Kajah995's Awesome Log of Amazingness (Take 5; Part 2)


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This album will be dedicated to Credne and Jill's kids!


Credne and Jill left me with 3 eggs! First up...


A male futabatchi! His name is Penwyn!


Next is a female Futabatchi.Her name is Orchil


And lastly, a male Omututchi. His name is Rydach.

They played around for an hour before evolving into teens. Unfortunately, I didn't catch a photo of it, but I did record it. Penwyn evolved into Mattaritchi, Orchil into Tororotchi, and Rydach into Ahirukutchi. After a day...


Penwyn became Mamekatchi, Orchil became Chamametchi, and Rydach became the cool Bakutchi!

And finally...


BAM! Penwyn is Hatugatchi, Orchil is Lovezukintchi, and Rydach is Mukugetchi!

And I know this is a post dedicated to Credne's kids, but I also wanted to give Neall a small shoutout. He's live to the ripe old age of...


69 years old! Tomorrow he'll be 70, but I wanted to show off his age on the day we made our comeback.

I'll be making a post for tomorrow, but it's going to be picking up from right now, when all the v5 kids are adults. I know we didn't get to see them grow up, but I really wasn't feeling well...

Anyway! On the agenda is Clodagh and potentially Adeline's weddings, and Clodagh's will be coming up soon. She's been around for about a month, and that's LONG ENOUGH!



Penwyn: Good evening, everyone!

*Penwyn walks into the house, hanging his hat up on the coatrack.*

Me: Hmm? Oh, welcome back Penwyn.

Orchil: Evenin’ bro! How was your walk?

Penwyn: Ah, y’know, the usual.

Orchil: Fairly average, then?

Penwyn: Yeah.

Me: Nice. Average walks are always the best.

Orchil: Hey, did you see Rydach while you were out there?

Penwyn: Hmm? Oh, yeah, like once. He rode by on his motorcycle and gave me a nod.

Orchil: How cool of him.

Penwyn: “Cool” isn’t quite the word I’d use but, y’know.

Me: What’s your word?

Penwyn: Pfft, pretentious.

Orchil: Do I sense animosity?

Penwyn: No, I kid. Though I must say naming the motocycle enthusiast “Rydach” was quite apt.

Me: Thank you.

*Clodagh and Adeline walk down the stairs, giggling*

Me: Ah, evening girls. How are things?

Clodagh: Oh… you know…

Adeline: …Good…

Me: …You two are acting very suspicious.

Clodagh: Are we?

Adeline: Force of habit, I guess.

Me: What’s going on?

Adeline: Weeeeeeeeeell…

Clodagh: We have some neeeeews…

Orchil: News? Girl talk news?

Adeline: Sort of~

Penwyn: Ooh, do tell!

Me: Yeah, let’s hear it!

Clodagh: It’s about… Marriage!

Me: Ah, right, you’ve still gotta get married to Alfie. The wedding was postponed…

Clodagh: Well, we have a definite date now!

Me: Oh really?

Clodagh: Yup! Thursday!

Penwyn: Really?

Orchil: Congrats!

Me: Yeah, really.

Clodagh: Oh, Eppie, Alfie wants to know if he can come over for dinner or something tomorrow. Meet the family.

Me: Oh… Well, sure. He’s always welcome!

Clodagh: …You hesitated there for a second.

Me: I… I just… Hesitate around Shimagurutchi and his descendants, you know? Niamh… He…

Clodagh: I know. I hope that doesn’t mea-

Me: I will not falter when it comes to raising your child. That’s a promise. I can’t wait to meet Alfie.

Clodagh: Good.

Adeline: Ahem!

Me: Alright, alright, what’s YOUR news, Adeline.

Adeline: I’ve… found… a boyfriend! And we’re thinking of marriage!

Me: Whoah, really? Already?

Adeline: well, to be fair we started dating like… a week ago.

Me: Okay, fair point, fair point. So, spill the deets. Who’s the lucky guy that gets to marry royalty?

Adeline: His name is Victor, and he’s an Oyajitchi!

Me: Really? Oyajitchi? Interesting pick, I have to say. I honestly thought you’d go for Prince Tamako.

Adeline: R-really? Why?

Me: Royalty usually mingles with royalty. Besides, you’d probably wanna keep that royal line going, right? At least, that’s what I thought.

Adeline: Is… Is that what’s expected of me?

Me: Oh HEAVENS no! Gotchi King would have my head if I forced your marriage. No, your love is your choice, not mine. Marry whomever you want.

Adeline: Thank you, Eppie.

Me: No problem. It’s only right.

Penwyn: Awwww!

Orchil: How sweet~

Me: Ehehe, don’t make me blush, you two!

*Neall walks downstairs*

Me: Hey hey hey, there’s my longest living.

Neall: Howdy.

Penwyn: Hey Neall.

Orchil: Sup dude?

Clodagh: Evening hon!

Adeline: Heyo.

Neall: What’re we talking about?

Clodagh: Wedding plans.

Neall: Bleh, weddings.

Adeline: What, not a fan of love?

Neall: Not a fan of trite extravagance.

Me: Ouch. Can’t say I disagree but ouch.

Clodagh: You’re just jealous cause you’re not allowed to get married!

Neall: Hush you!

Me: Oi, Clodagh, he’s allowed to get married.

Neall: I CHOSE not to get married, thank you very much.

Clodagh: Alright, alright. Don’t knock it ‘till you try it, though.

Neall: I’ll keep that in mi-

*The door swings open, Rydach hangs up a biking helmet.*

Me: Oh, good evening, Rydach!

Orchil: Hey bro!

Penwyn: Hey there!

Rydach: Sup.

*Rydach walks upstairs. The sound of a door closes.*

Me: Man, he used to be so much more talkative as a baby…

Orchil: He really is reclusive… Maybe I should talk to him?

Penwyn: I dunno…

Me: Probably best if you let him be. If he wants to come around he will.

Orchil: I guess…

Neall: Hey, let’s not put too much of a damper on things. We’ve got weddings to plan!

Me: Right! Victor and Alfie marrying Adeline and Clodagh…

Adeline: Ah, right… I never mentioned the day of my planned wedding…

Me: When is it?

Adeline: …Friday.

Me: Oh, Friday. That’s not that bad.

Adeline: I’ll miss Clodagh’s kid, though…

Me: Hey, don’t worry about that, hon. Let love guide you and don’t worry about other things. You can come visit anytime. Besides, I bet you’ll see a lot of Tamagotchis you’ve never met before real soon.

Adeline: Huh? How do you know?

Me: Oh… just a hunch…

*The tamagotchis stand there confused. I giggle to myself*

Me: Just trust me~

*The Tamagotchis look at each other. I just sit there and smile.*

Phew, that looks like a nice and long comeback post… I can’t wait for everyone to meet Penwyn, Orchil, and Rydach! And I can’t wait to kick off some new generations later this week with Clodagh and Adeline’s marriages.

Are you all excited to finally be back? I am!



Name: Clodagh

Stage Name: Himedekukimatchi

Breed Name: Himedekukimatchi

Age: 27

Generation: 7

Parents' Breeds: Himememakukitchi and Decoratchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 6/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 69

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 21

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x




Today is finally the day we say goodbye to a long time friend! Bye Clodagh! Unfortunately, you're going to have to wait until tomorrow to see the kid, and today's entry is probably going to come without color. Sorry, but I'm already losing sleep and I have a final exam tomorrow. I can't afford to post all the time. Don't worry, though. You guys won't miss a thing!

