My Would-Be Self


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Mizu chuckled quietly to herself. Hime-chan was so shy and humble... it was just too kawaii!

"Thanks for the compliment, Hime-chan," Mizu said, nudging Rei to do the same.

"Yeah! Thanks!" Rei said, glaring sideways at Mizu for nudging her.

"So," Mizu said. "Who's ready for some pie? I know I am."

"Yeah!" Rei shouted.

Romeo raised his hand eagerly, bouncing up and down in Isan's lap. "Ooh! Ooh! I want pie, too!"

Crush and Isan nodded at each other in agreement. "Crush and I like the idea of some pie as well." Isan said. He had to admit that a warm rhubarb custard pie was simply irresistable to him.

"I-I sink I can herp wis sat..." Hime floated up into the air, a Japanese frying pan poofing into her hands. "No sense in paying for food when I can make it myserf. Sink of sis as a wercoming present from me..." Hime waved the agemono nabe around, and a thick creamy batter appeared inside of it. "Frour, sugar, baking powder!" She chanted. Immediately, a flow of batter came gushing out of her tiny frying pan, pilling in the center of the table. When the flow stopped, the batter on the table twisted and bubbled as it slowly began to change itself into a disc-like shape. Once it was done shaping itself, the batter magically turned into a steaming rhubarb custard pie, just as Isan had imagined.

"Shugoi...!" Isan gasped, completely in awe. "Hime-chan, that was amazing!"

Hime smiled gratefully. "Arigato gozaimasu!" She then turned around to look at everyone, and then motioned to the pie. "Werr, everyone dig in!"

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Onerai sat in disbelief as Hime created a pie out of thin air. He whiffed the air. "Rhubarb custard? Mmm! Hime-chan, you're amazing."

"I agree!" Cain said, letting Onerai have his little flirting moment.

"And it smells just as good as it tastes!" Onerai continued, imaginig the rhubarb flavor melting in his mouth.

Cain said, "Well, let's do what Hime says and DIG IN!" Cain cut everyone a piece, even the charas, and popped it in his mouth. "It'f af light af a dream!" Cain said with his mouth full.

Isan took his piece and his Charas' pieces as Cain handed them to him on a plate. "Thanks, Cain-kun...!" The brief moment that Isan's hand made contact with Cain's as he reached out to take the plate from Cain seemed to last for thirty seconds to Isan, but in reality it was barely two seconds. Cain didn't seem to notice at all, as he commenced to digging into his pie and commenting on its taste. Isan blushed, placing the pie plate in front of him and looking at Cain out of the corner of his eye. He sighed sadly. He doesn't seem to like me that way at all... Isan thought.

Romeo, swallowing a mouthful of pie, floated over to sit on Isan's shoulder near his ear understandingly; he had seen Isan's blush. "Don't fret, Señor. You never know until you confess; the worst he can say is no." Romeo whispered encouragingly.

Isan showed a slight smile in response. "Arigato, Romeo-kun..." He then cut off a piece of his slice of pie with his fork, bringing it up to his mouth. "Itadakimasu!" Isan exclaimed mock-cheerfully, chomping down on the bite of pie. He looked down at the rest of his pie slice, deep in thought. Confess to him, huh? I wonder if I'll ever do that...

Meanwhile, Hime blushed furiously in response to Onerai's flattering and waved her hand in front of her face. "No, no, it wasn't much."

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"Yeah, we are twins." Continued Adrianna.

Adrianna and Ariana looked at each other when Hime looked down. They nodded.

"Hey, now Hime, we are now going to officially take you as a student to being proud for who you are. It's called self-esteem." Adrianna said, in unison with Ariana.

Yuna smiled. Her little children were making friends.

"That's nice of you two."

Mizu watched as Hime made the dessert out of thin air.

"Too bad you can't do anything as useful as that, huh Rei?" Mizu snickered.

"Oh shut up," Rei glared.

Mizu and Rei took their pieces of pie.

"Arigato!" Mizu said.

Rei and Mizu took a bite.

"Delicious!" Mizu said. "It's so light and creamy! Mmm!"

"Ditto!" Rei said. "You're an awesome cook, Hime-chan!"

"I'm grad you rike it!" Hime replied to Rei. Turning back to Ariana and Adrianna, Hime responded to their offer with another twinkling giggle. "Oh my, it seems I'm giving you two se wrong idea. I don't have any serf-esteem probrems; I'm just rearry shy, sat's arr. Sank you for your concern, sough."

