Kajah995's Awesome Log of Amazingness (Take 5; Part 2)


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I know it's been a while since the last update. Depression hits hard. But let's JUMP RIGHT BACK IN!

*I place a wet rag on Adhamh's head*

Adhamh: Again... I... I can't...

Me: I know...

*Neall, Vychan, and Mael stand behind me as I console Adhamh. Adhamh coughs*

Me: I'm sorry, Adhamh. I don't know why this has happened to you for a SECOND time...

*I stand up and turn towards the other Tamagotchis.*

Me: You guys go into the other room. I'll handle Adhamh.

*The other tamagotchis leave*

Me: Adhamh, I'll think of something...

Adhamh: I... I want to be alive in a toy but...

Me: I know. This is rough. I don't know how this happened again to you...

Adhamh: I'll be okay, Eppie. We'll talk about this later...


Mael: This... isn't good.

Vychan: You said it buddy...

Neall: Don't worry guys. This will be taken care of.

Mael: But... how?

Neall: Eppie is clever and she's got me at her side. We'll discover something. We'll do something...

Mael: It's this kind of thing that makes me nervous to leave my kid in her hands...

Vychan: Don't say that! Eppie is confident and capable. She messes up, yes...

Mael: People have DIED, Vychan.

Vychan: Yes. They have...

Neall: But Eppie really does try her hardest. And this wasn't her fault!

Mael: I know, I know. And my line's done... pretty well... I just... I'm just a bit scared is all.

Vychan: Mael. We're all scared.

Neall: Plus, your wedding is coming up. It just got pushed back by this. When's the new date anyway?

Mael: Sunday. The wedding's on Sunday.

Neall: Good. You've got time. Just relax, Mael.

Mael: *sigh* okay...

*I walk down the stairs*

Me: Adhamh is resting for now. But I want to talk to you all.

Neall: A-about what?

Me: Well... I want to expand our family.

Neall: Expand? Like... a new Tamagotchi?

Me: Yes. I've been thinking about this for a while and...

*I pull a Tamagotchi v5 out from my pocket*

Me: I think I want to run this.

Neall: Are you sure?

Me: Yes. Definitely.

Neall: There's going to be SEVEN people in this house in that case. Eight if you include yourself.

Me: Yes, I know. But I can handle it. It'll be a hustle and bustle but we'll settle in. I just feel like I could use the company.

Mael: I'm excited!

Vychan: Yeah, let's do this.

*I pull the tab on the side of the v5. Three eggs appear on the couch next to each other.*



*After a few seconds, one of the eggs wiggles, and a Futabatchi pops out.*



*A Mimifuwatchi emerges from the second egg shortly thereafter*



(Oops, sorry for bad quality!)

*And finally a Omututchi*



Me: Well, since the Futabatchi is male, his name will be Tole. The Mimifuwatchi, being female, will be Mairead. Finally, the male Omututchi will be Credne.

Neall: This is going to be confusing for a while...

Me: Indeed. But we'll get used to it.

Neall: We adapt. That's what we're good at.

Me: Yeah... That's what we're good at.


That's all... for NOW! As thanks for waiting so long for this post i'm going to post AGAIN tonight in a few hours. To update on evolution.

I've been planning to run this v5 for a WHILE now, which was the reason I kept asking which m!x to deactivate. In the end, I decided to retire the apparently glitchy iDL and keep both m!xes active. Though I do own a melody m!x, and may consider swapping it for one of the other m!xes in the future. Don't know yet.

Are you thinking of running another tamagotchi? If you are, can you run the tamagotchi 4U+? And, by the way, I love your sisters blog too!
As for running the 4U+ I already did for a generation and I still have to do research on it before I can enjoy it fully. Don't be surprised if you don't see it featured on the log for a while. And I told Prue about the nice thing you said, check out one of her recent posts!

Keep on the lookout for the second log tonight! Bye all, and thanks for being patient!



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Himememakukitchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 21

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 38

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 96770

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 21

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 17470

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Futabatchi, Mimifuwatchi, Omututchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 1
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Birth.
Future Occurrences: Toddler Evolutions.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

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*I sit on the couch with Tole in my lap, patting his head. Neall is playing with Mairead making a block house. Mael and Credne are outside playing. Vychan is reading a book on the sofa near me*

Me: Oh, Vychan

Vychan: Hmm?

Me: Remember how I told you to be more vocal.

Vychan: Yeaaaaah...?

Me: Well, did that ever pan out? I notice you've been out of the house quite a bit.

Vychan: Oh, yeah, it did. Met a nice girl.

Me: Really? What's she like?

Vychan: Well, she's... um... th-

*Suddenly, Tole and Mairead begin glowing.*


Vychan: ...Oh, okay.

*I set Tole down on the floor as Neall runs over to put Mairead next to him. Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Mael walks through, holding a glowing Credne*



*Mael rushes to set Credne down just as they start to morph and change shape. After a few seconds, the tamagotchis emerge. Tole appears first, a Mattaritchi. Then Mairead, a Sakuramotchi. Finally, Credne assumes the form of Ahirukutchi.*



Me: Awww!

Neall: They're very cu-


Me: N-no! Don't cr-

Maired: Uga? U-UWAAAH!

Me: No wait! Don't y-



*I fall to my knees and hold my head in my hands. Neall rushes over to scoop up Mairead and Tole. Vychan jumps up to comfort Credne. Mael stifles a giggle in the corner.*


Me: Thank you all for helping me calm them down. Who knew they just needed a bit of milk.

*Everyone shares a laugh*

Mael: I'm gonna call it an early night. Me and Arianna need to meet up for wedding plans.

Me: Oh yeah, that's happening soon. Just got postponed a bit for because of... Well, anyway, what day is it again?

Mael: Sunday.

Me: Right right. Now, go to bed before I make you spill all the details! Night!

Mael: Night!

Neall: I'm gonna call it quits too. New kids make for a rough day.

Me: Suit yourself. See you tomorrow!

Neall: Bye!

*Mael and Neall walk off to their rooms*

Vychan: I'll probably hit the hay soon too...

Me: Oh, before you do, you were saying earlier. You found someone.

Vychan: Huh? Oh, right right. Her.

Me: Sooo? Details! What's her name?

Vychan: You're not going to believe me...

Me: Of course I will! Now spill.

Vychan: ...Princess Tamako.

Me: Nice name. What tamag- WAIT WHAT.

Vychan: I told you you wo-

Me: No no no, that's not... possible! The quietest Tamagotchi ever met the PRINCESS?

Vychan: She was in Tamagotchi town and spoke to me first. I didn't just talk to her cause she's the princess. She was funny!


Vychan: Eppie! You'll wake up the kids!

Me: Ah, yes... right. But still, You met the princess. That's an honor!

Vychan: I think... she might have a crush on me?

Me: I would literally be honored if she did.

Vychan: You're tellin' me.

Me: ...right. Yes.

Vychan: In any case, I'm gonna go to bed before you press ME with a hundred details.

Me: Ehehe, yeah... That... yeah... Ah, good night!

Vychan: Night, Eppie.

*Vychan walks to his room. I turn around and walk towards the other end of the hall, passing by my room and toward Adhamh's. i open the door and see him sleeping.*

Me: ...I'll think of something, Adhamh... Good night...

*I close the door*



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Himememakukitchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 22

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 39

Generation: 1

Weight: 16lbs

Points: 98420

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 22

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 17470

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mattaritchi, Sakuramotchi, Ahirukutchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 1
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Teen Evolutions.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

@Kajah995 As for running the 4U+ I already did for a generation and I still have to do research on it before I can enjoy it fully. Don't be surprised if you don't see it featured on the log for a while. And I told Prue about the nice thing you said, check out one of her recent posts!

Thank you for telling her about that! I saw the post that mentioned me! It totally made my day! I was so excited to see my username in that post! Tell her to check out one of my posts on Tumblr too! (Username on Tumblr: Nattitchi)

Thank you so much!

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WOOP WOOP! PAGE 7! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ENCOURAGING ME TO CONTINUE! (Though I did miss the very post on page 7. Whoops!)

Me: So tell me more about her? What's she like?

Vychan: I've told you everything I can, Eppie

Me: I know, I know. I'm just excited! Your girlfriend is the PRINCESS and she's visiting TOMORROW! What food should we make? Any dietary restrictions? Will her dad be here? What should we-

Vychan: EPPIE! You're more of a nervous wreck than Mael, and he's getting married in a couple of days

Me: I know, I know...

