Funny Moments at School


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We had to sing Happy Birthday to someone in humanities. Mrs ''L'' said we sounded as if we were singing a funeral march!

In pastoral everyone was congratulating Elwyn as he won the school cross country - 5km in 19 minutes!!! =D

Amy tripped up Mr Hathaway - then she screamed when he nearly fell over.

Skyler got suspended for saying 'Someone needs a spanking.' apparentaly it's sexual, and has a bad meaning xD

Me and Sam walked around singing Newport Living, Teenagers, and Thnks Fr Th Mmrs.

I nearly fell asleep in Language Arts today. I was really tired from my hockey tournament xD

I coloured on Jacob with a highlighter...he stole my pencil case xD

For French, we're were forming groups for a play. Me and Sam didn't have anyone else in our group, so we had to get split up. Skyler and Cameron spazzed, just like "OMG! WE GET ALLIE! WE GET ALLIE!" And them and the toher group started a huge fight over me. It was interesting xD

me and my friends confused our subsitute teacher. we made name tags that said fake names. xD

my crush was talking about his thingy. and how it was x2 bigger than the titanic! xD

everyone was singing the 5$ footlong song today.

i said something to this guy and he got told off.

my teacher said crap today

someone put f**k you in the last stall in big bold letters and it was soooo funny!

"FU" is now written in permanent marker on Su's locker, thanks to Amanda.

Cameron kept calling me "leg emo" because I have a few scratches on my leg from my dog, and somehow, from a chair... Which is a long story... But karma kicked in and he got his finger stuck in this, almost like a Tic Tac container that was empty. He couldn't get it out for a while. When he finally did, it was purple. Then he did it again at lunch, and it was stuck until 7th hour, and he couldn't move it.

Shane asked Noel out for Payton, but he doesn't actually think of her that way.. Because she's mine and Nicole's best friend, and it would be strange. So Payton hit Shane, had to explain everything to Noel. Then Noel said she wanted to slap Shane, trash his locker, and then set it on fire. xD

We had choir practice today in the highschool auditorium. The hilarity speaks for itself.

Mrs. Haas looked like she was to the point of screaming at us.

On our walk back to the school, Nicole and I were talking about the last time we did this.. She had left her doors unlocked and her keys in the ignition of her car for just a moment, and went inside really quick to check something. We had had that evil look, but we didn't. xD

Then we got locked out of the building because Abbi grabbed for the door just a little too late, and it closed and locked on us. There were only like 7 or 8 of us locked outside and everybody else was in the choir room. Blake found us, and was about to open the door, when Levi threatened that if he didn't, he would punch him, so Blake started to walk away. We were all yelling for him, except Nicole yelling at Levi to keep his mouth shut. Then, when we finally got back in, class was practically over, and everybody gave us a weird look when we said we got locked out.

Beginning of school:

I saw.... SCOTT! I was all "OMG. :F" His dad's car was behind Carrie's mom's car.

I saw BFFLE(Eric= BFFLE) ! Me: Hi BFFL!!!! Eric: Oh. Hi. Me: I'M NOT YOUR BFFL ANYMORE!!!! No i'm joking.

(Thursday or Friday) Amanda was getting her stuff from her locker, so was Scott. Their lockers are only about 7 or 5 lockers away, so Amanda was like "SCOTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANNA TORTURE YOU!(Really loud)" Me:Amanda! What did Scott ever do to you?! Scott: *Doesn't care at all*


We were writing about where we wanted to go for Vacation. Suddenly Hoffman Island popped in my head. Me: AMANDA! We can go to Hoffman island! Where Scott will be and everybodies last name will be Hoffman! Amanda: Yeah! But then we did Cook's Island.


Me and Leanne were partners in this -SORTA- fun game, we had to do 10 Pushups, 10 Situps, 10 Mountain Climbers. And we ran to a dot, which had a money ammount. Me and Leanne got $50... Mike and Sarzar got 400$!

