Kajah995's Awesome Log of Amazingness (Take 5; Part 2)


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Me: But... But who is it? How did you meet? What's even going on????

Eoghan: Eppie, calm down.


Eoghan: Okay, okay! Well... I met this girl named Helena. She's a Mimitchi. And we're getting married on the 3rd of March.

Me: How long have you been dating her?

Eoghan: A week, now.

Me: Why didn't you tell me?

Eoghan: It... didn't cross my mind.

*All the Tamagotchis stare at him, judgement in their eyes.*

Eoghan: Whaaaat?

Me: Nothing. Anyway, I'm really proud of you, but I'm gonna miss you. This is such short notice...

Adhamh: I'm gonna miss you too!

Concobhar: Same here.

Catraoine: I didn't know you for very long but you were so nice to me.

Maeve: Uwagaaah!

Me: You're so important to this family. It's gonna be hard seeing you go. But, go you must.

Eoghan: I'm... glad you understand.


*I walk to Tamagotchi Town*

Me: Oh, you must be Helena...

Helena: Yes!

Me: You're a very lucky girl, Helena.

Helena: I know... I love Eoghan very much.

Me: In private, Helena, let me make a request...

Helena: What is it?

Me: ...Make him happy. Please. Give him an amazing life.

Helena: As amazing as I can make it.

Me: Thank you...



Helena: I love you more than I can imagine, Eoghan! Marry me, please!

Eoghan: Yes, yes of course!



Me: Congratulations you two!

*I lift Maeve up*

Maeve: Labbu! Uwa!

Catraoine: Have a fun time together!

Adhamh: Best wishes!

Concobhar: Good luck!

Me: Have a safe journey together!

Eoghan; Thank you, everyone!

Helena: Thank you for the well wishes!


Me: ...And you may kiss the bride.

*I grin*


Eoghan: Ahahaha!

Helena: Wooo!

Me: Aww, look at them, having fun...





(In just a little while...~)

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Helena: Oh Eoghan... She's beautiful...

Eoghan: I know, darling...

Me: So... What are you going to name her?

Eoghan: We were thinking... Mavourna.

Me: Mavourna? Sounds wonderful.

Helena: I like how foreign it sounds.

Me: Yeah... you get used to that in out household.

Helena: Really?

Me: Eoghan, Maeve, Concobhar, Ashamh, and Catraoine are current. But we've had names like Diarmuid, Padraig, Ailis, etc.

Helena: ...Wow.

Me: And now, the latest addition...

*I pick up the baby*

Me: Mavourna.

Mavourna: Guuwah!

*Mavourna nuzzles my cheek*



Me: Hmmm... Yes, I think this will do!



Me: Mamemimitchi it is!

Mavourna: Gugugugu...

*I play with Mavourna, Eoghan and Helena coming in to feed her. We play for about an hour*

Me: You're adora-

*My words are cut off abruptly as Mavourna begins to glow.


*The two of them rush in, initially worried. The worry soon fades to shock, and then happiness.*



Eoghan: My baby!

Helena: You go Mavourna!

*The glow subsides after a few seconds, a Sakuramotchi with Mametchi ears sitting where Mavourna was*



Mavourna: u... ugu.. UWAAAAAAH!!!!!

*Me, Eoghan, and Helena cover our ears*


*We frantically try to calm Mavourna down. After a few minutes of feeding and playing, she calms down.

Me: That was... stressful.

Eoghan: ...Parenthood...

Me: Hey, don't complain, I'll be taking her back to the house soon.

Eoghan: Ehehe, true. Good luck~

Me: Pffft, don't patronize me.

*Eoghan throws his hands up in defeat, and we share a laugh.*

Me: ...I'm gonna miss your wit, Eoghan.

Eoghan: And I'm gonna miss the family. But, such is life.

Me: ...Yeah, such is life...


Goodbye, Eoghan! Hello Mavourna!



Name: Catraoine

Stage Name: Himekuchimematchi

Breed Name: Himekuchimematchi

Age: 3

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Himechimametchi and Kuchipatchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Maeve

Character: Kiraritchi

Age: 50

Generation: 1

Weight: 99lbs

Points: 26710

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, All Puzzle Pieces

Future Occurrences: Living 3 Months (April 9)


Name: Adhamh

Character: Gozarutchi

Age: 4

Training: 2

Weight: 94lbs

Generation: 1

Figurine: 5/18

Points: 7950

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Mavourna

Stage Name: Sakuramotchi

Breed Name: Mamemimitchi

Age: 0

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Mametchi and Mimitchi

Points: 1720

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Concobhar

Character: Kuchipatchin

Age: 6

Training: 1

Weight: 99lbs

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 1/4

Training: 2/3

Points: 240

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Personality Stage Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x


*I open the door, Mavourna in my arms. I step inside and lock it, turning back to face everyone.*

Me: Everyone, I want you to meet Mavourna.

Concobhar: Awww, so cute!

Catraoine: ...Mavourna...

Concobhar: Catraoine? You okay?

*Catraoine is standing still*

Concobhar: Helloooo?

Catraoine: Wha? Uh... Oh, sorry It's just... a few days ago I was in her position. It's weird how fast I grew.

Concobhar: Huh, yeah, what's up with that?

Me: Yeah... since the Music Star growth has been... accelerated.

Catraoine: That's for sure. I was just born a few days ago and now look at me. An adult.

Me: Yeah, I know right? Who trusted you?

Catraoine: EX-CUSE-ME??

*Everyone laughs*

Me: I kid. I kid.

*Adhamh walks in from the other room*

Me: ADHAMH!!!!!



Adhamh: What? Oh, right. Um...


Adhamh: I HAVE... NO IDEA.

*I laugh*

Me: Well... I guess I'm just gonna have to get used to that. It's weird it's so early. Any plans on marriage?

Adhamh: Maaaaybe...

Me: Oooh, you'll have to tell me about it. For now... Uh... wait, someone's missing.

Concobhar: Yeah, Maeve has been upstairs. We think she's sleeping.

Me: But it's like 2PM. She never sleeps after 7.

*The tamagotchis look at one another.*

Adhamh: Well then... we don't know. Did anyone see her go to work?

Catraoine: She's a baby now! She hasn't worked since she changed.

Me: I'll check.

*I walk upstairs to her room*

Me: Maeve? You in there?

*There is no response*

Me: Maeve? You good hun?


Me: Maeve?

*I try the door and notice it's locked. I begin to panic*



Paramedic: I'm... so sorry...

Me: ...

Adhamh: Thank you, sir.

Paramedic: I believe I've been to this house before... for someone named... Maire? Maire Sunrise?

*I gasp, tearing up even more*

Adhamh: ..Thank you, sir.

Paramedic: Oh! I'm... sorry. I'll be on my way.

*The paramedic leaves, sires wailing off into the distance.*

Concobhar: I'm so sorry, Eppie.

Me: I... I thought she would be with me forever...

Concobhar: But you knew she would die one day anyw-

Me: I KNOW! It was just... So sudden...

Concobhar: We're so sorry we didn't check...

Me: It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone else's fault. It was bad luck. Bad timing... I need some time to myself...

*I walk upstairs to my room and close the door. I bury my head in a pillow.*

Me: Maeve... I'm so sorry. It WAS my fault... I shouldn't have left. I should have gone away for an hour for Eoghan's wedding. I-

Maeve: Stop TALKING about yourself like that!

*I whirl around to look behind me, a shimmering image of Maeve standing in front of me.


*I stumble off my bed to hug her, but I fall to the ground, phasing right through her.*

Me: ..Maeve...

Maeve: I'm sorry Eppie, I really am gone...

Me: But how are you here?

Maeve: ....That's a story for another time. But for now I must tell you, don't give up.

