Kajah995's Awesome Log of Amazingness (Take 5; Part 2)


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(Of course I have just one extra photo)


Here's the photo to show that Ryanne is 10 years old (Even though she's older now)

I'll be making an actual entry later tonight, catching people up to speed. See you then~


I'm not going to let any more time pass by before resuming this log. I'm sick of waiting.

Just an announcement:

You may have seen before but I now have a Tamagotchi photo instagram account, which is @kajah995. I'll be posting nearly daily updates on my Tamagotchis and things happening around them, and maybe even some photos to Tamas I haven't yet run on this log, including A and his children (See the account for details). That account is going to be for both important and also generic updates, whereas this log is going to be pretty much just important updates. What I mean by that is, this log is going to feature photos of evolutions, marriages, births, puzzle pieces/happy symbols, Ryanne's age counter, things like that; big important life events stuff. My instagram account, on the other hand, is going to feature daily updates with outfits, photos of the tamas outside, funny things I notice, etc. ALONGSIDE the important updates.

Now that all that's out of the way, on to the long-awaited entry!

Me: Hello, Ffion.

Ffion: Oh, hello Eppie!

Me: How're you feeling this morning?

Ffion: Oh, y'know. I'm okay.

Me: ...Ffion?

Ffion: Yes?

Me: I'm sorry.

Ffion: For what?

Me: For keeping you from living your life.

Ffion: Whatever do you mean?

Me: For the last 20 or so days I... I feel into a depression. You were supposed to get married weeks ago but instead you've been taking care of me.

Ffion: Eppie, I'm happy to help y-

Me: No. I stole your life. You're almost 30. You should have been married to David long ago, but you got stuck here. With me.

Ffion: Eppie... You're my friend. I want nothing more than to help you be happy. I'm fine postponing my marriage as long as necessary. Innis was too, that's why she's still not married. Edryd and Ryanne included.

Me: I...

Ffion: Please believe me, Eppie. We care about you.

Me: ...Okay.

Ffion: ...Good.

Me: But Ffion... I think... I think i'm feeling better. I'm coming out of this low and... I'm feeling better.

Ffion: Are you sure?

Me: Yes. I'm getting back into the swing of life and I want you to move on with yours.

Ffion: Are you really sure? I'm happy to stay here a-

Me: No. You and Innis have spent too long here. Go and get married. Go live your life.

Ffion: ...Okay. I will.

Me: Thank you, Ffion.


Innis: And you're SURE you're good?

Me: Yes.

Edryd: That's a relief...

Ryanne: Yes, really.

Me: Yup. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused. You can all get along with your lives.

Edryd: I think I'll spend a little time here before I settle down with my girl.

Me: Your... girl?

Edryd: Oh, I've had a girlfriend for a little while. Marielle. She's a Chantotchi.

Me: ...Whoah... Mame family... That's... nEAT!

Edryd: Ehehe, yep. But again, I'm gonna wait.

Innis: I've... also been casually seeing a boy.

Me: No way! Who's the lucky guy?

Innis: His name is Lance. He's a really sweet Gozarutchi.

Me: Wow... Look at you guys... Out and about getting relationships...

Ryanne: I haven't found anyone to marry. Honestly... I don't think the marriage scene is for me.

Me: Really?

Ryanne: Nah. Seems boring to me.

Me: Well, that's your choice. My home is open forever, and you can change your mind any time.

Ryanne: Thank you for the offer.

*Suddenly, Ffion rushes downstairs again*


Me: What's up?

Ffion: He wants to get married in the morning!

Me: Whoah, what?

Innis: Really? That's great!

Ffion: Yeah! I'm... really excited!

Me: This is great!

Ryanne: We need to prepare the lovely bride!

*I giggle*

Me: Yeah! I'm... really gonna miss you, Ffion.

Ffion: ... I'm going to miss all of you too. But i promise my kid will be 10x better than me.

Me: I do too. Here's to the future!

Innis: Here here!

Yay! A sweet post. Yeah, that's right, I'm back baby. Tomorrow we're gonna kick things off right away with Ffion's wedding. She's been around for 32 unpaused days, and even more paused ones. It's time to rock this house. See you all then!

One last thing:

My last post was a photo of Ryanne turning 10. I don't quite have one for her turning 20, but this is from a few days ago literally an hour and change after she turned 21-



Name: Ffion
Stage Name: Himeshiridekitchi
Breed Name: Himeshiridekitchi
Age: 31
Generation: 9
Parents' Breeds: Himeshidekukitchi and Jellytchi
Points: 98149
# Of Characters Bred: 8/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Name: Innis
Stage Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Breed Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Age: 29
Generation: 6
Parents' Breeds: Kurooyamamitchi and Prince Tamahiko
Points: 14770
# Of Characters Bred: 6/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 90%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Ryanne

Character: Pianitchi

Age: 24

Weight: 76lbs (WILL FIX!!!)

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 4/4

Basic Skills: 3/3

School Skills: 0/5

Points: 11700

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Achieving all School Skills, Living until 50


Well... Today's the day. Let's hop right into...


Me: Conratulations on this momentus day, Ffion.

Ffion: It certainly has been a long time coming...

Me: Hello, David.

David: Hello. And hello, sweetheart

Ffion: Hi baby.

David: Well... shall we begin?

Ffion: Yes.




David: Ffion, darling... will you marry me?



Ffion: Yes! Yes of course I will. I could never say no.

