Well-known member

Nairn: Eppie?
*Nairn jiggles my door which is currently locked*
Nairn: Eppie it's like 5PM you have to come out eventually...
Ula: I... don't know if it's worth trying.
Muirne: Yeah... let's leave her be. She needs time.
Nairn: Yeah... okay...
*The three walk back into the main room, where Donncha, Einin, and Soaz are sitting on the couch.*
Einin: Did... did we do somethin' wrong?
Soaz: She hates us.
Muine: No... no that's not it...
Nairn: But... why then? I'm confused.
*Ula and Muirne turn to each other and usher everyone to sit on the couch.*
Muirne: Guys... this house is not always cheery. There have been... Deaths.
Nairn: Like... old-age deaths?
Ula: No. Bad deaths. And recently... Our friends...
*Ula tears up. Muirne puts a hand on her shoulder*
Muirne: What Ula is trying to say is... We had three friends who died. Their names were Penwyn, Orchil, and Rydach. And they were great friends of ours... And they died just before you three came on the scene.
*Muirne gestures to the triplets*
Donncha: What does that have to do with us?
Muine: ...Those three were... Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, and Mukugetchi.
Soaz: But... that's what we are...
Muirne: ...Exactly.
Nairn: Why don't we know about these deaths...
Muirne: This house wouldn't be the same if we carried around all of our mistakes into each new generation. For everyone's sake, they're best left untold sometimes...
Soaz: So she does hate us. We look like her failures and she ha-
Ula: NO!
*Everyone turns to Ula, stunned*
Ula: She... she doesn't hate you. She never would!
Soaz: Then WHY can't she look at us?
Soaz: Well we AREN'T THEM
Nairn: GUYS!
*Ula and Soaz turn to Nairn*
Nairn: Eppie does NOT hate you. It's shock. She'll get over it but she needs time. She needs to...
Ula: ...Nairn?
Nairn: Needs to...
Ula: Nairn? Nairn are you oka-
*Ula is cut off by Nairn erupting into white light*
Muirne: Oh my god... he's...
Einin: Evolving! Oh, hold the phone...
*Einin grabs my camera and angles it properly. Nairn's shape shifts and morphs, until settling finally. The glow subsides*

Ula: T-takotchi...
Nairn: Whoah... I can... float?
Donncha: Dude, that's so neat!
Nairn: ...We should tell Eppie.
Soaz: You can do that. I'm staying here.
*Ula shoots Soaz a dirty look. Muirne leads her upstairs*
Muirne: I agree, Nairn. Let's go.
*Nairn, Ula, and Muirne head up the steps. Donncha and Einin begin to head up, but are stopped by Soaz.
Soaz: If you're smart you'll stay with me.
*The two look back and forth between their brother and the steps. Einin takes a step back toward Soaz, Donncha heads up the steps.*
Soaz: Smart girl.
*Muirne knocks on my door*
Muirne: Eppie. We have something... or rather, someone to show you.
*A few seconds pass before a muffled voice is hears*
Me: Who?
Muirne: Come see.
*A small racket is heard behind the door, footsteps approaching, the door unlocking. I open it and see Nairn*
Me: W-whoah... Takotchi...
Nairn: Look Eppie! I'm floaty~
*I giggle*
Me: You look great, Nairn.
Nairn: Thank you!
Ula: Um... Eppie...
*I turn towards Ula*
Me: Yes?
Ula: I've only got a few more days here. Muirne is getting married tomorrow. Please, come downstairs. I know you're shocked but this isn't the answer.
*I hide halfway behind the door, resting my head on the frame*
Me: ... Yeah... Yeah, you're right.
*I step out from behind the door and close it behind me*
Me: Let's go.
Nairn is an adult! Can't wait to see how this whole Soaz and Einin thing pans out... Anyway, see you here tomorrow for MUIRNE'S WEDDING!!!
Name: Muirne
Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi
Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi
Age: 25
Generation: 8
Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi
Points: 96399
# Of Characters Bred: 7/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing
Name: Ula
Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi
Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi
Age: 20
Generation: 5
Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi
Points: 12270
# Of Characters Bred: 5/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing
Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Donncha, Einin, Soaz
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi (DRAT)
Parents: None
Bonds: 40%
Generation: 1
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage
Name: Nairn
Character: Takotchi
Age: 11
Weight: 21g
Discipline: 3
NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)
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Tamagotchi P's Coffret Set
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Tamagotchi 4U+
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