Me: But I let you die! What right do I have to run Tamagotchis.

Maeve: You've let othes die but they didn't phase you, not because you didn't care, but because you learned and you grew. You're strong and you know it.

Me: But you were my best friend! My negligence-

Maeve: No! I don't want to hear it! You can do this.

Me: But...

Maeve: You should try again.

Me: What?

Maeve: Three months isn't up, and time stretches forward after that. Try again. Make them live longer. I believe in you. And even if you can't, you will have done it with love in your heart. I know it.

Me: ... Maeve....

Maeve: Do it in my name if you must. But do it. Let me give you that spark to continue.

*Maeve holds out her hand to me. I hold out mine and she drops a coin into it. The coin has a Tamagotchi face on one side, and the words "Maeve Sunrise, 1/09/17-3/3/17" On the other. Decorations emblazon the side. There is a small hole on top, and a gold chain, perfect for a necklace.*

Maeve: This is a token to help you remember why you must never give up. And NEVER give up, Eppie. You're a proud Tamagotchi owner.

Me: Thank you, Maeve...

*I hear a knock at my door*

Maeve: Eppie, I must go now. But don't let darkness consume you.

*The image of Maeve fades.*

Me: But wait!

*She is already gone. The knock at my door grows louder. I sigh and stand up. I open the door, but nothing is on the other side. Literally nothing. Inky blackness fills the outside, and looking down I see it creeping in. I back up, the darkness spreading around my room*

Me: No! NO!

*The darkness wraps around my foot like a tentacle. It wraps it's way up my body and begins to cover me.

Me: NO!

*The coin glows a brilliant gold color. The darkness backs off. Suddenly, my view goes dark.*

*There is a knock at the door. i jolt awake in a cold sweat.*

Concobhar: Uh.. Eppie?

Me: Yes, I'm coming.

*I open the door*

Concobhar: Whoah, are you alright?

Me: Yeah, i just had a bad dream... I'm going to go restart my P's.

Concobhar: Already? We haven't had a funeral for Maeve yet!

Me: I know. But I feel ready. I feel confident. I'm doing it for Maeve, as I know she would want me to do. She convinced me to do it after Maire, and Siobhan graced our house, and it was fine. This is for her.

Concobhar: Alright, you know best.

*I walk downstairs and explain the plan to Adhamh and Catraoine. Mavourna plays with soem toys on the couch*

Catraoine: Are you sure?

Me: Yes. Let's get ready.

*I stand holding the P's. Everyone except Mavoura gathers next to me.

Me: Here goes...

*I start it up. An egg appears on the couch.*



Me: Time to keep on. Ready everyone?

Concobhar: Ready.

Catraoine: Ready.

Adhamh: Yes, ready.

*The egg wiggles. After a few seconds, the egg twitches and hatches, an Aokumotchi sitting on the couch.*
???: Uga?



Me: Hello... Neall...

Concobhar: You thought of the name before hand?

Me: Yes. Neall.

Neall: Aguwaa!

Me: And even though he lives in Maeve's shadow... one day he will rise above. And even if he doesn't... Maeve will look upon him favorably.

Catraoine: I'm sure she will...

*Suddenly, a glow erupts off to the right. Everyone turns to look as Mavourna glows bright yellow-white.*

Me: Oh! I forgot it's time for...

*My voice trails off as the glow subsides*



Mavourna: ...Hello everyone. What have I missed?


Mavourna: ...I didn't even get to meet her...

Concobhar: You could have been in this house while she was alive. We'll never know.

Mavourna: I suppose not.

Me: Maeve was a great Tamagotchi. She will be... heavily missed...

*Everyone except Mavourna looks down. A tear streams down my cheek*

Mavourna: ... This is a pretty bad scenario for me to have ended up in...

Me: Things get better. Things always get better... I think we all just need to sleep.

Adhamh: Yes, sleep would be good...

Concobhar: But what about Neall?

*I look over at Neall, playing with a rattle*

Me: ...I'll watch over him. Everyone can go to bed.

Mavourna: Good night, Eppie.

Me: Good night.

*I watch everyone shuffle off to bed, I put Neall on my lap and sigh*

Me: Maeve would like you. Maeve liked everyone. Maeve was... She...

*My voice trails off. I pull Neall into a big hug and shut my eyes tight. I don't realize that he begins to glow. A few seconds later, the glow subsides. I pull Neall away and am shocked to see a Turtletchi*



*Neall quickly falls asleep*

Me: ...You sleep, buddy...

*I take Neall upstairs to his room, put him in bed, and close the door. I walk to my room, crying. I slip into bed after getting ready and turn out the lights. The only thing visible is the small glint of a coin.*





Name: Catraoine

Stage Name: Himekuchimematchi

Breed Name: Himekuchimematchi

Age: 5

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Himechimametchi and Kuchipatchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Turtletchi

Age: 1

Generation: 1

Weight: 5lbs

Points: 28550

Puzzle Pieces: 0/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Adhamh

Character: Ojitchi

Age: 5

Training: 2

Weight: 90lbs

Generation: 1

Figurine: 5/18

Points: 7950

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Mavourna

Stage Name: Tororotchi

Breed Name: Mamemimitchi

Age: 2

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Mametchi and Mimitchi

Points: 8520

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution


Name: Concobhar

Character: Kuchipatchin

Age: 8

Training: 1

Weight: 97lbs

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 2/4

Training: 2/3

Points: 160

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Personality Stage Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x


Another bleak day befalls out house. When will our luck turn?

*A glow subsides, and an adult Mavourna and a teenage Neall emerge*

Adhamh: You look good, Mavourna.
Mavourna: Why thank you.
Catraoine: And you look handsome as always, Neall.
Neall: Ah… thanks. Whoah…
Adhamh: What?
Neall: …Talking is weird now…
Adhamh: You get used to it.
Catraoine: Say, where’s Concobhar? I thought he’s want to see the new kids. I haven’t seen him since this morning…
Adhamh: Oh, he said he wanted to take a walk. He didn’t specify where.
Catraoine: Huh… maybe I’ll give him a text or something.


Pastry Chef: Here’s your food, sir!
Concobhar: Thank you! I needed this!
Pastry Chef: Best thing in the store. Enjoy!
Concobhar: Thanks!
*Concobhar steps out of the store with the food in his hand*
Concobhar: Gosh… I just can’t wait to eat this!!!
*Concobhar pulls a donut out of the bag and prepares to bite into it, but notices last second a dog in the distance. He bounds over to it.*
Concobhar: Hi there doggy! You look hungry… Do you want some food?
*Concobhar breaks off a piece of his donut and, smiling, extends his hand out.*
Stray Dog: Grrrr….
Concobhar: Ah… You want more?
*Concobhar breaks off more of the donut*
Concobhar: N-nice… doggy…
Concobhar: DOGGY NO! AAH!
*The dog leaps onto Concobhar*


Adhamh: Hey Mavourna, pass me that soda, would’ja?
Mavourna: Sure thing.
*Adhamh grabs the sods from Mavourna, flipping through TV channels*
Mavourna: Gosh… I hope Eppie recovers soon. I can’t stand seeing her so wrought up…
Adhamh: Maeve meant a lot to her.
Mavourna: Is there gonna be a funeral?
Adhamh: I don’t know…
Mavourna: Oh. I see.
*The two sit in silence for a few seconds, and Adhamh flips to the news.*
Mavourna: Anything interesting on?
Adhamh: No, not that I can see.
Mavourna: That’s a sha-
Adhamh: Hey, look at that… It’s some sort of report on a Kuchipatchin…
Mavourna: …It couldn’t be…
Adhamh: …Could it?
Mavourna: Hit the volume.
*Adhamh turns the volume up, a Repotchi’s voice becomes audible*
Repotchi: -ources say the Kuchipatchin was mauled by a stray dog on Lola Lane. Nobody is quite sure about the conditions, other than the fact that he was headed out of a bakery. He was sent to the hospital in critical condition, only able to make out one word: “Eppie.”
*Adhamh and Mavourna stand up in shock*
Adhamh: No, no, no, no, no…
*Mavourna screams.*