*The tamagotchis and I applaud.*




David: I do.

Ffion: I do too.



*Ffion and David get into the car and begin to drive off. Ffion leans out of the car towards me.*

Ffion: Eppie! I'll see you at the house, right?

Me: Yep!



*Ffion and David drive off towards their new home*

Me: Welp, that's my cue. I'm going to go see the baby.

Edryd: How do you know there's already a baby?

Me: I've been doing this for like a year. I know what's up.

Edryd: Works for me. I'll be at the house.

Innis: Me too.

Ryanne: See you when you get back!

Me: You gotcha!

*I walk off to the house, stretching as the crowd begins to disperse*




Me: Yeah, how did I know.

Ffion: What can I say, Tamagotchi gestation is fast.

Me: I've heard that before.

David: Really?

Me: Ffion was the 9th generation of the Spacy m!x, but far from the 9th m!x I've raised. I've been around the block before, don't you worry.

David: Oh. Well, I assume our child will be in good hands then.

Me: Indeed they will, David.



Me: Indeed they will.











Ffion: Look, David! Look at our bouncing baby!

David: Oh my god, she's adorable!

Me: Awwwww, look at her cheeks! So cute~

David: So, darling... Shall we officially name her?

Ffion: Yes.

Me: Ooh, do tell.

Ffion: We like the name... Fionnghal.

Me: Fionnghal sounds nice. Taking after you I see.

Ffion: What can I say, David recommended it.

Me: Nice one.

David: Heh, thanks.

Me: No prob. But we've gotta decide on a species name... Hmmm...

Fionnghal: Guwah?

*Ffion, David, and I huddle around the Tamagotchi unit and discuss. After five minutes, we finally decide on a species name.*



Me: Jeez, these names get more complicated to manage by the generation.

Ffion: Ehehe, sorry 'bout that.

Me: No issue for you.

*Ffion, David, and I spend the next hour talking and chatting. I reassure them Fionnghal will be safe, and they reluctantly but happily decide to let her go upon evolution. Suddenly...*



Me: Oh, OH!

Ffion: Wow!

David: It's finally happening...

*Fionnghal's shape morphs and changes behind the light*



*A figure emerges as the light dims*



*A baby falls out of the light onto the floor, looking up at us with a toothy grin.

Fionnghal: UWAH!!!!



Ffion: Wow....

David: Fionnghal...

Me: Wow, that Kikitchi hat is persistent...

Ffion: Yeah... But I think it suits her.

Me: Agreed.

Wow! What an introduction. Let's give Fionnghal a warm welcome to the house, everyone! Tomorrow we'll have an update where she comes into out home. see you then!


Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Nanahotchi
Breed Name: Warimamedeki
Age: 1
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98449
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution
Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Name: Innis
Stage Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Breed Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Age: 31
Generation: 6
Parents' Breeds: Kurooyamamitchi and Prince Tamahiko
Points: 14270
# Of Characters Bred: 6/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Ryanne

Character: Pianitchi

Age: 25

Weight: 78lbs (WILL FIX!!!)

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 4/4

Basic Skills: 3/3

School Skills: 0/5

Points: 11700

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Achieving all School Skills, Living until 50

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Sorry for this post being a bit late, I promise I'm not falling behind again. Last night was just a bit rough and didn't contain any major events so I felt it okay to postpone. Anyway... here we go~

*I step through the door, Fionnghal bouncing beside me*

Innis: Oh no way...

Edryd: Is that her?

Me: Yep!

Ryanne: Oh my goooood she's adorable!

*The three Tamagotchis rush over, and Ryanne scoops up the toddler*

Ryanne: What's her name?

Me: Fionnghal.

Innis: Typical Ffion. Naming her kid basically after her.

*I chuckle*

Me: Yeah, I brought that up to her. It's still a nice name.

Edryd: Yep yep! Agreement.

Ryanne: So... is she going to evolve today?

Me: No. If my time calculations are correct she'll evolve tomorrow upon waking up.

Ryanne. Ah, okay, great! So we get to play with the cute lil' toddler for a day~

Fionnghal: Guwahhhh!

Edryd: Awwww....

Ryanne: Oh, Innis, you wanted to tell Eppie the news, right?

Me: News? What news?

Innis: Oh, right... Uh, Eppie...

Me: Yeeeees?

Innis: Well, Lance, my boyfriend, called me while you were gone...


Innis: We might be getting married soon?


Innis: The projected date is the 17th. Fionnghal will be an adult and I can celebrate with everyone.

Me: That's really great. I'm so proud of you, Innis. I hope you're happy with Lance.

Innis: And I hope our kid treats you well!

Me: I'm sure they will.

Ryanne: I can't wait until tomorrow for this little one to evolve...

Fionnghal: Guwahhhhah!

Awww, what a cute lil post. I can't wait to see how Fionnghal will evolve in the post for the 16th! See you then~


Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Nanahotchi
Breed Name: Warimamedeki
Age: 2
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98449
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution
Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Name: Innis
Stage Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Breed Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Age: 31
Generation: 6
Parents' Breeds: Kurooyamamitchi and Prince Tamahiko
Points: 14270
# Of Characters Bred: 6/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Ryanne

Character: Pianitchi

Age: 26

Weight: 81lbs (WILL FIX!!!)

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 4/4

Basic Skills: 3/3

School Skills: 0/5

Points: 11700

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Achieving all School Skills, Living until 50


Me: Okay... She should be waking up any second now...