Then after that, we did the MOST RETARDED GAME ON EARTH!!! There was this big ball and we had to make it move with little/medium balls... o_O;


Jay went over to Mrs.B. and he had a game boy or something in his pocket, so it went off. XD but he got it taken away, he's a dork anyway

;) .

End of the day:

There was this Limo... o_O;

Me: BFFL!!! GO IN THAT LIMO! Eric: Hi Skadi. o_O

(This is from Friday)

Vinny: I LIKE BAND PEOPLE. Me: *Looks at him* Vinny: *Smiles* Me:*Smiles* All the band the band kids were singing our band songs.

Yesterday, Sara and I switched shoes in history, when her class came over to ours. It was totally spur of the moment. She walked around in size 3.5 (RED) Converse and I walked around in size 5 flip flops. We switched back in the pod after school.

Sofie dropped her sandwich on her shirt at lunch. It was hilarious. I ate two chocolate chip cookies and spazzed out. Selena went crazy and started cursing because her bag was on the floor.

We were talking about how WWI started, and one of the reasons was Militarism. It was talking about arms races, so I started singing This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race. xD

When the teacher was taking attendance me, Sam, Jacob, and Nav were arguing over something. The teacher asks what we were talking about, so Jacob said we were talking about shoes. Then me and Sam were arguing over if Patrick Stump was a good singer, and Jacob said we were talking about Patrick Star form Spongebob xD

The most annoying person that no one likes, called me a ************ becuase I stole song lyrics from her. Then I was like "AHAHAHAHA YOU ***********" See if you can figure out the asterisks xD

Yesterday night, at our choir concert, Mrs. Haas admitted to the audience that she could sometimes be a mean teacher. All of us, standing on the risers behind her, all coughed or snickered at the same time. She had no idea the audience wasn't laughing at her, but us.

Shane got mad at me for just picking up his science notes, and grabbed them away from me. We couldn't talk, so I had to point out that he spelled notes, "NOTS", and he started cracking up [in the middle of the silence] and had to fix it.

We got to go to Central Park for two hours today. Nicole and I checked the little cabin things, because last year at the kickball game, we had written our names on it in Sharpie, and gotten in huge trouble.. They were still there.

Then, we were running away from Caitlin, and Nicole practically blacked out because she could hardly breath (heart issues). Then she was dizzy, and almost ran into a few trees, almost fell off the little bridge, and almost fell into the water.

John brought his unicycle to the park. Everybody just had to try it.. And almost broke something when landing in the grass, on their heads. We just watched.

Nicole and I ignored Renee and Maria practically the entire time we were at the park, as a joke. Then, when we stopped, Nicole and Renee started laughing at me because Nick and I hadn't said a word to eachother the entire time. It ended up that he thought I was going to break up with him, which I only found out later.

A few girls in our grade were standing around one of the bathroom-buildings in the park, too.. Just standing there and talking. So we all came up with the conclusion that they were probably thinking, "How do we use it?..." xD

Beginning of school:

I found out what composer I got! I got Scott Joplin. :3

Me:AMANDA! I GOT SCOTT JOPLIN! Amanda: Scott (Last name= my crush :D )? Me:No. You got him(JK).


When we were done, Natasha had a black mark on her chin! o_O, Mr.H said she may be allegic to the metal.


I asked Eric if he was going to do band. Me: BFFL. Are you gonna do band? Eric: I DON'T WANNA SPEND 800$ ON A INSTRUMENT! Me: They're not 800$. My Flute was 125$. Eric: Your baby is was?



I saw Scott!! <3 Scott: *Goes near Mr.Hanna * MR.HANNA! Mr.Hanna: Yeah? Scott: What composer did I get? *Bounces* Mr.Hanna: I don't know, Scott. Go look. Scott: Okay~ Bye Mr.Hanna~~! Me: Its Scott <3 Amanda: It is Scott!~~~ SCOTT! COME HERE SCOTT!

Amanda started making fun of Teble clefs! Me: hey! Don't make fun of Treble Clefs.

We were going to the library to research on our composers. Mike had some sort of Jamacan (sp?) composer or something. Mike found a book on his composer. Mike: *To Jimmy* HES JAMACAN! *TO me* HES JAMMMAAACCCANNN!!!