Catraoine: And that, Neall, is how you do long division!
Neall: …Catraoine, you just drew like five smiling faces on my paper.
Catraoine: I’m feeling happy about the division!
Neall: …You didn’t do any division.
Catraoine: And that’s why I’m ha-
*Mavourna’s scream is heard*
Neall: Was that Mavourna?
Catraoine: Stay here, I’ll go scope things out.
*Catraoine rushes into the other room, leaving Neall in his*
Neall: Oh god… I wonder what’s going on down there…
*Neall paces his room and patiently waits… and waits… and waits…*
Neall: Okay, it’s been five minutes, I’m goi-
*Neall is interrupted by a glow emanating from his own body. After a few seconds the glow subsides*
Neall: Uugh… What… What happened?
*Neall shakes his head*
Neall: No time to bother with that…
*Neall rushes downstairs to see Mavourna crying on Catraoine’s shoulder, the TV flickering in the background as a Repotchi drones on about stocks.*
Neall: Oh my god, what happened?
Adhamh: Neall… you’re… you’re a Takutotchi!!

Yes, unfortunately everyone, Concobhar did die today. He managed to unpause himself in my bag during a busy time and we suffered the consequences. I didn't really understand the 4U anyway, so if anyone wants to direct me to a resource to help that would be great. I'm pretty torn up over this now...
But the log must go on~



Name: Catraoine

Stage Name: Himekuchimematchi

Breed Name: Himekuchimematchi

Age: 6

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Himechimametchi and Kuchipatchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 2

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 29050

Puzzle Pieces: 0/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Adhamh

Character: Ojitchi

Age: 6

Training: 2

Weight: 76lbs

Generation: 1

Figurine: 5/18

Points: 7950

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Mavourna

Stage Name: Tororotchi

Breed Name: Mamemimitchi

Age: 3

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Mametchi and Mimitchi

Points: 9320

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Concobhar

Status: Deceased

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

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I just want to thank the Tamatalk community for over 1000 views, FIVE 5-star ratings, and 4 followers! I'm super humbled and blown away by the support I get every time I need to ask a question, or get a like on my posts.

Love you guys, keep me motivated to produce more logs!

<3 ~Eppie



I've decided to update my log a lot earlier today since I know I'm gonna be busy and nobody's gonna evolve later. This may become a common thing on Tuesday's and Fridays, because 2 hour long lectures have to be useful for something. Enjoy! Also I just want to reiterate it may be less confusing (what with all the death and stuff) to check out the timeline associated with this log. It may help you out!

Neall: We have to find some way to get her out of there...

Mavourna: But how?

Neall: I... I don't know...

*Everyone stands in silence.*

Catraoine: ...I miss him...

Adhamh: It's feels... empty.

Neall: ...Hmm...

*Neall thinks for a minute*

Adhamh: Neall? What are you thinking about?

Neall: I know.

*Neall runs to my Tamagotchi collection in the main room, the other Tamagotchis following closely behind*

Adhamh: What are you doing?

*Neall digs around for a bit before pulling out my 15th anniversary iDL.

Adhamh: N-Neall?

Mavourna: You're not going to-

Neall: Yes, I am.

*Neall puts batteries in the iDL, an egg appearing in the standard spot on the couch.*

Neall: We're giving her a responsibility.

Adhamh: You... you can't just do this!

Neall: Yes, I can.

Catraoine: Neall, wh-


Me: What's going on down here?

*I stand at the top of the steps, looking down at the squabbling Tamagotchis. Suddenly, the egg glows and cracks, grabbing everyone's attention.*

Me: And what is tha-

*The egg bursts open, and the glow subsides. A Marutchi begins crying. I silently walk toward it, the Tamagotchis just stand there, staring*



Me: ...

*I put one hand on the Marutchi. I mumble something.*

Neall: W-what did you say?

Me: ...Dóchas...

Dóchas: WAAAAAH!

*I pull the Marutchi up into my arms.*

Me: Who's idea was this?

*Catraoine and Adhamh nervously look at each other. Mavourna looks down.*

Neall: I-I did...

Me: ...Alright then...

*I sit down on the couch and put the Marutchi in my lap. I cradle her, and she soon starts dozing off.*

Mavourna: ...At least she's out of her room...

Catraoine: ...And she isn't angry or crying...

Neall: It had better not be short lived.

Adhamh: Neall!

Neall: What?

*I stand up, all the Tamagotchis looking at me.*

Me: What are you all doing over there just standing around? You know I don't bite.

Mavourna: I-it's not that...

Me: Then what?

Adhamh: We just thought you wanted space...

*I look down

Me: ...I do. I do need space.

*The Tamagotchis look down*

Me: ...But I also need family.

Mavourna: ...About tha-

Me: I know about Concobhar. I saw the news.

*The Tamagotchis look stunned*

Me: I think we all need family.

*The Tamagotchis, one by one, begin tearing up. Neall runs over and gives me a hug, throwing his arms around me. Soon after, everyone joins in. After a few minutes, we pull away.*

Me: We can make it through this. This was a bleak few days. We lost two wonderful and amazing Tamagotchis. And they will never be forgotten. But now... we have Hope.

*I look at Dóchas*

Me: That's what her name means. It's Gaelic for hope.

Neall: ...Hope...


*Neall is on the couch playing with Dóchas. Mavourna is reading a book. Adhamh is watching TV. Catraoine is staring out of the window. I'm outside in the backyard.*

Neall: Good evening, Dóchas.

Dóchas: UwaaaaaAAAAAH!

*Dóchas begins glowing*

Neall: Oh. OH!

*Everyone looks over at Dóchas*

Mavourna: This again...

Catraoine: The circle of life...

*after a few seconds, Dochas morphs into a new shape.*



Catraoine: A Kusatchi!

Adhamh: Well aren't you a pretty one...

*Mavourna tickles Dóchas' cheeck.*

Dóchas: Eeheheh, uwah!!!

*Meanwhile, outside, I'm standing in the backyard. A few makeshift headstones dot the yard in a row. The names Cynwrig, Tadhg, Aillil, Saoirse, Maire, Grainne, Concobhar, and Maeve are on each headstone in the row.*

Me: Each one of these stones is a reminder of my failures... and a reminder of my growth...

*The shimmering images of Byoshimakotsutchi, Tarakotchi, Monakatchi, Momotchi, Kiraritchi, Otokitchi, Kuchipatchin, and another Kiraritchi appear behind me, smiling. They disappear a few seconds later as I turn around to head back into the house.*

Me: I'll never forget you all...

So yes, my hope has returned. Welcome Dóchas! I've decided to turn off my 4U+ for now. It got a bit boring after a while. May the content keep flowing, though!