A few minutes later, the gang had finished off the rest of the pie. Isan patted his stomach contentedly, then looked outside of the restaurant window. "Hey, let's go watch the sun set, guys!" Isan suggested, pointing at the telltale orange and pink sky.

Romeo became all dreamy, holding his hands together next to his head as if he were sleeping. "Ahhh, I love the sunset! It is the epitome of romance~"

Isan sweatdropped. "Romeo, is that all you ever think about?"

Floating over to stare out the window, Crush turned his head around to look at Isan while he spoke. "Dude, I wanna see the sunset, too! Let's go man!"

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Mizu looked out the window as she finished the last of her pie. The sky was filled with splashes of orange, pink, and purple, as if someone had thrown cans of paint on the bright blue canvas.

It's beautiful... she thought.

After hearing Isan's suggestion, she perked up and said, "That sounds great to me! What do you think, Rei?"

"Sure!" Rei replied, licking the cream around her mouth.

Onerai cherred in delight (internally, of course) when Hime talked to him, turning an even deeper shade of red than crimson.

"The sunset sounds like a great idea!" Cain said, cutting through Onerai's head.

"Yeah!" said onerai "Sorry..." He whispered into Cain's ear.

"daijobu." Cain Said (It's all right.)

The sunset liked like a painting where the artist used only oranges and yellows.

"Kire" Cain and Onerai said together. (pretty)

(Sorry for being inactive. I had a vacation for a while. I am so so so so sorry.)

"Yeah this sunset is very beautiful." Yuna said, looking at her watch. "But I have to go. I'll see you later, Cain, Mizu, and Isan. I'll text you guys later."

Yuna got her bag, and walked off. Her hair glistened in the sunlight, and her body shape moved in the wind perfectly, as if she was the last piece in a puzzle; she was the last piece in this sunset.

Ariana and Adrianna floated behind her, waving to Onerai, Crush, Romeo, Hime, and Rei.

Yuna thought of this day again. She would always remember these moments. These memories would never fade. She had great friends, and she loved them. One, more than the rest, but she still loved them.

(It's okay :) But for future reference, if any of you guys are leaving for an extended period of time, please say so before you leave.)

Isan and his three Shugo Charas waved as Yuna, Ariana, and Adrianna walked away. He noted how dazzling Yuna looked in the light of the sunset. "Wow...she's goregous, isn't she?" He said to his Guardian Charas.

Hime nodded enthusiastically. "Hai! Yuna-chan is a very beautifur girr!" She continued to wave goodbye with everyone else until Yuna and her Guardian Charas were out of sight.

Isan lifted his finger up for the waiter. "Excusez moi..." Isan sweatdropped, turning to Cain. "Um, Cain-kun, could you please ask for the check? I only know a few random words and phrases in French."

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"Not a problem" Cain said. "Pardonne-moi, nous voulons le cheque, sil-vous-plait?" (Pardon me, but we would like the check please)

"Oui!" said the waiter. (Yes)

Cain waved to Yuna as she walked away, and Onerai waved to Ariana and Adrianna, then quickly turned away to Hime. "So... Hime... How do you like everyone so far?: He asked trying to start a conversation. He slapped himself mentally, thinking Baka Baka BAKA!

Cain took the check and paid. "I have to go too. See you tomorrow in school Isan, Mizu." He said as he began to walk off. "Bye!" He shouted.

Only a little while later he arrived at home, throwing his bag down and flopping on his bed. Onerai's mind was active with Hime. He was, after all, in love.

Cain giggled and drifted slowly off to sleep...


(Yeah, I'll have to do that in a few weeks. I'm going on vacation too.)

Mizu watched as the others walked off.

"... So, I guess it's just you and me, Isan-kun?" she said shyly. "What would be the best viewing point? Maybe like the boardwalk or something?"

Rei burped. "Excuse me! That was a good meal!" she floated close to Mizu's shoulder, her red-orange hair touching the gray material of the jacket.

Mizu moved her head, almost smothering Rei in a cloud of blue hair.

"Hey! Watch it!" Rei called.


(Alright! :3 )

Isan started to wave goodbye to Cain, but Cain was already out the door in two seconds flat. He sighed, shaking his head, then leaned back in his chair. He looked at Mizu to answer her question. "The best spot, huh? Hmm...definitely the fishing pier. It goes way out over the ocean."

Crush let loose a resounding burp, patting his stomach. "Hehe...that was a good one, man..."