I was reading a book about Scott Joplin, and he was a Ragtime composer. So He made this song called "Paragon Rag" for Piano, and on the sheet it said "Do not played this fast. It is not right to play this music fast. ~ SCOTT JOPLIN". Holy Crap it looked hard o_O!It had atleast 6 Eta(Four notes together)s.

Thora(My sis) said that Duke Ellington was pimpin'. Me: NO SCOTT JOPLIN IS PIMPIN'! Thora: No he is!

Me: He isn't pimp in his ride! Thora:Duke Ellington looks like Mario Lopez!


(Tuesday) MR.HANNA DID THE MOST HALARIOUS(sp) THING!!! XD He was pretending to be the Percussion in the Song Montego Bay. XD


Me, Thora, Amanda and Eric now have names for ourselves!



Amanda: HomePup

Thora: HomeTrumpet.

We were writing stories and me, HomeTrumpet and HomePup were sitting at the "Bffl table". Me:HOMEDOG! COME SIT W/ US! Eric:No.


Then Casey was making a big deal about it just because I don't play Trombone.. XP


(This happened on the way to lunch)

Thora had these big Vans and I accidently stepped on the back of the shoe and her shoe came off! xD

Scott got a hair cut :3. It looks kinda nerdy. xD But cute. X3

Now his hair isn't as long(Not as long as a girl's short hair o_O) so you can see his face now! X3


We had the Mile Run... XP

Scott was in Lane 1 , I was in Lane 2. So we were next to each other.

Amanda was crying! :D Amanda: I CAN'T MAKE IT!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!! infront of Scott D: She like cried twice.. O-o

I was on my 4th lap, Scott was running in Lane 1, I was still in lane 2... o_O

I BEAT JAY!!!! YES!!!! I ACCOMPLISHED MY WANT!!! WOOT!! XD Jay was like... walking the whole thing... :eek: Jay was only on his 3rd lap, me Thora and Amanda were on our 4th. Jay was supposed to run his 4th... possibly by himself!! XD I would've died! XD *Cough*of laughter of course*cough*

One day, it was at dismissall(sp?) and these kids were like,"I just heard a gunshot!!!" and I said "1 shot 2 shots 3 shots 4 shots I hear a gunshot, that's where the party starts!"

Every time some body farts, a couple of kids stay,"WHO STANK UP DA CLASSROOM?!?!" and then sometimes,when you can hear the fart,but not smell it, everyone goes"WHO LET OUT DA FUNKY?" and then everybody CRACKS UP!!

Will post more later!

OMG I'm cracking up and falling out of my chair XD


Once my teacher almost fell face first on the floor, and said was all like," OH C**P!!!" My friends and I said nothing but giggled for 2 hours.

Once I was wearing these rubber shoes that make farting noises when my feet get sweaty, and i just had gym so like everyone was laughing at me. And my friends were all like,"OH FIZZY POP!!!!!!!"

Well today and yesterday, I chased a boy down the hallway. He owe's me a dollar >_> But it was funny.....Everyone was trying to hold him down, because I was going to attack him.

Apparently my math teacher has the worst homeroom on the Advanced team. Ridge told me this before class today.

Todorsky: *On her phone* It's a girl! *Aloud, her daughter just gave birth*

Some boy walks in: *Points to Mrs. Todorsky* Your a girl! (We have bad jokes about her)




Mr Mechmech: Vinnie, what do you see when you look in the mirror?

Vinnie: *loud* YOUR MOMMA!

Though this wasn't my class, everyone say's it's true.

This boy in my class, David once began to sing I like big butt's in math class squeaky and annoying when the class was quiet. It was funny XD Especially because 2 older girl's walked in.

And on Friday when our class released, our class was rather hyper. Everyone in the class was yelling "YEEEEEAAAAAAH!" And I made them all hyper as my teacher told me to stop acting like a weirdo, then everyone did xD

We were working on Flash, and Warren discovered this font called 'Wingdings' xD He was looking at the letters like "LMAO! BOMB! HAHAHA! MAILBOX! LAWLZ! COMPUTER MOUSE!"

