How do your tamas feel to you?


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Well, I know for a fact that this topic has been going back and forth.

I must say, I love my tamagotchis like children. I'm 13 and I don't think I could ever think of them as "Just plastic" I like that one comment stating that if they don't feel like family, You aren't truly enjoying the idea. They were made so people like us, could take care of and nurture, and love, just like a baby. I mean, it's amazing that a toy can make you feel like you have a mini family. I love my tamagotchis and no one can take the feeling away. Tonight, I will kiss my Memetchi, Dazzilitchi, and Gozarutchi goodnight, as I have every other.

They are my pets and my friends, I cant have pets since they aren't allowed to stay with you in the psych ward, but tamagotchis are ok. I also dont have many "real friends", there are some I talk to online but my social phobia stops me from making friends, that and the fact that since I'm retired becuase of shizophrenia (I'm 24 by the way) I don't have many opportunities to get to know peope since the ones in the psych ward are usually like... 50-60? Way older then me and much more mature (I'm kind of a child in my mind).

So, my tamagotchis are my friends and pets, sometimes I'm too ill to take care of them but that's what pause is for isn't it? ;) I just wish they would sleep like me, I mean, most of the time I only get like 3 hours of sleep, and sometimes I sleep like WAY longer, like 16 hours or so, but that's pretty rare. So eighter they are sleeping when I want their company, or they are beeping like crazy but get ignored because I'm sleeping (I hear them but then I fall asleep again).

I've had Tamagotchis for quite some time but I don't think I've ever been as attached to them as I am now. Not in a creepy, locked up in my room, never see the sunlight kind of way. :D It's really interesting. I first started collecting in 1999 and never did it occur to me that I would have the collection I have now. My interest waned a bit and then I got back into them again in 2007, when I first joined this site. I didn't REALLY start collecting until about a year or two ago actually. Up until now, I considered them as just a pet, maybe even as a friend. I consider them as a kind of friend now for sure, but they've been growing on me more, and I consider them as if they are actual young that I'm caring for.

I agree with old school. My tamas are like children. The v1's through v4's just get me jumpy to play them because they have the most interesting characters, (besides my iD and hexagon) Im just attached to this stuff! :D :D

I think of my Tamagotchi as my baby because you get to name it, play with it, feed it, etc.. just like a real child. Then it gets married has a baby and the life cycle continues.

I love seeing my Tamagotchi grow up because most of the time you get a different character, and just like a baby, how to took care of it in the early stages affects its development and what your Tama will look like in its adult stage. I love my Tamagotchi!

it feels like my best buddy :lol: ! i always care for it, so it always interacts with me. i like when it comes really close to the screen. :blink:

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I think of my Tama's as friends sometimes. ^.^ I feel really bad when I leave them and stuff, and I love having them around. I only have three, but they are the best pixels I have ever seen. ^.^ I kind of see it as a child too, because you get to name it, feed it, play with it and just care for it all around. I get pretty attached. :)

I feel they are my friend. I used to be horrible at taking care of my tamagotchi. I had at least one other tamagotchi toy with hearts on it. Music star sat around for awhile. I picked it up, and I've been hooked. It turned from a black ball with legs to a kissy nast face, then an ADORABLE monkey. It then was Mametchi which has always been a favorite. I feel when it multiples, it'll be the same tamagotchi, just with different looks, and whatnot. I m excited. I want the next one to sing.

:3 Hmm... I think they are my virtual friends. I know they are't living beings... but TamaTown is such a nice release from the pressures of real life. Any friend would want to make you feel better. Tamagotchi is a pretty friendly and happy invention if you ask me!

Friend :3

Grown close to them lately, because my popularity seems to have waned slightly, my friends dont really bother with me much now and I just split up from a boy who used me.

Tamagotchi help in hard times :) their good friends.

I always had the friend (or child) connection with my P1 (when I had it), V3, and Tama-Go tamas, but not so much with my V5. I think what it is, is the multiple siblings and whole family thing. I always like the "only child" aspect of most of the tamas, as I didn't feel the need to take care of more than one at a time. But that's besides the point. They are like children to me, and my girlfriend is their "mother" and "other parent", so to speak. :D

To me my tamas are my best friends. I no longer have a best friend since I found out the girl I thought was my best friend turned out to be a liar, thief, etc. So yeah, they are my best friends. I can actually trust them not to lie to me, steal my stuff or copy me.

How do you feel about your Tamas? That would've been a hard question to answer a few years ago, but now...I just know. My Tamagotchis have been my friends, my companions, for a long time already. Even though some people may think they are just some virtual electronic "pet" made of pixels, I beg to differ. Tamagotchis are different from humans in many ways, I understand. But what they possess are qualities that no other human could ever dream of having. Friends will come and go, but your Tamagotchi will always be by your side. It will never be some backstabber or betray you like some cruel friends would. Tamagotchis are a whole different thing altogether. They're something you should love and cherish. It truly is great how many Tamagotchi fans are out there. It's amazing how people, even older than me, still hang on to their beloved childhood toys and mourn about their loss. It's just so touching. <3

^ I agree totally :)

And even if you neglect your Tamagotchi and leave him in a drawer, no matter how long it's been, you can always bring back that familiar little face as if you were only saw it yesterday ^-^

There's something comforting about the familiar bunch of pixels that have been a regular sight for me since I was 7 years old and Tamagotchis first came out. Although It's been 15 years since then and I've grown up and changed, the Tamagotchi characters are still around to remind me of that time. They still act just the way they did when I was little and it makes me feel all nostalgic ^-^

They're like an old friend :)

My relationships with my tamagotchi is probably in between parent, friend, and pet. It's complicated. I usually imagine Kit as a young girl, just like me with all the quirks and benefits that I have, so it's a complicated relationship, like me taking care of another me. :)

I think of them as friends or pets too. I can't have indoor pets where I live now, and once I move in with my fiancee we'll only be able to have a dog... He doesn't want a cat (grrrrrr) and I haven't been tested yet but I might be allergic to dogs. So these little guys really may be the only pets I ever have from now on. And they never complain, never say you're weird or crazy (I hear this alot). And friend-wise... I don't have many. I'm more of a private person and the friends I have at work are professional friendships. I wouldn't trust but a couple of them with personal info. So yes, Tama's are friends/pets to me and I hope I'll always see them this way!

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