Funny Moments at School


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^ Ha..haha. You had to ask.'s like....God....I hate this but...


We were talking about marshamallows and I go "I can fit three in my mouth!" And Kate goes "That's what she said!"

Get it?

Ok,I only have one worth typing:

Yesterday,I printed out a one-panel comic where it was Neji saying to a disgruntled-looking Naruto: "100,000 sperm in your mother's womb and YOU were the fastest?". xD I thought that was histarical,and so did my friends,who understood what it meant. I showed it to Brennan,who is like,the guy with the sickest sense of humor I've ever seen,and HE got grossed out by it! You should've seen the look an his face!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDDD

So, we had our last Band concert. In the last song, I was picking up my flute to play after some rests and I wacked my friend (who play the clarient) accross the arm. We were both crackihg up as we played and we kept sqeaking. xD

^ Ha..haha. You had to ask.'s like....God....I hate this but...

We were talking about marshamallows and I go "I can fit three in my mouth!" And Kate goes "That's what she said!"

Get it?
Hahaha. That made me laugh harder than the FOB topic. xD

For Language, me, Sam and Taylor were videotaping our play. In one scene, I have to blast my MP3 Player, and I was like "LONG LIVE THE CAR CRASH HEARTSSSSSSSSS" And I didn't realise that it was taping me. xD

Warren's group needed the whole class to be in one of his scenes. We had to talk and be really loud, and Skyler said that everyone should say "Rabble rabble rabble rabble" So everyone is talking and Skyler's just like "rabble rabble rabble" And makes everyone laugh. xD

I showed Sam Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off, and she was in a total state of shock when she listened to the lyrics. xD I also showed her Achmed The Dead Terrorist, and she thought it was the funniest thing EVER.

Sam was looking through all the photos on my MP3, because she thought that I had a huge 50 photo album of Pete Wentz. Or the...uhm, Sidekick photos. o__o


Mike said Good Morning to Mr.B for me. xD


We were doing volleyball.

Allie owned me in the forehead! xD

I owned Vinny i the head. Allie said he deserved that, xD

Amanda was scared of me. xD


Me and Amanda wre doing symbols to each other. She did peace out. I didn't understand. Then she did that to Scott.

I threw a bag at Amanda and she didn't catch it, Me:Good Catch amanda! It landed o the ground. xD

Music Help:

Me,Scott,McKenzie,Leanne,Jake,Emily and Reagan were there.

Jake was irratating Scott. Jake:*Types random letters on Scott's PowerPoint* Scott:JAKE! STOP! > : O

Scott didn''t Know Scott Joplin's time period.

Scott asked Mr.Hanna how many Trombones are gonna be in the 6th grade band. He hopes theres more than 4. :3 Scott is still gonna be in band. Playing the Trombone... O_O

Scott and Jake... Were being kin of annoying. espically Jake... :)

Scott told us he had issues! XDDD

Jake:I have issues too!

Leanne's cell went off. xD

Scott's Mom called him, and it was this really dark tone. O_O Mr.Hanna:Who was that? Scott:My mom. Mr.H:YOU HUNG UP ON YOUR MOM?!!! Scott:I can't answer calls in school? Mr.H:Take it outside. Scott:*Heads up stairs* Jake:Scott! That ringtone. Did you set it on purpose? Scott:NO!

I asked Mr.Hanna about me trying the Trombone out. Its gonna be Thurday next week! ^.^ Me:Theres some other instruments I may want to try out. MrH.Yeah? Me:But its your choice. Mr.H:xD

@tama 3445521508: Theres three Flute players! ^.^ Me,You and SG. :3 What Flute do you own? I own a Gemeinhardt. :3

Mine starts with a L, I don't have it right here though, sry. I also play the piccolo.

Today, this kid tried to pick me up 0.0.

I slipped on a banana peel xD

Mine starts with a L, I don't have it right here though, sry. I also play the piccolo.
Today, this kid tried to pick me up 0.0.

I slipped on a banana peel xD

The only brand I know w/ L''s are:

F.Lorre' (Oboe and Cor Anglis)

And you play Piccolo! *Is jealous >_>* In my school, we only play Piccolo in 8th grade, theres usally only one ;_;

Instrument Brands:

KING(Brasswinds and Marching Brass)

Conn/ Selmer (Various instruments)

Gemeinhardt(Flute and Piccolo )

Yamaha(Various, like Conn/Selmer)

Selmer Bundy (Really old instruments O_O; )

Jupiter (I believe they only make Brass Winds)

Buffet Crampon (Clarinet maker?)

F.Lorre' (Oboe. :3)

So we don't get off topic, how about you PM me? Thanks!


