How do your tamas feel to you?


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They Are My babies how can I not LOVE them? i have around 33 tamagotchi's and i'm never gonna sell 'em! how could you sell ur child, HMMM? they aren't just a toy to me they are a part of my life!!!

I deffiently feel like their a real friend because i want to take care of them and make sure they have a good life:) when they leave it is really sad.:/

my tamas are my friends, i love nuturing them and seeing them grow and they r more portable than my dog, cat or bearded dragon :) . eep them under my jumper so that they are always safe, warm and dry, and i like to think that they have induvidual personalites, like i also do with my fave pokemon. normallyn i wouldnt admit this but this IS a site 4 tama lovers, so... :huh:

although people who runn more than 5 tamas at once must b very busy and get bleeped at a lot, my v5 and v6 r needy enough!

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Tamagotchis are the only way me and my brother can play together without a fight.

I see them as,well,A friend,But not so much a friend...You know? I am eightand have grown out of them.I know.But as long as my brother is happy,I have a tama.Now I see them as,well,a computer,But a smart,fun one at that.I do not hate them or love them.Yes,I do sneak them places.Tamagotchi are becoming boring to me.But I guess they are just a weeny bit of a friend.Some one who will stay up all night,and Help you raid the kitchen.

Over all,I see them as computers,but lovable ones at that. :blink:

To be honest, I see them as a pets & friends as they are dependent plus fun to have around.

When I was about 11 I read a book about a boy that finds a cyberpet that actually talks to him & eventually befriends him.

It was a very nice read & a lovely little story aswell, further fuelling my passion for them.

I'm 20, with plenty of friends, even a boyfriend (who doesnt understand my facination).. So i'd say calling them 'friends' isn't necessarily bad.

Any love I had for Tamas was pushed and pulled and crushed and forced out of me in the past few years. I am told countless times that they are pixels, little dots on a screen, and I open them up and see the circuits and debugged them and so many times I have looked at the screen and seen the word "pause". So many times have my family told me my beloved pet is pixels, it's like the half of me that dislikes Tamas is chanting "pixels, pixels, your pet is pixels" inside my head. Then I go out and swim with wild dolphins, and I see the wonder and grace and the mere life in those amazing creatures. When I get back to the car, I look at my Tama. My dad explains to me how the LCD screen works, and that my character is just little bits of some sort of crystal or plastic turning round and round. They don't have a personality. They're just things, little pieces of plastic to me, and the chanting voices in my head won't ever go away. It's all my parents' fault. I can't explain it to them, they don't want me to be friends with my Tamas. They'll do everything they can to stop me.

I really love my first one,

(you can see it on my avatar)

it's a girl now, second generesion. Her name is Dani.. :) :wub:

I am almost 22 and once they were first released, I loved them, it's like a part of me now ^^

I have great real friends, they never told me it was stupid playing with them, they never mocked me because of my huge collection of tamas. If they did I wouldn't care xD

My tamas always had a special place in my heart, especially now that I'm sick for about 2 years... It may sound stupid but when I'm playing with them I don't feel sick anymore, it's like I escape from real life, and it feels good, when real life is not nice with ya.

Don't listen to the others when they say you are too old to play with that. You enjoy it, and you feel happy having lots of them, that's all that matters. :wub:

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Frankly I'd rather hang around my pets than I would most people. That includes both the electronic and flesh and blood varieties. Oh and PinkPenguin, you are so lucky to have a bearded dragon. I love lizards! I miss my iguanas so badly sometimes. I wish someone would make a lizard VPet.

i do feel a bond with them and are very sad when they die

I never really feel sad when my Tamas die. Not because I don't care about them but because death isn't permanent for Tamagotchis. Bringing a dead Tama back is a simple matter.

I definitely bond and care for them as if they were my "own", if you will. I don't have children, but I do have a cat, and I take care of my Tama(s) just as I do for my friends, and my cat.