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Name: Taiyo Yamaha

Gender: Boy

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Alias: Seiyo High Guardians

Appearance: (sorry, this character creator does not work for me! :( I'll just describe) dark green eyes, black hair that reaches to about his chin, slender and tall

Special Item: a bowtie key chain

Guardian Chara: #1

Name: Fushigi

Gender: Boy

Egg Insignia: A Diamond (like the jewel)

Appearance: brown eyes, wearing a tuxedo with a red bowtie and a top hat, carries a cane, and wears a monocle, orange shoulder length hair

Character Change: Fancy, high class, a bit snobby, British accent

Talents: reading long books in a short amount of time, playing sudoku

Item: bow tie

Character Transformation:

Name: Magic Bowtie

Guardian Chara: Fushigi

Appearance: a suit with long coat tails, a black top hat with a red ribbon around it, black pants, white gloves, red bowtie, shiny black shoes

Items: cane, monocle

Moves: Spinning Cane, Monocle flash

Anything Else: Jack Chair

Sorry for joining so late, but I love Shugo Chara!!! Hope this works!

"Yeah," Mizu said. "You're right. It really is a good spot."

She picked up her bag from the floor of the restaurant, brushed off some leftover crumbs, and stood up. Rei floated next to her right ear.

"Shall we go, then?" Mizu asked, walking over to the door and pushing it open. A gust of wind blew in through the door, making her hair whip into her face and causing Rei to squint at the sudden blast of wind pounding against her face.

Mizu gazed at the sky as she held open the door for Isan. It was still orange, but was now beginning to darken; splashes of deep blue and black were added to the canvas at the horizon.

Isan stood up, making sure not to leave his pink beach bag. He slung it over his shoulder casually. "Hai, let's go!" He walked out the door, thanking Mizu for holding it open, and then stared up at the colorful evening sky. The lovely breeze blew through his curls, cooling his scalp. "Ahh..." Isan sighed, drifting off into a daydream.

Hime floated down and sat on Isan's left shoulder. "Isan-kun, we need to go soon or we'rr miss se sunset!" She pointed out, laying her hand on his cheek affectionately.

Isan blinked, coming out of his daydreaming. "Wha?...OH! Mizu-chan, come on!" Isan grabbed Mizu's hand, then started running down the sidewalk toward the beach and the pier. He grinned, giggling at himself. "I can be such a ditz..." He rounded the corner so that they were now running down the boardwalk with the pier entrance at the end.

Mizu blinked in surprise at the sudden grip on her hand, feeling her face color. She then picked up her feet and ran alongside Isan, keeping a light grip on his hand. Rei sort of dash-floated next to the two, trying to keep pace with them, her hair wildly flying behind her.

Mizu couldn't help but laugh. It had been a long time since she had actually had so much fun like this. Not since her sister had left to study abroad. They had been so close, they were best friends. Mizu had always been able to confide in her.

I... really miss her, she thought sadly, her eyes lowering for a moment, then turned her attention back to the cool night air.

The thrum of their sandals hitting the brown wood of the boardwalk filled Mizu's ears, along with the sound of a band of crickets chirping.

This is perfect.

Name: Taiyo Yamaha

Gender: Boy

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Alias: Seiyo High Guardians

Appearance: (sorry, this character creator does not work for me! :( I'll just describe) dark green eyes, black hair that reaches to about his chin, slender and tall

Special Item: a bowtie key chain

Guardian Chara: #1

Name: Fushigi

Gender: Boy

Egg Insignia: Bowtie

Appearance: brown eyes, wearing a tuxedo with a red bowtie and a top hat, carries a cane, and wears a monocle, orange shoulder length hair

Character Change: Fancy, high class, a bit snobby, British accent

Talents: reading long books in a short amount of time, playing sudoku

Item: bow tie

Character Transformation:

Name: Crimson Bowtie

Guardian Chara: Fushigi

Appearance: a suit with long coat tails,black top hat with a red ribbon around it, black pants, white gloves, red bowtie, shiny black shoes

Items: cane, monocle

Moves: Spinning Cane, Monocle flash

Anything Else: Jack Chair

(edited profile)

Yuna slouched in her special fluffy pink computer chair, and she went on her turquoise laptop, watching the majestic animals in some YouTube battle called Ostrich vs. Tiger. She laughed at the destruction, as Ariana and Adrianna did Yuna's nails.

Out of nowhere, she felt queasy. She ran into the bathroom, and puked inside the sink. The green mix made her puke even more. Yuna screamed as she saw her face was pale. She was usually tan. She then sat on the toilet seat and called Mizu.

"Hey Mizu? Yeah, I am really sick, could you go and tell homeroom I- wait never mind. I'm coming to school because I will not end my perfect attendance." She hung up before Mizu could reply, and she marched into her room, face planting onto he bed.

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