Funny Moments at School


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The grade 8s went to the high school for this tour thing, but the grade 7s had to stay. When the grade 8s were gone, it was just eight grade 7s. We practised high jump with the grade 5s, wasted two classes on talking and doodling, and played 3 on 3 basketball outside xD

Skyler created an obsession stage higher than rabid fangirl. It was HILARIOUS. We were walking to the computer lab, and he said "Go home and continue your Fall Out Boy obsession. All you ever do is stare at pictures of Pete Wentz and kiss them. And sometimes lick them" o__o He declared the 'Allie *insert my last name here* obsession' xD And BTW, I don't do that, that's just creepy. xD

During French, I wrote "ELOOOO! I AM LINDSAY LOHAN!" On Sam's desk xD

At recess, I was saying random lines from Achmed The Dead Terrorist, and Marlie was like "OMG? YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!?"

Me and Kaitlyn (aka House obsession buddy! :]) made a prediction for season five of House. Wilson is gonna go all emo because of Amber's death. Then Wilson will go up to House, grab his cane, and hit himself in the head untill he collapses. xD

Lmfao, one of them was we tied my friend up and put a spider on his shoulder XDD

He is very afraid of spiders. He screamed like a girl lol.

Today was interesting, just considering it was the last day of school this year. :D

Nicole was messing around with my phone, and wanted to take a picture of Nick with roses and hearts as the background while we were at lunch, but I intervened and it ended up a heart around a carton of chocolate milk.

I asked Shane to sign my year book, so he did. His signature took up most of the entire page. Then Cameron and Austin did the same thing, but Shane's said, "U rock Janna (Juno)".

Nick took Katelyn's camera, and he and Payton kept taking pictures and videos of me and Nicole. We finally got annoyed and started trying to take pictures of them on our phones, resulting in "I Love Chocolate Milk".

All of my close friends signed their names with an inside joke. So people who don't know us as well, when they opened my yearbook to sign, the first things they saw were, "TREE!", "Olivejuice", "OMG I FOUND A ROCK"... And Shane's signature...

The talent show was too much fun. Austin F. sang and played drums to Uptown Girl, Ryan M. played Yankedoodle on the trumpet, to which everybody started clapping along to the beat... Jacob did some disco dancing, Jason told jokes, a lot of people sang, and then. Then there was a guy in a cowboy hat, who sang "I Got A Brand New Girlfriend". This. Was. Hilarious. He got really into it, and so did we. xD

I was in such a good mood that school was out, when I came home and practically burned my entire hand, I didn't really even care. Ha.

At the end of the day, I was trying to get to my locker (It's between two ******* >.<) So I ended up pushing one of them, and started a hugeeee arguement. Let's just say it ended in Jacob throwing my lock across the hall, so I told him "It's your problem, not mine, that you're a big enough moron to throw my lock across the hallway so you can go get it." He said "Screw that, I'm not getting your lock." So I told him to get a life, called him a ***, and walked off. :]

We had the FUNNIEST time ever in Health class. xD It's way too gross to post here, so if you want to know, PM me. xD

Jacob said that for Christmas he would be the green giant. xD


I'm not in Mike's LA class, so this was odd. XD

Mike:Take out your HW(To me). Me:o_O; XD Mike:I just told you to take out your HW, then you crack up.


I told Amanda I had Pie. Strawberry. So she was grossed out.


I was almost late to band. DX


Mr.Hanna had glasses on.

Then when he was done conducting he had his eyebrows up, so I was copying him.

I asked Mr.Hanna for a Bb scale sheet. He said no. :gozarutchi:


Me:I wish everybody in band would just shut up and play. Allie: I know. :gozarutchi:


I was asking people for the Bb sheet. I even asked Scott.. <3 Me:Scott. Scott:*Doesn't her me* Me;SCOTT. Scott:Yes? Me:Do you have the Bb scale sheet? Scott:Oh... No. Sorry. Its at my house. Me:Its okay.

So then I asked Leanne, then Hayley.

Leanne just told me she just had her's for Baritone. :eek:



Mike almost forgot we had a band concert tonight! *_*

ohkay, so...

one day in spanish my friend meghan was like flipping out about her bad day and so then she started drawing her bad day on a piece of paper and she was like scribbling stick figures and scribbles all over and saying in this really loud voice "and then he BROKE MY CLIP. and then we went to social studies and robert was like 'hey meghan im going to elitches' and then i was like I HATE YOU ALL" and only i noticed that my spanish teacher was staring at her with this really amused look on his face and so she finally looked up and saw him, and he was like "are you okay meghan?" and then she like clunked her head down on the desk and was like "NO!" but she was laughing so hard that she started crying and it was HILARIOUS!!!

Band concert :( (yesterday)

Mike has a sax named Cheesesus(Sounds like Jesus).

Mike: I'M GONNA MAKE A BASKET(Basketball :( )W/ CHEESESUS! Emily:Aww..... Cheesesus is too short... :( So Mike,Emily and Hayley were doing Ceremonial procession. Hayley=Flute,Emily=Trumpet. It looked like Mike was gonna make a basket because he took off his neckgear.