*I aim the camera at Fionnghal as she sleeps*

Innis: Doesn't this seem like... weird at all?

Ryanne: Yeah like, you're pointing a camera at a sleeping toddler as she becomes a teen.

Me: Hush.

Edryd: They're right, you know.

Me:... HUSH.

*Fionnghal stirs*

Me: Oh, oh, here we go...

*I point the camera*

Fionnghal: Mmmm... uwah?

*Fionnghal rises and looks into the camera. A few seconds pass and nothing happens, then she suddenly bursts into light*

Me: Haha! There we go!



*The light gets brighter and brighter as the shape behind the light shifts*



Me: Wow... This is so pretty...

Innis: Evolution always is...

*The light begins to dim, a shape appearing in the background*



*The figure falls out of the light*


Me: Whoah...

Fionnghal: Um.. Ahem... Hello?

Me: Hello, Fionnghal. It's nice to finally get to talk to you.


*Everyone looks over at Ryanne as she gushes over Fionnghal*

Fionnghal: Oh, hi there Rya-


Fionnghal: Huh? Oh, thank you.

*Ryanne pulls Fionnghal into a big hug*

Fionnghal: Ack... Ryanne.. Crush... Ribs...

Edryd: Ah, Ry? I think you're killing her.

Ryanne: Hmm? Oh... Sorry, Fionnghal!

*Ryanne sets Fionnghal down as she brushes herself off*

Fionnghal: It's fine. Anyway, it's very nice to talk to all of you. Especially you, Innis.

Innis: What? Why me?

Fionnghal: Well you are getting married tomorrow, right? Or did I mishear?

Innis: Oh, yes, indeed I am. Right after you evolve, in fact.

Fionnghal: I see. Well, I'll be certainly happy to see you off on your next stage of life.

Innis: Oh... Well, thank you!

*We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds*

Me: Wait a minute...

Edryd: What?


Edryd: Whaaaaat?


Edryd: WHAT DID?

Me: Well... Long ago, I had a Tamagotchi named Ian. He was great but he was lacking in the emotive department. No offense Fionnghal, but you don't seem very emotive yourself.

Fionnghal: I tend to think I'm logical moreso than emotional but continue.

Me: It's just surprising that that trait seemed to skip over like... six generations before landing on you.

Fionnghal: What brought to your attention the fact that I'm less emotive than most?

Me: Your disposition.

Fionnghal: Which parts?

Me: All of it.

Fionnghal: ...A-All?

Ryanne: Yep.

Edryd: Yeah.

Innis: Pretty much.

Fionnghal: Oh.

Me: Don't worry Fionnghal, we love you the same!

Ryanne: Yup!

Innis: Definitely!

Fionnghal: Th-thank you all. That means a lot.

Me: Anyway! We've gotta prepare...

*I turn towards Innis*

Me: For your big day.

Haha! Cliffhanger! We got to meet Fionnghal and foreshadowing tomorrow! Tune in next time for...


...oh and also Fionnghal's evolving.


Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Eriitchi
Breed Name: Warimamedeki
Age: 3
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98949
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution
Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Name: Innis
Stage Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Breed Name: Kuroyamemikotchi
Age: 31
Generation: 6
Parents' Breeds: Kurooyamamitchi and Prince Tamahiko
Points: 14150
# Of Characters Bred: 6/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Ryanne

Character: Pianitchi

Age: 27

Weight: 92lbs (OKAY NO REALLY, WILL FIX!!!)

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 4/4

Basic Skills: 3/3

School Skills: 0/5

Points: 11700

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Achieving all School Skills, Living until 50

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Okay everyone, today's post is going to come in THREE PARTS! The first part will be featuring Fionnghal's adult form reveal! I gotta say, this one is a cute one! On with the entry~

Fionnghal: It'll only be a matter of seconds now.

Me: Yep, I'm ready!

Fionnghal: Is this necessary?

Me: Yes, I'm committed to getting as many photos of my Tamagotchis as possible.

Fionnghal: How many do you have now?

Me: About 700, and by the end of today it'll be even higher.

Fionnghal: Ah, yes, the wedding.

Me: And your evolution. And the evolution of Innis' kid.

Fionnghal: How can you be sure she'll have a kid?

Me: Well, it's in her programming. But also she told me she wanted one.

Fionnghal: Fair enou-

*Suddenly, Fionnghal is surrounded by a bright white light*




Ryanne: Ooooh, here we go!

Innis: Yeah, go Fionnghal!

Edryd: Good luck~

*The light grows in intensity as Fionnghal's shape changes*


Ryanne: Do you think she'll look more like David or Ffion?

Edryd: I'm betting David.

Innis: You think the Kiki hat will go away this gen?

Edryd: Hmmm... maybe not that, but I think she'll have a body.

*Suddenly, the light dims again, revealing a more full adult form*



Edryd: Darn.

Ryanne: Oof, so close.



Fionnghal: Hm... I... I quite like it. The little scarf is a nice touch.

Me: Wow... you look so much like your mother.

Fionnghal: Yes... But I think I'd rather... Hmmm...

Me: What's up?

Fionnghal: Innis, how long until the wedding?

Innis: Hmm? Uh... we've got a good amount of time. 15-20 minutes before we have to go.

Fionnghal: Perfect. I want to differentiate myself from my mother and I know just how to do it.

