How do your tamas feel to you?


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Friends, definitely! they're so precious and unique and so much fun :) i treat them like my children more than pets, and i love them with all my heart! currently caring for a v3, v4 and a v6! i'm a tama mama ;)

I just restarted my v3 (OMG SHE'S SICK!!! *cures*) and she already feels like a friend

I've had my v1 for years, and just recently started it. Its kind of a friend for me. It provides comfort and its always there. I feel bad I can't give it the best care since I'm always working.

No, I don't think so. A lot of the time I feel like my Tamagotchies are my best friends ... they'll always be there, especially when nobody else is, and they don't care who you are or what you look like or what you're interested in, they love you anyway, and they express it. When you don't need them, you can just put them down, and then when you really need a friend again, you pick them back up. They're amazing. My Tamagotchies were my only real friends back when I was in primary/elementary school, and some of high school. I used to be mocked a lot for it too, but it didn't put me off them, it added to the fact that they were the only ones that were there for me.
Over obsession is a little bit too harsh a description for being 'friends' with your Tamagotchi, I think. There are much worse cases in the world, lol. I'm not even gonna go into that. xD

I consider my Tamagotchies - all 14 of them - to be my children. I love them so dearly. I carry at least two of them around with me at all times - usually my two TMGC+C, sometimes my Music Star. I can't go anywhere without them or I feel horrible about leaving them behind where they'll get hungry and feel all alone.

I'm in my second year of university, too, by the way. I have many real friends and even a boyfriend, and they're still very dear to me.
I agree. yes, its a toy, but its there, isn't it?

There are people who are very attached to their computers or iphone, why a tamagotchi cant be part of our life?

Isnt important if he's a real, true or pure friend, it's part of our daily life :furawatchi:

for me they're an entertaining electronic pets, but they have the power to take your time and be part of your real life. I think this is good enough for a "toy".

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I'm pretty attached to mine because its something I can always go to and its something I can work on.

Kuromametchi is a good friend of mine :) . Even when I go to sleep I put him beside my bed so he won't be lonesome. He actually turned into Kuromametchi at night when I was sleeping, and when I saw him I was so happy and excited :) ! Some people think that he's bad and evil, but on the inside he is a sweet caring and helpful tama.

School starts in 2 weeks, and I know many people will make fun of me for playing with a tamagotchi, but I will do my best to ignore them. Some people just don't understand me and my interests.

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So, I just started the 2nd generation of my first tama ever - a music star. And I must confess.......ever since I was little I wanted to have a tama, but now that I'm 25 and happily married, I bought my first one. I would never have guessed how attached I would get to I would say that my tamagotchi is a really great comforting companion, especially during the day at work when I'm stuck alone in my office :mimitchi:

they are my best freinds and when i am sad they always cheer me up -_-

My tamas are like loyal companions to me. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, they cheer me up. I always make sure they're OK, if they're not I tend to them straight away. I don't have all that many friends IRL, so it's definately nice to have a tamagotchi to comfort me. I've been playing them since the 90's, and I still love them to this day. I know it might be a toy, but they're MY special toys :p I would hate it if anything bad ever happened to mine. I always put mine on the side of my bed, on the cabinet before I go to sleep. I love tamas so much. :D

They definitely feel more like friend than a toy to me. I feel like a mom when I'm playing with them :huh: But another thing is that they're almost better than real friends because they won't stab you in the back, lie to you, etc. (that doesn't mean I don't have real friends lol). You can always count on tamas to be there for you. Unless you take bad care of them and they die... :angry:

Hiyo Guys,

At the start, i thought they were just another electronic fad and i only bought one because my friends all had one, but now with my tama id,i have grown close to every tama i own and i treat them like friends. :) :) :) :)

I guess I am not a very sentimental person XD but I treat it like a game. and i like it because it is so cute. The graphics have definitely improved over the years

Lolz my tama is basicly like one of my best friends [apart from kuchipatchi love] I love my tama ALOT and our friendship level is pretty high!!! I bond with my tama a great deal and always check up on it like every 5 mins.


Dont think me as over-obsessed!!! because i dont think i am too obsessed but im mot certainly into them!!!


My tama is my companion i would be absoulutely horrified if it died!!! :D :furawatchi: :furawatchi:


I don't treat my Tmagotchis like human friends- I view them more as pets. They make me feel like I'm needed, and like I have a responsibility to nurture them, even though I know they aren't really alive.

I guess it's because I've never been able to get a real pet, I craved something that needed my care.

I do grow unreasonably attatched to them. I've had at least one attatched to me since I was 7 and they first came out- I've never grown out of them. Now they are familiar and comforting because they remind me of my childhood. And when I'm worried, or stressed out with work, I look at the little blob rolling around on the screen and it sort of reminds me that there's a lot of nonsense in life, but sometimes a carefree attitude is best :huh:

Another thought I had when I was a teenager was about Biology class at school. You learn that in order for it to be classified as alive, a creature must do these things: grow, respire, move, consume and excrete. The only thing they don't do is respire (breathe), so I guess they are 80% alive XD

I refer to them as pets.

like Alicefly said.

And I do look forward to them every day.

My tamagotchis are more like pets/games. I mean, I used to think of them as a companion when I was younger, yes, but over the years it changed. Tamas come and go, and it's really fun taking care of a new generation and so on. I have to admit, I feel heartbroken when they die, but it's always exciting to start new with another character :huh:

Here's my formula:

Tamagotchi = friend.

A friend who's dependent on you, but doesn't drag you down. A friend who listens to all of your problems, but never interrupts. A friend who can be there by your side when you are ill, but never once worries about catching what you have. A friend that's always willing to play a game, but never grows tired or weary of simplicity. A friend who will let you have your distance when you need it, whether the stillness of the distance lasts a day or a year, but is absolutely more than willing to take you back when you are ready. A friend who will always be there for you no matter what the circumstance. A friend who doesn't judge, but instead loves you for who you are - whoever you are.

Go ahead, hold it up to your ear. Close your eyes and listen.

Tamagotchi = friend.

Friend that has a heartbeat just like you do.

I treat my Tamas like my best friends. I carry them almost everywhere(Except for school which is where therre is a risk of having someone stealing them or having the teacher confiscate them). The only time I treat them like a bunch of pixels forming a picture is when they run out of batteries, so I give them their medication (Battery!) and they're back! Whenever they run out of batteries I imagine that they go back to tamaplanet :lol:

Top 10 Things:

1. Tamagotchi v6 - Umlaut, Shimashimatchi

2. Tamagotchi v4 - Vilia, Violetchi

3. TamaGo - Shelltchi

4. My long lost Tamagotchi v4 (I really like it, but it is currently buried underneath all of my junk)

5. Kitty - my cat

6. The computer

7. my plushie red panda called Katie ;)

8. Jade necklace

9. Bed :blink:

10. My best friends. ;)

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