Name: Catraoine

Stage Name: Himekuchimematchi

Breed Name: Himekuchimematchi

Age: 7

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Himechimametchi and Kuchipatchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 3

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 31160

Puzzle Pieces: 0/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Adhamh

Character: Ojitchi

Age: 7

Training: 2

Weight: 76lbs

Generation: 1

Figurine: 5/18

Points: 7950

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Mavourna

Stage Name: Mamemimitchi

Breed Name: Mamemimitchi

Age: 4

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Mametchi and Mimitchi

Points: 9320

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Dóchas

Character: Kusatchi

Age: 0

Generation: 1

Weight: 5lbs

Points: 2900

Happy Symbols: 0/4

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 0/28

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:

[SIZE=10.5pt]Sorry this one took so long to come out. I've been feeling really awful recently, and I only got around to finishing this log now. I'll keep trying, though~[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Dóchas glows, her shape morphing from a bright Kusatchi to a bright Mikazukitchi.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: Hello, Dóchas.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Hello. Oh… Oh hmm…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: What is it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: …New teeth… that’s weird.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: Was that a reference[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Yes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: …[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Dóchas and I share a laugh.*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: Ah, there you all are![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*I look as Mavourna, Catraoine, and Adhamh walk into the room*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: I’m going to be back soon. I have a job to do.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: We’ll watch Dóchas.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: I do NOT need to be watched.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: Yeah, sure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*I walk out*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: See you in an hour![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Mavourna waves back at me before turning toward the rest.*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Does she even love me?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Everyone turns to look at Dóchas*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: What do you mean?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: She looks right through me. Like I don’t exist. Hardly talking. Is… Is something wrong with me?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Nonsense! You’re doing just fine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Then why does she act the way she does?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: She’s just… very stressed. She’s lost a lot recently. We lost two of our amazing friends…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Yeah, Maeve and Concobhar. I heard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Yes… That loss has weighed heavily on all of us, but Eppie especially. She’s seen generations and generations of Tamagotchis. Maeve was a profound influence, Concobhar too as the original 4U+. She loses a lot of her firsts…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: …I see. I didn’t realize how bad it was…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Adhamh: But don’t you see, Dóchas?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Everyone turns to Adhamh*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: See what?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Adhamh: Your name. It means “open”. It means “hope”. You’re Eppie’s hope[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: So I’m..I’m… Hope?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Adhamh: Yes. Hope for Eppie to continue. Hope for Eppie to love her tamagotchis as we love her. And you’re the vessel through which we’re going to do that. Well, you and a few others…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: …Others?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: ADHAMH! You weren’t supposed to tell![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Adhamh: I wasn’t supposed to tell EPPIE. Dóchas is decidedly not Eppie.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: What’s going on? Are you all plotting something?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: *sigh* okay, fine, we’ll tell you. But you CANNOT tell Eppie. Not yet…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Promise.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: Okay, so here’s the plan… We’re all…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Mavourna points to herself, Catraoine, and Adhamh*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: Getting married on the same day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: WHAAAAAAT?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: Yup![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Mavourna is grinning*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: That’s the plan, at least. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: But who are the spouses? Why haven’t I heard of them[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: Like we said, it’s a secret to Eppie. But we’ll tell you because it’s only kind. I’ve been proposed to by a guy named Allen. He’s a Kuromametchi. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: I found a wonderful Kikitchi. His name is Sampson.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Adhamh: And as for me… I’m going to go to the date place and let Ms. Busybody do her dirty work.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: What, couldn’t find anyone?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Adhamh: N-no! I just think Ms. Busybody does excellent work and her matchmaking skills are above average. I trust her judgment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Seems fair. Support the local business.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Adhamh: Exactly, local business.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: We’re getting off-track.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: Yes, quite. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: When are all the weddings planned?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: We aren’t sure. By next week Thursday for sure, erring on the side of weekend-Tuesday.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: So what’s the point in everyone getting married together.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: Eppie needs a new set of Tamagotchis to care for. She needs to learn that mourning is fine, but if drawn out too long it can be toxic. She’s mourning to the point where we have to take care of ourselves. And that’s not okay. We need Eppie back. We need out friend back. So we’re giving her a “fresh batch” of Tamagotchis, so she can learn what it feels like to start anew again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Wow… that’s… philosophical…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Mavourna: I get it from my extremely smart parents, what can I say?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Everyone laughs*[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]*Dóchas knocks on Catraoine’s door. A few seconds later she opens the door.*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Hmm? Dóchas? What’s up?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: I… I need help.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Dóchas? What’s wrong?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Can… can you help me evolve?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: What?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: I want to do this. I want to do this for Eppie. And I want to evolve. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Are you okay?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Yes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Well… there is that evolution machine my grandfather developed…UEI I think he called it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Can I use it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: N-no! It’s too dangerous![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Please![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Listen, darling, you’ll evolve naturally on your o-[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: I need to do this![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*After a few minutes of arguing and convincing…*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: …I can’t say no anymore… Okay, step inside.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Dóchas steps into Catraoine’s room*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: I should know how to work this… step up onto that panel…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*After a few moments of fiddling…*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Catraoine: Ready![/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*Catraoine flips a switch. The lights in the house all dim. Dóchas flashes and glows moreso than a normal evolution. After a longer while, Makkiko emerges from the brilliant glow*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: *cough cough* Uugh…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*A few seconds later, I slam the door open[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: WHAT THE HE-[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]*I notice Dóchas*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Me: D-Dóchas???[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas: Hello… Eppie…[/SIZE]





[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Catraoine[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Stage Name: Himekuchimematchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Breed Name: Himekuchimematchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 10[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Generation: 5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Parents' Breeds: Himechimametchi and Kuchipatchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Points: 99999[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]# Of Characters Bred: 4/27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Neall[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Character: Takutotchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Generation: 1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Weight: 15lbs[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Points: 35330[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Puzzle Pieces: 1/4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Pierce: Baby Change[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Adhamh[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Character: Ojitchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 9[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Training: 2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Weight: 70lbs[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Generation: 1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Figurine: 5/18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Points: 14250[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Recent Occurrences: Oldie Evolution[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Future Occurrences: Marriage[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Mavourna[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Stage Name: Mamemimitchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Breed Name: Mamemimitchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 7[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Generation: 2[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Parents' Breeds: Mametchi and Mimitchi[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Points: 5320[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]# Of Characters Bred: 2/27[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Dóchas[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Character: Makkiko[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: 3[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Generation: 1[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Weight: 15lbs[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Points: 12400[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Happy Symbols: 0/4[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Total Characters Pieces Finished: 0/28[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Future Occurrences: All Happy Symbols, Marriage.[/SIZE]

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:
I've been avoiding this log for the past week.

Here goes.

*breathe in*

So I have to talk about MORE deaths. And glitches.

I've been having a pretty rough time, and five Tamagotchis just won't cut it. I need to run fewer.

So here's what happened.

Dóchas died and Adhamh glitched.

I know, I know. Dóchas was hope. How did it happen? I slept until 9AM one day instead of waking up at 7 to take care of her and she died. After 2 hours unattended. And I cared for her to the max just before she went to bed.


The iDL is notoriously hard to raise but STILL.

Now, as for Adhamh, I think he glitched out. I fille dup his Hungry/Happy (his weight was in the 60s) and went out for 30 minutes. When I came back my heart sank as I saw the letter with "Bye Bye"" on it. But, weirdly, when I checked the stats posthumously, I say GRAINNE'S data, not Adhamh. I think something went a bit wrong... So, for now, I'm probably gonna pack up the Tama-Go.

As for the rest of my Tamagotchis: I paused Mavourna and Catraoine by taking out their batteries on the 12th. They haven't been run. I'm of course still running Neall in my lOngest-Living attempt. He's 11 right now.

I'll be back soon, I just really needed this break from Tamagotchis.

Love you all~

Eppie <3


Me: Adhamh, things are going to be okay.

Adhamh: I don't... feel well...

Me: Being separated from your toy will do that.

Adhamh: How did this... happen...

Me: When your toy glitched, you were separated from it. I've seen this happen only once before. To an old friend.

Adhamh: Will I live?

Me: Of COURSE you'll live. You won't have to stay outside of a toy for very long. There's been a... vacancy.

Adhamh: V-vacancy? Oh... oh right...