Me: Oh?

Fionnghal: I'll be in the kitchen.

*Fionnghal runs into the kitchen and we follow close behind. She pulls out a few drinks from the fridge*

Me: Why did you pull out those drinks?

Fionnghal: Five will change my color, yes?

Me: You're planning a color change?

Innis: You didn't seem the fashion-y type.

Fionnghal: I'm not. I just want to look different from Ffion.

*Fionnghal quickly drinks four of the drinks. By the time she starts the fifth, her stomach growls*

Fionnghal: Uughhh...

Me: That's why you gotta take a break between each one, hon.

Fionnghal: I'm... fine...

*She reaches for the fifth*



*She downs the drink, tossing it back. Suddeny, a cloud appears around Fionnghal*



Innis: AAH!

Me: Relaaaax Innis. This is the color changing process.

Ryanne: C...clouds?

Me: Yeah don't ask. I dunno why either.

*The clouds begin to slowly fade, revealing Fionnghal's new color*



Ryanne: Whoaaaah...

Innis: No way, that's...

Edryd: COOL!



Fionnghal: Excellent. Dark blue.

Me: Fionnghal... you look great!

Fionnghal: Thank you. I'm so glad I evolved with this scarf, because I know exactly the piece of clothing to compliment this color.

Innis: Again, didn't peg you for a fashion person.

Fionnghal: Maybe I am. Nonetheless, I'll be right back.

*Fionnghal rushes upstairs*

Me: Maybe she's a secret fashionista?

Edryd: Unlikely. I think she just did a bit of closet exploration. Found something suitable.

Me: Yeah, probably. Not to mention there's a wedding. Perhaps dressing for the occasion?

Fionnghal: Okay, what do you think?


Me: ...Or, perhaps not.

Innis: Wow, you looks really good!

Edryd: Like an explorer!

Fionnghal: That is the vibe I was going for.

Ryanne: I think you nailed it.

Fionnghal: Thank you.

Innis: Uh... oh, guys?

Me: Yeah?

Innis: I don't wanna ruin this, you look fabulous Fionnghal, but I've gotta get to the wedding.

Me: Yes! Okay, pile into the car. We can't keep this wedding waiting!


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Lance: Will you marry me?

Innis: Yes. Yes of course, now and forever.





*The couple gets into the car and begins to slowly drive off*

Me: Congrats, you two!

Ryanne: Love it!

Edryd: Great job!

Fionnghal: Congratulations!

Innis: Thank you everyone! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. Eppie, I'll see you at the house.

Me: You got it! See you there!

*The two drive off, arm in arm*

Me: Well, here we go again...

Ryanne: Hmm?

Me: Seven generations. Not too shabby.

Ryanne: I'm sure the seventh will be just as amazing as all those that came before it.

Me: Here's to that, Ry.

*Ryanne beams up at me, nodding.*

Ryanne: See you at the house?

Me: Yep yep.

*I walk off towards Innis' home as the sun sets behind me. Ryanne leads the others back to the house.*




Me: Well, I see someone's accustomed to their egg already.

Innis: Ehehe, what can I say. I'm proud.

Me: Lance, hi, nice to meet you.

Lance: Hello Eppie. Pleasure's mine.

*I giggle and put my hand on the egg*

Me: I really wonder, every time I see a new Tama egg... Who's gonna come out. Who are you gonna be, little guy?*

*Suddenly, the egg cracks.*

Me: Let's find out, shall we?








*The egg bursts open, revealing a small Petitchi. He steps out of the shell, which disintegrates behind him, and takes a step towards me.*



Me: Awwww! Petitchi is adorable!

Lance: Indeed, he is!

*Upon hearing his father's voice, the Petitchi turns and runs over to him, kissing his cheek*



Lance: Awww, c'mere kiddo.

*Lance hugs the Petitchi*

Me: So... Mom and dad, any ideas for a name?

Innis: Well we had a boy and a girl name, but since the girl name isn't relevant...

Me: Yeeees?

*Innis and Lance shoot each other a look, nodding.*

Lance: His name is Cuill.

Me: Cuill, eh? Nice name. Cuill.

Innis: Speaking of names, this kiddo needs a species name. Something to set him apart from the rest.

Me: Right you are. Gather round, parents.

*I sit with Lance and Innis, pouring over names. We spend about an hour, but finally make a decision*



Me: These names just keep getting more and more complicated, I swear.

Innis: Clearly, the curse of multiple generations.

*The three of us giggle*

Cuill: Hehehe...

Me: Awww, C'mere Cuill.

*I pick Cuill up and give him a few pats on the head. He responds happily. Suddenly, he erupts into a flash of bright light. I set him down and step back, carefully rubbing my eyes*

Me: Ow...

Innis: Oh my god, we spent so much time on the name...

Lance: I'm so excited!

*The light intensifies, the shape behind it morphing and shifting*



Me: Here it comes!

Innis: Our very own toddler...

*The light begins to subside*


Me: Wait, no way.

Innis: What?


Lance: Which o-

*The light fades, and Cuill gently falls*



Lance: ...Ah. That one.

Me: Those hair thingies... So persistent.

Cuill: Gugwaaaaah!!!

Me: Of course, it doesn't detract one bit from your cuteness.

*I pat Cuill on the head again and smile*

Me: Ready to go home, buddy?