Clodagh: He'll be here any second...

Me: I know. You'll do great. Just breathe...

Clodagh: Easy for you to sa-


Clodagh: Ah! He's here!

*I go over and open the door*



Clodagh: Hi, babe!

Alfie: Hi, Clodagh~

Me: Hello there, Alfir. Are you guys ready?

Clodagh: Yes!

Alfie: You bet!

*We all make our way to the wedding ceremony*




Clodagh: I love you, Alfie...

Alfie: I love you too, Clodagh!


Me: Congrats, guys!

Adeline: Yay to the both of you~

Penwyn: Lots of love!

Orchil: Best!

Neall: You look amazing!

*The car drives it's way back home, and we all meet it there*


Me: I will seriously never stop being astonished at how fast that is.


Alfie: Um... Clodagh?

Clodagh: I know, you have to go to your place.

Me: Your marriage was a bit... Different.

Clodagh: Goodbye, love.

Alfie: Goodbye!

*Alfie leaves, Clodagh holds her egg tight*







Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 71

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 23

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



Okay, everyone. I'm so sorry for the lack of updates for the past few days. I'm backlogged on work and finals week, but I've got a bit here to try and catch up, so this will be the post from back on Thursday. I'll skip a Friday entry because there were no evolutions (The marriage happened during bedtime) and jump right into the teen evolution on Saturday. I'm postponing Adeline's wedding a bit just so I can catch up with things, and update everyone on the new kid. Speaking of which...





Me: Awwww!

Adeline: What a beautiful baby girl!

Orchil: Clodagh, she's adorable!

Clodagh: Thank you~

Penwyn: Really cute!

Rydach: Nice.

Clodagh: You're all so sweet...

Me: I'm glad she was born at home, too. This is a different kind of wedding...

Neall: What name do you have?

Clodagh: I was thinking... Muirne.

Me: Muirne?

Clodagh: Yeah... It's a silly name, I know...

Me: No, not at all.

Neall: I think it's a beautiful name!

Clodagh: Oh, hush!

Orchil: Neall is telling the truth.

Me: Seconded!

Clodagh: You guys~

Muirne: Guguguguwah!

*I pet Muirne's head and she giggles*

Me: So, have you gotten all your things packed?

Clodagh: *sigh* Yes. It's gonna be sad to leave this place after I've lived here for so long...

Me: It's gonna be sad to see you go. I've gotten so used to seeing you around the place. But we must change.

Clodagh: I know. Promise me you'll take care of my girl?

Me: Promise.

*We spend the next hour together, playing with the baby*

Me: Yes you are! Yes you are~

Muirne: Googah!

*I set the baby on the couch next to Clodagh*

Clodagh: Oh... Uh, Eppie?

Me: Hmm?

Clodagh: My phone just buzzed. It's been an ho-

*Suddenly, Muirne bursts with light*



Orchil: Oh my god! I can't wait to see the cutie!

Penwyn: Good luck, Muirne.

Clodagh: I love you...

*After a few seconds, the light morphs and subsides*





Me: Huh. Tantotchi. Guess we took good care of her.

Clodagh: She looks adorable!

Me: Very green, I must say.

Orchil: Nonetheless adorable.

Penwyn: Definitely adorable.

Me: Man... That Kikitchi hat-thing is PERSISTENT. That was, what, 3 generations ago?

Clodagh: Yep, my grandpa Sampson married grandma Catraoine.

Me: Yep. Oddly the Kikitchi hat-thing skipped a generation. Mael got HIS grandma Iona's Himespetchi hat. But then you got the Kikitchi hat-thing, Clodagh.

Clodagh: I kinda go the whole Kikitchi body too.

Me: Yeah, you only got the scarf from your mom. Still, though, you look very pretty.

Neall: Are we really gonna focus on family lineages when there's an adorable baby on the couch!

Clodagh: No, but that's something for you all to focus on. For now... I must take my leave.

Me: We're going to miss you, Clodagh.

Neall: Definitley.

Orchil: Goodbye!

*Penwyn pulls her in for a hug*

Penwyn: Don't forget about us~

Clodagh: Wouldn't dream of it!

*Clodagh picks up her bags and heads for the door, turning around one last time to give everyone hugs. We let her go before turning around to a sudden outburst.*

Me: Oh no.


Neall: We forgot she could see her mother leaving...

Me: This isn't going to be fun, is it?

That was a cute little log post! Welcome Muirne into our lives, everyone. Hope you love her! And as I said earlier I'm going to be posting twice today, once for Saturday and once for Sunday.



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Tantotchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 0

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 74

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 26

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



So I had a final today, but my next one isn't until Friday. I'm gonna take the opportunity to catch up on my logging. I'm going to have an update for Saturday (this one) and for Sunday, but I'm going to skip Monday because no evolution happened. The reason I skipped last Friday's entry is because no evolution happened, Muirne was born after she would go to bed. If possible (After all that logging I may be exhausted!) I'll also do a Tuesday one. Adeline has to get married EVENTUALLY and it's gonna be this week I ~p r o m i s e~.

*I walk down the stairs groggily. Neall is sitting on the couch With Orchil and Adeline. Muirne sleeps in a crib in the living room*

Me: Morning...

Neall: Ah, Eppie, you're up.

Orchil: Good morning!

Adeline: Yo.

Me: Ah, right. Forgot you'd still be here, Adeline. Sorry about your wedding getting postponed.

Adeline: It's fine. We rushed scheduling anyway. Victor and I needed more time to think.

Me: Makes sense. How's the kid?

Neall: Sleeping like a log, as usual.

Me: Good, good. Shouldn't she be waking up soon?

Neall: Yes. And evolving shortly thereafter.

Me: Excellent.

Adeline: I bet she's gonna be real cute.

Me: Yeah, me too. I just... can't help but be nervous...

Adeline: Why?

Me: Well... I started this little family with a Tamagotchi named Chead. He was a Shimagurutchi. His line died after 4 generations...

Orchil: Oh no, that's terrible!

Me: I didn't get to spend enough time with Cynwrig before... Well, anyway... I'm just nervous seeing her in her adult form wi-

Muirne: Uwaaaaa!

Neall: Oh, she's awa-

*Suddenly, Muirne starts glowing and changing shape*



Orchil: W-wow! So pretty!

Me: Yeah, really. This is always the best part...

*Muirne stops glowing and lowers toward the floor, not touching it*



Muirne: Ahem... um... H-hello everyone.

Me: Soyofuwatchi!

Orchil: Whoah, you look amazing, Muirne!

Me: Yeah, really.

Neall: Looking good, gurl. Love the tail!

Muirne: Huh?

*Muirne flicks her tail*

Me: Oh, you must've inherited that from Alfie. Looks good. Nice Kikitchi hat too.

Muirne: Th-thanks!

*Suddenly, Penwyn hops down the steps*

Penwyn: I heard evolution noises!

Me: Indeed you did!

*Penwyn gives Muirne the once-over*

Penwyn: You look great!

Muirne: Why thank you Penwyn!

*Suddenly, Rydach walks down, looking anxious*

Me: Oh, morning Ryda-

Rydach: Eppie. Get upstairs. There's a problem.

Me: What kind of problem?