Mael: Did you HAVE to remind me?

*Me and Vychan look over at the couch. Mael, once calm, is now twiddling his thumbs anxiously. I walk over to him and pat his head.*

Me: Sorry, bud. Didn't mean to make you any more nervous than you already are. Have you planned the big day yet?

Mael: *sigh* Mostly. We're still working on outfits and invites and stuff. And there's so much wedding planning to do and-

Me: MAEL! Chill, dude.

Vychan: Speak for yourself.

Me: Hush, you. But still, you shouldn't worry so much. Just do what so many more generations of Tamagotchis before you have done.

Mael: Which is...?

*I wink.*

Me: Wing it~

*I walk away from Mael and up the stairs.*


*I giggle and continue walking. Vychan sits on the couch next to Mael and begins talking to him. I reach the top of the steps and make a beeline for the v5 room. I walk in and see Neall playing with the kids.*

Me: Good morning Neall. And hello you guys~

Neall: Morning. They seem to be doing just fine.

Tole: Guwaah!

Me: Well hello there Tole! Nice to meet you too!

*I pick Tole up.*

Me: Can you say "Tole" for me?

Tole: Toooooooooooooooooah!

Me: Eh, I'll take it.

*I put Tole back down and pat him on the head. I turn to Mairead.*

Me: Hello there cutie! I don't expect you to be saying your name anytime soon, ehehe...

*I pet Mairead on the head and giggle.*

Mairead: Gugah!

Credne: Guuu?

*Credne waddles over to Mairead and they begin playing together.*

Neall: They really are cute, aren't they.

Me: Yeah... They really are. And you're like a dad to them...

Neall: What?

Me: You're kind of like a dad to all these Tamagotchis. You're going to live for a very long time, ideally. You're 40 today, and walking in your predecessors footsteps quite nicely.

Neall: You mean Maeve, don't you?

Me: Yes, her. She was a mother to many tamagotchis. A caring mother. You're more like a stoic dad. Still caring, but much more reserved.

Neall: Uh... thank you?

Me: Sorry, just an observation. I'm trying to be a scientist one day so, what can I say.

Neall: Fair enough.

*I giggle softly and pat Neall on the head*

Neall: Oi, I ain't one of these babies.

*We share a laugh. I bend down to plant a kiss on each one of the v5 kids' heads*

Me: I'm gonna go check up on Adhamh. Can you care for them?

Neall: Sure, but I guarantee as soon as you walk out of the room they're gonna need massive amounts of food.

*I stand in the doorway*

Me: Thanks bud!

*I quickly close the door and walk off, still giggling. I pass a few large oak doors before standing in front of Adhamh's. I open it slowly*

Me: Adhamh? You awake buddy?

Adhamh: Yes, Eppie...

Me: Let's talk. I think we need to make a decision on what's gonna happen to you quick...

Adhamh: I agree...

*Adhamh coughs into a handkerchief. I pull up a chair and sit down beside him*


Mael: No, definitely blue.

Vychan: If you say so. I think you should go with a red drapery. It compliments the purple on your hat and the pink on her body.

Mael: You think? And should it match the tablerunners?

Vychan: No! Never match drapery and tablerunners. Fashion nightmare.

Mael: Alright. And outfits...

Vychan: You guys are fine wearing everyday clothes. Literally nobody cares. Every generation before you and me has done it. I'll give you a fancy piece of decor for your head tomorrow, mmkay?

Mael: Where did you learn all this stuff about fashion and interior decorating?

Vychan: Mako made me learn it all...

Mael: Mako?

Vychan: My girlfriend. Princess Tamako. She lets me call her Mako.

Mael: Wait, you're not dating the princess, are you?

Vychan: Sure am.

Mael: You're bluffing, I know it.

Vychan: Well, she's coming tomorrow for dinner so-


*Mael jumps out of his seat and looks around*


*Mael runs around cleaning, so fast it just looks like a blur.*

Vychan: Mael...

*Mael continues running*

Vychan: MAEL!

*Vychan grabs Mael and the two go tumbling. Vychan pins Mael to the ground.*

Vychan: Eppie's got it.

Mael: Ahaha, yeah, I figured...

*Vychan pulls off of Mael and sits on the couch. Mael sits next to him*

Mael: Sorry, I'm just a nervous wreck...

*I walk down the stairs*

Me: Hey guys, how's it go... wait... why is everything rearranged.

*Vychan shoots Mael a nasty look. Mael shrugs, grinning wildly.*

That was a cute update to prepare everyone! Tomorrow will be Mako's episode, and then after that we've got Mael's wedding! I can't wait!

Also, i want this log to start featuring more photos. I want each post (starting with the next one) to feature at least one photo of something meaningful each tamagotchi did that day, whatever it may be. If nothing meaningful happened, then some stats screen, just to prove they're still around. I love photos in tama logs and this one could use more. Today I only have one, and it's a photo of Neall's stat screen showing off that's he's earned the maximum number of points for his 40th birthday! Happy birthday dude!


(Don't talk about how dirty it is under the faceplate omg)

That's all for the announcements!

@Kajah995 As for running the 4U+ I already did for a generation and I still have to do research on it before I can enjoy it fully. Don't be surprised if you don't see it featured on the log for a while. And I told Prue about the nice thing you said, check out one of her recent posts!

Thank you for telling her about that! I saw the post that mentioned me! It totally made my day! I was so excited to see my username in that post! Tell her to check out one of my posts on Tumblr too! (Username on Tumblr: Nattitchi)
Thank you so much!
I'll pass the message on, but I think these kinds of things are better said to her than through my log, hm? ;)



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Himememakukitchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 23

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 40

Generation: 1

Weight: 16lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 23

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mattaritchi, Sakuramotchi, Ahirukutchi
Bonds: 10%
Generation: 1
Points: 2050
Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Teen Evolutions.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



So it's technically already sunday when I'm writing this (as it's 2AM), but the NEXT post will be the marriage of Mael (And will hopefully come much earlier in the evening. I'm going to start writing the dates these logs apply to at the top of each page, just to make things clear. Now, onto your regularly scheduled log!

Royal Servant: All hail the Princess!

*Two royal servants play trumpets, one bows as Princess Tamako steps out of the car, and one rolls a red carpet up to our front door. I open the door and smile.*

Me: Welcome, your highness!

*I bow*

Neall: Yes, it's an honor to have you in our home!

*Neall bows too. Princess Tamako walks up to our door and smiles.*

Mako: Hello there. Oh, please, rise. You needn't act like I'm so uptight.

Me: But you are the princess!

Mako: Yes, but I'm here for a casual meeting.

Me: Then... the red carpet...

Mako: My father insisted.

Me: Ah, I see. Well, won't you come in, your highness?

Mako: Eppie, darling, you can just call me Tamako. Or Mako, like Vychan does.

Me: Well then, Mako, care to join us for lunch?

*I grin*

Mako: I'd like nothing more!

*We all step inside. Mael and Vychan immediately rise. Mael bows.*

Mael: It's truly an honor to have y-

Vychan: Hey babe.


*Mako giggles*

Mako: That's quite alright Mael. As I said to Eppie, I'm here on casual business. You can just call me Mako and treat me like you would any friend.

Mael: Y-you know who I am?

*Mako laughs again*

Mako: I know about ALL of you. I'm dating Vychan.

Me: I still can't believe the quietest one here wooed the PRINCESS.

*Mako shrugs*

Mako: I'm a sucker for the silent type.

Me: Honestly, same here.

*Me and mako share a giggle*

Me: Ah, Pri- er... Mako, won't you come to the kitchen? We're just finishing up.

Mako: I'd be glad to!

*We get settled down, Mako and Vychan seated near each other at the head of the table, Mael next to Vychan and Adhamh next to Mako. Mako turns to Adhamh.*

Mako: Oh, you must be Adhamh. Pleasure to meet you.

Adhamh: Thank you kindly princess!

Mako: I'm very sorry about what happened to you. Twice glitched sounds awful.

Adhamh: Oh, don't worry about little old me. I'm making do.

Mako: Nonsense! I worry about all my subjects.

Adhamh: Well thank you. But I'm sure I'll be fine. Eppie and I are working on it.

Mako: That's good to hear. I also might know of a way to help you... Ah, but lunch seems to be ready. Let's discuss later.