Phew, that was WORK. Three log entries all for ONE DAY. Thankfully it's over and I can sleep. Anyway, I'll see you all tomorrow for a nice, relaxing log post where nothing's happening. See you all then!


Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Warimamedekitchi
Breed Name: Warimamedekitchi
Age: 4
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98849
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Name: Cuill
Stage Name: Ahirukutchi
Breed Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Age: 1
Generation: 7
Parents' Breeds: Kuroyamemikotchi and Gozarutchi
Points: 14450
# Of Characters Bred: 7/27
Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution
Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Ryanne

Character: Pianitchi

Age: 28

Weight: 93lbs (OKAY NO REALLY, WILL FIX!!!)

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 4/4

Basic Skills: 3/3

School Skills: 0/5

Points: 11700

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Achieving all School Skills, Living until 50

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Me; Aaaaah... good morning everyone!

Fionnghal: Good morning, Eppie. How did you sleep?

Me: Quite well.

Fionnghal: Are you sure?

Me: No, I tossed and turned all night. But what else is new.

Fionnghal: I see. The baby slept well.

Me: Hmm? Oh, yes, Cuill. Cute kid.

Fionnghal: Strange hair.

Me: Yeah, his great grandmother or something really wanted to marry an Oyajitchi.

Fionnghal: Those are some persistent genes.

Me: Yeah, for real.

Cuill: Aaaaah...

Fionnghal: Oh, he seems to be waking up.

Me: Oh. Wait, really?

*Suddenly, a bright light erupts from the living room crib*


*The light morphs and changes, illuminating part of the room. Footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs*

Edryd: What's going on down he-

*The light flashes as a Tamagotchi drops out of the dimming glare. He looks up*



Cuill: Uh... Huh, a flash of light. Okay then.

Me: Hi there Cuill!

Cuill: Hello Eppie. It is Eppie, isn't it?

Me: The one and only!

Cuill: And you're Fionnghal?

Fionnghal: Yes.

Cuill: Nice to meet you guys!

Edryd: Wow, those hair thingies really don't go away, do they.

Cuill: Huh? Ah, guess not. Hehe.

Edryd: Name's Edryd. Nice to meet'cha.

Cuill: Howdy!

Me: Well, this is nice. We've finally got you talking.

*I turn towards the stairs*


*Clunks are heard upstairs. A few minutes later, a tired ad visibly groggy Ryanne emerges*

Ryanne: Who.

*I point to Cuill*

Cuill: Ah, howdy! Hope I didn't cause you to wake up.

Ryanne: No, no, Cuill, you're good. You, on the other hand...

*Ryane glares at me*

Me: Not my fault your sleep schedule is worse than mine~


Me: Yeah, and?


Me: Uh... Oops?

Ryanne: ...Eppie?

Me: Yes?

Ryanne: Run.

*I stand there for a second before bolting towards the door, throwing it open, and bolting down the sidewalk. Ryanne emerges from the house, tearing after me*

Cuill: ...Uh...

Edryd: Yeah, get used to the craziness. It's common

Fionnghal: Agreed. Who wants lunch?

Edryd: Meeee!

Cuill: I'm starved!

Well, that was a nice post! Let's see if I can survive until tomorrow to make another (And yes, I know i'm technically posting this during the 20th. It's been a weird week). I'm sure once everyone is adults, one of the Tamas will have a little surprise for us! I can't wait~


Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Warimamedekitchi
Breed Name: Warimamedekitchi
Age: 5
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98849
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Name: Cuill
Stage Name: Ahirukutchi
Breed Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Age: 1
Generation: 7
Parents' Breeds: Kuroyamemikotchi and Gozarutchi
Points: 14950
# Of Characters Bred: 7/27
Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution
Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Ryanne

Character: Pianitchi

Age: 29

Weight: 97lbs (OKAY NO REALLY, WILL FIX!!!)

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 4/4

Basic Skills: 3/3

School Skills: 0/5

Points: 11700

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Achieving all School Skills, Living until 50


Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Warimamedekitchi
Breed Name: Warimamedekitchi
Age: 4
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98849
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Name: Innis
Stage Name: Ahirukutchi
Breed Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Age: 31
Generation: 6
Parents' Breeds: Kuroyamemikotchi and Gozarutchi
Points: 14450
# Of Characters Bred: 7/27
Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution
Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Ryanne

Character: Pianitchi

Age: 28

Weight: 93lbs (OKAY NO REALLY, WILL FIX!!!)

Generation: 1

Clover Points: 4/4

Basic Skills: 3/3

School Skills: 0/5

Points: 11700

Total Clover Pieces Completed: 0/12

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Achieving all School Skills, Living until 50

Sorry for the lack of posts, everyone. Things haven't been going well at all at my home. It's complicated to explain, but I'll try to get the backlogged posts out in the next couple of days as I work through some stuff.

(Ah dang, I was hoping this depressing post wouldn't be my first post on page 11 but... oops)


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Okay, so, bad news time.

I'm really sorry for this long wait. I really really didn't want to wait so long but I am wrapped up in a hundred things and my mental health is seriously on the decline. All this time I've actually been taking care of Fionnghal, Cuill, and Ryanne. But unfortunately...

Today Ryanne died at the age of 49. And that really sucks because I didn't get to log most of her life.

When I do come back I have a few updated to make. I have to log August 20th because that was when Cuill became an adult. I also need to log a couple of Ryanne's 10 year anniversaries (Age 30 and 40), and of course, today, the 9th.

