My Would-Be Self


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Name: Taiyo Yamaha

Gender: Boy

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Alias: Seiyo High Guardians

Appearance: (sorry, this character creator does not work for me! :( I'll just describe) dark green eyes, black hair that reaches to about his chin, slender and tall

Special Item: a bowtie key chain

Guardian Chara: #1

Name: Fushigi

Gender: Boy

Egg Insignia: Bowtie

Appearance: brown eyes, wearing a tuxedo with a red bowtie and a top hat, carries a cane, and wears a monocle, orange shoulder length hair

Character Change: Fancy, high class, a bit snobby, British accent

Talents: reading long books in a short amount of time, playing sudoku

Item: bow tie

Character Transformation:

Name: Crimson Bowtie

Guardian Chara: Fushigi

Appearance: a suit with long coat tails,black top hat with a red ribbon around it, black pants, white gloves, red bowtie, shiny black shoes

Items: cane, monocle

Moves: Spinning Cane, Monocle flash

Anything Else: Jack Chair

(edited profile)

Isan rounded the final corner at the end of the boardwalk and started to run up the also wooden pier, which was at a slight incline and stretched out and over the beach as well as a good amount of the ocean. As they ran, Isan accidentally kicked over a fisherman's bucket of bait. The fisherman shook his fist in the air. "Ey! Watch where you're goin', Bub!"

Isan waved over his shoulder with his one free hand. "Sorryyy!" He continued to run with Mizu until they hit the very end of the pier. Isan jumped and landed on the middle rail of the wooden safety railing, leaning into the ocean breeze. A wave crashed into the pier, spraying sea foam into the air. Isan closed his eyes contentedly. "Ahh..."

Romeo, who was doing the same thing as Isan along with Crush and Hime, stopped abruptly and pointed at the horizon. "Everyone, look!" The sun laid halfway hidden on the horizon, casting it's scarlet light across the top of the reflective water. Circles of orange, yellow, and pink surrounded the sun, and the clear evening sky glowed purple and dark plum.

Crush gasped. "Mother Nature, is, pretty..." Hime, who was still sitting on Isan's shoulder, leaned her head against Isan's cheek. Romeo floated in the air next to them, and Crush sat down on the edge of the safety rail to watch.

Okay, as awesome helper guy in this roleplay, I have made the avatars for you characters, FunFunMametchi.

Taiyo: I stuck with the black hair, and then the uniform

Fushigi: This was fun fun!

Crimson Bowtie: With this I had the long hair, but I also needed to improvise. Since yo said Taiyo and Fushigi had black and orange hair, I put those together to get brown. He is holding a stopwatch, which I thought fit.

(Zomg those look so cool! And a future attack that Crimson Bowtie can learn later on could be for him to briefly stop time with the stopwatch :D )

(FINALLY we have all the guardians! I was waiting FOREVER for the jack to "come back from vacation")

(Glad that I made us complete! ^_^ Those avatars look pretty good, thanks! And that attack sounds awesome!)

Taiyo looked out of his airplane's window as it prepared to land. The gray colors of the airport runway sped past him.

Yes! The plane is coming down! he thought. Finally!

Hovering above his right shoulder, Fushigi closed a large blue book with a thump.

"Good thing we're landing," Fushigi said, his British accent making him sound smarter than he actually was. "I'm getting cramped on this tiny shoulder of yours."

"It's not that tiny. Stop complaining," Taiyo said back.

They braced themselves as the craft made two final bumps and finally came to a halt. Taiyo unbuckled his seat-belt, and stood up, grabbing his bags from the compartment above his seat. After shuffling through the crowd of people at the busy airport, he and Fushigi reached the pick-up-drop-off station where Taiyo waited for his family to pick him up.

"Are they here yet?" Fushigi sighed. "I really do fancy a cup of tea at the moment."

"Patience, young grasshopper," said Taiyo.

"I am not a grasshopper!" yelled Fushigi, his face turning red with rage.