*I carry out several plates, setting them on the table.*

Me: We all worked hard on these dishes, so I hope everyone enjoys!

*I take a seat and grab a plate. Everyone follows suit and piles their plates high.*

Mako: So Mael, Vychan tells me you're getting married tomorrow.

Mael: Yeah...

Mako: Who is she?

Mael: A Decoratchi named Arianna.

Mako: Decoratchi? She sounds lovely! How's the wedding planning going.

Mael: Surprisingly well, actually.

Vychan: You sound a lot less stressed about it.

Mael: Yeah. We're making it fairly casual. Still don't have an outfit though...

Mako: An outfit? Hon, what you wear normally is fine for a casual wedding. Though you could use some sort of adornment... Hey, Eppie?

Me: Yes, Mako?

Mako: You have some kind of wardrobe accessible to him, correct?

Me: Yes, of course.

Mako: Can I take a look at it?

Me; Well, it's Mael's wardrobe, not mine.

*Mako turns to Mael*

Mako: May I?

Mael: I can think of nobody better!

Mako: Oh, you flatter me.

*We all share a laugh. After a while of eating we all feel full*

Mako: That may have been the best luncheon I've ever had...

Me: Oh, nonsense. You've been to royal banquets before, no doubt.

Mako: Well, yes, but there's truly nothing like a home-cooked meal.

Me: Fair enough.

Vychan: Oh, Mako, do you want to see the kids before you deal with Mael's wardrobe malfunction?

Mael: Oi!

Me: Oh, the v5 kids! Great idea!

Mako: I'd love to!

*We all walk off, leaving Mael and Adhamh sitting at the table.*

Mael: Wardrobe malfunction?!

Adhamh: Ah, save your breath kiddo. Ain't worth arguin'

Mael: Yeah, I suppose.

Adhamh: Say, you and me, we never had a real talk.

Mael: I... I guess not. You are sort of the house elder.

Adhamh: Eugh, I hate bein' called an elder. That's Neall's job.

*Adhamh and Mael share a laugh*

Mael: Fair enough. Say, whatkind of plan are you and Eppie working on? You need to get back onto a toy.

Adhamh: And live through a teenage stage again? No thank you. I got to live TWO lives. That's more than most tamagotchis can hope for.

Mael: So... What then?

Adhamh: Either I find a way to get my adult self onto a tamagotchi, find a way to live safely outside of a toy, or...

Mael: ...Or?

Adhamh: Or live for a while longer until I die.

Mael: D-die?

Adhamh: Everybody dies, Mael.

Mael: I-I know, but I don't like to think about my friends dying.

Adhamh: I've lived a long time, Mael. Like I said, two lifetimes. I'm ready.

Mael: Well... that's good I suppose. But... Eppie?

Adhamh: I think it'll be bittersweet for Eppie. She's had Tamagotchis die from things that were out of her control, but this one would be MORE controlled. It would be painful, but relieving.

Mael: You aren't burdening us. You know that, right?

Adhamh: Yes, yes, but still. We'll keep working for an end that lets me live. My death is a last resort.

Mael: Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

*Adhamh raises a glass*

Adhamh: Cheers to that.

*Mael raises his glass and clinks it to his, taking a big drink*


Mako: So cute!

Neall: Yup! Straight from the v5.

Mako: Now... this one is.. Tole?

Vychan: Actually, hon, that's Credne. THAT is Tole.

*Vychan points to Tole*

Mako: Ah, I see. And of course the girl is Mairead.

Vychan: Yup! Aren't they adora-

*Suddenly, the Three Tamagotchis begin glowing. Neall sets Credne down on the ground, as he was holding him. We all back away*

Me: Whoah, evolution?

Mako: Perfect timing, eh?

*The first Tamagotchi to change shape is Tole, becoming a Korokotchi. Then, Mairead assumes the form of Shelltchi. Finally, Credne morphs into a Mamekatchi.*



Tole: Uuugh...

Mairead: Evolution feels so awkward...

Credne: You're tellin' me, sis.

Mako: How adorable!

Tole: Who's she?

Mairead: Pretty crown...

Me: Guys, this is Mako. Better known as Princess Tamako, daughter of the Gotchi King.

Mako: Oh, Eppie, you needn't tell them my FULL title.

Me: But I insist Mako! They need to know who you are beyond just "that girl Vychan likes."

Mako: Fair point, but still. Don't play it up so much! I'm just a friend.

Tole: Hold on, THE princess?

Mairead: I've read about you!

Mako: Really?

Mairead: Well, Eppie's read TO me about you.

Credne: Me too! I wanted to BE you when I was a toddler.

Mako: Didn't you JUST stop being a toddler?

Credne: I dropped the dream a little while ago when I realized I can't be other people, but you know what I mean.

*Mako giggles*

Me: Oh, Mako, didn't you mention wanting to help Mael after meeting the kids?

Mako: Yes I did! And I think watching them evolve and getting to TALK to them definitely counts as meeting them~

*Mako chucks Credne under the neck and giggles*

Mako: Shall we go?

Neall: I'll go retrieve Mael.

Me: Thanks, Neall!

Tole: Can we come?

Me: I don't see why not. Come along kids.

Mairead: I'll lag behind. Fashion's not my jam.

Credne: I kinda like fashion, and I could learn from a princess!

Me: Sounds fine to me. Let's waste no time then!

*Me, Tole, Credne, Mako, and Vychan make our way to Mael's room, meeting up with Mael and Neall on the way. we unlock the door and walk in*

Me: Okay, seriously, you need to clean this mess up.

Mael: Don't judge my lifestyle!

Mako: I'm with Eppie. How can you live like this?

Mael: ...I'll clean it up...

*We all share a laugh*

Mael: Wardrobe is right here. Suit yourself~

*Mael opens the door*

Mako: Thank you! Now... let's see.. Ah! This might... no, no that... hmmm. Oh? Ohhhhh... Perfect.

*Mako places a leaf crown on Mael's head*



Mako: You look lovely!

Me: Oh... the leaf crown...

Mako: What's wrong, Eppie?

Me: N-nothing. That leaf crown just... bears history.

Mako: History?

Me: Well... that was the leaf crown worn by Chéad, Caoimhe, Niamh, and lastly Cynwrig before he...

Mako: He...?

Me: He died.

Mako: O-oh... I'll look for something else the-

Me: Oh, no no no! Don't let that dissuade you from the crown. It looks lovely. It just has.. history.

Mako: Eppie, I can easily find something else.

Me: No, it's a history I have to move past.

Mako: If you're sure...

Me: I am, Mako.

Mako: Well, I think the crown looks lovely on you. But I did also find this...

*Mako pulls out a 20th anniversary crown*

Mako: Which I think would look great on you, Vychan.

Vychan: R-really?

*Mako puts the crown on his head*



Mako: Yes~

Tole: Wow, you're really fashionable Ms. Mako.

Credne: Teach me more!

Mako: Well, okay!

Me: I'll leave you to that then. I'm gonna go talk to Adhamh.

Mael: I'll join you.

Neall: Same.

Vychan: I'm stayin' with Mako, for obvious reasons~

*Mako blushes and kisses Vychan on the cheek. I wave to them and walk out, toward the living room, Mael following closely behind.*

AAAAA this update has gotten very long, but I hope you all liked the introduction of Mako! She'll be returning, of course. Until then, this post shall come to a close. Tomorrow is Mael's wedding, and he's all dressed for the occasion. The kids are teens, Vychan's got a girl, but Adhamh's future is uncertain. And out little family may be getting a small addition tomorrow, other than, of course, a new baby! Tune in tomorrow for Mael and Arianna!



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Himememakukitchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 24

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 41

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 76699 (Whoops, had a bit of a shopping spree!)

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 24

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 15670

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Korokotchi, Shelltchi, Mamekatchi
Bonds: 40%
Generation: 1
Points: 2050
Recent Occurences: Teen Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Adult Evolutions.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x




Today is the day little Mael gets married! And don't worry, there will be another post later acting as today's post with photos of the other tamas. This is just the wedding post. After the baby evolves I'll post photos of him too. Also be sure to go check out the Easter Hatch, where you might be able to get a sneak preview of the new baby! Anyway, ON WITH THE PROGRAM!



Arianna: Mael... Will you marry me?

Mael: Of COURSE I will! I love you!

Arianna: I love you too, honey.


Mael: Eppie... I... I'm nervous.

