lyle had to admit that he didn’t understand what was going on with the lock. He fiddled with the Dumpty Key in his hand, but he made no effort to stop the transformations. His cold eyes glanced to his side to see Ryoku floating nearby. The Guardian Chara looked impatient, almost as if he wanted to take care of these nuisances now. Lyle wasn’t quite ready to wear his crown quite yet, though, so he turned his gaze back to the Guardians.

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