Moonlight War


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She didnt. She didnt move.

except, her eyes, almost inverted with the color of her rings and pupil white and the whites of her eyes a light blue, slid slowly twords his face. Her jaw held in that awkward position, her body lay stiff.

She started to move her mouth slightly, silently, as if trying to form a word. It took what could have been minuets or hours in the minds eey (It took about four or five minuets in real life) for her to finallly get the word out of her mouth.

She said, "Wull," Because it was easier then his real named. "Wullard...." She whispered.

He shook a little. "I... Should just turn you into a human." He began to cry, feeling guilty. He should've never changed her, he should've never done this to her.

Axie didnt seem to notice anything that was going on, and willards crys drowned out the creaking of the trap door when vinn came back up. He watched the pair for a second, then came over, looking down on them.

He sighed, as if trying to form a definition in his brain. "Its hard to explain." He said, quietly. "Its different with most people. I would have to test her to see if she has all the symptoms, or only some... What I see already in her is loss of motor skills, and stereotyped, repetitive movements- such as curling into you." He chewed his lip, and then reached out and took her hand. he pulled it out, then dropped it- but instead of it falling, it held its position, looking like it was suspended by a string. "thats Waxy Flexibility..." He murmured. "Where they hold the pose you set them in with no real reactions. And when she talks, if she talk,s she may only say meaningless words or phrases."

lol at your using my suggestion. Hooray!

Vinn grabbed him suddenly, holding his hands to the floor. "for petes sake, Willard, calm down." He murmured. "Catalins alright, if that makes you feel any better. Axie may get better too. Let me treat her."

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