Me: Don't worry, you'll do just fine. Look, there she is!
*Arianna waves from across the room. Music plays*

Me: Go on, kiddo. The family's proud.

*Mael sighs and they both begin walking up the aisle. They reach each other in front of the church and say vows.*



Mael: I do.

Arianna: I do.



*Mael and Arianna hop into a car and drive off*



Me: We're so proud of you, Mael!

Vychan: Go dude!

Mako: Best of luck Mael!

Tole: Go Mae!

Credne: Tole, he said not to call him that!

*Tole shrugs*

Mairead: Go dude!

Neall: Great job buddy!

Adhamh: Cheers, Mael!

*Mael waves to us from the car.*

Me: I'm going to go meet them at their place.

Neall: Alright, I'll take the kids home.

Vychan: I'm not a kid.

Neall: Compared to me you absolutely are.


Me: Hello? Mael?

Mael: Ah, hi Eppie!

Arianna: Oh, hello there Eppie!

Me: Nice to meet y- Oh my god you have an egg already

Mael: Yyyyeah. Is this a surprise?

Me: ...No, I suppose not. But still it's... always weird.

Arianna: Oh... sorry.

Me: No, no, I kid. I'm used to it but it's very different from human mating cycles.

Mael: How do humans do it?

Me: ...I'll you when you're older.

Mael: I'm married...




Mael: Yes! Isn't it cute?

Me: I always liked the m!x egg.

*The egg wiggles at my touch*

Me: Oh?

*The egg wiggles more, cracking*


*We all take a step back*




Last edited by a moderator:


Hey everyone, I've been extremely busy today and unfortunately I don't have the energy for a full story log. I will, however, be introducing Mael and Arianna's new child!


She's here! Her name is Clodagh...


But the name of her Tamagotchi is Himedekukimatchi.


Happy to be around, eh Clodagh?


Of course, photo-op with the grandparents!

And that's all for the baby stage! But fret not... because one short hour later...


SHE EVOLVED! But into what?




New photo op!

So yeah, sorry for no story log today. If I've the time tomorrow I'll write a really long one earlier in the day.

I pulled these photos almost straight off the Easter Hatch over here, so go check it out!

Anyway, until tomorrow~



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Tantotchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 1

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 42

Generation: 1

Weight: 16lbs

Points: 78899

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 25

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 15670

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Korokotchi, Shelltchi, Mamekatchi
Bonds: 60%
Generation: 1
Points: 2050
Recent Occurences: Teen Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Adult Evolutions.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



Hey all! I'm ready for another story log post, so let's just jump right in~

Vychan: Eppie?

Me: Hmm? What's up Vychan?

Vychan: Well... um... Mako and I have been talking and... well... how do I put this...

Me: You two are itchin' to get married, huh?

Vychan: H-how did you...

Me: I'm clever. When's the wedding?

Vychan: Well... we were going to wait until all the current household members were adults...

Me: Hmmm... Well, considering one's becoming a teen and three are becoming adults, that would make your wedding day tomorrow.

Vychan: Well, two days. I'd like to spend some time with all the adults before leaving.

Me: You want to plan for Wednesday?

Vychan: If that's okay with you...

Me: Hon, I'm never gonna tell you how to live your life. Get married whenever you want. Wednesday sounds fine to me.

Vychan: Okay... Wednesday it is.

Me: Excellent. Hey, where's Mako?

Vychan: Home, celebrating.

Me: Ah, alright. You nervous?

Vychan: A bit... but definitely not like Mael

*Me and Vychan share a laugh*


Tole: Alright guys, we've gotta plan!

Mairead: Plan what?

Tole: We have to become the leaders of this house!

Mairead: ...Why?

Tole: Because we're the family and therefore the best! Now... Hey, wait, Credne, what are you doing?

Credne: ...Sewing?

Tole: Well, quit it! We're busy!

Credne: ...No...

Mairead: Tole, you're weird.

Tole: I'm the main Tamagotchi, I'm the leader!

Mairead: You'r no more the leader than Eppie is our mother.

Tole: ...Isn't she?

Mairead: SHE'S HUMAN.

Tole: Yeah but she's like... our sort-of mother.

Credne: Tole, quit spewin' nonsense. That makes no sense.

Tole: Hush you.


Credne: Eppie?

Me: Hmm? What is it Credne?

Credne: Are you our mother?

*Tole glances over and blushes*

Me: Heavens no, Credne. I may have watched you from birth and helped you live, I'd like to think of my Tamagotchis as friends, not pets or kids as some people do.

Credne: Oh, I see.

Me: Don't worry, you're a friend, Credne.

Credne: I wasn't worried, just curious.

*Credne hugs me. I hug him back*

Me: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something I need to go do.

*I release Credne walk upstairs. The Mamekatchi bounds over tot he sofa with his siblings, Clodagh, and Vychan.*

Tole: That was cheap.

Mairead: That was funny.

*Credne rolls his eyes. Suddenly a bright light emerges from Vychan's lap*

Credne: What's going on?

Tole: It's Clodagh, numbnuts!

*Clodagh's shape morphs and changes over the course of a few seconds*




*After a few seconds, the light disappears, leaving a teenager in its wake.*



Tole: Clodagh...

Mairead: You look fabulous honey!

Credne: I love your scarf, what fabric is it?

Vychan: Lookin' good.

Clodagh: I... uh... Ahem... Wow, talking feels weird...

Mairead: Join the club.

*Suddenly, the three teens begin glowing*

Clodagh: Wait, what? Already?

Vychan: That was fast...

*The teens morph and change shape. After a few seconds, three Tamagotchis are left on the couch.*


Vychan: Mumutchi... Onputchi... and Nemutchi. An interesting bunch you three are.

Tole: Finally... Adulthood...

*Credne yawns.*

Credne: I'm gonna go upstairs and finish my sewing or something. Maybe take a nap.

Vychan: Seriously? You're already tired?

Mairead: Is... Is my head a music note?

*I walk down the steps*

Me: Okay guys, who wants lun-

*I stare at all the suddenly evolved Tamagotchis*

Me: What.


Neall: Alright sir, I think I'm going to head home for the day.

Adtchi: Suit yourself. Here's the payment for your work!

Neall: Thank you kindly!

*Neall walks homewards*

???: Blublublublu...

Neall: Huh?

???: BLUBLU!

*The nearby bush rustles. Neall walks over to it*

Neall: Hello?

*A Monatototchi sits behind the bush, curled up and scared*

Neall: Hey there little guy...

Monatototchi: BLUBLU!

*The Monatototchi backs up a bit*

Neall: I-I'm not gonna hurt you. Here, have some of this...

*Neal reaches into his lunchbox and pulls out some leftovers. The Monatototchi sniffs it and eats it happily. Neall reaches a hand out tentatively. The Monatototchi remains skittish but doesn't run. Neall pets the animal, and it seems to calm down.*

Neall: You're cute...

*The Monatotochi finishes it's mean and rubs up against Neall. Neall stands up and walks off*

Neall: Bye, cutie!

*The Monatotochi follows*



Neall: Huh? You... You wanna come home with me?

Monatototchi: Blublublu!

Neall: Well... you'll need a name... How about Awnan?

Awnan: Blublublublublublublu!!!!

Neall: You seem to like that! Come along then, Awnan~

*The two walk home*

That was a cute little post! Vychan will get married on Wednesday, Neall got himself a pet, and both the v5 and spacy m!x evolved! Tune in tomorrow for Clodagh's final evolution! Until then~



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Haretchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 1

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 42

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 81599

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 25

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 15670

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi
Bonds: 70%
Generation: 1
Points: 2100
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Hey everyone! Sorry, no update tonight. Vychan's wedding will be postponed until thursday because I'm just too tired and today has been really hard. Sorry!

Will show off Clodagh's adult form (and my special plans for her marriage) tomorrow! Sorry again!

~Eppie <3



So, again, last night I was busy, but I'm determined to get TWO logs out today as compensation. Note the date above when placing this log chronologically.

Me: Sorry about the wedding hon.

Vychan: It's okay. Nobody can plan for inclement weather.

Me: Yes, that's true.

Vychan: The wedding's tomorrow. That's not bad. It'll work out.

Me: Well, yes, I suppose it will

*Clodagh walks into the room*

Clodagh: Good morning everyone.

Me: Morning Clodagh. How did you sleep?

Clodagh: Like a rock.

Me: Excellent.

Clodagh: Not feelin' too hot today, though...

Me: Probably just because you'll evolve soon.