I love them so much, and they keep me company as well as they are kind and loving towards me. Even if they do somehow act like little brats during their baby stages and such, hahah

People have always made fun of me for it, but I absolutely love my Tama(s)

I know I've posted in this topic before, but I wanted to say something/add to it, whatever you would like to call it.


First off, I've been in and out of Tamagotchi's lately. That doesn't mean they're just a digital nothing though. Think of it this way. You're an electronic pet, and you're owner is busy.. They pause you/take the battery out of you. How would you feel? What I'm trying to say is, you should have a life outside Tamagotchis. For example, don't go out with your family for dinner and a family game day or whatever you would do with family and sit there the entire time playing with your tama. I'm sure it'll be there an hour or so from then. It's not going to run away in a couple hours. Don't worry so much about it. Play with it/take care of it as much as you like, but don't let it take over your life. Ya know?

Tamagotchis are supposed to be virtual pets. I treat them like my real-life pet (a kitten).

I feed them both, I play with them, I clean up after them, and I care about them. They both make me smile.

C: I sort of do consider them friends in a way, and I don't have very many friends, but I think I consider them friends to me. I know they can't talk back to me, and give me advice, and things like that, but they're always here for us, and their children are too, and then their children. They're always here for us, as long as we don't pause them or take the battery out or lose/break them.

I defiantly think of my Tamas as real..... animals I guess. I dunno. But this gets me into all sorts of trouble. I get teased and called names. I am the laughing stock of the entire school! :( But as long as I have my Tamas I am happy. :) Thanks guys!

I'm absolutely in love with my tamagotchi music star. I have 3 other tamas, but when I have my ms on I cannot pay attention to any other. My v6 is truly my best friend, and my second child lol and I have plenty of friends and a large family and my own child (6 months old :p ), so I'm very social. I just love my tamas. I bring them with me everywhere in my shimashimatchi plush lanyard!!! :D

My tamas feel like my pets/children just like my real pets. I'm even looking to expand my tama-family by getting 2 more. Everyone thinks I should give the tamas up but I can't. I love their uniqueness and cuteness. What's wrong with having a little more cuteness in your life?? :furawatchi:

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i feel like my tamagotchi is my real pet.i feed , play and train it. whether it is a boy :mametchi: or girl :) ,good :mimitchi: or bad care :ph34r: ,nice :furawatchi: or ugly :kusatchi: ,i still love it very much :wub: (even though im a boy :gozarutchi: ).also , if it's lost , dead and other bad things happen to my tama, i feel sad,sorry,worry and sumtimes mad (if someone who i lend to him to play with it lost it and that's y im not relieved for lending my tama to someone else :angry: ).

Well, I am a bit different now. Since I somehow got a lot more strong-willed, I can love my Tamas without my parents or brother knowing. Shout out to brother: Because you killed my Tama, Gemma's son Orion, I am never having midnight feasts with you again.

My brother is "different" as my mom calls it. To me, it's more like he's a total Tamagotchi Hater, and it also seems like this stupid new computer has a broken speech mark thingy so it is very hard to do speech marks. Anyway, my brother used to sort of get in the way with his:

Me: Anything happened to your Tama?

Him: Yes. It's on 16th Generation now.

Me: Good! What's it's name?

Him: Uhhhhh...uhhhhh...Violet. I'm going to get Violetchi.

Me: But you named your last 5 Generations Violet, even the boy one, and got Violetchi every single time except the boy!

Him: Yes.

Me: But...aren't they supposed to be unique?

Him: Who cares. They're just toys.

Sometimes I get mad with a ) feeling really really sorry for these Tamas and b ) why that iD L of his can't be my nineteenth Tama. At least I bought his others for $2 each.

I used to be different. I used to be like him. I was a Tama killer, didn't name them, reset them all the time and didn't care about them. But then I learned my lesson when my me breaking or giving me electric shocks. So I started treating them OK as my new year's resolution this year. Then I started treating them GREAT as my birthday resolution this May (I do that too. I usually get a million resolutions stored up during the year). And that's how it is to this day. Yeah.

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