For now I"m officially putting my m!xes and v5 on pause until I'm in a better place to log them. However, my story isn't over with tamas. You can go over to my Instagram, @kajah995, where I'm logging a different set of tamas! Over there it's much easier to log because it's just photos. Rigth now I'm running a Genjintchi, a mini, and a v3, so definitely go check it out!

Int he meantime, this is me signing off for a little while. Bye bye, for now~


(Oh, also, quick edit. If you're gonna follow my instagram you should know I use 4 tags on there [however that's gonna be 3 now]. #EppieTamaLog is for tamas I'm running here. This one's gonna be put on pause for a while cause I'm pausing this log for a bit. #nonlogtamas are for tamas I'm running only on instagram, but not on here. #TheASaga is a special tag for my v3 I'm running, and you can find more details over there. #RyanneLog was for Ryanne, but because she died the last post with that tag will be a mini obituary. Anyway, that's all the info you need to know~)

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*brushes the dust off this log*

Hey guys, just a fair warning...


I don't have an exact date, but definitely soon.


Okay everyone, here we go.

The grand re-opening of my log is ready! This here is just the pre-post. The catch up section, if you will.

Right after we left, Cuill evolved into an adult. But I completely forgot to post a photo of that right after it happened! Well, here it is folks:


Adult Cuill.

That being said, here's a catch up on the rest of the cast~

First up, Fionnghal:


And lastly, Edryd:


Here's the whole family together:


Now, as for the log, I think I'm just going to start the log off on the day I begin the log. I'm not gonna make an August or September post. It's too much work and it's not feasible right now. You all already have the news from those days, so I'll leave it at that. Anyway...

See you at the official post! Welcome back this log!


Me: Well... It's time...

*I open up the door to the pause room. Out stumbles Edryd, Fionnghal, and Cuill.*

Fionnghal: Uugh... *cough* When are we?

Me: November 15.

Cuill: Wh... wait, we went in there in September...

Edryd: You kept us in there for two months?

Me: I... I had to... I just wasn't...

Fionnghal: It's okay.

Me: ...You sure?

Cuill: Yeah...

Edryd: I'm a little miffed we were in there so long but we were warned that was possible.

Me: Yeah, sorry... My mental state after Ryanne... left... Just, was not good...

Edryd: Yeah... We're sorry about that...

Fionnghal: We went into the pause room of our own accord. You're not at fault.

Cuill: Yeah.

Me: Thanks, guys. I think I'm ready to take care of you all again.

Cuill: Well, not quite us, but yes, same concept.

Me: What do you mean?

Cuill: We're all really old at this point. We're thinking of getting married!

Me: Oh... OH! Right, Edryd, I'm...

Edryd: Taken care of. I already told Marielle I was "going on vacation." Now that I'm back we're probably going to plan our marriage soon.

Me: Oh, okay. That works!

Cuill: Marielle?

Edryd: Oh, my girlfriend. A Chantotchi. She's super amazing.

Me: Sorry I kept her from you.

Edryd: Not to worry.

Fionnghal: It's going to take a bit of work getting everything sorted out after being away for two months...

*Fionnghal wipes one of her tentacles along a shelf, kicking up dust*

Fionnghal: ...And a lot of cleaning...

Cuill: We're up to the task! Team Sunrise!

Edryd: Team Sunrise!

Fionnghal: Team Sunrise!

Me: ...yeah... Team Sunrise!





Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Warimamedekitchi
Breed Name: Warimamedekitchi
Age: 27
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98849
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Name: Cuill
Stage Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Breed Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Age: 22
Generation: 7
Parents' Breeds: Kuroyamemikotchi and Gozarutchi
Points: 15750
# Of Characters Bred: 7/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m1xing

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage

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Edryd: Really? It's all set then? Okay! Great! Hey, I love you! No, you! Okay, okay bye! Bye!

*Edryd presses the end call button on his phone*

Edryd: Well, it's settled then!

Me: Really?

Edryd: Yep! Marielle and I are getting married!

Me: that's great! When?

Edryd: Next Monday.

Me: I'm so excited! I am sorry that I kept you guys from getting married for this lo-

Edryd: Eppie! Hush! You did nothing of the sort. It's fine.

Me: But-

Edryd: It's. Fine.

Me: ...bu-

Cuill: E P P I E E E E E E!

Me: Whaaaaaaat?

Cuill: You're good! Please! Just believe us.

Me Sighhhhhhhhhhhh okay.

Cuill: Thank you. No more of this self-deprecating stuff. We need a happy household.

Me: Yeah. Happy household. You got it.

*The front door opens and Fionnghal floats through*

Me: Oh, hey Fionnghal! How was the meetup?

Fionnghal: It went fine. I met up with a new lab partner, we talked, hit it off, and we're gonna work on a couple projects in the near future.

Me: So you found a boyfriend.

Fionnghal: Lab partner.

Me: Six of one, darling. Believe me, I raised Ian.

Fionnghal: Ian... The name sounds familiar.

Me: Your great great great great great great grandfather. He was exactly like you. Mind you, I didn't expect the genes to skip seven generations, but the "lab partner" excuse worked for him and Iona. If it ain't broke...

Fionnghal: I guess we'll just have to see, then.

Cuill: Well, while you're doing that, I'm going to go searching. Papa needs a girlfriend and he's going searching.

Me: Really? When?

Cuill: ...Tomorrow...