Taiyo was about to explain that it was a figure of speech and that being so smart and Britishy, he should know that, but just then his family's blue car rolled up. His father sounded a sharp honk and motioned for him to get in the car. His mother, brother, and sister waved at him through the tinted window.

Sticking his two bags into the trunk of the car, he pulled open the door and hopped in. Taiyo reached over and pulled his seatbelt until he heard a click, then the car started rolling down the street once again.

"How was your trip?" asked his mother.

"Very good. I learned a lot of important things," Taiyo replied.

His two year old brother sat in his car seat yelling gibberish, while his thirteen year old sister sketched in a purple notebook.

Taiyo sighed.

In a weird way, it's good to be home, he thought, and tried to tune out the constant screech of the two year old all the way home.

After he had unpacked and eaten dinner, Taiyo went up to his room and yawned. Fushigi was perched on a fuzzy white pillow, drinking tea out of a miniature tiny cup.

"Mmm," said Taiyo. "Traveling sure makes me tired. I'm gonna head to bed so I'll be ready to go back to Seiyo tomorrow."

"Good night," Fushigi said as he climbed into his egg carrying his cup of tea.

"Night," Taiyo said, and switched off the light.

He stretched out in bed. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He wondered how the other guardians were doing, if they had had any x-egg attacks. Plus, he would get to meet the new Joker.

Taiyo drifted off to sleep.

(WOO! We have been united! :D )

They reached the edge of the pier. Mizu felt a sudden vibration in her pocket and pulled out her phone. It was Yuna. Mizu listened to the short message, then after hearing the beep that signaled a hang up, she placed it back in her pocket.

Okay, Mizu thought. I hope she's really feeling well enough to come tomorrow. I wouldn't want her to get sicker.

"Ah, sorry!" Mizu apologized to Isan. "That was Yuna. I guess she was sick but then decided that she would come to school after all. It was a bit confusing."

Mizu then turned to the horizon. It had turned a beautiful shade of purple.

"Whoa!" she gasped. "It's.... beautiful."

"This," Rei declared. "Is one of the reasons why we have to protect our beautiful Earth."

Mizu closed her eyes and leaned over the wooden rail. A wave crashed, hitting her face with cool sea spray. She felt the refreshing, cool water on her cheeks and smell the salty scent.

"Thanks for taking me here," Mizu said. "It's been really amazing,"

Rei and Mizu smiled at each other.

Isan turned and flashed Mizu a toothy grin. "No problem! I really like hanging out with you, Mizu-chan." When he spoke the second sentence, Isan's facial expression grew more gentle and sweet.


Isan's eyes glistened romantically, and he grabbed Mizu about the waist, dipping her suddenly. In his hair was Romeo's red character change rose. "Eres mas bonita que el sol, Señorita." Out of nowhere, a rose appeared in Isan's mouth.

As quickly as it had came, the character change disappeared as well as both roses. Isan blinked, staring down at Mizu, who was so red in the face she looked about to faint. Isan gasped, stood Mizu back up, and swiveled around to glare at Romeo. "Romeo, REALLY?!"

Romeo shook his head. "Lo siento, Isan-kun, but I have limited power over your character changes. Sometimes you'll randomly Chara Change with me if the situation fits my personality."

Isan's anger stopped immediately as he pondered this fact. "Huh..." He turned to look back at Mizu, who was still very flustered and looked confused as heck. Isan began to giggle, which then grew into full out laughter. This was the first time Isan had shown his laugh around any of his new friends, and as he chuckled his bubbly laughter twinkled merrily like wind chimes.

Isan wiped giddy tears from his eyes as his fit of laughter died down. "Haha, oh dear. That was actually really funny!"

Romeo smiled proudly. Isan's finally starting to warm up to his Shugo Charas...

(I hereby give Cheesy the ability to time-skip to the next morning at the end of her next post.)