*I look at the ground*

Me: I'm moving on. I have to. For my family. For my friends.

*Adhamh puts his hand on mine*

Adhamh: A wise philosophy.

*I stand up.*

Me: Mavourna and Catraoine are going to get married on Wednesday. Then, I'll put you into the iDL. A new generation of babies. Well.. you're not new... but...

Adhamh: I understand.

*Me and Adhamh share a laugh.*

Me: I'm going to go let the others know you're doing alright, okay?

Adhamh: You go. They need you.

Me: Thank you...

*I step out of the room*

Me: Everyone, Adhamh is going to be alright.

Mavourna: What a relief...

Catraoine: And... How is that gonna work?

Me: Because of the new vacancy in the iDL, I can sort of... put Adhamh in it. He can live a new life as a new Tamagotchi, still retaining memories of his life in the TamaGo.

Neall: When are you going to do that?

Me: Wednesday morning, when Mavourna and Catraoine get married.

Neall: Will he hold up until then?

Me: ...Yes.

That's all for today! A very short log just to kick things off, get back into the swing of things. Will be back tomorrow for Mavourna and Catraoine's last post. Wish them safe travels!



Name: Catraoine

Stage Name: Himekuchimematchi

Breed Name: Himekuchimematchi

Age: 12

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Himechimametchi and Kuchipatchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 15

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 49210

Puzzle Pieces: 1/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Mavourna

Stage Name: Mamemimitchi

Breed Name: Mamemimitchi

Age: 9

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Mametchi and Mimitchi

Points: 5320

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:

I felt like updating this morning, as I had a free minute ^_^

So, here you go, one fresh update. Be prepared for tomorrow, Mavourna and Catraoine!

There isn't going to be much change in stats from last post, that will change after the marriage, however. Anyway, on with the post~

Mavourna: Hello?

Allen: Hi baby!

Mavourna: Oh! Allen! Hello~

Allen: I'm nervous about tomorrow...

Mavourna: I am too. But we don't really have to worry until tomorrow...

Allen: I suppose. I really can't wait.

Mavourna: Neither can I!

Allen: Love you!

Mavourna: Love you too!

Catraoine: Hello?

Sampson: Ah, h-hello?

Catraoine: Sampson?

Sampson: Yes.

Catraoine: Hello baby! How're you?

Sampson: N-nervous...

Catraoine: Why?

Sampson: We're getting married tomorrow morning...

Catraoine: Yes. Isn't that exciting?

Sampson: Y-yes... But... it's also nerve wracking.

Catraoine: Don't worry, I'll be right there with you. Love you!

Sampson: Love you too...

Me: Good morning, kids.

Mavourna: Good morning.

Me: Where are you guys going?

Mavourna: Well, it's the last day we've got here. Me, Neall, and Catraoine are going out to eat lunch.

Me: Ah, good good.

Mavourna: Do you want to come?

*I wave my hand*

Me: No no, you three enjoy yourselves. I need to stay behind in case Adhamh needs anything. Have fun

Neall: Bye Eppie!

Catraoine: Goodbye.

*I give them all a hug, open the door, and lock it behind them. I sigh, ealking up to Adhamh's room*

Me: Hello?

Adhamh: Ah, hello.

Me: Are you feeling okay?

Adhamh: Mostly...
Me: You only have to wait until tomorrow. You'll be born anew...

Adhamh: I can't wait...

Me: Neither can I. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened to the TamaGo...

Adhamh: It's not your fault. You did all you could.


Neall: Ehehe, yeah, so?

Catraoine: What do you mean SO? It was totally you!

*Mavourna giggles. The three of them are sat at a table in the bakery*

Mavourna: I'm so glad we came here.

Catraoine: Yup!

*A waiter approaches, the three order. A few minutes later, their meals come.*

Neall: Thank you!

Mavourna: Yes, thank you darling!

Catraoine: Thanks!

*Neall picks up a fork and takes a bite*

Neall: Mmm! This is deli-Huh?

*The three look up and see a glow in the air. A few seconds later, a puzzle piece emerges and falls slowly toward Neall*

Mavourna: Hey, your second piece.

Catraoine: Not bad, buddy.

Neall: Ehehe, thanks~

*The three continue eating, chatting, and laughing for an hour. Afterward, they begin to head home.*


Catraoine: Hey, you doing alright?

Mavourna: Huh? Oh... yeah. Just a bit nervous...

Catraoine: I feel you. I am too...

Mavourna: Heh...

Catraoine: We'll get through this together. You and me, we're the survivors. Adhamh too. We're the ones who lived.

Mavourna: ...Yes, we are...

Catraoine: And we'll give Eppie an heir in the name of good. Don't be stressed. At least not too stressed.

Mavourna: ...Thanks, Catraoine. I feel better.

*Catraoine and Mavourna share a laugh*

Neall: Guys? You coming?

Mavourna: Coming!

*The three of them bound home in the sunset. Far in the background, a shimmering image of a Kiraritchi smiles.*




Name: Catraoine

Stage Name: Himekuchimematchi

Breed Name: Himekuchimematchi

Age: 12

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Himechimametchi and Kuchipatchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 15

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 50130

Puzzle Pieces: 2/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Mavourna

Stage Name: Mamemimitchi

Breed Name: Mamemimitchi

Age: 9

Generation: 2

Parents' Breeds: Mametchi and Mimitchi

Points: 5320

# Of Characters Bred: 2/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



The Proposal-


Sampson: Will you...um... marry me?

Catraoine: Yes!

Allen: Will you marry me?

Mavourna: Absolutely~



Kiss Kiss Fall in Love~


Mavourna: I love you...

Catraoine: Sampson, I love you!

Allen: I love you too, Mavourna darling~

Sampson: I... I l... I lov... Iloveyoutoo...

Just Married~


Me: Congratulations you two!

Adhamh: Yes! Congrats!

Neall: We'll remember you fondly! Love you guys!

Mavourna: Thank you!

Catraoine: Oh! Wave to my family, Sampson!

Home again, home again, but who's this?




Me: It begins...

Catraoine: Indeed...

Mavourna: I can't wait...

Generation Six and Generation Three-






Me: Mavourna... Catraoine... They're absolutely adorable!

Mavourna: I know! I love Petitchi!

Catraoine: My little baby Tamabotchi is cute too~

Me: So, have you four picked out your respective babies names?

*The couples look at each other and nod their heads. They all turn back to me.*

Mavourna: Catraoine, you can go first.

Catraoine: Well... We decided to name our child Mael.

Me: Wait, "male"? So, his sex?

Catraoine: No, no, no silly! M-A-E-L.

Me: Ehehe, I was just pulling your leg, Catraoine. I know! That's a wonderful name. And you, Mavourna?

Mavourna: Well... We decided to go with Vychan.

Me: Whoah...

Catraoine: Oh come on! Your kid's name is cooler!

Mavourna: Hey, Mael has a rustic vibe. EVERYONE loves a good rustic vibe.

Catraoine: I suppose so...

Allen: Ladies, I think both babies have adorable names.

Sampson: Y-yes... Me too.

Me: I agree. I can't wait to raise them once they evolve. For now...



Me: ...let's name the breed. How about "Himemakukitchi" for Mael, and "Kuromimimametchi" for Vychan.

Catraoine: Mael's name sounds so... complicated...

Me: They get very complicated as the generations go on, yes.

Catraoine: Vychan's name is so simple, comparatively.

Mavourna: Well, Vychan's only generation 3. Things will pick up with his... Oh... oh god...

Me: What?

Mavourna: I only just became a mother. Soon I'm going to be a grandmother

Me: I wonder how Diarmuid's coping with being a great-great-great-great-great-grandparent right about now.