Mike and Taylor and Hayley were playing very high notes. XP Mike made boat noises. Taylor and Hayley just made loud annoying noises.

Allie looked like a Lawyer, so she called herself Lawyer [Last name] .

Taylor asked Mr.S if she could bring her Clarinet to the Bathroom. XD

Mike":*Gets on Percussion row* ITS CHEESESUS!!!!!! o_O *Lifts Sax*

Vinny came in. Mike:VINNY!!! Vinny:MIKE!!!

SCOTT WAS..... DANCING! XD His dance was like this:

Step 1:Talk to your friends

Step2: Start skipping...o_O

Step3:put your arms above your head, while skipping.

Step4:Look around.

Step5:Act like a retard around your friends, which includes jumping off bleachers.

Step6:Get scolded by Mr.S.

Kyle was having a Yoyo contest. :(

Then Michael almost broke a saxophone.

George almost knocked my Flute off the bleacher(we were in the gym)

During th concert:

Vinny kept saying Dwep.

Somebody in the audience yelled "GO ARTHUR!" Nobody's named Arthur in our band. XD

A little boy was playing w/ his DS, when we were performing. -_____-

end of 7&8th grade combined concret:

Antony(sp?) : SCREW NARNIA!!! xD

So Jaymir was cracking up.

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Today we had track and field. :]

This girl no one likes brought a live crow to school in her hands because it was "lonely" o__o Everyone was making fun of her, going like "ZOMG AVIAN FLU!!"

Mike was looking through someone's magazine going: Zac Efron, ew. Miley Cyrus, ew. And so on. He found an article about Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson, going all Pete Wentz, ew. So I'm like "I want to see the article about Pete and Ashlee!" And Mike says this: "Apparentaly Pete wants to have a baby son with Ashlee Simpson. How gross is that? He's probably like I want a son with her, not a daughter. If it's a daughter, I'd probably rape her." I laughed so freeeeeekin hard xD

I cut my knee open at long jump (Bad landing. xD) And I was limping to the door like "BLOODY KNEE! LOOK OUT!"

Marlie and Katelyn brought chips, and Jacob comes up to us and asks for some. He ended up taking half of our dill pickle chips D: And half of our Doritos.

Marlie brought these walkie talkie watch thingies. I was in the office with Katelyn to get an icepack for her, and Sam SCREAMED into it really loudly x.x


Mrs.Jedznak asked us about our concert. Scott: WE ROCKED! > : D

Thats all you could hear.

Nick called Scott Scotty(Skadi = Scotty o_O) Nick:*Looks at me* Scott: o_O;

Band Concert(I forgot this! :p ) :

Antony's(sp?) little it(can't tell if it was a boy or girl! D: ) came during a performance, they hugged like twice.

Mike Yelled "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!! :eek: " Because I was infront of him.

End of Spanish help:

I forgot what Amanda was talking about, but I said "Scott" so Amanda was yelling "SCOTTTTTT!!!!" When Scott wasn't there.


We were doing cards like poker cards. Mike:CAN WE DRAW CHEESE! Mrs.Kranchalk:Yes, Mike! Vinny:Mine's super long! Mrs.K:B quick. Vinny: OK. CAN WE DRAW.... A MAN SURFBOARDING W/ROLAAR SKATE WHILE COOKING EGGS WHILE DOING A FLIP? Mike: YOU STOLE MY IDEA! Vinny: NO! I DIDN'T THINK OF A MAN COOKING CHEESE!

Mike tried to answer, so what came out was: "OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!"*Falls on Marcus's desk* xD

Marcus: *To Mitch* *In a 5 yr old voice* MITCH! WHERE YOU GOIN.

Mike didn't know how to draw a piece of cheese.... o_O


Mike:SKADI! Me:? Mike:pUDDING. Me: xD Mike:Do you think Pudding is funny? I do! XD

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Today we had track and field. :]
This girl no one likes brought a live crow to school in her hands because it was "lonely" o__o Everyone was making fun of her, going like "ZOMG AVIAN FLU!!"

Mike was looking through someone's magazine going: Zac Efron, ew. Miley Cyrus, ew. And so on. He found an article about Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson, going all Pete Wentz, ew. So I'm like "I want to see the article about Pete and Ashlee!" And Mike says this: "Apparentaly Pete wants to have a baby son with Ashlee Simpson. How gross is that? He's probably like I want a son with her, not a daughter. If it's a daughter, I'd probably rape her." I laughed so freeeeeekin hard xD

I cut my knee open at long jump (Bad landing. xD) And I was limping to the door like "BLOODY KNEE! LOOK OUT!"

Marlie and Katelyn brought chips, and Jacob comes up to us and asks for some. He ended up taking half of our dill pickle chips D: And half of our Doritos.

Marlie brought these walkie talkie watch thingies. I was in the office with Katelyn to get an icepack for her, and Sam SCREAMED into it really loudly x.x
XD At the Pete Wentz part!

Your Mike is just like my baffoon Mike. XD

Today, we got our yearbooks, and Selena signed mine as "u r my bff. SEX!" And we laughed so hard. I got home and Wite-Outed the sex part because my mom looks at my yearbook.