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About an hour after he fell asleep he awoke to a setting sun. He checked his clock, 9:00 PM, and decided it was to early to crash in. Onerai's mind, however, was colorful will images of the chara of his dreams. He was bluching on the inside, but in his mind he was more red than white. Cain caught on to what was happening. Much like Romeo, he told Onerai to confess. "After all," Cain said, "the worst she can do is say no... Just give it a little more time."

Cain, however had a PROBLEM hovering over his head. After how he noticed how Isan-kun had acted on the beach after Cain had awoken him, and how he spoke his words at the restaraunt while recieving his pie, he almost thought Isan liked him.

"Yuna did tell me he was gay... Is it possible? I mean, sure he's nice and charming, but a lover for me? (Time to make things interesting) I mean, I am bisexual but still... (yep. Things just got COMPLICATED!!!!) I also think maybe Yuna likes me... I mean... the way she acted in the battle at the beach, how she ran to my aid... and everything... Gosh..."

Onerai spoke up with this: "Seems I'm not the only one with love troubles... Let's just hope Romeo's love radar doesn't find you before you find someone."

Cain couldn't help but giggle at Onerai's comment, then yawned. "I think the reason I woke up was because my thoughts were racing... But now they're eased. Well, 'night Onerai."

"Good night Cain!" Onerai said as he hovered toward his egg.

Cain crawled under the covers for a restful night's sleep.

Now for real: ZzZzZzZzZ........

(Oh SNAP! This just made things all the more interesting! What do y'all think?)

( :eek: Extreme plot twist! And thanks for the time skip.)

Mizu took one last look at the setting sun and then turned again to Isan, trying to calm herself down.

"Well, I have to go now," she said. "My family is probably expecting me. Thanks again!"

Mizu and Rei turned around and began to walk. Then, Mizu spun around once again and, with one last wave to Isan, hurried back home.

She opened the door to her bedroom and plopped down head-first onto her bed, burying her face in a fuzzy yellow pillow.

Her head was filled with confused thoughts. Aah! I still can't believe what just happened! I mean, I know it's Romeo mostly but still...

The truth was, Mizu had to admit that she had developed a bit of a crush on Isan.

But I know for a fact he's... yeah, it could never be.

Mizu lifted her head from the pillow to get a gulp of air and turned around, her head now resting on the pillow instead of her face. She let out a deep sigh.

"Anything wrong, Mizu-chan?" asked Rei, who was just beginning to climb into her egg. "You look confused and depressed and stuff."

"Ah..." Mizu paused for a second before continuing,"No, it's nothing."

Rei still looked a Mizu with an expression of concern on her face. "Well, good night then."

"Good night, Rei."

Mizu turned off the light and lay flat on her back in bed, trying to clear all of her crazy thoughts and emotions out of her head before finally drifting off to sleep until morning.

(Classic Kajah, classic. So that means that he likes both genders right?)

Yuna took her heart shaped pillow and dreamed about her and Cain running in the wind, hair blowing.

Ariana and Adrianna whispered to themselves.

"Do you think we should tell her that Cain is bisexual?" Ariana said, remembering what Onerai said before when they first met.

"No, let her find out herself." Adrianna said, being the nice one.

(This'll be interesting..

Isan grinned and waved goodbye to Mizu until she was out of sight, then slowly lowered his hand as his mind ventured into deep thought. He looked wistful just standing there with a faraway look on his face.

Romeo floated up to Isan, a sympathetic look on his face. "You already know, don't you?" Isan nodded without changing his facial expression. Romeo sighed, crossing his arms. "But you wish you could feel the same, ¿sí?" Isan nodded again, this time a look of pain flashing onto his face.

Isan's mouth opened ever so slightly as he spoke. "I'm going to have to break her heart..." Isan looked at the ground so that the light casted a concealing shadow over his face. His fists clenched as his body trembled slightly. "I-I'm...I'm horrible..."

