Moonlight War


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Vinn let got of him, and said, "They are comming. I need you guys to get into the cages so I can lock up everyone and make it look like im runing something here. Afterwards, ill start to treat Axie. Okay? Her condititon is treatable."

He sighed, and picked her up, carrying her down to Willards cell. "in with you. They wont see you guys anyways." He laid her down next to willard. She held a stiff, rigid, fetal position- with the hand still sticking out. "You guys okay in there? Catalins in one of my experiment/medical rooms. He needs a lot of rest right now, but he should be fine."

Jade took off her jacket and wrapped it around her brother, then peered out from her cell. Her eyes didn't fill with tears, but they were glassy from sleep. She took a shuddery breath, then pulled her knees to her chest.

Avi writhed slightly, moaning in pain. "Alli..." She gasped. "...Alli.... save me..."

He nodded, then went over to the cage doors of all the cells and locked them up tight.

When this was compleated, he reached for something in the wall- a thick, titanium wall. He moved it with difficulty(And there must have been something there to help him accomplish this in the first place), and the shadows fell across the cages, leaving them in total darkness.

Later, a similar sounding thing happened on the other of the wall, blockading the other cages. Where the doors where in the cages there were thick door in the wall, so this was probably an extra security measure that was implimented to keep dangerous subjects safely locked up. Vinn must have been doing it to look like what he was dealing with was actually important.

Jade's breath caught in her throat, and then her eyes began to glow. She was glad that both her and Toby were locked in... Croy would never be able to find them, so he wouldn't get hurt. She chewed her lip, thinking about Croy. It felt like it had been years since they had last met... but it could only have been a matter of days, weeks, maybe a month, maybe. She coughed, trying to restrain it, but it was a hefty cough.

Avi moaned, "It hurts Alli..... It hurts...."

Toby woke up, then yelped, "Jade, where are you!? Don't leave me!!!"

Jade pulled him onto her lap. "Shh, shh. I'm here, it's okay.... it's going to be okay." In the dark, as her eyes glowed, she could make out a couple of figures, but that was all. "Who's there????" Jade called into the darkness.

Avi said, "Everything.... it all hurts, Alli....."

BG: if you didnt catch the first time, this is a delicate situation- between Axie, Willard, and the rest of the people here. It would be somehting close to godmod if you just threw your characters into the mix.

The coversation at hand went as follows:

" take you away."

"Why? Why me? Why arnt they taking that dumb other wolf like I thought they were supposed too?"

"First off, that 'dumb other wolf' is your sister." He sounded cross. This little factoid was also left out of what Vinn had told Axie and Willard about her earlier. "According to DNA samples we took from you when we picked you up. Same dad. Also, that 'dumb other wolf' isnt a wolf anymore. er husband decided to take matters into his own hands and make her into something.... interesting. And they were promised Female hybrid, so your up next on the list."

there was a violent string of yells and cusses. She was not amused.

"That d*mn f*ck!" She yelled. "How could he do that? I dont wan to go! That ***!"

Vinn hadnt said anything in reply, except, 'They will be here soon. But its not like your leaving anything behind." However, a few minuets later and down the hall somewhat, he tacked on, "Besides; he mentally incapacitated her. She wont be doing much of anything for a long while."

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okay, sorry.

I was just trying to get more into the plot, that's all.

Jade suddenly shot up, cluthing at her chest. She looked around. Forest. It was all a dream. "Oh thank heavens...." She breathed, glancing over to see that Toby was right beside her. Something that made sense.

Willard was shocked. Her... Her sister? Now he felt extremely guilty. He started letting out violent screams, clawing at the cage. "DON'T GET RID OF HER!"

Jade got up and stretched, reaching her arms as far as they could go. She walked away from him, to try and find something to eat. Then she heard a noise, coming from up ahead. She crept forward, then peered from some brushes.

A man, in his early twenties, was washing his face in a pond. He was clearly a human, perhaps a scout.

Jade blinked a few times. The only humans she had really had much contact with were the ones who adopted her for a short time. They always managed to surprise her somehow. She crawled out a slight bit more, tilting her head a bit.

Vinn mutter was unintellegible to Willard, only murmurs and grunts through the bar. However, the lab fell silent after a large thunk, supposivly from the trap door, and they would have to wait it out until they came back down for Allyster.

BG: Sorry for sort of kicking you out there. I hope you understand ;3

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