Rydach: With... him.

*My eyes widen and I jump off the couch, bounding up the steps. Penwyn and Orchil look confused at each other, Adeline cups her mouth.*

Muirne: ...Who?

*I reach the top of the steps and run over to one of the rooms, throwing it open. I run over to the bed.*

Me: Adhamh?

*I cup his cheek and turn it toward me*


*Adhamh looks blankly up at me. I fall to my knees and grab his hand. A teas rolls down my cheek*

Me: Adhamh... No...



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Soyofuwatchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 1

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 74

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 28

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:


Adeline: Hey, Neall...

Neall: What's up?

Adeline: You haven't gone to work in a while, I've noticed?

Neall: Huh? Oh, well, with max points and all that, what's the real need?

Adeline: What about those exclusive items?

Neall: I've got most and I don't really care.

Adeline: Okay but then explain why you still wear the policeman outfit every day.

Neall: I... uh... Like it?

*Adeline stares for a few seconds before shaking her head and looking away*

Neall: Whaaaat? It's practical!

Adeline: I suppose.

*Muirne floats down the stairs.*

Adeline: Oh, good morning Muirne!

Muirne: Good morning~

Neall: You seem chipper today.

Muirne: Am I not always chipper?

*I giggle*Nealle: You make a fair point. Say, shouldn't you be evolving soon?

Muirne: Any minute now, if I'm lucky.

Adeline: You will.

*Penwyn and Orchil walk down the stairs looking somber.*

Adeline: Hey guys, what's up?

Penwyn: Um... Adeline... Neall...

Neall: Yes?

Orchil: Eppie isn't doing too well.

Neall: How... How so?

Orchil: ...Adhamh is dead.

*Neall stands up and hops over the couch. He scrambles up the steps.*

Adeline: What? He can't be!

*Adeline rushes to follow. Everyone then follows after her. Neall knocks on Adhamh's door. I open it slowly.*

Me: Oh. H-hey... Neall. And... everyone...

Neall: Is it true?

*I look away. Neall hugs me*

Neall: Oh my god...

Muirne: Hey guys... I... uugh...

Adeline: Is something wrong?

Muirne: I don't feel great...

Me: Maybe evolution kicking in...

*Suddenly, Muirne erupts into a bright light which morphs and changes, before subsiding quickly.*



Muirne: I... uh... I'm sor-

Me: Don't be. It was inevitable. You look good.

Muirne: O-oh... Thank you... But we can't focus on me. There's a dead man...

*Neall and Adeline push past me to look at Adhamh. We crowd around his bed.*

Neall: What are we gonna do?

Me: We'll hold a funeral for him. He was such a good guy...

Neall: Purest soul in here, honestly. It's a shame most of you never got to meet him...

Adeline: I barely knew him...

Me: We'll have him funeral on Wednesday, that's my earliest time. Then... on thursday you can definitely have your wedding, Adeline.

Adeline: How did you...

Me: I'm clever. Now... let's call a doctor...

AAAA sorry all for the painfully short and depressing post, but two updates in one day is draining. Plus, I'm already exhausted from finals and need my sleep. But on the plus side I can finally return back to normal daily logging from tomorrow (with tomorrow's entry).

So yes, we've finally tied up the little Adhamh arc. It's sad to see him go but I didn't see a future for him in any Tamagotchis. He's happier now, I'd assume. Anything beats a bedridden month, to be honest.

Also the stats in this post will be for TODAY, Tuesday the 23rd. I don't have stats for Sunday but since everyone's at the same evolution stage as then it can't hurt.



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 4

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 76

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 28

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



Adeline: He was a good man...

Neall: Truly the best. Nobody like him.

Orchil: I didn't get to know him well but...

Penwyn: He was always very nice.

Rydach: He was really cool. The three times I talked to him.

Muirne: I didn't get to know him. I'm so sorry to my friends.

Me: He was a valuable and important member of the household...

*We slowly lower a coffin into the ground. After a somber ceremony, we all head inside.*

Neall: Penny for your thoughts, Eppie?

Me: Ten deaths, Neall. Adhamh dying brings the death count of my house to ten.

Neall: Eppie I'm... I'm sorry...

Me: Am I an incompetent Tamagotchi owner?

Neall: No! Not at all!

Penwyn: Eppie, you do a fine job of raising us.

Adeline: I've spent almost a month here, and I think you've done a fantastic job.

Me: Would they agree?

Muirne: W-who?

Me: Cynwrig, Aillil, Tadhg, Saoirse, Grainne, Dochas, Maire, Concobhar... Maeve... and now Adhamh...

*I hold my head in my hands*

Me: Would they agree I'm not imcompetent?

Orchil: Eppie...

Neall: Eppie we all miss him...

Muirne: Eppie!

*I pick my head up at look at Muirne*

Muirne: Shut up, would you?

*Everyone looks stunned.*

Muirne: I don't know any of these tamagotchis, but let me ask you would THEY want you to be so down on yourself? If every tamagotchi that ever died caused their owners to stop running them nobody would ever run tamagotchis. Yes, they died, and that's sad. Yes, it's okay to be sad and angry. But no, I refuse to allow my friend to be down on herself so much that she forgets her responsibilities... and the friends she still has around.

Me: I would never forget you...

Muirne: So act like it.

*Muirne holds out her hand. I take it and let her help me up.

Me: Okay everyone. Today we will mourn Adhamh. We've lost a good friend. But let's get it out of our systems today. Tomorrow...

*I turn toward Adeline*

Me: We have a wedding to celebrate.

Adeline: Eppie...

Me: Good luck, Adeline. Best to you and Victor.

Orchil: Good luck!

Penwyn: We love you, Ad!

Rydach: Good luck.

Neall: We wish you the best!

That post was both depressing AND uplifting. Can't wait for the wedding! EEEEE!



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 5

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 77

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Adeline

Stage Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Breed Name: Mimikurotamatchi

Age: 29

Generation: 4

Parents' Breeds: Kuromimimametchi and Princess Tamako

Points: 16670

# Of Characters Bred: 4/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x






Adeline: Victor!

Victor: Adeline my love, there you are.

Adeline: So... Vic... are you ready?

Victor: As I'll ever be.



Victor: Will you marry me, royal love?

Adeline: Of course I will. I love you.

Victor Love you too.








Me: Good job, you too!

Neall: You look wonderful!

Penwyn: Can't wait to meet the kid!

Orchil: Penwyn! Celebrate the wedding before the birth!

Penwyn: Ehehe, yeah. Just making conversation.

Orchil: You can't make conversation with someone DRIVING AWAY, silly.

Rydach: Shush you two. Look.

Penwyn: Wow, pretty sunset...

Orchil: Yeah... Hey, Rydach?

Rydach: Hm?

Orchil: You don't talk much...

Rydach: Later. Wedding now.

Muirne: Shush you three!

Rydach: Line stealer.

Muirne: You two look great! Love you Adds!

*Adeline and Victor wave back before finally driving off.*

Me: I've come to expect an egg at this point. You all go back to the house. I'll meet you all there. Neall, you're in charge.

Neall: As usual.

*The Tamagotchis and I walk for a while before heading our separate ways. I walk up to the house and find, unsurprisingly...*



Me: I swear Tamagotchis breed so fast...

Adeline: You're telling me...

Victor: Ehehe, sorry hon...