My friend was walking aorund taking picture of everything with her phone. Even some random squished Coke can.

During History, I was sketching a hockey player for the whole time. I fooled the teahcer by opening my text book to some random page, and drawing it on lined paper xD

We went up to some random ugly kid, and told him that Jessica wanted to have his baby xD

Me, Jacob, and Taylor were arguing over the spelling of 'Wentz' xD Because me and Taylor are the only FOB fans in my class, and Jacob thinks it's spelt Wenz. o_O

Beginning of school:

I found out who Scott has as a composer! Me and Scott have the same composer, Scott Joplin! XD


We got letters about the Spring dance. Mike: 25CENTS FOR A CUP OF SODA? THATS A RIP-OFF! XD


We were writing stories, and Eric wanted me to check his. Me:No offence Eric but you have tons of errors. Eric: Its okay :) .


Mike yelled cheese... o_O

George wouldn't shut up.

Richie spent like 10 mins+ doing something w/ his Trumpet.

End of Band:

the 7th(I think) graders were coming in for band, so the 6th graders had to get out of the band room.

So everybody was hurrying.

Scott was talking to Steve. So then Scott came up to me, Scott:Skadi, do you have a pencil I can borrow for Catch Up Club? (I had my traper w/ me, and I have pencils in my flute bag) Me: Sure. Scott: Really?????!!! Thanks! Me: Are you coming to Spanish help? Scott: What? Me: Are you coming to spanish help? Scott: No. I only came that one time. Me:Ohhhh..... Scott:*Walks on, gets Trombone case stuck between me and the door* Oh, oops. XD


Scott came up to my table, (I didn't eat lunch so it was kk :D ) . Scott:*Taps me on the shoulder* Can I have a pencil now? Me: Um, okay. *Find out trapper is upside down in Flute bag* Um... How about I give it to you at Catch Up Club? Scott: (XD) *Look at me* Now???? *_* Me:I'll give it to you at Catch Up Club. I promise. :)

Catch Up Club:

Scott was sorta acting like a stalker... o_O he was like standing next to me in line for CUC. XD

Jake and this 5th grader were saying something disturbing... XP You don't wanna know... X_x

(In cafeteria)

Scott: Can I have the pencil now? Me: *Shows "One minute" symbol w/ finger* *Goes over to a vacant table* *Lays down trapper,flute,Flute bag,purse and lunch bag* Scott: *Goes to the table w/ me* Me: *gets a pencil w/o a earser, gets a Earser for Scott* Here you go. Scott: *Works on HW* Me: Oh sorry. (My flute was in the way)

Then Jake was asking for pens. Scott: *To Me* Thanks for letting me use your pencil. :)

Scott: What does Mourn mean?(IDK what he was working on, I think a page about difference of words o_O)

End of CUC:

Me,Scott,Jake,MacKenzie and Mrs.B were walking back to the annex.

Scott: I'm skinny! I don't weigh much. (Idk HOW we got onto that subject.... o_O) MacKenzie:You just insulted Jake! XD Scott: *Random talk to someone... o_O (Idk if he was talking to me or Mrs.B )*I eat alot, but I don't gain anything! :eek: Mrs.B: Thats nice, Scott. XD Jake: STOP SCOTT!!! YOUR INSULTING ME! Scott: When did I insult you??? MacKenzie: About you being thin! Scott: No! I was insulting Jake about his Trumpet! Jake: So I forgot my Trumpet :D . Scott: I almost forgot my Trombone today!

Jake: Yeah*In a stern way* . Then Scott and Jake were yelling at each other. I was all "o_O".


Mike wouldn't shut up. XD

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Me and my friends disected a shark (For our science project) and showed my Social Studies teacher pictures, she looked like she was gonna barf.

This was in Science just now =D

A friend handed me a note. I chewed it.

She then handed me another one saying DO NOT CHEW.

I licked it.

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