Well-known member

Padraig: Eppie, I'm going to get married soon...
Me: Yes, I know.
Padraig: But... I thought you wanted to deactivate my shell. What about my child?
Me: Worry not. I have a strategy. Ian and I developed it.
Padraig: What is it?
Me: It's called a "Pause Room," but that's a bit of a misnomer. It's more like... a "Lapse Room"
Padraig: Huh?
Me: Basically, and I won't get into the science of it, but any Tamagotchi put into the Pause Room is effectively paused. Their toy can be deactivated with no ill effects.
Padraig: And their data and everything will be saved?
Me: Yes.
Padraig: Well... if you trust it, I trust it. So... you're putting my child in there?
Me: After your generation, yes. I only started up my v4 to keep you alive after the iDL incident.
Padraig: Right...
Me: I'll start it up again. You'll of course be informed.
Padraig: Good. So when I leave my future child after... two days, let's say, you'll put them in the Pause Room and they'll be fine for later?
Me: Yup! Don't worry about it, buddy.
Padraig: Okay.
*Maeve walks in the door*
Maeve: AAAA, guys, guess what?
Me: What?
Maeve: I'm a FULL-FLEDGED POLICEWOMAN! They let me keep the hat!
Me: That's amazing!
Padraig: It's so cute!
Maeve: I know. I love it!
Padraig: Good job, Maeve!
*Grainne, a Violetchi, walks into the room*

Me: Oh, good morning Grainne! It's like a little reunion in here!
Grainne: Hey everyone. Nice hat, Maeve.
Maeve: Thanks! Oh! Eppie!
Me: Hmm?
Maeve: I was gonna take Siobhan clothes and reform shopping today.
Me: You've got money for that?
Maeve: We were gonna pool our money, plus I just got a raise!
Me: Oh! Well, okay then. So your rooms will look completely different. Great.
Maeve: Yup!
Siobhan: Big sister! I'm ready!
*Siobhan skips toward Maeve*
Siobhan: Oh, hi Eppie!
Me: Morning Siobhan. Going out with Maeve?
Siobhan: Yup! I'm gonna look like a princess!
Me: And you, Maeve?
Maeve: Eh, I like my scientist's shirt thing and police hat.
Me: Works for me. Have fun!
Grainne: Ooh, can I come with?
Maeve: Sure!
Siobhan Yaaaay! Grainne is coming!
Me: Have fun, girls!
Maeve: Bye!
*The three of them leave. I hear a stumbling noise upstairs*
Me: Huh? Hello?
*Ailis, a Ura Yattatchi, marches down*

Ailis: Ow... my head...
Padraig: You okay?
Ailis: I have a killer headache from sleeping so late. Where is everyone?
Me: Maeve, Siobhan, and Grainne went out shopping. Aednat decided to spend the night at her parents' house. It's just me and Padraig.
Ailis: Ah. I'm gonna make myself breakfast.
Me: Okay.
Padraig: Uugh...
Me: What's up?
Padraig: I'm just... nervous about that Pause room thing.
Me: Don't be. I've used it before.
Padraig: Really?
Me: Yeah, of course. Every time I deactivated a Tamagotchi they went into the Pause Room. Ian just fixed it up because it was getting old. Replaced the screws and al lthat.
Padraig: Oh. Well, I'm less nervous...
Me: I just can't run all those Tamagotchis at once. I plan on deactivating the P's and v4 or now. Maybe I'll consider the v4.5 too. I want to run some of my new ones, like the nano and Anniversary m!x.
Padraig: Understandable.
*Ailis walks into the room*
Ailis: Uugh, my back...
Me: You okay?
Ailis: Yeah. Just tired.
I'm so sorry for the break. I've just been feeling extremely under the weather. But as a prize for waiting I'm going to have a second update later tonight! That's where I'll talk about the discrepancy between the stats of last post and this one.
Name: Aednat
Stage Name: Himechimamemethi
Breed Name: Himechimamemetchi
Age: 5
Generation: 4
Parents' Breeds: Himespetchi and Kuchimamememetchi
Points: 99999
# Of Characters Bred: 4/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing
Name: Maeve
Character: Kiraritchi
Age: 26
Generation: 1
Weight: 99lbs
Points: 7570
Puzzle Pieces: 4/4
Pierce: Dream Coffret
Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution, All Puzzle Pieces
Future Occurrences: Living 3 Months (April 9)
Name: Siobhan
Character: Kiramotchi
Age: 6
Generation: 1
Weight: 99lbs
Points: 2210
Puzzle Pieces: 3/4
Pierce: N/A
Total Characters Pieces Finished: 1/32
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: All Puzzle Pieces
Name: Padraig (PDRIG)
Character: Shimashimatchi
Age: 5
Training: 9
Skill Points: 12 Intelligence, 22 Fashion, 67 Kindness
Weight: 99lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 8610
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution, Job Letter
Future Occurences: Marriage
Name: Grainne
Character: Violetchi
Age: 4
Training: 9
Weight: 96lbs
Generation: 1
Figurine: 5/18
Points: 10500
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage
Name: Ailis
Charater: Ura Yattatchi
Age: 6
Training: 4
Skill Points: 18 Funny, 6 Gorgeous, 2 Spiritual
Weight: 99lbs
Generation: 1
Points: 5250
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.
NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)
Cookie Dough Tamagotchi v5
European City Tamagotchi v5
Tamagotchi v6
White Tamagotchi iDL
Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary
Tamagotchi Nano
Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town
Tamagotchi Anniverary m!x