How do your tamas feel to you?


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To me they are the best. since I just moved I have no friends and I put my tams in the wrong box they got left at my old house. T-T I have just ordered another V1 and as soon as it arrives I know I will be in love. yes, I am just as proud of my tams as I am of my pokémon: Lv. 98 ampharos and my four hermit crabs that are approching their fifth year of life *woot*. I love them all dearly as my family :D

I think of them kinda like my babies :')

But friends too.

I'm moving out of my parents house and to another state to get married in 8 weeks o.o

So I've been distancing myself from my friends here a while..

And I feel good knowing I can always pick up my tama and have someone to play with. :)

They're just too amazing.

I can't think of my Tamas as any different to this: School-Work Disrupting Toys. That's my mom's opinion, and I wish I'd never inherited it. Since now I'm thinking about going to boarding school and exams and all...I find it difficult to pay attention to little electronic pets. They only have a small place in my life. They are electronics to me and I'm determined not to devote my whole life to a simple, refined computer program. I prefer inventing new things that Tamas could do to playing them. Some of my best ideas are a personal messaging system, a hot-and-cold detector, a touch screen, a decorateable room...I just wish BanDai would listen! If BanDai actually wanted to please us instead of well...being totally creepy with methods of making money, then I might have a higher opinion of where these toys actually come form.

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I would consider my tamagotchis somewhere between a responsibility and a friend, but there will always be a little bit of a barrier, considering I know it is an electronic. Though, I find it much easier to love them if I represent them somehow, like make a stuffed animal of one of my favorites. For example, I am making a stuffed fuwatchi to represent Misha, my first Tamago pet.

I picked up my Tamagotchis again after I moved away for college. My student house had 8 other students, so we weren't allowed any pets. My Tamas became as real a pet as any and made me miss my cat less. Sure my friends poke fun now and then, but even they sometimes look at them and consider getting one too.

To my, my tamagotchi's are like my children.

I cry when they die,

I'm happy when they get married and have kids(I cry then to but in a good way),

I cry when they leave there babies,

I'm happy when they do something special,

I crocheted them a bed and a pillow and a blanket,

I made clothe for them,

I tuck them in every night and sing them lullaby's(only the kids and babies),

So yeah I love my tamagotchi's :)

They are like my kids in some way,

when they die I feel wasted.

Sometimes I take out the battery when they get too annoying but I put them back in when I get bored.

They are like my kids in some way,

when they die I feel wasted.

Sometimes I take out the battery when they get too annoying but I put them back in when I get bored.

I LOVE MY TAMAGOTCHI!!! I have a v4.5 right now. On the 4th generation. His name is BOOP, and I love playing Tama! it's like having a nice little pet. You have to feed, train, play with, shop, and punish them like any real pet! I love them! My sister is a Sophomore is High School, and her and a few of her asian friends (they're international students, they flew here from China) resurrescted their old Tamas! They have v2, v5, and v6. I love to have tamas, but I ONLY play v4, and v4.5 now. I'm obsessed with those! I make little cases, holders, I put them in baggies so I can bring them in the pool or shower. I decorate my tamas. Right now, my battery just died, and I'm a lil devastated :angry: and now, I hope to buy more today! Though I do get a little embarassed if I have my Tamagotchi in public. People stare at me as if I'm 5 or something.... :ph34r:

OH WELL :lol: :lol: :lol:

Their like companions to me. I love them sooo much!! I've goit my tamawalkie and v4.5 ruinning at the mometn and i can't get enough of them!! I take them too skool and i really can't live without them! B) B) B)

Once I tried seeing things from your point of view, seeing Tamas as real pets or friends. I loved my Chamametchi for a period of about two hours, and when I snapped back out of this sudden addiction I felt like I'd been hypnotised. I guess the time my mom said all those horrible things about Tamas is still a very vivid memory.

When I was obsessed, I didn't like it but I couldn't just snap out of it like I can nowadays. I lived with this obsession until my mom yelled horrible things about Tamas and tried to chuck my TMGC+C in the bin. After that, I switched views about Tamas. In that crazy jumble of memories, I remember repeating to myself over and over in a whisper, "I hate Tamas, I hate Tamas" until it was true.

Now here I am, ordering an Umino Tama and making a little decorated bag for my Tamas, almost addicted to my iD L. There is a huge difference between my Tamas and my pet canary, but I still do love my Tamas - a bit.

(I'm not double posting it's just that I can't edit my original post! Sorry!!!!)

My first gen Mametchi is always my favorite. I always take care of it, never paused never neglected, even his daughter, It's father's name was Ernest (named by me) and her Julia (also by me) My tama is a tama-go so I can't really name it.

I LUV MY TAMAGOTCHI!!!! Definitely a person in the family.

When I accidenting knocked it into the sink i cried for 2 hours.

I'm getting new one next week.

Okay, So I'm sorry if this is already posted. But, I have a question. How does your tama feel to you, Is it just a pixel pet to you or does it feel like a real companion? Do you feel like you bond with your tamagotchi? I feel like my tama is a true friend to me. I may be very sad when he dies. His name is Ryan, he is an adult, and he is 3 years old. He is at first genoration. So, answer the question! How do u think your tama's friendship level is? ;)
i most defiantley feel like i really bond with my tamagotchi and i dont treat them as computer pets. i treat them as they are my friends. i am really close to them.

They are like my children :')

They're always there if you need them just to have a little fun and play with them, and also, you can play with them for a while, but if you start to get sick of them, just take the battery out and leave them until your ready to play with them again! :D I really wish i'd kept mines, but i lost them in the time that we moved so now i have ordered some more and start building the generations again :angry: :furawatchi:

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