Clodagh: Makes sense.

*I shrug. Vychan walk off and the triplets walk into the room.*

Me: Good morning guys.

Tole: Mornin.

Mairead: Good morning!

Credne: Good morning Clodagh. Good morning Eppie!

Me: Did you three sleep well?

Tole: Fairly.

Mairead: Yes!

Clodagh: Uugh...

Credne: You alright, Clo?

Clodagh: Just... feelin' a bit si-

*Clodagh is interrupted by a bright flash of light. Her shape morphs and changes inside of it*



Me: C-clodagh?

*Vychan rushes downstairs just as Clodagh finishes. The light subsides*

Me: Clodagh...

Vychan: You look...

Credne: Great...



Clodagh: MUCH better!

Me: Really?

Clodagh: Yeah! I feel stellar!

Me: Nice!

Clodagh: Now, if you'll excuse me... I have clothing to try on.

Me: What?

Clodagh: I'm an adult and shall waste NO TIME!

*Clodagh rushes up the steps before I can get another word out.*

Tole: ...That's our Clodagh?

Me: Yeah.

Mairead: Ice Cream Kikitchi, huh?

Me: Took the words right out of my mouth, Mairead.


*Credne bounds up the steps after Clodagh.*

Me: ...Tamagotchis...

*I sigh. Mairead and Vychan laugh.*

Me: Well, now you've GOTTA get married tomorrow, Vychan!

Vychan: Indeed.


Clodagh: So, what do you think Credne?

Credne: Hmmm... I like the second one, but let me get a photo of both.

Clodagh: Okay!




Clodagh: I think I like the crown, so I'll wear it for a while. But I might change to the Robin Hood hat at any time. Switch it up.

Credne: I think both look FABULOUS, hon!

Clodagh: Awww, thanks Credne!

Credne: Have you considered dyeing?

Clodagh: EXCUSE ME?

Credne: Huh? No, no, no, not dying. DYEING. Like eating foods to dye your body.

Clodagh: O-oh. Thank god... Um... I haven't really, considering I JUST evolved...

Credne: Ah, yes... right...

Clodagh: BUUUUT I might. Who knows. What color do you think would work?

Credne: I think you could pull off a snazzy yellow. I know you're already Vanilla Ice Cream...

Clodagh: Oi, watch it.

*Credne and Clodagh giggle*

Aaaaaand scene! Just wanted to introduce you all to ADULT CLODAGH! Later today will be Vychan's wedding, so get yourselves ready to say goodbye to a long-time friend!

Till tonight~




Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 4

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 44

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 86659

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 28

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 15070

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 1
Points: 2100
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x




Today we're finally seeing our friend Vychan off. Seems like forever ago we first met. Bon voyage, little buddy. Enjoy Mako~

Information on the baby will be withheld until tomorrow, where their toddler form will be revealed!

Mako: Well, Vychan... We've come a long way...

Vychan: We certainly have, Mako...

Mako: As princess, I must ask...



Mako: Will you marry me?

Vychan: Yes!






Mako: I love you, Vychan~

Vychan: Love you too, Mako~



Mako: Shall we?

*Mako steps into a car*

Vychan: We shall~

*Vychan steps in next to her and drives slowly*



Me: Good job, Vychan!

Adhamh: I'll miss ya!

Clodagh: Bye Vichy~

Tole: Nice.

Mairead: Good job Vychan, darling!

Credne: You two look amazing!

*Vychan and Mako wave before driving off home*

Me: Well, I'll bet by the time I get there she'll have had the egg. Better get going. I'll meet you all back at the house with the toddler!

Tole: See ya.

*I walk off towards their house*


*I step through Vychan and Mako's door*



Me: As I suspected. I'm getting used to this.

Vychan: To what?

Me: Seeing an egg so soon as I walk through the door. It's SO FASt.

*Vychan shrugs*

Me: I'm gonna miss you, buddy.

Vychan: You can always visit.

Me: I know, but I'll miss your presence around the house. We'll always be missing something with you here.

Vychan: Don't make me blush, Eppie!

Me: Can't help it!

*The egg wiggles behind Vychan.*

Me: Oh! It's happening!



Vychan; I can't wait...

Mako: Grandson of the King...

Me: Royalty in the house. My things are taking a turn...





Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 5

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 46

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 89459

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years




Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 1
Points: 2100
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



*The egg wiggles violently... until...*




Me: Vychan! Mako! She's beautiful!

Vychan: My daughter!

Mako: Phew, we've already got a name picked out for a baby girl.

Me: Didn't you prepare for a son?

Mako: ...No...

Me: ...Ah. Well, lucky guess. What's her name?

Vychan: ...Adeline...

Me: A royal gaelic name? I highly approve.

Mako: I thought you would! I wanted her name to be powerful and royal...

Vychan: But follow your naming scheme.

Me: That's my Vychan~

*I do a weak finger gun at Vychan. We share a laugh*

Adeline: Ugaaaaah~



Me: Wait I just realized...

Vychan: What?

Me: The grandparents always come for the photo op.

Mako: What of it?


Mako: Eppie! Calm down! My dad is really chill.

*I pant*

Mako: You're so silly. Oh! Speak of the devil...

*Mako walks over and opens the door.*

Gotchi King: Hello Mako.


*I stiffen up*

Mako: Oh, relax Eppie~

Gotchi King: Yes, yes. Relax Eppie, I'm just here for the photo!

*Everyone gets settled. I stand nervously behind the frame.*



*Gotchi King picks up Adeline and cuddles her*

Gotchi King: Adeline my sweet granddaughter, make this family proud.

Me: Uh... Um...

Mako: Something wrong, Eppie?

Me: How did... I mean, you know I mean no disrespect, Gotchi King... But um... How did you pick... her... up?

*Everyone laughs*

Mako: Eppie, you're silly!

Me: That was a real...

Gotchi Queen: You must be Eppie, then. I'm the Gotchi Queen.

Me: Oh yes, I'm quite familiar, your majesty. Though living here makes that a given, I suppose.

Gotchi Queen: Quite. You'll take good care of dear Adeline, right?

Me: Yes. I promise.

Gotchi Queen: I'll have to hold you to that, then~

Me: I'd be hono-

*Suddenly, a burst of light appears behind us. We turn to face it*

Me: I guess that photo took a while to set up, huh?




*The light subsides*



Mako: Oh, Adeline!

Me: She's adorable!

Gotchi Queen: So cute...

Me: Wait, does that mean we have to take another photo?

Mavourna: 'fraid so.

*I whirl around and smile*


*I hug the Tamagotchi.*

Mavourna: Hey Eppie, what's up? How's the family?

Me: Oh, y'know. Same old.

Mavourna: Neall still kicking?

Me: Yup!

Mavourna: Niiiice. I've gotta get ready for another photo, so..

Me: Go, go! We can talk any time!

*Mavourna hugs me and walks off*



Mako: I love how she has my hair...

Me: It really is adorable!


Me: So, I'll be taking care of her at home.

Mako: Yes. But I want plenty of visits!

Me: Naturally!

Vychan: Eppie, take good care of her.

Me: You don't have to worry.

Vychan: I... I know, but it's my daughter. It's my job to worry.

Me: Yeah... Of course it is.

*I lean down and give Vychan a big hug before picking up Adeline.*

Me: I guess I'm off. Bye you two!

Mako: Goodbye Eppie! Goodbye sweetheart!

Vychan: Be good, darling!

That was a sweet post! Welcome Adeline to the household, everyone! Now it seems there's only one other Tamagotchi who needs to find love. Any guesses?~



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 5

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 46

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 90609

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Belltchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 0

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 15370

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 1
Points: 2100
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

I'm super sorry about the lack of an update today, things just went sour. I'll try to have either a double-feature tomorrow or two evolutions in one day.

Thank you all for understanding.

~Eppie <3



Okay so here's what imma do. This is gonna be saturday's log. tomorrow morning I'll post sunday's, and tomorrow evening I'll post monday's. Given all goes well. The date at the top will help, trust me.

*I open the door to the Homestead. Mairead and Clodagh hop off the couch to greet me, Credne notices from the other room and puts down his lunch to come to the door.*

Mairead: Is that...

Clodagh: Her?

Me: Vychan and Mako's daughter. Everyone, meet Adeline.

Credne: Adeline? Her name is beautiful! And I love her hair~

Mairead: Me too! She got it from Mako, I presume.