*A knock is heard at the door*

Me: Huh?

*I open the door, Tamastetchi is standing there*

Tamastetchi: Ah, hello! I'm the photographer.

Me: Ah, yes, I believe everyone is ready!

*Everyone gets into position*

Tamastetchi: One... Two... Three!



Me: Thank you!

*I wave to the Tamastetchi as he leaves, handing me the photos. I look them over for a few seconds, then down at the babies.*

Me: You four must be exhausted after such a long day. Let me handle things from here.

Catraoine: Oh, you don't ha-

Me: No no no, I insist. you all go. Rest.

*The four reluctantly leave. I look back and get out food for the kids.*

Me: A lot of problems have plagued our house recently... But not anymore. There can't be any more...

*I hug both of the babies and set them down.*




Me: Ehehe, you two are very cute...

*I play with the Tamagotchis, feed them, and cure then when they get sick. I frequently have to run around to get things. Seconds pass, then minutes, then, finally, one hour passes... The two Tamagotchis glow brilliantly.*


*The two couples come bounding down the steps to see their children glow, flicker, and fade. Two Tamagotchis are left in their place.*




Catraoine: He inherited my grandmother's hat! How adorable!

Me: I hope it says, I like that hat!

Mavourna: And look at my little boy... He's got your ears~

Allen: Oh, hush~

Me: They're both extremely cute...

Mavourna: I suppose now it's time to say goodbye?

Me: Not goodbye! You'll get to see them all the time. Promise.

Catraoine: And Eppie...

Me: Yes?

Catraoine: Keep them safe.

Me: ...I will.

Catraoine: I trust you will.

Me: And thank you for trusting me.

That's gonna wrap up this cute post. Hope for the future? I believe so! Thank you all for your continued support, I never stop being blown away by how much love this log gets. There will be another log later tonight regarding Adhamh, the iDL 15th anniversary, and its growth, as well as a special guest...



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Puchitomatchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 0

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 16

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 51290

Puzzle Pieces: 2/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Ahirukutchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 0

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 5620

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:
I'm actually not going to be updating my log tonight again, sorry. I got home a lot later than I had thought I would, and I'm very exhausted.

I am going to start the iDL 15th anni again tonight, though, and log twice TOMORROW, once in the afternoon and once at night. I've got some exciting stuff planned, and I don't want y'all to miss it.

Tomorrow we'll give Adhamh new life, introduce him and Neall to the kids, and bring in a special guest. I can't wait!

See you then~ <3


Of course it figures the day I'm least equipped to write has one of the longest post.

Today's post coming tomorrow morning, tomorrow's post coming tomorrow night. Have fun!



Okay everyone, I'm terribly sorry about not updating last night, but life is rough. Today's log is going to be fairly long to compensate for two days. Anyway, here's the gameplan.

Today I'm going to be discussing up to everyone's evolutions into teenagers, including Adhamh who will be started in this post.

Later tonight will be the post of them turning into adults.

Ready? Set? LOG!

*I open the door carrying the two kids*

Me: ...and Neall! You have to meet him. And you'll get to meet Adhamh, and-

Neall: Oh, Eppie, there you are!

Me: Neall! Hello!

Neall: And... these are the kids?

Me: Yes. I'm like to Introduce Mael...

Mael: Glugluglugluglu~

Me: ... and Vychan.

Vychan: Guwa.

Neall: I'm guessing Mael is Catraoine's?

Me: Yes. And Vychan is Mavourna's.

Neall: Cool.

Me: Hey, how's Adhamh doing?

Adhamh: I'm... urk... fine...

Me: Adhamh! What are you doing out of bed? I told you you need re-

Adhamh: I'm fine. I'll have a new body in the iDL soon. I wanted to come down and see the children.

Me: How sweet~

*I let Adhamh play with Mael and Vychan. I pull the iDL 15th anniversary off the shelf. I look at it and sigh before heading back to Adhamh.*

Me: Is this okay, Adhamh? Are you ready?

*Adhamh sets down Mael and hands Vychan to Neall*

Adhamh: As ready as I'll ever be.

*I sigh, leading Adhamh back upstairs to the m!x room. There, Ian's invention sits, dust coating it's surface. I slide the iDL15th anniversary into place. Adhamh steps onto the platform.*

Me: I'll see you on the other side.

*Adhamh waves. I pull the lever and the chamber slides shut around him.*

Me: Good luck...

*Bright lights fill the room. after a few seconds, the chamber opens, and an egg is left on the platform. The iDL slides out of the machine.*

Neall: That's... that's him?

Me: Yes.

*The egg begins to wiggle and bounce, cracking around the edges.*

Me: My my, that was fast...

*After a few seconds, the egg bursts open in a shot of light, and a Hyurutchi is left in its place. He looks around and down at his own body.*

Me: Hello, Adhamh.

*I pick up the baby*

Me: Are you ready to live your new life?

Adhamh: Guga!




Me: Everyone, I think it's just about time...

*Adhamh, Mael, and Vychan all stand in a line. One by one, they all start to glow.*

Neall: That was... very conveniently timed.

Me: I know.

*Adhamh emerges first, an Ahirukutchi standing in place of the Hyurutchi.*



Adhamh: Gug... Aguwa! UWWWAGH!

Me: Ah, ehehe, sorry buddy. You might have the mentality of an adult but you can't talk... At least, not until tomorrow.

Adhamh: Mmmmmph...

*The other two Tamagotchis soon step out of the light*




Mael: Ah... um... hello?

Vychan: Talking feels... weird...

Me: Hello, Mael and Vychan. Welcome to the home.

Vychan: Welcome? We've been living here for a day now.

Me: Yes, but I never got to properly speak to you then.

Neall: Hello there! I'm Neall. The longest living here.

Me: Well, you're trying for that title.

Neall: I'll achieve it one day!

*I pat Neall on top of his head*

Me: And I hope you will. Until then, we keep waiting. Now, everyone, listen up.

Neall: What is it?

Me: We need to do some serious cleaning. We have a guest coming to stay with us!

Neall: What? Who is it?

Me: My sister, Prue, lives fairly far away, but her Tamagotchi Alder is set to go travelling for a while! His first stop is to come see us!

Neall: Alder? Isn't he my rival you told me about?

Me: I wouldn't consider him a rival. More like a partner in crime.

Vychan: Why

Me: Neall and Alder hatched at the same time for the same reason. To live the longest.

Mael: And he's coming to stay? For how long?

Me: He's staying tonight and tomorrow night, then continuing on his way travelling.

Neall: I knew about that. I read it on Kawaiitchi.

Me: You keep up with my sister's Tamagotchi blog?

Neall: Sure, why not? It's always useful to see how my rival is holding up.

*We all laugh*

Me: Well, let's get cleaning, eh?


Mael: Uugh, where is he?

Neall: Prue told us to wait for an Ojitchi.

*Vychan holds a sign that says "Sunrise." A few minutes pass and an Ojitchi approaches us*

???: Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to be miss Eppie Sunrise, would you?

Me: That I am! And you must be...

Alder: Alder!

Me: It's very nice to meet you.

Neall: Hi Alder! I'm Neall.

Alder: Of course I've heard of you. Heard all about you.

Neall: Same to you.

Mael: Hi! I'm Mael!

Vychan: The name's Vychan.

Me: And this is Adhamh.

Alder: Oh, the one with the TamaGo accident? Yikes, sorry buddy, that's rough...

Me: Her, as long as he gets to live, right?

Alder: Very true, very true.

Me: so, anyway, we'll be taking the train home.

Alder: Alright then! Let's go.

Neall: Let me grab one of your bags...


Me: And this is where you'll sleep!

Alder: It's very nice of you to take me in. Prue has spoken a lot about you, you know.