*I roll my eyes*

Me: And wherefore art THOU, romeo.

*We all laugh ad Cuill plops facedown on the couch*

Cuill: I'm sleeping.

Me: At noon?

Cuill: You did the same thing yesterday.

Me: I'm a mental wreck.

Cuill: Relatable.

*We all share another laugh. I relax on the couch and look at the tamas.*

Me: I'm gonna miss you guys, y'know.

Fionnghal: We're going to miss you too.

Edryd: Yeah, we're gonna miss you.

Me: I'll be sure to take good care of your kids. Promise.

*I raise my glass to the sky and clink it with the others in a toast*

Awwww what a happy little post. And! We have some advancements in Fionnghal's and Edryd's relationships. We'll have to see how these lovebirds (and labs partners) play out!

Until next time~


Name: Fionnghal
Stage Name: Warimamedekitchi
Breed Name: Warimamedekitchi
Age: 28
Generation: 10
Parents' Breeds: Himeshiridekitchi and Wagashietchi
Points: 98849
# Of Characters Bred: 9/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Name: Cuill
Stage Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Breed Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Age: 23
Generation: 7
Parents' Breeds: Kuroyamemikotchi and Gozarutchi
Points: 15750
# Of Characters Bred: 7/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 90%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Hey all, so here's the scoop:

I've been away for a little while, which is why there haven't been any updates for a couple days. I thought I could keep all my tamas running despite this.

Let's just say Friday's entry (this one) is not going to be pleasant. And just a warning, today's post for the 20th is also going to be very unpleasant.

Me: Good morning all!

Fionnghal: Good morning.

Cuill: Yo

*Edryd waves at me. Fionnghal continues putting on a coat*

Me: Where are you going, Fionnghal? It's like 8AM.

Fionnghal: Oh! Well, I'm going to the lab to work on a project. Today we're analyzing the spectrum of hydrogen.

Me: Really? Neat! Have fun. Don't stay out too late, y'hear?

Fionnghal: Okay. Goodbye, all!

Me: Byyyyyyyye~

Cuill: Bye bye!

*Edryd waves again. Fionnghal leaves and closes the door behind her*

Me: So, whatcha guys doin'?

Edryd: Readin'.

Me: Readin' what?

Edryd: Book.

Me: Thank you, captain obvious.'

Cuill: Ha, wow.

Me: And you, Cuill... How's the girlfriend search going?

Cuill: Well... Uh... There was this one gi-


*Cuill falls back and Edryd looks up*

Cuill: AAH

*Cuill falls off the couch*

Me: Ahaha, sorry Cuill. I got a bit too excited. But do tell!

Cuill: Well... Her name is Eliza, and she's a Lovelitchi!

Me: Ooooh, Lovelitchi. Someone likes the popular giiiirl~

*I poke Cuill's nose*

Cuill: N-no! Shush!

*I giggle*

Me: Yes you aaaaare~

Cuill: Shush, Eppie! We have to get ready for dinner.

Me: Whaaat? But it's morning!

Cuill: We're making something that takes a long time to cook

*Cuill runs into the kitchen and I follow*

Me: Fine. Ready to cook?

Cuill: Yup. Hand me the following ingredients from the fridge...


*Cuill and I flop down onto the couch*

Me: Oof...

Cuill: God cooking is hard...

*We pant a bit and look back at the hot kitchen*

Me: Ahh... Nice and cool...

Edryd: Oooh, smells nice!

Cuill: Yeah, and thanks for all your cooking he-

*The doorbell rings*

Me: Huh?

Cuill: You expecting a package or something?

Me: N-no... Let me go check.

*I walk up to the door and open it. A Mametchi steps through the door*

Mametchi: E-Excuse me, are you Eppie?

Me: Yes...? Who are you?

Mametchi: I'm Fionnghal's lab partner. Please, you have to get to the hospital...

*I look back at Cuill and Edryd, a look of horror speeading accross my face*

Me: Why?

Mametchi: There's been... an accident...

Me: Let's go.

*The Tamagotchis and I rush to the hospital, even breaking the speed limit at times. We arrive and rush up to the front desk*

Me: Fionnghal. Please. She's a Warimamedekitchi.

Receptionist: Room E103, but she's not taking visi-

Me: I don't care.

*Me, Edryd, and Cuill run over to the room and throw open the door. A doctor stands in front of us, blocking the bed. A sheet is laying on top of a lump on the mattress*

Doctor: Miss Eppie...

Me: Wh-what...?

Doctor: I'm so sorry...

Rest in peace, Fionnghal:



Name: Fionnghal
Status: Deceased

Name: Cuill
Stage Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Breed Name: Tamamejimizatchi
Age: 24
Generation: 7
Parents' Breeds: Kuroyamemikotchi and Gozarutchi
Points: 15750
# Of Characters Bred: 7/27
Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 90%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Cuill: Well, I guess this is it...

*Cuill leaves a piece of paper on the coffee table and heads out of the house with a bag in tow. The clock chimes 2AM. Cuill quietly closes the door behind him and walks off...*


*Edryd walks down the stairs and yawns, bee-lining it for the kitchen. He brews himself a cup of coffee and walks into the living room. He sets the cup down and pick up the paper, reading it over. He drops it shortly after and rushes to the phone, punching in a number*

Automated Operator: We're sorry, the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected. Please hang up and t-

*Edryd slams the phone down and backs up slowly, putting his hand over his heart. I walk down the stairs and Edryd looks up at me shakily*

Me: Edryd? You're pale... What's wrong...