Me: So, you're Victor, eh? Nice to meet you.

Victor: Likewise. I've heard a lot about you, Eppie.

Me: I'm honored.

*The egg begins to wiggle*

Adeline: Oh, oh!!!



Me: I wonder who this baby will be...

Adeline: May they be a great addition to the family...




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Aaaaa, sorry for not getting this out yesterday. Was a bit tied up. Don't worry tho, Friday's log will come tonight, on Friday. Pending no serious issues arise. Enjoy~

*The egg wiggles, getting more and more vigorous. Eventually, it stops, and the shell cracks, a light bursting forth. Suddenly...*




Adeline: ULA!




Me: What?

Victor: Ula. That's the name of our baby girl. Ula.

Me: ...Ula, huh? I like it. Ula.

Adeline: Heh, don't wear it out, Eppie!

Me: Oi, I'm test-driving it. I like it.

*I walk over and pat Ula on the head*

Me: Hi there Ula. My name is Eppie.



Ula: Glugluglu! Uwa!

Me: You're adorable.

Victor: Isn't she? She get's that from you, Addy~

Adeline: Oh hush Victor!

Me: It's a shame they don't stay babies longer. But I'm sure her toddler stage will be equally cute.

Adeline: I should hope!

*We talk and play for about an hour. Time passes, when suddenly Ula erupts into a burst of white and yellow light*





*The light subsides after Ula's shape morphs and changes*



Victor: No way...

Adeline: It can't be...

Me: She doesn't have...




Ula: Uga?

Adeline: Oh my lord honey she inherited your hair.

Victor: I'M... I... WHAT...


*The three of us have a mind-melting existential crisis while Ula watches, giggling the whole while*



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 5

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 78

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Sakuramotchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 1

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 13470

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Toddler Evolution

Future Occurrences: Teen Evolution


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:


So a pending issue arose, that being I was exhausted after my final. But finally, FINALLY finals week and the school year are OVER. I'M FREE. So all this log weirdness of having to backtrack and make one day's log on the next day should finally be over. This is hopefully the last time, at least for a little while, that I have to do this. Today's log is gonna be a double feature, where I just smoosh Friday and Saturday into one post (But they're still separated)

That all being said, on with Friday's log...

*I walk through the doors of the house. Penwyn, Orchil, Neall, and Muirne gather around*

Neall: Is that the kid?

Orchil: Sakuramotchi! she's prett-

Penwyn: Wait, is she already...

Mirne: Oh my god.

Me: Yeah, just... just don't question it.

Penwyn: She's balding...

Me: Maybe that'll change soon? Maybe she'll get her great-grandpa's Kuromametchi hat or something. I dunno. Maybe Mako's accessory will skip a generation. Because for some reason crowns are genetic... I've no idea.

Neall: Well... it's good to meet you, uh...

Me: Ula. Her name is Ula.

Neall: Ula.

*Neall pats Ula on the head, and she sounds pleased*

Muirne: Well, she's still pretty cute nonetheless.

Me: Agreed.

*I set Ula on the couch and pet her head again.*

Me: Well, I think I'm jsut gonna hit the hay. A marriage and introducing the baby to you all has worn me out.

Muirne: But you didn't DO anything.

Me: Doing literally any action wears me out because I am made of lethargy. Good night!

Muirne: Is she usually like this?

Neall: You get used to it...

*Neall yawns*

Neall: ...and it rubs off on you. I'm gonna... just...

Muirne: Not you too!

Neall: I've spent almost 80 days here. You pick it up from her.

Muirne: Well I won't!

Neall: You do that... Good night.

Penwyn: Actually, I'm getting sleepy too...

Orchil: Yeah seeing everyone ready for bed has made me sleepy.

Ula: Gugah?

Muirne: Don't worry Ula, I'll keep you company, unlike these sle-

*The door opens and shuts quickly, Rydach stepping inside*

Orchil: Oh, hey bro. We were just heading off to bed.

Rydach: Cool.

*Rydach sits on the couch quickly.*

Orchil: O-okay, we'll see you later.

*Orchil and Penwyn walk up the steps, Muirne sits on the couch away from Rydach and pulls Ula onto her lap. Rydach finally notices Ula.*

Rydach: Who's the new one?

Muirne: Huh? Oh, uh... she's Adeline's kid. Her name is Ula.

Rydach: Cute name.

Muirne: ...Hey, Rydach?

Rydach: Hmm?

Muirne: You don't speak much... do you?

Rydach: Man of few words.

Muirne: But you hardly talk to your family, like Penwyn and Orchil.

Rydach: Don't got anything to say to then, I guess.

Muirne: You spend all day motorcycling...

Rydach: Not all day.

Muirne: What DO you do, anyway?

Rydach: Mostly hang out. Go on dates. Ride around to-

Muirne: Wait, did you say DATES?

Rydach: ...yeah...

Muirne: Oh my god do you have a GIRLFRIEND?

Rydach: ...Yeah?

Muirne: Oh my goooood...

Ula: Guwah? GUWAH!

Muirne: Oh no she's hungry. Help me out?

Rydach: Sure, why not.

*The two rush around, fixing dinner for Ula as she cries on the couch*



Me: Good morning all.

Rydach: Mornin'

Me: Ah, Rydach, good to finally see you around the house.

*Rydach shrugs*

Me: What, did you girlfriend not wanna leave the house today?

Rydach: Pretty much.

Me: ..Wait... You have a girlfriend?

Rydach: Is this really surprising? Muirne asked the same thing yesterday...

Me: Yeah, little bit. Penwyn and Orchil haven't had any interest in dating...

Rydach: So you assumed the leather-jacketed motorcyclist would follow suit?

Me: ...Touche, my friend. Touche.

*Rydach laughs softly*

Me: Hey, I think that's the first time I heard you laugh after adulthood...

Rydach: Really?

Me: Yeah. You should spend more time here, with your friends.

Rydach: But my gi-

Me: Obviously spend time with her. But spend time here too. Who is this mysterious girlfriend, anyway?

Rydach: Her name is Doris. She's a Hotteatchi.

Me: Hotteatchi, eh? I can see you only want those 100% bonders.

Rydach: I guess.

Me: You should stick around here so you can up your bonds. They're currently at 0% cause you're always out.

Rydach: Yeah, I guess. We've gotta get to 100% before anyone thinks of marriage...

Me: Well, you don't HAVE to. But it's certainly ideal.

Rydach: I'll work on that.

Me: Say, where is Ula?

*Rydach points to the other side of the couch where Muirne is sleeping with Ula in her arms, also sleeping*

Me: Awww, I didn't even notice that.

Rydach: The m!xes get along great.

Me: Naturally.

*Muirne's eyes flutter open as she yawns, carefully sitting up*

Muirne: What's with all the noise... Oh, morning. Good morning, Eppie. And Rydach, you're still here?

Rydach: Slept here. Didn't wanna leave you two alone.

Muirne: O-oh. how sweet.

Me: Yeah, really.

*Suddenly, Ula's eyes open. Almost immediately after, she begins glowinga bright yellow-white light*



Me: Oh wow...

Rydach: How sudden...

*The shape morphs and changes before our eyes*



*...before suddenly, the light dims*



*Before Ula drops out and the light goes away*


Ula: He...Hello everyone...

Me: Oh my god.

Ula: W-what?

Me: You STILL have those hair poofies on the side of your head.