Me: Really? How interesting. Well, I've read a lot about you, as you already know.

Alder: ...Read about?

Me: Yeah, on kawaiitchi.

Alder: ...What's Kawaiitchi?

Me: Oh, uh, well... it's um...

*I take a step back and look at Alder out of nervousness. Suddenly, a light erupts from the other room. I mutter "oh thank god" under my breath*

Me: I should go check on that, one second Alder!

*I rush into Adhamh's room to see him glowing. One burst of light later, Sunnytchi stands in the room*



Adhamh: Uugh.. Well, at least it feels good to talk again...

Me: I'll bet. So, Sunnytchi... That means you could feasibly become Meisertchi, Sunoptchi, Nonopotchi, or Spacytchi.

Adhamh: Or potentially Prince Tamahiko!

Me: Ah, let's avoid a royal situation for now, shall we?

*Adhamh and I share a laugh*

Me: Well, it looks like everyone's done evolving for the day... Let's all go get something to eat, eh? On me.

Adhamh: Obviously on you.

*We laugh as we walk outside toward the restaurant.*

Yes everyone! We have a special guest! My darling sister Prue runs her own Tama Log, you can find links to it in this post and in my last log post (www.kawaiitchi.tumblr.com/welcome). Please check it out, give her content notes, and follow if you like it! And you should! Alder is only staying until Saturday morning, when he leaves to continue his journey, so let's make him feel welcome in our little house!



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Haretchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 0

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 18

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 54280

Puzzle Pieces: 2/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Tororotchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 2

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 6120

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution

GUEST STATS (Done in Kawaiitchi's style):

Yellow V3

Name: Alder
Gender: Male
Character: Ojitchi
Age: 17
Weight: 30 lb
Training: 9/9
Generation: 10th (1st on toy)
Points: 9,999p (Max)
Able to marry?: Previously
NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:

Things have been a bit rough lately with homework. This is officially the post from last FRIDAY, the last day Alder is here. However, all stats will be current, as no character has evolved since then. Now then, let's get on with the show.

Me: Good morning Alder!

Alder: Ah, good morning Eppie!

Me: How's the little Sunrise doin' today?

Alder: Doesn't the name "little Sunrise" apply to all Tamagotchis here? You and Prue are sisters...

Me: Yes, it does. But it's directed at you~

Alder: Ah, well, okay.

*Alder and I share a laugh*

Me: So, did you sleep well darling?

Alder: Yes! I slept fabulously!

Me: Excellent. I love my guests to be comfortable.

Alder: And I was!

*Alder and I share a giggle as we walk toward the main room*

Me: I'm so glad you could be here to see this!

Alder: See what?

Me: A triple evolution! Vychan, Adhamh, and Mael are all becoming adults today!

Alder: Really? Fascinating.

Me: I'm sure you've seen plenty of evolution, though. You watched Jo, Klaus, and Draco all grow up. You got to grow up with them!

Alder: Yes, I did. I miss them dearly...
Me: Darling, I'm sure they're living grand lives. You'll return and see a new, sparkling generation. I believe the new Supreme is a young boy names... Kress.

Alder: ...Kress...

Me: But that's a story for another time~ Anyway, to the main room!

*I gather all the Tamagotchis. Neall sits next to Alder and I put the teens in the middle of the room.*

Me: Now, are you all ready?

Mael: Yes!

Vychan: Ready.

Adhamh: Here we go again...

*A few seconds pass. Adhamh suddenly begins to glow.*

Adhamh: Ready or not...

*The glow soon dissipates, a Meistertchi standing in his place.*



Neall: Looking good, Adhamh.

Me: You look wonderful.

Alder: Nice outfit!

*Both m!xes begin glowing at the same time. They morph and change their shape a few times before stepping out of the light*

Me: Whoah, you guys look great!




Mael: Uugh...

Vychan: Feels weird.

Me: That's normal,darlings.

Alder: I think you all look wonderful!

Neall: Same here.

Me: Alder, I'm so glad you could make it to see this.

Alder: Of course!

Mael: So, Alder, where's your next flight headed?

Alder: I'm going to Spain! I heard it's lovely there.

Me: It's always lovely there, hon.

Alder: Fair enough.

*Everybody laughs*

Me: So, what shall we do on Alder's day here?

Mael: Restaurant?

Me: We went to a restaurant yesterday...

Alder: Ah, you don't need to make my night special...

Me: Nonsense, what kind of a host and relative would I be if I didn't make your stay pleasant!

Alder: Getting to spend time with family MADE it pleasant.

Me: Awww, Alder~ You're sweet. But I'm steadfast. We're doing something during your stay. Now, brainstorm. I need ideas.

Neall: A game? A race?

Me: Are you only saying that because you feel like you're racing Alder for the title of Longest Living?

Neall: N-no...

*Everyone glares at Neall*

Neall: U-uh...

Me: Huntyyyyy I told you. You two aren't racing. You're working toward a common goal. You were born at the same time, so neither of you can possibly pull ahead. Well, save battery changes, but those only set you back a few hours.

*Alder and Neall laugh, I pat them on the back.*

Me: You two are going to make history, I promise.


*Alder, Neall, Vychan, Mael, and me are walkin down the street, laughin*

Me: Oh man, what was so much fun!

Alder: Tell me about it, you guys are the best family I've ever had.

Neall: We're the ONLY family you've ever had!

*Alder shrugs. We laugh again*

Vychan: Where to now?

Me: Home, I guess. I'm exhausted.

Alder: Me too. You guys have worn me to the bone...

Me: That was the intent. Make your last day here spectacular!

Alder: And that you did, Eppie. That you did.

Me: Let's head home, gang.

And that's the end of the entry! Did you all have fun with Alder? I did! Now, ending section, we ahve a couple thins to discuss.

Number one is a shoutout! I said in a previous post I would give shoutouts if asked, and now I've gotten a request for one. Introducin... HAPIHAPITCHI'S LOG! I've been catching up on it myself and I think it's very quaint, very quirky, and very funny (I couldn't think of any more q-words, and it's definitely not quixotic)! I highly reccommend checking it out if you have the time and love a laugh. Remember to give Hapihapitchi a good rating and follow~

Now, onto business regarding my log. We've had fun with the m!xes, but now that they're adults it's time we discussed letting one go. I have a plan for a new Tamagotchi I'm keen on adding to our little family, and I plan on deactivating one of the m!xes. Trouble is, I can't decide which one to deactivate. That's where you guys come in! I need you all to send me votes on whether you think I should continue with the smaller, newer lineage on the 20th anniversary, or keep the long line of 6 generations going on the Spacy, which started our log off. You can comment, PM, or find me on some other social media to cast your vote. I can't wait to introduce you all to the newcomer! Thanks all!



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Himememakukitchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 5

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 21

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 59670

Puzzle Pieces: 3/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 5

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 6920

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

GUEST STATS (Done in Kawaiitchi's style) [FOR FRIDAY]:

Yellow V3

Name: Alder
Gender: Male
Character: Ojitchi
Age: 18
Weight: 30 lb
Training: 9/9
Generation: 10th (1st on toy)
Points: 9,999p (Max)
Able to marry?: Previously
NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x


So I just realized I've been forgetting Adhamh's stats THIS WHOLE TIME. I'd edit those posts if I could but I can't. Eurgh.

Well, from here on out I will make sure to post them.

And remember everyone, I need votes on which m!x to deactivate! See last post for more details.

Neall: Good morning Eppie.

Me: Ah, good morning Neall. How are you?

Neall: I'm doing alright. I didn't sleep very well, though.

Me: Oh? Why not?

Neall: I don't know. Maybe I just slept wrong or something. My back hurts...

Me: Are you going to work today?