Clodagh: Did Vychan even... have... hair...?

Me: I... uh... I don't know?

Mairead: Huh. Interesting.

*I walk over to the couch and set Adeline down on it.*

Adeline: Gugaaah!

*Neall and Tole walk down stairs*

Neall: I heard baby noises!

Tole: Me too.

Me: Well, you're in luck. Come meet Adeline!

*Everyone walks around to look at her. Adeline sits on the couch.*

Neall: Wish I could spend more time with you, kiddo... But I gotta get to work!

*Neall stands up.*

Me: Really? That's a shame...

Adeline: Gugah?

Neall: I'll be back, though.

*Neall gets ready for work, donning a policeman's cap and jacket.*

Me: O-oh... You work as a policeman now...

Neall: I... I know. That's what Maeve was. But... I'm...

Me: No, no. Just took me by surprise. Enjoy your day, Neall!

*Neall smiles and leaves*

Tole: Maeve?

Me: Huh? Y-you don't know?

Mairead: You never told us.

Clodagh: Who's Maeve?

Me: Well... Maeve... She was... a good friend...

*I explain who Maeve is*


*I sit Adeline down on my lap as she plays with blocks. We sit in front of Adhamh who's lying down in bed.*

Me: This is her.

Adhamh: She's cute. Vychan's?

Me: Yes. Her name is Adeline...

Adhamh: I think she's adorable.

Me: ...Adhamh?

Adhamh: Yes?

Me: How long...

Adhamh: Don't know. I may not make it to this one's marriage...

*Adhamh pets Adeline*

Me: I... Adhamh I just... I don't want to...

Adhamh: I know, Eppie. But things come and things go...

Me: But you don't HAVE to!

Adhamh: Yes I do. We all do.

Me: Not right now... You... You'd be the tenth death...

Adhamh: Tenth?

Me: Cynwrig, Tadgh, Aillil, Saoirse, Maire, Grainne, Concobhar, Maeve, and Dóchas

Adhamh: Grainne ran away, not died.

Me: ...Scott, her boyfriend... He... He wrote to me...

Adhamh: I'm... so sorry...

Me: Not your fault...

Adhamh: I'll see what I can do, Eppie...

Me: I hope you will. I just... Fear for you...

Adhamh: I kn-

*Suddenly, a glow erupts from behind us*

Me: No way...



*The figure behind the light morphs and changes, the glow begins to subside*



*The glow stops and the figure falls to the floor, a Tororotchi fully formed.*



Adeline: I... um... Hello?

Me: Hello Adeline. It's good to meet you.

Adeline: Eppie, right?

Me: Yes.

Adeline: And you must be Adhamh.

Adhamh: Indeed.

Me: Adeline, why don't you run downstairs and show everyone your new form?

Adeline: Okay!

*Adeline happily bounces out of the room. I turn back to Adhamh.*

Me: Adhamh I-

Adhamh: Join her, Eppie. Enjoy her teen year while possible.

Me: but-

Adhamh: Don't worry about little old me...

Me: Hard to do...

*I walk towards the door and hang halfway out, flicking the lightswitch as I leave*

Ooh, ending a post on a somber note. I'll let that hang in the air then. Unfortunately, because this post is a couple days late there won't be a stats section. That'll come tomorrow with the real Monday post. Till then~



Okay, so I know I'm being really dumb with you guys... but there will be no Monday log. I needed one for Sunday 'cause there was an evolution, but since nobody is evolving/hitting a milestone/doing anything special it's safe to put it aside. I just don't have the time. The next log will be Tuesday's log. Sorry about this. Love you~

Neall: Hey Adeline.

Adeline: Howdy.

Neall: You don't seem much like your dad...

Adeline: How do you mean?

Neall: Well, he was always the quiet type...

Adeline: Really?

Neall: Yeah. Never said much. Always kept to himself. A wonder how he managed to net Mako.

Adeline: Oh yeah, I'm going to go visit them today!

Neall: Really? When?

Adeline: At 8!

Neall: Well it's 7:30. You should start getting ready.

Adeline: Yeah, that's probably best...

*Adeline prepares to head out. I walk downstairs followed shortly by Clodagh.*

Me: Morning Neall. Adeline. Where are you headed?

Adeline: Mom and dad's.

Me: Ah, visiting Vychie and Mako. Nice. Send my regards! I have to run some errands in Tamatown.

Clodagh: And I'll be out on a daaaaaate.

Me: Oh? With whom?

Clodagh: Secret~

Me: You can't keep a secret from meeeee!

Clodagh: Yes I can. Until we're steady, nobody is to know.

Me: But-

Clodagh: Them's the breaks.


*Clodagh giggles and steps out of the door, waving goodbye before skipping off*

Me: What a girl, honestly...

Neall: Agreed.

Me: Hey, Neall? Aren't you going to work? It's like... 7:30, you're usually there by now.

*Neall waves his hand*

Neall: Takin' a day off to relax.

Me: Fair enough. Everyone else is still sleepin' upstairs so your'e gonna be preeeeetty bored.

Neall: I can handle. There's a TV.

Me: Suit yourself.

*I walk adeline outside*

Me: right down the street. I'll see you later!

Adeline: Bye Eppie!

*I walk off towards the train. Adeline bounds towards her parents house. After a few minutes she rings the doorbell. It opens*

Mako: Adeline! Vychie, honey, come down!

Vychan: I told you I hate that nickn- ADDY!

*Vychan rushes forward and hugs Adeline*

Adeline: Ehehe! Hi Dad!

Vychan: How's my little teen doing?

Adeline: Good!

Mako: Adeline, honey, you look amazing.

Adeline: Thanks!

Mako: Come in sweetie, take a seat, let's talk!

Adeline: Okay!

*Adeline hops up onto the couch. Vychan sits in an armchair. Mako sits next to Adeline.*

Mako: How's Eppie been?

Adeline: Really cool!

Vychan: Heh, yeah, she always was/

Adeline: She really likes talking to that old guy upstairs though...

Mako: Old guy upstairs?

Vychan: ...Adhamh?

Adeline: Yeah! That was his name.

Vychan: Ahaha, right... Adhamh... Almost forgot him...

Mako: Who is he?

Vychan: Tamagotchi. He once lived in a Tama-Go and then the iDL 15th anniversary. BOTH glitches and he's been out of a Tama ever since.

Mako: Isn't that bad for Tamagotchis?

Vychan: Yeah. Adhamh's sick and might... Well, best of luck to him.

Adeline: Might what?

Vychan: N-nothing...

Adeline: Come on! Tell me!

Vychan: He might die, okay?

Mako: Vychan!

Vychan: She's old enough to know what death is.

Mako: I doubt that!

Vychan: I think she's mature enough!

Adeline: Mom? Dad?

Mako: I still don't like it.

Adeline: I don't feel well.

Vychan: Not now, honey.

Adeline: Guy-

*A burst of bright light emerges from Adeline and fills the room. Vychan and Mako stop their arguing.*



Mako: Oh... What are we doing? We shouldn't argue... I love you, Vychan.

Vychan: I love you too...

*The light changes shape and begins to fade*



Mako: Wait that looks...

Vychan: No way...




Vychan: OH...

Mako: MY GOD.

Adeline: What? What is it?

*Mako grabs a mirror and holds it up to Adeline. Adeline screams.*




Adeline: WHAT?????


*Tole flips through the pages of a book. Suddenly, the door swings open.*

Mairead: Tooole! Credne and I have leftover pizza for you!

Credne: Yup! Extra che-

*Tole zips to hide the book under a pillow.*

Tole: HI.

Credne: Tole... What were you reading?

Tole: N...nothing.

Credne: That book looked familiar...

Tole: I just bought it yesterday. You may have seen it on my shelf.

Mairead: Tole?

Credne: Let me see it.

Tole: No.

Credne: Tole, let me see it.

Tole: NO!

*They both lunge for the pillow. Mairead rolls her eyes and calmly walks over, picking the pillow up off the book*


Tole: I... UH...

Mairead: Tole... Why were you reading your brother's diary?

Tole: I... UM...

Credne: I can't BELIEVE YOU.

*Credne grabs the leftover food and smooshes it in his hand. He throws it into the garbage and storms out of the room*

Mairead: Okay, no need to abuse the pizza... But Tole, why? That was awful.

Tole: I heard... he had a girlfriend... I was just...

Mairead: You could have asked. That was extremely uncalled for, especially for the eldest among us.