Ula: I-is that bad?

Me: No, not particularly. A balding teen isn't unheard of. And you look fine so there's no worry. I've just never seen it before.

Ula: Oh. Huh. Guess I'm unique, then?

Me: Guess you are!

Rydach: You look good, Ula.

Muirne: Yeah, really!

Ula: Thank you Rydach, Muirne.

Me: Hey, everyone, I've got an idea. When everyone wakes up... Let's have a family outing.

Muirne: Better idea, let's have one tomorrow when everyone's an adult.

Me: Tomorrow sounds good. Good for everyone?

Ula: Sure~

Muirne: Yeah!

Rydach: Works for me.

Me: Then tomorrow it is!

*I throw my hand up in the air confidently.*

Okay, those were a couple of cute posts. I'm so sorry there haven't been many content-heavy posts. I've been busy with finals and basically each post has had some marriage or evolution so it doesn't lend itself to plot and this and that...
But basically NOW I'm out of finals, evolutions and marriages are over, at least for a few days, and I can FINALLY get back to writing about plot. Tomorrow will be Ula's adult form, and then, PLOT!

Until then, Eppie out~



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 8

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 79

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Tororotchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 2

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 13970

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Teen Evolution

Future Occurrences: Adult Evolution


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



Today's log is going to feature something a bit different. After the main log post I'm going to be showcasing the first instance of fanart for the log! We've got a few pieces, with more coming in the future, so stay tuned!

Anyway, on with the log! We've gotta evolve Ula!

Penwyn: Oh, hi there Orchil.

Orchil: Hey bro, how did you sleep?

Penwyn: Not great, to be honest. I kept tossing and turning... my back is killing me...

Orchil: Well, you did sleep in. And I heard you rocking around all night...

Penwyn: Oh. Heh. Sorry about that, sis.

*Rydach walks down the stairs*

Penwyn: Hi Rydach.

Rydach: Sup bro.

Penwyn: Not much. Sleep well?

Rydach: Fairly well, yeah. Heard you mumbling or whatever last night. You good?

Penwyn: Oh, yeah, I guess.

Orchil: So, Rydach, how's the girlfriend?

Rydach: Doris? She's fine. Why?

Orchil: Nothin', just curi-

Rydach: Wait, how did you know I had a girlfriend? The only people I told were Muirne and Eppie.

Orchil: I could guess. It wasn't that hard.

Rydach: H-how?

Orchil: The lipstick stain on your motorcycle helmet...?

Rydach: I... uh...

Penwyn: So... Doris, huh? Who's she?

*Rydach coughs a few times*

Rydach: She's a Hotteatchi...

Orchil: Ooooh, someone's into the 100% bonds, huh?

Rydach: Hush!

Penwyn: Hey, spend some time around us and YOU could have 100% too!

Rydach: SHUSH!

*Rydach pushes Penwyn playfully. All three laugh*

Rydach: You two are such teases.

Orchil: Glad you've been sticking around the house more, Rydach.

Rydach: Yeah? Well... I'm glad to be here.

Penwyn: Family?

Rydach: Family.

*Muirne walks down the stairs*

Orchil: O-oh, hi Muirne. How... much of that did you hear?

Muirne: Enough to know that y'all are neeeeerds.

Penwyn: Oi! We're having family bond time!

Muirne: I'm just joshing with you.

Rydach: Aaaaaanyway, guys.

Orchil: Yeah?

Penwyn: Mmhmm?

Rydach: About raising that bond meter thing... Let's do it.

Penwyn: Really? Why so sudden?

Rydach: Well... Doris has asked about... Marriage... and I kinda... want to?

Penwyn: Really?

Orchil: Wow, that's great!

Rydach: I hope you two don't...

Orchil: No interest here.

Penwyn: You go ahead and ma-

*A scream pierces the air. Rydach whirls around to face the stairs*

Rydach: What was that?

Muirne: That was Ula!

*Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach, and Muirne rush upstairs. Muirne jiggle's Ula's doorknob upon reaching it*

Muirne: Ula? ULA? Are you okay?

Ula: NO! I...


Ula: N... no... I just... I look...

Muirne: Look? Wait... Did you...

*Ula slowly unlocks the door and opens it*



Muirne: Oh, Ula!

Ula: It's ugly, ri-

Muirne: You look really cute!

Ula: Wh-what?

Penwyn: Yeah!

Orchil: You look adorable!

Rydach: ...Looking good, pal.

Ula: I-I dunno... Maybe I should try on... An accessory?

Muirne: Do you want to? The real mark of adulthood is trying on clothes.

Orchil: Why haven't YOU tried on any clothes yet, then?

Muirne: Uh... too busy?

Orchil: Too busy not being an adult?

Muirne: Hush!

*Everyone walks into Ula's room, laughing*

Ula: Well, I think my mom left all the clothes... ah... Here!

Muirne: Hmmm... What about this to compliment the hair?



Penwyn: Oh my lord, you look hilarious!

Ula: Okay, the beard was a good meme. But still... I'm not sure I like this balding hair thing. Anything else?

Rydach: What about this?

*Rydach picks up a space helmet*

Muirne: Ooh, this is perfect! How did you scope this out?

Rydach: I've got a knack for helmets.

*Ula puts the helmet on*




Ula: Y-you think?

Penwyn: You really do look cute.

Orchil: Agreed!

Ula: Th-thanks guy-

*Me and Neall burst into the room*

Me: We heard screaming earlier, what's going on?

Ula: Fashion.

Me: ...huh?

Well that was a cute little post! I wanted to end on a high note. Also... Congrats to Neall for this milestone!


80 days! Woooo! Only 20 more days until the next milestone! Can't wait~



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 9

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall

Character: Takutotchi

Age: 80

Generation: 1

Weight: 15lbs

Points: 99999

Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

Pierce: Dream Coffret

Total Characters Pieces Finished: 2/32

Recent Occurrences: Milestone- 50 Years

Future Occurrences: Next Milestone- 100 years


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 3

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 12270

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi

Parents: Papapatchi, Mamapatchi
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 2
Points: 2120
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage.

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



We finally have fanart! I'll be posting some today and some tomorrow. Today we have submissions from two fellow Tamatalkers!

First up is two pieces by TAILSY!


She decided to draw Ula and Clodagh, and honestly I think they're amazing. I love the shading on Clodagh and the rough-sketch aesthetic on Ula. Loves it!

And next up we have a piece from FUZZYWUZZYSQUID


He decided to make a sprite of Caoimhe from waaaaay back in the log. Second tama I ever raised in my little household. Major thanks to him, it actually looks just like it was ripped from my m!x.

Thank you to these three submissions, Tailsy and Fuzzy! Definitely check out other stuff they've done here on TT. They're really cool people.

And as I said there will be some more fanart with tomorrow's log.

'Till then~



Today's the day we come back. This entry will be a double feature, Monday May 28th AND June 5th, because relevant things happened on those days. Tomorrow I'll update with June 13th and we'll continue from there. The post on the 13th will be the big comeback post, this is mostly just to catch everyone up to speed. I'm so sorry for suddenly not updating, but as I said in a status update my father got very sick and needed my help feeling better. He's doing much better now, and will be for the foreseeable future, so thank you all for the concerns you posted while I was gone. Much appreciated. Anyway, we've got a lot of depressing news to cover, so buckle up everyone.