Neall: Yeah, but I'll just do cash register work. Relax my muscles...

Me: Have fun. And please stay safe.

Neall: I will!

*Neal gets ready and leaves. Mael rushes downstairs next.*

Me: Hey Ma-AAGH! Careful!

Mael: Sorry, I gotta run~

*Mael opens the door*


Mael: What?

Me: Where are you going?

Mael: I've got a date! But I've gotta catch the train.


*Mael slams the door shut. A few seconds later, my phone buzzes*

Me: From... Mael?

"Details Later"

*I sigh.*

Me: What ever will I do with that boy?

Vychan: Lucky him.

*I turn around and see Vychan*

Me: Vychan, good morning.

Vychan: Mornin'.

Me: Vychan, come, sit. I want to talk to you.

*Vychan and I sit on the couch.*

Me: Is something wrong, Vychan?

Vychan: What do you mean?

Me: You're always so... quiet.

Vychan: ...Quiet?

Me: You don't talk. And when you do it's so... minimal. Are you okay?

Vychan: I don't like to mince words.

Me: ...Okay, but still, you can have SOME conversation.

Vychan: Yes, I suppose. I guess I'm just mostly scared I'll say the wrong thing.

Me: Well you're not going to say the RIGHT thing by staying silent.

Vychan: I suppose. I'm a bit scared I'll say the wrong thing, though.

Me: Again, you have to try and say something if you want to succeed!

Vychan: I guess...

Me: Your assignment is to go out somewhere, pick a destination, I don't care where, and just TALK to people.

Vychan: But-

Me: No buts! I want you to go make friends. You've gotta get married ONE of these days. You're 7 now anyway.

Vychan: Y-yes, I suppose.

*Adhamh walks down the stairs*

Me: Ah, Adhamh, good morning.

Adhamh: Mornin' Epp, Mornin' Vy.

Me: Sleep well?

Adhamh: A bit. Could be better.

Vychan: I guess I'll take my leave, then.

Adhamh: Why, you don't like me?

Vychan: No, it's not that.

Me: She's doing an assignment.

Adhamh: ...assignment?

Vychan: Long story.

*Vychan leaves*

Adhamh: My my, she's in a hurry.

Me: You could say that...

Adhamh: Hey, I'm gonna go out to the park. Want me to pick something up at the Depa on the way?

Me: If you'd like. Get plenty of seeds. We need to plant them.

Adhamh: Yes, we do. I'll be sure to pick them up.

Me: Bye then!

*I watch as Adhamh leaves. I walk back up to the room and sit on my bed. A ray of sunshine passes through my house, and a glint is seen under my bed. I bend down.*

Me: Huh... What's this?


And that's it for today! I know today's post was very short and not too content-heavy, I just wanted to get SOMETHING out, as I'm very tired. Plus, I wanted to get the ball rolling towards marriage, as I'd like to have them all married by 10 (ideally). So, here you go.

Again, everyone, please please please cast your vote for the m!x that should leave. Or leave a suggestion in the comments/my PMs/Discord/whatever. I can't wait!

Au revoir!



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Himememakukitchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 7

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 23

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 65110

Puzzle Pieces: 3/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 7

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 6920

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Adhamh

Character: Meistertchi

Age: 6

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 20440

Happy Symbols: 2/4

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 0/28

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: All Happy Symbols, Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x


*Mael quietly opens the door, slowly closing it behind him. He turns around.*

Me: And just where have you been?

Mael: EPPIE! I... uh...

Me: Mael, darling, you're an adult and I'm not controlling your life, but tell me next time you'll be out until 3AM.

Mael: S-sorry...

Me: But seriously, where have you been? We made dinner and you never came home.

Mael: I was out on a date, like I told you.

Me: ...Until 3AM...

Mael: Yes.

Me: ...Do I want to know?

Mael: No no no! Not that! We were talking for a long time.

Me: Sure. What's her name?

Mael: Arianna.

Me: Arianna. Sounds like a lovely name. Where did you go?

Mael: I met her in her home in Berry Town. We went to a restaurant and then walked around town, talking. Eventually we went back to her place and I discovered she's a gamer! We played for a long time.

Me: Huh... is she a Decoratchi? Wait, hold on, gamer girl? Nice. What did you play?

Mael: Oh, we played Smash...

Me: Which one?

Mael: You know about Smash Bros?

*I point to my various games and consoles.*

Me: Did you think I wasn't a gamer girl too?

Mael: N-no.

Me: Then you thought very wrong.

Mael: Fair enough.

Me: Anyway, you went on a date with Arianna. Nice. Do you like her?

Mael: Y-yeah... A bit...

Me: That's cool. I wish you two luck. Now, I'm going to bed. I'm exHAUSTED.

Mael: Okay, good night. I'm gonna watch some TV for a bit.

*I walk up the stairs and Mael walks to the TV. I turn around at the last second.*

Me: Oh, Mael?

Mael: Yes?

Me: If you didn't do Fox only Final Destination no items you don't deserve marriage.

Mael: Wh-wha...

*I walk upstairs. Mael begins to giggle. I rush to my room silently and laugh into a pillow.*

Well that was a nice short introduction to Arianna! Yesterday's post was a conversation with Vychan, today Mael took the spotlight. I want to start having more of these character-development posts from time to time, to flesh out my characters. Anyway, that's all for today! Please remember to put in your vote for the m!x that should go!

Have a good day everyone~



Name: Mael

Stage Name: Himememakukitchi

Breed Name: Himememakukitchi

Age: 8

Generation: 6

Parents' Breeds: Himekuchimematchi and Kikitchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 24

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 67750

Puzzle Pieces: 3/4

Pierce: Baby Change

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Reaching the 3rd month (April 9th)


Name: Vychan

Stage Name: Kuromimimametchi

Breed Name: Kuromimimametchi

Age: 8

Generation: 3

Parents' Breeds: Mamemimitchi and Kuromametchi

Points: 6920

# Of Characters Bred: 3/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Adhamh

Character: Meistertchi

Age: 7

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 22840

Happy Symbols: 2/4

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 0/28

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: All Happy Symbols, Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

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Okay, I should explain the sudden absence. And talk about Tamagotchi happenings over the last few days. And why it sucks.

Basically, times have been a bit rough. My tamagotchis are fine, or they should be, but we've had ANOTHER GLITCH.

I swear, I rebooted take 5 of my log to avoid death, but it seems like recently there's been nothing but death and glitches. And a surprisingly LARGE number of tamagotchis have died due to glitch. Who's the victim this time?



Let me explain:

I'm taking care of him, and he reaches full hungry and happy. He's PERFECTLY FINE. His batteries then run out NOT TEN MINUTES LATER. No big deal, I charge them up and put them back in.


I have absolutely no idea how that's possible. He DID NOT die in the five to ten minutes it took for his batteries to run out. I have NO IDEA what happened.

As it stands, Neall is fine at 29. Coming up on the big Three-O. The m!xes are both fine too.

Right now I'm stuck at a crossroads. The reason I ask at the end of every post for which m!x to deactivate is because I have a plan. But now that the iDL's "died," I can deactivate IT, keep both m!xes, and continue on with my plan.

But I don't know what to dooooooo

Why is raising glitchy tamagotchis so hard. AND WHY ADHAMH??? He's been the victim twice now!

I'm gonna stop ranting before I accidentally cuss on Tamatalk :p ;)

But in any case, I'll make a decision soon enough. That's the current state of affairs. I'm still gonna need a bit of time before I'm ready to log again. Things aren't great. I'll see how I feel later today, though.

Bye all~ <3

Are you thinking of running another tamagotchi? If you are, can you run the tamagotchi 4U+? And, by the way, I love your sisters blog too!