Tole: But I...

Mairead: No excuses.

*Mairead calmly walks out of the room. Told sits there on the floor.*

Mairead: Credne...

Credne: I can't believe... That was... private...

Mairead: I know...

*Mairead bends down to put her arm around Credne, who is curled up clutching his journal, crying.*

Credne: That was really low...

Mairead: I know.

Credne: Why did he do it...?

Mairead: He heard you had a girlfriend and wanted to know more. I told him he should have asked you... Guess he didn't care.

Creadne: I want to get away from him.

Mairead: ... I'd understand but.. He's you're brother...

Credne: I want to get married and get him out. I can't stand it.

Mairead: I'm so sorry, bro... but don't rush things just for your brother.

Credne: ...Okay... Thank you Mairead...

Mairead: Anytime, bro.

Phew, that was a long post. So yeah, like I said, no monday post. It's unnecessary. That being said, there WILL be a tuesday post, so stay tuned!

Also I will be posting stats but these are MONDAY NIGHT'S STATS.

Also, quick announcement! I've done this before on a couple of logs, but I never really got any response on them. This log seems to have garnered more attention, so maybe it'll actually work her. who knows. worth a try. I want to open up a mail-thingy. Basically, you can post questions or comments for the Tamas/me and we'll answer them! Like real mail! But you can talk to the Tamas. YAY INTERACTIVITY.

So yeah, if you want to ask me, Clodagh, Tole, Credne, Mairead, Adhamh, Neall, Adeline, or really ANYONE featured on this log a question, GO AHEAD! You can post it here in the log or PM me. Whatever floats you boat~

Okay, that's really all. Bye <3



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 8

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 48

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd Month (April 9th)

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 50 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 3

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 1
Points: 2110
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:


Looks like celebration is in the air! Let's waste no time jabbering, though. On with the log~


Neall: Guys.


Neall: Guuuuuys!




Me: Wooooo!

Neall: I'm embarrassed!

*Tole wheels in a big cake*

Neall: Oh my god guys it's really no bi-

Me: Nonsense! You're 50 today!



Me: This isn't small! Tomorrow you'll start breaking my personal record for longest living Tamagotchi under my care.

Neall: Oh, cool. So this was a personal milestone.

Me: Yes. The last Tamagotchi to live this long was Maeve. You're as old as she was...

Neall: Good ol' Maeve...

Me: Yeah, really... Well, anyway, the next milestone would be 100!

Neall: Wait, let me guess... Then... 150?

Me: Nope!

Neall: Knew i- wait what?

Me: The next milestone is 145. THEN 150!

Neall: Why 145?

Me: Well, the first "longest living" attempt was back in 2006, but the character in question, Aaron, lived to be 145! It's less personal of a milestone and more a sentimental one.

Neall: Ah, I see.

Me: BUUUUT! Today we're not worrying about a hundred days from now. We're worrying about your BIRTHDAY!

Tole: Congrats, Neall!

Mairead: Good job buddy!

Adeline: Proud of you!

Clodagh: Me too!

Adhamh: Did I hear celebration?

*Everyone looks to the top of the steps to see Adhamh hanging onto the railing. I rush up to meet him.*

Me: Adhamh! You should be in bed!

Adhamh: Nonsense. I'm here to celebrate. Put me on the couch, I need to get out of that dark room anyway.

Me: A-alright.

Neall: Glad you could join us, Adhamh.

Clodagh: Hey, speaking of joining us... Where's Credne?

*Mairead looks nervously at Tole*

Mairead: He's not... feeling great.

*Tole scoffs*

Clodagh: ...Is everything okay between you three?

Tole: Yeah.

Clodagh: You su-


*Silence fills the air. Everyone looks at Tole as a tear streams down his cheek*

Me: Tole? Are you oka-


*Tole storms out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

Me: Okay, I've noticed tension between you three in the last couple of days, but I stayed out of what wasn't my business. But Mairead, you gotta spill.

*I help Adhamh to the couch as everyone turns to Mairead*

Me: What's going on.

Mairead: *sigh* Tole went through Credne's diary the other day because he was curious about Credne's girlfriend. Credne got ma-

Me: Wait... Credne has a girlfriend?

Mairead: He was gonna tell you all about it but it's kind of important to the story. I'll let him tell you the details about her.

Me: Fine. Continue?

Mairead: Credne got mad and now Tole feels guilty and it's taking a toll on him.
Neall: Pun intended?

Mairead: Really?

Me: Puns aside, that sounds bad... Any idea where Tole went?

Mairead: None. I'd suggest we forget about it.

Me: Okay... we do have a celebration to be had.

Adeline: Certainly puts a damper on things doesn't it?

Me: Yes, but the tension between Credne and Tole isn't our business. We shouldn't let it ruin Neall's day. I just wish they could celebrate with us. I am still curious about Credne's girlfriend...

Credne: Her name is Jill.

*We look up to the top of the steps where Credne stands*

Credne: I watched all that. I don't want Tole to feel that bad but...

Me: It's okay Credne. The tension will clear eventually...

Credne: I suppose.

Me: But... Jill?

Credne: Oh, yeah. Jill. She's a Yonepatchi.

Me: Do you two plan on getting married?

Credne: Well... We haven't discussed it much but I think we'd both like to.

Me: Listen, I support any marriage my kids want, but that's something you've gotta discuss with your siblings. Mairead?

Mairead: I've no interest in marriage and kids are a burden.

Me: Well, that's that then. The only other thing is...

Mairead: Ah, right...

Credne: I will talk to him about it.

Me: You sure?

Credne: Not now, but soon. It's gotta be discussed. But... for now... Let's just celebrate. I'm hungry for cake.

Me: Right! Cake!

Neall: Let's try to pick this mood up, everyone!

Adhamh: Ah, kids...

Neall: Oi, hush old man.

Me: Oh yeah... I keep forgetting Adhamh is technically older than you.

Adhamh: Aye. Last person in the house to remember Maeve. 'Cept of course Eppie.

Me: Yup yup. Knew her up until the end.

Adhamh: She was a real sweetheart I tell ya.

Me: She really was.

Adeline: Wow... Too bad I didn't know her...

Me: Yeah, she would've loved you. She loved everyone.

Neall: I... I do too!

Me: Of course! Neall, I'm not expecting you to be Maeve. I'm just reminiscing because you're about to surpass her goal. She wanted this. She wanted you.

Neall: R-really?

Me: Yep. And trust me, you don't have to be Maeve. She lived and she died and now we've got Neall. A toast, to Neall Sunrise.

*Neall blushes*

Me: ...And all the joy he brings our house.

*Everyone holds up their glasses*

Everyone: To Neall!

Neall: Awww...


*Tole sits on a park bench, swinging his legs. He sighs.*

???: Penny for your thoughts?

Tole: Huh?

*Tole looks up to see a Kiraritchi*

Tole: You wouldn't understand...

*The Kiraritchi giggles and sits down next to Tole*

???: Try me.

*Tole sighs...*

Tole: I did something bad to my brother. He hates me now and I can't face him cause I'm a dunce...

???: You aren't a dunce, Tole. You made a mistake, but it's a forgivable one.

Tole: I... I guess...

???: You need to learn to forgive YOURSELF first, though. Only then can you ask Credne for forgiveness. He's your brother, and family understands each other.

Tole: Thank you... Hey, wait, how did you-

*Tole turns his head, but the Kiraritchi is gone.*

Tole: Who...



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 10

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 50

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 5

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi

Parents: N/A
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 1
Points: 2110
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



So we've missed a couple of days, but because nothing important happened during them I'll allow myself to forego a log post. If there's an evolution or something i'll make up for the day. But, in any case... ON TO THE LOG!

Credne: Tole.

*Tole stops working and turns around.*

Tole: Y-yes?

Credne: We need to talk.

Tole: What... what about?

Credne: ...I don't like what you did.

Tole: Neither do I.

Credne: And I-

Tole: Credne... I'm sorry. I was curious and young and dumb. I wanted to know who you were dating cause... I wanted to know how my family would extend. And I-

*Credne pulls Tole into a hug.*

Credne: I forgive you.

*Tole tears up and hugs Credne. After a few minutes they pull back*

Credne: I'm your brother. I understand. I just wish you'd asked...

Tole: I do too...

Credne: And I wanted to ask something...

Tole: What is it?

Credne: ...I want to get married.

Tole: Do it.