Me: And you sure you'll be okay while I'm gone?

Neall: Yes, yes.

Me: and you know whe-

Ula: Eppieeeee! Just goooo!

Muirne: Eppie! Your dad isn't gonna get any better while you're stuck here.

Me: Okay, okay, just to clarify I'm leaving for 2 weeks, and coming back on the 13th.

Ula: Oka-

Neall: Wait that's 15 days from now.

Me: I'm subtracting travel time which brings it up to about 15 days. In any case I'll be back on the 13th once my dad is feeling okay.

Penwyn: I hope he's okay.

Orchil: Yeah, me too.

Me: I'm leaving Neall in charge, you all know where the pantry is, and don't go off marrying while I'm gone.

Neall: Yes yes, but you'll miss your train if you don't go.

Me: What time is it?

Neall: 3:05


*I run out of the house and bound down the street. Neall slowly closes the door behind me.*

Neall: Phew, she's finally out of the house.

Orchil: I do hope she's alright...

Ula: And her dad too.

Murine: Weeeeeell... In the meantime, we've got a free house!

Orchil: you're not gonna do what I think you are, are you?

Muirne: What? No, I'm not throwing a party or anything. And nobody else is either. We're just gonna relax for the next two weeks-ish.

*Muirne immediately flops down on the nearby couch*

Neall: Well, I'm going to the Depa. Anyone wanna come?

Orchil: I've got nothing to do, why not.

Neall: Great! Let's go!

*Neall and Orchil get ready and go. Muirne seemingly snoozes on the couch. Ula sits nearby while Penwyn goes upstairs.*


That's all I have for that day, it sets up the premise for...


Neall: Morning, everyone.

Ula: G'morning Neall.

Orchil: Good morning.

Neall: How are y'all doing?

Penwyn: Good.

Rydach: Mmhmm.

*Neall walks into the kitchen and opens the cabinet*

Neall: Hmm...

Orchil: What's up?

Neall: We're out of food. Welp. Didn't WANT to go to the Depa this early but... Guess we're going.

Muirne: "We're?" I'm stayin right here.

Neall: Fine. Orchil? Penwyn? Rydach? Ula?

Orchil: I'll go.

Penwyn: Sure.

Rydach: Why not. I'm bored.

Ula: Y'all go on ahead. I'm tired.

*The v5 triplets and Neall get ready and head out toward the Depa*

Neall: Come on guys, it's not too far.

Orchil: Yeah C'mon.

Penwyn: I'm feeling laaaaazy.

Rydach: Yeah, me too.

*Neall walks across the street, followed by the triplets, He stops for a second to let them catch up*

Neall: Hey, guys, c'mon.

Orchil: Maybe it's best if you go on ahe-

*A loud honk is heard. Things move in slow motion. A truck barrels ahead, the tamagotchis turn. A loud thwack is heard. People gather. emergency numbers are called. Ambulances arrive. Everyone is unaware until... later...*




Me: Why...

Muirne: Eppie... We're sorry...

Me: Why didn't you tell me...

Muirne: Your father was si-


Ula: Eppie, ple-


Ula: Epp-

Me: THEY DIED. They died. Ula, Muirne, they died and... And... You didn't tell me...

Ula: Eppie... They were our friends too...

Muirne: We were looking after you. You had so much to deal with with your dad... One thing at a time...

*I collapse to the floor and cry*

Me: Neall... Penwyn... Orchil... and Rydach... All dead... All gone... All my fault...

Muirne: Okay, Eppie, this was not your fault.

Me: If I had been he-

Muirne: But you weren't and you couldn't have known.

Me: I could have gone to the store instead!

Muirne: You would be dead!

Me: Maybe not!

Ula: GUYS!

*Muirne and I turn to Ula*

Ula: Guys, please, calm down. You're both my friends and you're seriously worrying me when you fight like this.

Me: ...I'm sorry. I'm just...

Muirne: Maybe I should have told you. I wanted you to deal with one thing at a time.

Me: I guess it's for the best you waited anyway... I had to deal with my dad...

*We stay silent for a bit, opting to sit down.*

Me: ...I just... can't believe they're dead...

Muirne: ... Me neither...

Ula: We're all that's left...

Muirne: The triplets and Neall. He was going for... Oh no...

Me: Yeah. It stings. I don't know what I'll do, to be honest.

Ula: We'll be here for you.

Me: ...Thank you girls.

*I hug Muirne and Ula close to me on the couch*

Little bit of a depressing place to start back up again, I know, but here we are. And don't worry, the v5 will be coming back! Not sure about the P's though...



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 14

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 99999

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Neall



Name: Ula

Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 9

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 12270

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Penwyn, Orchil, Rydach

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)


Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL


Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi P's

Tamagotchi P's Coffret Set

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Hey everyone. I'm so so so sorry for not updating recently. You see, I just got a job and it's been hard coordinating that and logging given how late it runs and how tired it makes me (It's an ushering job which involves standing for 5 hours and it goes until 9PM + a two hour commute means I get home at 11PM exhausted). Let me tell you what's beeing going on and what's coming up Tamagotchi-wise

I've recently gotten a few new Tamagotchis! I don't know when some of them will arrive, but one has already! You may have noticed the two "???"s in my stats sections, and I'm finally ready to reveal those. The first is a brand new Tamagotchi p2! I'm super excited to have it, and I'm going to be running it as part of a summer hatch (unfortunately, not the one on Tamatalk. Still, I'm going to be starting it tomorrow). I also have a Princess Spacy iDL, but that isn't currently in my possession. I've also been bidding on ebay recently, and I acquired an Entama (or Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus) and a new Tamagotchi v4, which I'm excited to have arrive within the next month or so.

Now, as for logging, regular logging will resume tomorrow (as I'm off from work until July 6) and I'll be working on a way to log and work simultaneously. Be ready for the return of the v5 and the introduction of the p2 tomorrow. Bye bye!

P.S. There may seem to be some age discrepancies between this post and the last (7 days apart but only aged a couple of days). I really can't explain this because they legitimately were not paused. Who knows. Anyway...



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 17

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 96399

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 12

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 12270

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Tamagotchi p2

Tamagotchi Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus (Entama)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Yellow Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Princess Spacy iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi P's

Tamagotchi P's Coffret Set

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x


Unfortunately my v5 decided to be DUMB and glitch. I put in a new battery and it reset itself. UUGH.

New post tomorrow.



Ula: Happy summer solstice, guys...

Muirne: Yeah... real happy...

Me: You said it...

*We sit in silence for a few seconds*

Ula: Is anybody hungry? I can make food.

Me: Not really...

Ula: Come on Eppie, you haven't eaten in days.

Me: I... I know.

Muirne: You MUST be hungry.

Me: I am I just... Can't stop thinking about them...

*I clutch the v5 in my hand a bit tighter*

Me: I ... I want to start over...

Muirne: Wait like.. Restart the v5?

Me: I had a plan to bring in a new member of the family anyway...

Ula: Are you sure?

Me: ...Yes.

Muirne: Wait, did you say... new member?

*I pull a p2 out from behind my back*

Me: I was going to surprise everyone but... Now I guess these new ones will have to fill the rooms that the others left empty...

Ula: Are you not going to restart the P's?

Me: No. I'm done with that one for a while. I'll give the v5 another go.

Muirne: Eppie... You know the p2 is doomed to die one day, right?

