Moonlight War


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It was Axie and Catalin. Or, more accuratly, it was Axie draining Catalin, who was writing but fading fast. Fear clouded his eyes like clouds fog the moon, and, like waves responding the the clouding, the writhign and tremors given off by his body grew gradually and quickly weaker.

Jade woke up, feeling like something had dropped on her head. he looked over and saw Willard holding onto Axie, and a drained Catalin. Panicking, she looked for her brother. She gently took him in her arms, then scooted against the cold wall. Where the heck was this place? How did they get here? More importantly... were the two youngsters going to die?

Toby stirred slightly, burying himself in Jade. Jade was relieved that he was still asleep, still oblivious.

Avi was curled up on the ground, moaning in pain. Her head hurt, her limbs hurt, everything hurt.

BG- they are in Special Case Place, out in Siberia. They are in Vinns holding area/house, but they are currently above the labratory, on his couch. It would take a lot for me to explain what this place is so far.

One would expect Axie, being pulled away from her 'kill', would react in a violent, territorial way- instead, she just lay dully on the floor. Like somethign dead (Though she was breathing). Like she was sleeping with her eyes open. She didnt make any attempt to do anything, to even acknowledge she was away from her food source. To even acknowledge Willard.

Catalin, on the other hand, was in a deep shock, his eyes wide in terror and unblinking. His muscles had locked up from the lack of blood, some spasuming, some totally contracted.

Vinn popped through the trap door, his eyes squinting over at Willard. His mouth opened for a second, then closed as he took in the sight around him- he hustled up the ladder, picking up Catalin, who he figured was in more danger. "What happened?" He hissed, needing a quick explination.

"AXIE WAS DRAINING HIM. GIVE HIM BLOOD!" He was shaking, looking at Catalin. He was about to start crying- this was all his fault, it felt like.

Vinn blinked, then rushed away. Blood transfusion was easy enough, he decided, Catalin had a good blood type, if he hurried it shouldnt be a problem.

no, Axie was the problem, he concluded quickly. Willards decision had been unwise.

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