How do your tamas feel to you?


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i feel very attached to my tamagotchis. They are just cute little pixel pets, but i have a lot of fun with them and they do feel like companions.

I consider my v-pets as children. I refer to them as my babies and myself as their mother/grandmother/great-grandmother. And I do this in front of people, who probably think I'm crazy and need psychological help.


Meh. Let them think you're crazy. As long as you're enjoying yourself who cares what others think. And for the record, I don't think you're crazy.

My virtual pets are more than machines to me. I get attached to them and try to treat them well.

Tamagotchi's just feel like regular toys to me. They are nice to have and play with. I love seeing all the new characters I can get. In the end though there is no real attachment to it. I admit to some extent I would feel pretty bad letting my tama die, but I wouldn't be totally devastated or anything.

My tamago is like my kid I guess. Its more reliant on me than my cats, and I worry about it alot more. I always want it near me, I even take naps with it lol Its definitely more than just a toy to me

I worry more about my VPets than I do our cats too. Our cats are jerks.

Aww I love my kitties, they are just much more independent than my tama.

Aww I love my kitties, they are just much more independent than my tama.
I agree. Unlike most of the people here,I actually prefer my real pets and friends to my tamas. Sure,I take care of them and play with them,but that doesn't mean that I can't take care of my real pets and hang out with my real friends too.

I don't want this to start a fight or have loads of people hating me for this-my opinion is mine,you don;t have to get angry about it.

No sensible person is going to get angry at you for having an opinion nekopan. You do have that right.

I love my real dogs too. I even love the cats even though they get on my nerves sometimes. Virtual Pets and real pets both have their advantages and disadvantages. Which one you prefer is up to the individual. There's no wrong answer really. It really just depends on what kind of pet suits your particular need.

I feel as though they are cute little pets. I have 2 budgies, and the male, Angel, is so tame and sweet and I take him out of his cage and play with him so often that I start to see a resemblance between him and some Tamagotchi characters. Angel is the best little pet in the world, and the resemblance is him and Kuchipatchi. My favorite character!! Right now I'm trying to get a male, name it Angel, and get the little ducky guy! I feel a special connection between me, Angel, and the little liquid crystals that fill the screen ♥ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree. Unlike most of the people here,I actually prefer my real pets and friends to my tamas. Sure,I take care of them and play with them,but that doesn't mean that I can't take care of my real pets and hang out with my real friends too.

I don't want this to start a fight or have loads of people hating me for this-my opinion is mine,you don;t have to get angry about it.
I totally agree with you on this :) I totally prefer my real pets, put my friends before Tamagotchis, but I still take good care of my Tamagotchis and love them a lot. I totally respect you for honoring your commitments before an unnecessary thing. :blink:

It is difficult to explain...... My tamas do feel like companions, especially if I have to sit in my office alone at work or must study. It is very nice to have that little extra 'thingy' around that feels almost alive and needs your attention once in a while. Also I can always play a game or two to make me feel better on one of those days when everything just feels wrong..... But I am definitely not dependent on them and don't feel guilty if I have to pause them during a day out or a long meeting or when visiting friends and family. There are definitely times in my day-to-day life when I simply don't have time for them. But afterwards I can always just pick up when I left off and enjoy! So.... for me I would think that my Tamas are a mixture of toy and friend ;)

PS: whoa this is my 50th post :D :p

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I view them with mixed feelings. I think of them as my children but also as dear friends. I take care of them but they are my closest companions. I usually talk to them because there great listeners. ;) . They also sleep with me and there always with me when I'm sick or doing chores. In the car they look out the window or at stores they help me pick out clothes. When were out of town I love to go sightseeing with my tamas. Bottom line is there always there for me. Listen to this saying I found online(forgot where): I was hungry so God gave me food.

I was thirsty so God gave me water.

I was lonely so Bandai gave me Tamagotchi's.

That's how I view it. :) .

well i do only have about 15 friends so ya there pretty darn nice to have around after all I am sick right now

so nobody can come to my house but my tamagotchis can there a part of my family :angry: :( :( :D :D :p :eek: my mom has one too :angry:
Your mom has one too?! That's so cool lol! My parents would never get one!

& yeah my Tamagotchis are like friends to me I take them everywhere:)

I enjoy bonding with my tama, and all of the cute things they do.... but I wouldn't call it a ...erm, friend?

Maybe more of a pet/virtual child. XD

I care about it, and do my best to train it and keept it fed and happy. I also enjoy it when my tamas are socializing with each other. But I don't consider them friends. I'm watching over them... and that's just how I feel. Lol.

Tamagotchis used to feel like my best friends. Well, they were more than just best friends; they were something I felt like I couldn't live without. When I think about it, I realize that I have never thought of them as being alive, yet I never thought of them as just games. It's hard to really explain how they felt. Though, nowadays, I hardly pay attention to my Tamagotchis. On rare occasion, I'll use a few of them, but they mainly just feel like collectibles to me now.

Companion. Sometimes I just sit on my cozy chair and play games in my Tama-Go.

I agree. Unlike most of the people here,I actually prefer my real pets and friends to my tamas. Sure,I take care of them and play with them,but that doesn't mean that I can't take care of my real pets and hang out with my real friends too.
^ That. I think of them like... Like my Pokemon, I care about them like they're more than just pixels, but I don't see them as friends or anything.

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