Me: Everything dies one day but yes, I know it will die and bear no children. But I know that its death will, given I'm a good caretaker, not be my fault.

Muirne: As long as you're ready for that.

Me: I am.

*I pull the tab on the v5 and p2, bringing them to life. Four eggs appear on the couch, each bouncing to their own rhythm*





Me: And now... We wait...

*A minute passes as one of the eggs, a v5 egg, begins to wiggle and crack. With a flash of light, a Mimifuwatchi sits on the couch*



Me: I think you'll be named... Hm... Male names... Hey, why don't you decide the name, Ula?

Ula: M-me? You sure?

Me: Yeah, why not.

Ula: O-okay. How about... Donncha.

Me: I like Donn-

*Another egg wiggles and hatches, leaving a crying Omututchi on the couch*



Muirne: Ooh, ooh, I want a turn!

Me: Go ahead.

Muirne: For a female Omututchi how about... Einin!

Me: Nice name. Now... for the last one...

*Without missing a beat, the last egg wiggles and hatches, leaving Futabatchi crying on the couch*



Me: How about for you... Soaz. Nice name for a male Futabatchi.

Ula: I love all these names!

Muirne: Yeah! Uh... When's that one gonna hatch though?

Me: That takes five minutes.

Ula: Oh.

*Suddenly, the triplets start crying*

Me: Oh dear god.

*For the next five minutes, Ula, Muirne, and I rush to make the babies stop crying. We succeed just before the p2 egg wiggles and flashes brilliantly.*

Me: The beginning of a new line is born...

*After a minute of light, a Shirobabytchi rests on the couch, snoozing happily*

Muirne: Phew... He isn't crying...

Me: How do you know it's a boy?

Muirne: Just a hunch.

*I look carefully at the Tamagotchi*

Me: Wait, yes, indeed that is a boy. I think that evens out the boys and girls in the house currently! At least, until you two get married. Which may very well be soon. In any case.. I think I'll name this little one...



Me: Nairn.


*I cradle Einin and Nairn and my arms while Ula tends to Soza and Muirne gets Donncha. Suddenly, everyone but Nairn begins to glow*

Me: Oh! Oh!

*We quickly set the triplets down on the couch and watch them morph and change shape*

Me: Here it comes...



Me: Whoah... Mousetchi, Belltchi, and Mattaritchi. Huh.

Ula: They look good!

Muirne: I agr-

*Muirne is cut off by a glow from the other side of the couch. We turn and see Nairn evolving*

Me: Oh wowww... Well, there's only one thing for him to evolve into so...

*Nairn's shape morphs and changes into Tonmarutchi*



Me: They all look so cute!

Muirne: Heh, agree.

Ula: Yeah. It'll be sad to leave but we've gotta get married someday...

Me: Yeah. Are you guys thinking about that?

Ula: Ah, sort of.

Muirne: Yeah, same.

Me: Really? We have to talk about that... But... later. I think you mentioned food earlier, Ula...

YAY! What a way to return. FOUR new Tamagotchis, including the introduction of the P2. I can't wait to show them all to you! Happy Summer~



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 21

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 96399

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 16

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 12270

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Donncha, Einin, Soaz
Characters: Mousetchi, Belltchi, Mattaritchi

Parents: None
Bonds: 0%
Generation: 1
Points: 0 (Uugh, v5 reset glitch)
Recent Occurences: Toddler Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Teen Evolutions.


Name: Nairn

Character: Tonmarutchi

Age: 1

Weight: 10g

Discipline: 0

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Tamagotchi p2

Tamagotchi Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus (Entama)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Yellow Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Princess Spacy iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi P's

Tamagotchi P's Coffret Set

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



God I am SO SORRY about not updating. Things have been weird with my schedule. Suffice it to say, today you're getting two updates, one for the 23rd and one for the 24th (there was an evolution on each day). Also, my p2 has been aging strangely (like it's apparently 6 right now despite being alive for 4 days), so I'm going to approximate ages for the stats in the 23rd's entry. Anyway, on with the log.

Me: God...

Ula: What?

Me: I've raised so many colors I keep forgetting older Tamagotchis age at different times. The v5 takes two days to evolve into a teen. The p2 takes like... three or something.

Ula: Oh, yeah, they do. It's strange how the times vary...

Muirne: Probably different programming or something.

Me: Well it's definitely that. But y'know, maybe it's something else too?

Muirne: Guess we'll never know.

Me: Yeah, it doesn't matter. These guys are set to evolve... soon

Muirne: Any idea what time?

Me: Nope. I forgot.

Ula: Great job.

Me: Hey, not my fault

Muirne: It is ABSOLUTELY your fault... But, ah, since we have time...

*Ula and Muirne look at each other*

Me: What is it guys?

Muirne: We um...

Me: Wait, let me guess. You're thinking of getting married.

Ula: H-how did you know?

Me: Ula, at this point there have been 41 Tamagotchis under my care. Not all of them got marries, but a GOOD chunk of them did. I know a marriage reveal when I hear one.

Muirne: O-oh. Well, yes... We were both thinking of marriage.

Me: Now... the real question is, tho whom?

Muirne: I m-met this really cute Jellytchi named Sutton... He was... sweet.

Me: Sutton the Jellytchi? Alright then. And what about you, Ula?

Ula: Well, since my g-

*Ula is interrupted by a bright white flash. We all look towards the couch, where the triplets sit glowing*

Me: Sorry Ula, hold that thought...

*Their shapes morph and shift before settling into three new forms*



Me: Whoah, teens.

Muirne: Hello guys!

Donncha: Um... hi?

Einin: Omigosh we can talk now!

Soaz: ...Huh...

Me: How do you guys feel?

Soaz: ...Strange...

Donncha: Yeah...

Me: That's to be expected. Evolution is tricksy.

Ula: Do you guys want anything?

Donncha: I'm a bit... hungry.

Soaz: Yeah, same.

Ula; Let me get food cooking!

Me: No need, Ula. I'm feeling generous. Let's take everyone... Even the kid over there...

Nairn: Gugah?

Me: ...And go get dinner!

Ula: Really?

Muirne: This is a rarity.

Me: Consider it a wedding-evolution gift for my friends.

*We all get ready and head out, walking to the restaurant.*



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 22

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 96399

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 17

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 12270

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Donncha, Einin, Soaz
Characters: Mamekatchi, Chamametchi, Korokotchi

Parents: None
Bonds: 20%
Generation: 1
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Teen Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Adult Evolutions.


Name: Nairn

Character: Tonmarutchi

Age: 4

Weight: 10g

Discipline: 3

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Tamagotchi p2

Tamagotchi Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus (Entama)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Yellow Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Princess Spacy iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi P's

Tamagotchi P's Coffret Set

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x



As promised, here is the second day of Saturday's update. And it's late. There will be a sunday update tonight. On sunday. Promise. I hope.

*Donncha and Einin walk downstairs, Ula followed quickly behind. I'm asleep on the couch while Muirne rocks Nairn*

Donncha: Good morning, Muirne!

Muirne: Good morning Donncha, Einin. How are you guys?

Einin: Def better than yesterday. It suuucked right after we evo'd.

Muirne: Are you... speaking like that on purpose?

Einin: Like what?

Muirne: Like a Valley Girl...

Einin: No...

Muirne: We aren't even NEAR California, how did you pick that up?