*Edryd picks up the note and hands it to me*

Dear family,

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I couldn't bear to live there any longer. Not after Fionnghal. I'm moving away. I'm sorry. I love you both.


*I drop the letter in shock and sit down on the steps, putting my head in my hands*

Me: I... I'm...

Edryd: Eppie?

Me: Edryd I'm... so sorry...

Edryd: For what?

Me: I didn't know how bad things were for you guys. If you want to go...

Edryd: What? No!

Me: Are you sure?

Edryd: Yes, absolutely!

Me: ...I'm sorry this happened today of all days. On your wedding day...

Edyrd: After Fionnghal... left... I rescheduled.

Me: What?

Edryd: We're getting married on Friday, not today.

Me: ...Are you okay with that?

Edryd: Yes.

Me: ...Are you okay with leaving your kdis with me?

Edryd: Of course. You didn't kill Fionnghal. You didn't make Cuill run away. You're a good person.

Me: ...It doesn't always feel like I am.

Edyrd: I know. But you are. I trust you. I've lived with you this long, haven't I?

Me: ...

Edryd: We'd better... Relax for today...

Me: Yeah.

Yes, unfortunately, Cuill died on the 20th (but I'm writing it as though he ran away). Sorry this post is so late, by the way. Things cropped up. But it's finally out now!

Next update will be Friday's update, where Edryd gets married. I also plan to re-start my m!xes on that day, so prepare yourselves! We won't let these deaths get in our way.

RIP Cuill-


Name: Cuill
Status: Deceased

Family: Blended
Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)
Names: Edryd
Characters: Mamekatchi

Parents: Mamametchi and Papamametchi
Bonds: 100%
Generation: 2
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolution
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Me: I'm so proud of you, Edryd...

Edryd: Thanks, Eppie.

Me: Hey...

Edryd: Yeah?

Me: Knock it out of the park with this. Enjoy your big day.

Edryd: Will do. For Fionnghal and Cuill.

Me: Yeah... That's the spirit. For them...

*I pat Edryd on the back and send him off. He sits on a bench as lights flare up. An audience cheers.*

Otokitchi: HELLO EVERYONE! And welcome too...




Me: Jesus, does this needs to be so flashy?

Otokitchi: And now...

*The Otokitchi checks her playbill*



Otokitchi: Behind curtain number one...





Otokitchi: We have this lovely Chantotchi! Her name is Marielle, and she's apparently already chosen her husband!

Marielle: That's right! I choose...

*Marielle turns to Edryd, who promptly blushes*

Marielle: Edryd!


Edryd: I absolutely do!

Otokitchi: It's settled then! You may kiss the bride!

*Otokitchi sends Marielle off*



*Edryd embraces Marielle before pulling apart and facing the crowd, who bursts into rapturous applause*





Otokitchi: HUZZAH!

*The Otokitchi presses a button, releasing fireworks and confetti*



Otokitchi: You two have fun now!

*Marielle and Edryd hop off the stage, coming towards me.*

Me: Shall we go?

Edryd: Yep!


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*I sit down on the couch as Edryd and Marielle sit across from me.*

Me: So, you're Marielle, huh? Pleasure.

Marielle: Likewise!

*Marielle beams. I chuckle*

Me: You two look really well together. I'm glad I'll be getting the smart family out of this, ahaha.

Edryd: I'm happy to be with such a lovely girl~

Marielle: Edryd! You spoil me~

Edryd: Eppie?

Me: Hm?

Edryd: Thank you. For everything. Even if it got rough towards the end, it was still good. So thank you.

Me: Edryd... It's going to be sad seeing you go, you know.

Edryd: But it's also happy...

*Edryd steps back and takes Marielle's hands*

Edryd: Ready?

Marielle: As I'll ever be.

*Edryd leans in and kisses Marielle. The two begin to glow*



*The glow continues, getting stronger and stronger. the two shapes morph underneath it. Suddenly, the glow subsides*


Marielle: I feel... Different...

Me: That would be your evolution. Also the fact that you're pregnant, but mostly the evolution.

*Suddenly, a sharp yellow light bursts from Marielle. Suddenly, she's holding two eggs, standing only weakly*

Me: Well. That was fast.

Edryd: Indeed...

Me: So uh...

*Edryd turns to me*

Me: Guess this is goodbye, huh?

Edryd: Yes. But not forever, I should hope.

*I wave to the two as Edryd gathers a couple of bags. Marielle sets the eggs down on the couch.*



Marielle: Take care of them, will you?

Me: To the best of my ability, yes.

*Edryd smiles and shuffles out of the door, looking back one last time*



*I wave to them adnw atch them drive off*

Me: And there they go...

*I step back inside and look at the two eggs. After a short minute, one of them starts wiggling and glowing. The surface of the shell fractures and pops open*



Me: Mimifuwatchi! Pretty much just what I expected. Let's see... Your name can beeeee...

???: Uwaaah?

Me: Argyll.

*The other egg begins to frantically wiggle, popping open shortly thereafter*



Me: Another Mimifuwatchi! As expected yet again. Let's see... Your name will be... Drusilla!

Drusilla: Gugugu....

Me: Yeah... I think... I think this generation is going to turn out well... Now...

*I look over at the m!xes on the table near me*

Me: I have some business with you two...