Credne: Do you have any intere-

Tole: This is the least I can do. Go. Get married.

Credne: Good. We were thinking Sunday

Tole: Who is she?

Credne: Jill. A Yonepatchi.

Tole: Trying for the Easy-going family, eh?

Credne: Not trying for it. But that'd be nice I suppose.

*Tole and Credne laugh.*

Credne: ...Love you, Tole.

Tole: Love you to, bro. Shall we?

Credne: Let's.

*Credne and Tole lock arms and walk out of the room towards the main room.*

Mairead: *sigh* Finally.

Me: Oh, you two are good, eh?

Tole: Yup!

Credne: And big news!

Me: What's up?

Credne: My wedding is planned!

Me: Really? Fantastic! When is it?

Credne: Sunday.

Neall: Good job Credne.

Me: And you're okay with that, Tole?

Tole: It's the least I could do.

Me: Alright, fair enough.

*Clodagh and Adeline walk downstairs*

Adeline: Good morning everyone!

Clodagh: Yo.

*Neall stands up*

Neall: Morning kids.

Me: Where are you headed?

Neall: Work. Gotta get to music cafe.

Me: Ah. Have fun, kiddo.

Neall: Oi.

*Neall and I giggle as I let him out, waving behind him*

Clodagh: What a fun family. I'm gonna miss it...

Me: Miss it?

Clodagh: I'm... uh... I'm getting married soon...


*Adeline giggles*

Me: Adeline, did you know this?

Adeline: Yes, but only recently.
Me: Well, Clodagh, drop the details!

Clodagh: Well... His name is Alfie... And he's... a Shimagurutchi!

*I stand there for a few seconds*

Me: S-Shimagurutchi?

Clodagh: Yeah. Is... is that a problem?

Me: No, no, no. Marry who you want. But... Shimagurutchi gives me memories of your predecessors.

Clodagh: Really?

Me: The first line I ever ran in this house was begun with Shimagurutchi. It'll be nice to have those genes back but... Still...

Clodagh: Oh... Sorry...

Me: No. Don't be sorry. Marry who you want. I'm not going to force you in any way. Let me deal with me.

Clodagh: ...Okay.

*I smile and stand up*

That was a sweet post! We've made up and revealed Credne's marriage date and Clodagh's future husband! And if you're wondering, I ran my melody m!x for a bit to get Shimagurutchi I'll be marrying them soon!



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 12

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 53

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 8

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi

Parents: N/A
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 1
Points: 2110
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x




*Over the next few minutes, all the Tamagotchis make their way downstairs tiredly*

Neall: What's the ruckus...

Clodagh: I'm sleepy...

Adeline: This is no way to treat royalty...

Me: Hush everyone! We've got a special day?

Tole: What day?

Mairead: Wait I think it's that stupid tree day...

Me: Oi! Sakura Matsuri is not just some "tree day."

Mairead: Sorry, weeb tree day.


Credne: Stop yelliiiiiiiing...

Me: Sorry, sorry. But I wanted us to have a fun time looking at the new cherry blossoms! So everyone get ready cause this is non-negotiable!

*Everyone groans but gets ready anyway. Soon we're all piled onto a bus heading into town*

Me: You guys are gonna love it!

Neall: You sure?

Me: Yes! It's simply beautiful watching the petals fall all around you...

Mairead: You're still a weeb.

Me: Hush. This day is for you three mostly anyway.

Tole: Us three?

Credne: You mean us?

Me: Yes! This is the last day I get to spend with you guys before you all move out. I wanted to have an outing.

Credne: Aww, that's sweet!

Tole: Did you have to wake us up at 7?

Me: You should all be getting up at 7 anyway.

Clodagh: You sleep until like... 9 daily.

Me: I din't pretent to be responsible.

Clodagh: Hypocrite.

Me: Oi!

*We spend the rest of the bus ride arguing. It takes 15 minutes to reach out stop.*

Me: Thank you!

*We all get off*

Clodagh: Oh my god...

Me: It's beautiful, right?

Clodagh: No, that.

*I look down a bit and see a massive line.


Neall: What are we gonna do?


Tole: God, why are they even here?

Mairead: ...To see the trees?

Tole: They've seen trees!



Adeline: Guys, guys, chill. I got this.

*Adeline walks up to the front desk and speaks for a few seconds before ushering us over. We look confusedly at each other before walking over.*

Receptionist: Royal Guests are always welcome!

*She stamps our hands*

Me: Oh. Uh. Thanks.

*We walk inside.*

Me: That was... technically wrong...

Adeline: No it wasn't. I'm the granddaughter of the queen.

Me: I didn't mean factually, I meant morally.

*Adeline shrugs*

Me: I didn't say not to do it~

*We all laugh.*

Credne: Wow... It really is pretty~

Me: And you all wanted to stay home.

Mairead: This is fabulous.

*Tole runs over and picks up a handful or blossoms and throws them in the air, collapsing on the grass to let them flutter on top of him.*

Me: And y'all called ME a weeb.

*We all laugh.*

Me: Come on guys, let's get lunch!

*We spend a few hours looking at pretty trees and walking around. Everyone has fun.*


Me: Wasn't that great guys?

Credne: It was a fantastic final day.

Mairead: Agreed!

Tole: We'll never forget it.

Me: I should hope not. It was 3000 points a person!

Neall: Yeah, And I PAID. Do you know how many games I had to play to get back up to 99999? Do you know how many HOURS I WORKED?

Me: Yes. I sent you to all of them


Clodagh: Man, you guys are gonna be hard to leave...

Me: Huh? Oh yeah, I forget you're getting married soon. Any idea when?

Clodagh: Haven't asked Alfie yet. But in the next week probably.

Me: That's fair. I hope you have fun before you go!

Clodagh: Definitley!

Me: It'll be sad to see you all go too. But, alas, time must march on and I've got more Tamagotchis to raise!

Neall: I'm stickin' around!

Me: Well, yes, but you're a special case, Neall.

Neall: I know~

Me: Anyway... Today was hot and I'm BEAT. Good night all.

Mairead: Eppie it is 6PM.

Me: And good NIGHT!

*I trudge up to my room and collapse on my bed, falling asleep*

AAAAA I needed a bit of a filler before Credne's wedding, and having my tamagotchis do what I actually did today seemed fitting! I actually did go to the Sakura Matsuri in Brooklyn and it was fantastic! Highly recommended to anyone in the NYC area, or if there's one near you!



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 14

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 55

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 10

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Tole, Mairead, Credne
Characters: Mumutchi, Onputchi, Nemutchi

Parents: N/A
Bonds: 90% (This will be 100% before the wedding)
Generation: 1
Points: 2110
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I posted, but I want t give you an update.

I did marry Credne off and you can check the progress of his kids on the timeline in my siggy.

Things just haven't been going well in my home and I may need a couple of days to cool off. I take more than a few days I'll put everyone (except Neall) on pause.

'Till next post!



Okay everyone, let me give you the lowdown on what I'm gonna do.

This and the next post (photo overload) Are going to be a photo album thing. I haven't updated since Credne's wedding, and his kids are currently adults. I'll be showing off their birth and evolutions, then continuing with my story log from when they're adults. Going back and recounting the last two weeks would be difficult. I've been keeping them running for the most part since I went on hiatus (Except for the last couple of days, more details HERE).

That all being said, let's get on with the PHOTO ALBUM!


(I apologize in advance if the photos are like... invisible)


Matchmaker: Hello, young Credne! I heard you were looking for a certain lovely lady to marry?

Credne: Y-yes... Jill...

Matchmaker: A fine choice. I'll be right back with her...


Matchmaker: Jill, are you ready for you big day?

Jill: Nervous... But I'm gonna do it anyway!

Matchmaker: That's the spirit! Your future husband is right out there!


Jill: Hello... Credne...

Credne: Jill...


Jill: I love you!

Credne: I love you too!

Jill: Are you ready?

Credne: As I'll ever be, darling...


Mairead: We're gonna miss you, Credne.

Tole: Yeah... definitely...

Credne: Mairead, I love you. You're the best sister. And Tole...

Tole: ...

Credne: I forgive and love you. That's what siblings are for.

Mairead: Good luck, we're rooting for you!

Tole: Always.

*Mairead and Tole leave the room. Jill steps back in*


Credne: Here we go...

Jill: Parent evolution... This will feel... Wei-



Jill: Whoah...

Credne: Whoah indeed...

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