Einin: I dunno I just... did.

Muirne: I'm... not gonna question it.

Donncha: That's probably for the best.

Me: So where's Soaz?

Donncha: Still sleeping. He's the type to sleep in very late.

Muirne: Duly note-

Me: ZzZzZzZ...

Donncha: Has... has she been sleeping here all night?

Muirne: Since we got back from the restaurant, yes. Evidently.

Nairn: Guwaaa?

Muirne: Awww... Hey there little guy, how're you doing?

Nairn: Bababa!

*Suddenly Nairn glows a bright white. The three Tamagotchis gather around as I continue to snooze on the couch*


*I do not stir*

Muirne: She is seriously such a heavy sleeper...

*Nairn's shape morphs and changes before settling down*

Muirne: Wait... wAIT...

*Muirne grabs my camera*



Muirne: Wait...

Donncha: Isn't that the bad care teen?

Muirne: Eppie took good care of him I thought...

Nairn: Um.. uh...

Muirne: Oh! That's right, you can talk now.

Nairn: H-hi?

Donncha: Hi Nairn! I'm Donncha.

Nairn: I-I know... Who you all are.

Einin: Lol, silly Donnie.

Muirne: D-donnie...?

Donncha: Don't ask.

Nairn: Uh... huh... this feels weird.

Muirne: Don't worry Nairn, Evolution ALWAYS feels weird.

Nairn: I-I see... Huh.

*I stir from my sleep, sitting up and rubbing my eyes*

Me: Morning... everyone..

*I yawn*

Nairn: Good morning Eppie.

Me: Hey Nairn....

*I stand up and walk into the kitchen. Muirne and Einin look at each other,*

Murine: Five... four... three... two... o-

*I run back into the room and stare at Nairn*


Aaaa okay cute little post left on a hint of a cliffhanger! Tomorrow the 25th will see the v5s evolving. I can't wait!



Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 23

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 96399

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 18

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 12270

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Donncha, Einin, Soaz
Characters: Mamekatchi, Chamametchi, Korokotchi

Parents: None
Bonds: 20%
Generation: 1
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Teen Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Adult Evolutions.


Name: Nairn

Character: Hashitamatchi

Age: 6

Weight: 20g

Discipline: 3

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Tamagotchi p2

Tamagotchi Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus (Entama)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Yellow Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Princess Spacy iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi P's

Tamagotchi P's Coffret Set

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x

Last edited by a moderator:


So, I have adjusted the time on my p2 a couple of times to fit with my sleep schedule, the unfortunate consequence of which is that my 5-day old p2 is registered as 10 years old (and as of writing this is an adult, but that won't be revealed until tomorrow~). This won't occur when I run the p2 in the future.

Nairn: This place is big. And this is MY room?

Me: Indeed and indeed.

Nairn: Whoah...

*Soaz walks out of his room*

Me: Ah, afternoon Soaz.

Soaz: Mornin'

Me: Did you sleep well?

Soaz: Like a log. What time is it?

Me: About 2PM.

Soaz: Figures...

Me: You sleep in so late...

Nairn: Don't you sleep in late too? Like... you woke up at 3PM yesterda-

Me: Shut up.

Nairn: Bu-

Me: Nope.

*Soaz, Nairn, and I share a laugh as the door clicks behind us. Ula steps out.*

Me: Ula! Just th Tamagotchi I wanted to talk to.

Ula: Huh? Me?

Me: Yes! I wanted to follow up with what you said the other day.

Ula: Which was...?

Me: We were discussing your marriage but got cut off by the triplets evolving.

Ula: Oh! Right. Well, you know how my grandmother is Mako?

Me: Yeah.

Ula: Well... Um...

Me: Wait, this isn't going where i think it's going, is it?

Ula: ...Prince Tamahiko?

*I hit the floor*

Nairn: Uh... Eppie?

Soaz: You alright?


*I stand back up abruptly, brushing dust off my clothes*

Ula: Uh... so... yeah...

Me: Great. So uh. Yeah. When's the wedding?

Ula: Ah, we were gonna plan for a day/couple of days after Muirne's, but I don't actually know when that is.

Me: Well... let's go ask!

*I walk to Muirne's room and knock on the room. A few seconds later she steps out.*

Muirne: Oh, hi guys! What's up?

Ula: Ah, I wanted to know if you had any plans on getting married soon.

Me: Yeah, gotta know to plan Ula's wedding.

Muirne: Sutton and I were thinking any dates between like... tomorrow and Friday or something.

Me: How about two days?

Muirne: Two days sounds good to me!

Ula: Then I'll plan for three or four. Probably four, since I'd like to see Muirne's kid grow up and all that.

Muirne: Aww! You can be their babysitter or something!

Ula: Yeah!

Nairn: Bluh, marriage talk. I can't get married.

Me: Ah, sorry about that.

Nairn: I just gotta keel over when I reach age 20 or something.

Me: Well... your programming doesn't really allow for marriage...

*I look awkward*

Nairn: It's fine. I think somewhere in that programming I'm not interested in marriage. Eh.

Soaz: Uugh...

*I turn to Soaz*

Me: You okay hon?

Soaz: I just feel... I...

*Soaz begins to glow bright white*


*Two glowing figures step out from the v5 room*

Me: ...Hold on... Ula take this

*Ula grabs the camera and aims it at the kids*

Muirne: What is it?

*I frantically grab the v5 toy and check its stats menu and see 20% bonds*

Me: That was Mame. Low bond Mame fam... oh no...

Ula: What's wrong?

*The three figures finish changing their shapes.*

Donncha: Whoah...

Einin: Uh... Eppie? You oka-

*I drop the v5 and take a step back in shock*





Name: Muirne

Stage Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Breed Name: Himeshidekukitchi

Age: 24

Generation: 8

Parents' Breeds: Himedekukimatchi and Shimagurutchi

Points: 96399

# Of Characters Bred: 7/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Name: Ula

Stage Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Breed Name: Kurooyamamitchi

Age: 19

Generation: 5

Parents' Breeds: Mimikurotamatchi and Oyajitchi

Points: 12270

# Of Characters Bred: 5/27

Recent Occurrences: Adult Evolution

Future Occurrences: Marriage and m!xing


Family: Blended

Family Name: SNRSE (Sunrise)

Names: Donncha, Einin, Soaz
Characters: Hatugatchi, Lovezukintchi, Mukugetchi (DRAT)

Parents: None
Bonds: 30%
Generation: 1
Points: 0
Recent Occurences: Adult Evolutions.
Future Occurrences: Marriage


Name: Nairn

Character: Hashitamatchi

Age: 10

Weight: 20g

Discipline: 6

NOT RUNNING: (All Tamagotchis marked ??? are secret)

Tamagotchi p2

Tamagotchi Chou Jinsei Enjoi Tamagotchi Plus (Entama)

Origami Crane Tamagotchi v4

Yellow Tamagotchi v4

Peacock Tamagotchi v4.5

European City Tamagotchi v5

Tamagotchi v6

Tamagotchi TamaTown TamaGo

White Tamagotchi iDL

Tamagotchi Princess Spacy iDL

Tamagotchi iDL 15th Anniversary

Tamagotchi P's

Tamagotchi P's Coffret Set

Tamagotchi Nano

Tamagotchi 4U+

Tamagotchi Friends: Dream Town

Tamagotchi Melody m!x


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