This morning, we had like a note exchange. It started with me and Nicole writing notes back and forth. And this morning everyone write like 2 notes for everyone else so we're standing next to Sofie's locker...exchanging notes.

And Brenda thinks I have a crush on Sam. So she wrote me a note. And I was like.."HE'S MY FRIEND!" realy loudly across the hall.


We were watching a sad movie in Humanities called My Flesh And Blood about a woman who adopted 11 special needs children. Anyway, one of them named Joe died in the film and everyone was sad and then Mitch goes "..I don't get it, what happened?" And we're all "Joe died you RETARD!!" because we were all really upset and Mitch is just like "... Umm.. Who's Joe?" and we all gave him such a hard time for not paying attention [[ "OMG Mitch, weren't you watching this?"; "MITCH PAY ATTENTION!! HE FREAKING DIED!!" etc ]] that Mrs L had to pause the video and tell us to be nice to Mitch.

At the time it was all very sad but thinking about it now it was funny. Mitch's face was priceless!

We had a dance yesterday:

Me and Amanda found ourselves Boy friends.Mine: I had two... O_O Both of them were flowers, but I dumped the gay one w/ a pimple. So I chose the one made of clay.... who was stuck to the wall. Amanda: Her's was this Glitter glue boy! xD Who was stuck too.

It was slow-ance time, I ws slow dancing w/ the Pimple flower, Amanda was dancing by herself.. :ph34r: Scottt was slowdancing w/ Molly T_T Twice.

I told Amanda I would pay her $5 for Asking out Scott. IDK if she did.

Jay surprisingly has feelings for Amanda, again, but she doesn't like himm. XD

Amanda kept attacking my Pimple flower, now Pimple's just my BFFL. She kept punching him in the nose, that how he got a red nse... :furawatchi: ME:AMANDA! NOT MY BFFL!

I told Amanda that Thora had feelings for her. xD

I wanted to request Twinkle twinkle Little Star or ROY G BIV. We had a DJ again. xD Amanda requested Mr.Roboto. XD Somebody asked for Sexy Back, and the... chicken dance.. o_O

Thora told me that Scott was trying to be near me, so when I turned around, he was w/ Alex, walking and talking.

Amanda was dancing, in a really funny way! xD

I got a new BFFL. Her name is DANCE. XD


It was only me and Allie who brought our instruments.


Mr.Hanna wasn't here today. T_T So I was all depressed.

I was walking to LA, and Vinny was late so he saw me and smiled and waved :blink: .


We were learning about E.Coli and various food viruses. Eric:When I was little, (You know where the fish is in your grocery store, at that time there was no glass covering it :p ) I used to eat the ice where the fish was. XP XD

We were reading this story about food viruses, and it said in one paragraph "Kimmi cut the tomatoes and the cheese." Steven:It says she cut the cheese! XD Then Kimmi and her friends got sick w/ the stomach flu. She didn't clean the knife and she was at the beach. XP


Allie came back w/ a Cinnamon Rasin bagel and she brought butter. So she took the rasins out. And I told her I dislike rasin and cinnamon (w/ the rasins) with butter. XP


Vinny heard the song Sexy back.

Vinny was singing sexy back.

I didn't get to do my PP(PowerPoint... :eek: ) because some other bi***es got it on the compys.

Mike told me there were no compys in a funny fast voice. Mike:Skaditheresnocomputers.

I had the "Owl" as my Music Teacher. I Missed Mr.Hanna! T_T

Vinny and Jay were near each other. Atleat I got to see Vinny <3 .


Mike:Mitch L[last name]! Mitch:MIKE F[last name]! It was funny because they were using a texas accent. XD


I told Ms.Zucker that on Friday I may have a test run on the Trombone! :D (to see if I can play it and if I have enough air(Thanks to the flute :D ) . ) So she told me to tell her the news and good luck.

(I'm very happy :p ^ ^ )


Thats the time we leave. And I saw Mike.... :D Mike:*To me*CHARLIE! WHERE YOU GOIN! CHARLIE!!!!! XD

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Me, Sam, and Sam went to Marlie's house for lunch. We were all singing along to Newport Living, and Marlie did the FUNNIEST dance ever to Thnks Fr Th Mmrs.

Sam called the radio station and was like "I'M GONNA EAT YOU!" And five minutes later, they were talking about it on the radio xD

For Language Arts, we're writing a script and me and my friend spent half of our time trying to pick names for our characters.

In Health, we got this booklet about STDs, and Cameron was like "HEY, WENTZ! IT'S SAYS MD!" Haha, no one would understand the 'MD' thing. xD

After school on Friday was our cast party for the school. Of course.

So we all sign yearbooks. Of course, I'm the only one signing upside down in purple Crayola marker. :]

Joe showed us a website called where they receate movies in 30 seconds...but it's all done by bunnies. Titanic is hilarious. And there's like 5 of us in front of a computer, laughing our heads off.

Paul did karaoke to Beauty And The Beast. Except he made it really slutty. And Emily, Mary, Dana, Laura, and Lauren were his dancers. Interpretive dancers. Yeah...haha.


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