Hime, with tears in her eyes, shook her head and hugged Isan, flying into his chest. "Iie, your wonderfur, Isan-kun!" She buried her face in his shirt.

Crush floated over and joined in on the hug. He looked up at Isan with a smile. "We love ya, man..."

Last but not least, Romeo floated down and completed the group hug. He looked up at Isan as well, giving his owner a reassuring look. "We'll always be here for you. As your Shugo Charas, sí, pero as your amigos, too."

Isan crossed his arms lightly, which essentially hugged all three of the little flower Shugo Charas at once. He allowed a smile to appear on his lips as he embraced his...friends. "Arigato..." A final tear streaked down his cheek, and as it fell, so did the setting sun.


(That's my last post for this day. Whoever posts next should probably start it with the next morning.)

Taiyo woke up the next morning feeling quite refreshed. After a quick breakfast of his favorite cereal, he got into his Seiyo uniform, donned the special guardian cape, and headed out the door with Fushigi following close behind him.

Taiyo was excited. He would get to see all of the guardians again. He hadn't told anyone that he was coming back, so it was going to be quite a pleasant surprise for everyone. He rounded the corner and reached the big, looming front gates of the school. Fushigi was finishing up his morning tea and scone as Taiyo walked into his homeroom classroom, arriving a bit earlier than everyone else. He set his books down, plopped down in his chair at his desk and gazed out the window. The sun was shining brightly as he waited for the rest of the kids to file in.

Mizu yawned and glanced sleepily at the clock. She sighed. It was, again, unfortunately, time to get up. Mizu could have slept for a few more hours. Fighting the x-eggs yesterday had really tired her out. Reluctantly, she pushed herself out of bed and proceeded to the bathroom. Twisting the tap for cold water, Mizu cupped her hands under the faucet and splashed her face. The cold sting of the tiny droplets fully awakened her, and she went back into her room.

Mizu tapped her index finger on Rei's egg, which was resting comfortably on a small pillow next to a large stuffed bear.

"Hey Rei!" she called. "Rise and shine!"

A faint groaning noise was heard, followed by a muffled reply of, "Mmm just five more minutes..."

"No. I have to get up early, so do you. No sleeping in just because you have a little egg to hide in and I don't," Mizu said back.

The egg was silent and still for a moment, then slowly cracked open to reveal a disheveled and groggy Rei. Her red hair stuck out in random directions, and her eyes were barely open. A trail of drool dripped from the right corner of her mouth.

Mizu couldn't help but laugh out loud. Rei looked simply hilarious at this moment compared to her usual self.

"Yeah yeah, shut up," Rei muttered, and retreated to her area on Mizu's desk which contained a tiny compact mirror to fix her look.

Still smiling, Mizu walked downstairs and made herself breakfast. As she munched on a piece of crispy, buttery toast, Mizu was pretty content. She had pushed her troubled thoughts to the back of her mind for the moment and continued to focus on other things. Like what books she would need for class that day, what classes she had that day, and other stuff.

After finishing her toast, Mizu went back up to her room and got into her uniform. Rei, now completely revived, followed her out the door on her way to school.

Mizu reached her homeroom and pulled out her notebook, hoping to get some drawing time in before class had to start.

Yuna awoke, ready to go to school. Brushing her hair, she put on some nude lipstick to have a fresh look. Putting on ear rings, she looked almost like a goddess.

Taking her mountain bike, she took a few left and right turns, and arrived at school. She waved at a few friends, and then got into the school.

Yuna took some time in her locker to finish putting on her charm bracelet, and walked into homeroom.

She saw Taiyo. At first, she thought it was just a new kid. But then as she dropped something, she looked into his eyes.

It was him.

She ran up to him and gave him a hug, maybe a little too hard, and greeted him.

"How are you Taiyo?"

(Wait, Emilson, I made you cry?!)

Isan walked into the Senior homeroom class, as the studens at Seiyo Academy were divided up by grade. He made his way over to his desk and plopped down into the seat with a huff. He had been extremely exhausted from overdoing it last night, so when he layed down in bed at home he practically passed out again until the morning. But despite the rest he got, and the nutritious breakfast he ate, Isan was still feeling a little out of it today. Isan yawned, covering his mouth and nose with both hands.

Crush poked his head out of Isan's 3-egg holder, which Isan had taken off of his waist and placed on the desk. "Duuude, you totally need to, like, chilax some more before homeroom starts..." Before Isan could think twice about Crush's statement, a blue hibiscus flower popped into Isan's hair as Crush initiated a Character Change.

Isan's eyelids grew droopy like Crush's, and he even started to drool a little. "Chyah, time to catch up on some Z's, man..." With that, Isan tilted his head back and instantly fell asleep, his mouth wide open and snoring like a lion.

Crush ended the Character Change and the hibiscus disappeared. "There...he'll wake up before the teacher comes in..." He explained to Romeo and Hime, who were both listening intently.

Romeo's ear twitched, and he held a finger to his lips. "Shhh!" He pointed outside the Character Case they were inside of. "Listen to what the kids are saying..."

"Hey, look! Yamaha-san is back!"

"Didn't he go to Europe or something?"

"Yeah, he studied abroad in England. Isn't that cool?"

"Totally! He's so cool! ~<3"

Hime nodded towards a handsome dark-haired boy sitting near the back of the room. "I sink stat's Yamaha-san." She noticed that he was wearing a blue Guardian cape. "Ooh! He must be se Jack's Chair!"

Romeo gasped excitedly. "Gasp! Isan needs to wake up right now! Fa-lap, shuffle, heel!" Romeo chanted magically, snapping his fingers at the end. With a Pop!, Romeo's red rose appeared in Isan's hair. Immediately, Isan sprung awake, his back completely straight and his eyes wide. He grinned brightly, and then literally sprung into the air right out of his chair. He did a few backflips in the air, and landed perfectly next to Taiyo's desk amongst the crowd of 12th graders already there. Isan grabbed Taiyo's hand and began to shake it vigorously, interrupting Taiyo's moment with Yuna. "¡Buenos dias! My name's Doreiku Isan. I'm very pleased to meet you, Yamaha-san!" The Character-changed Isan continued to grin this entire time, but as soon as he had introduced himself the rose disappeared. Isan blinked, still holding Taiyo's hand but no longer shaking it. He looked down at it, gasped, then let go quickly. "G-gomenasai!" Isan apologized, bowing deeply. His face was bright red with embarrassment.

"Whoa! Did you see Doreiku-san do that in the air?"

"Who knew he had it in 'em?"

"I think he's amazing...heehee~<3"

"Heehee, yeah. Quiet and saintly, but also energetic and spontaneous! Kakkoi ne!"

Isan, still bowing, grew an even deeper shade of crimson. Romeo is as good as dead! He thought maliciously.

(Btw, Emilson, I love Yuna's conceitedness xD It's really funny to read.)

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After recovering from the tight squeeze, Taiyo took a breath and spoke.

"Ah, Yuna-chan!" he greeted her with a warm smile. "I'm doing fine. And Fushigi, of course, is he usual picky-self."

Fushigi floated over to Arianna and Adrianna.

"And I trust the lovely ladies are doing well?" he asked.

Taiyo looked around the classroom. The other students had obviously began to notice his arrival. He peered around, recognizing all of the faces but one.

Hmm... new transfer perhaps? Or maybe...

Then he saw something that confirmed his suspicions. A character change.

Yup. That has to be the new Joker.

Taiyo watched the exuberant introduction, then chuckled quietly to himself. This was a very interesting character, indeed.

"No need to apologize, please," Taiyo smiled at Isan. "Nice to meet you. I'm Taiyo Yamaha, Jack Chair. And this," he continued, gesturing to Fushigi, "Is my guardian character, Fushigi."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance," Fushigi said.

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