Adam and Timmy were pretending to be Jay! Adam:I NEEEDDDD TOOOO GET MY ALPHASMART!!!!

Timmy:Rest stop.... A BigMac Please! xD

Yesterday I was playing history card games with JJ, J, O, and A. We were playing solitare. When O was dealing the card, out of no where he throws them at everyone in the class (including me, I got hit with like, 7) and charges to pick them up. Then he gets them back together and throws them up into the air and says,

"My bad." Then JJ, J, A, and I all pick them up and give hem back to him. It was funny because my teacher gave him a look that said 'I'm SOOO beyond ready to kill you.' but didn't do anything. She was at the door the whole time. My history teacher looks like a toad, so it made it even funnier when she made the expression. x'D


I always give my Sci. teacher chocolates and ask her,

"Will ya' give me an A? A high B? A B?" Because I was had a D in her class for the first 3/4 weeks of this quarte. She actually put extra points into my grade once. x'3

Band Practice:

We have this song called "Linus and Lucy". The Flutes have Soli(EX: French Horn Soli, all the french horns play, its like a solo, sort of. But all French Horns(ex) played.) and me and Hayley were the oly two! xD

Scott was looking at me.

Surprisingly Mike didn't say anything.

Isaac was dancing! XD


Alyssa,Vinny,Emily,Mike and Marcus were sending note to each other,

So I did that w/ Amanda. I told Amanda I like-liked Vinny. She said "NO WAY". Me:Yes. Amanda:*Draws a pic of her and Jay.* Me:ZOMG! xD *Please note that Amanda and Jay aren't going out, Jay likes her.*

Band Lesson:

The Oboes didn't show up. Alex ate some food, and you shouldn't eat before playing oboe,Reagan couldn't come,Gabby didn't for some reason.

It was just me and Mr.Hanna.

Mr.Hanna said this.... U_U "We should have brought the Trombones!" And I like-like all the Trombones xD. Scott is a Trombone. XD

Me and Mr.Hanna were talking about instruments! :D

Me:Can we play the Alto Horn? Mr.Hanna: Alto Horn! How do you know about that?! Me:I research instruments. Mr.H:Wow. Where did you find one? Me:AOL shopping(Yes, I am serious/cereal! XD). Mr.H:Really? Are you sure it wasn't a Mellophone? Me:No, its like a Baritone but with fewer pipes.

Mr.Hanna asked me if I played any other instrument, I said no. He said I should get another. :D He says i'm a instrument geuinis(sp?).

We were talking about the unused bottons onh Flute! Me:What are the two small ones at the bottom? Mr.H:One's Flat, the others Sharp. I asked him about one and he didn't know whta it was.

Mr.H wanted me to pretend I was playing Flute! And he made this funny face like a ape! xDDDDD We were cracking up.

Then he wanted me to tongue, which I am okay at.

Mr.Hanna said I could move on to SOE:Book 2 for Flute O_O. I was all "O_O Really?" Please note, I am on Book 1, and Book 2 is advanced. :3 SOE=Standard of Excellence.

Mr.Hanna said I could play Trombone for Band and Flute for Jazz Band next year. X'3 *Dies*


Tyler give me her applesauce for lunch. =)

The two most annoying boys in our class were arguing and I was sitting next to the most annoying, Calvin. He started yelling at me then, and I just opened my applesauce, then I really got angry at him and accidentally spilled the applesauce all over him. xD

Cameron(the most funniest in the group of annoying kids) brought a go-gurt for lunch. It said:

Congradulations! You have won $50!

And he started waving the stuff around, but it spilled on his face, the floor, me, Jasmine(=P I hate u Jasmine!), Haylea, and the table. Then he accidentally smacked the moniter in the face. Me: Haylea... Haylea: Yeah? Me: So much for winning $50... xD

we started cracking up because he had to throw it out. xD He started arguing with the moniter!


Track. =P

I was like... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! On the first lap.

Jasmine(iky! =P) tripped and knocked out her big tooth. =D Yay!

After school:

(different Cameron)Cameron set off the fire alarm!!!!

We all started getting scared and Cameron cried Astrid was like: I WANNA GO HOME!!!


Smacked my face with the locker... AGAIN!!!

That's all I have xD

Tyler give me her applesauce for lunch. =)The two most annoying boys in our class were arguing and I was sitting next to the most annoying, Calvin. He started yelling at me then, and I just opened my applesauce, then I really got angry at him and accidentally spilled the applesauce all over him. xD

Cameron(the most funniest in the group of annoying kids) brought a go-gurt for lunch. It said:

Congradulations! You have won $50!

And he started waving the stuff around, but it spilled on his face, the floor, me, Jasmine(=P I hate u Jasmine!), Haylea, and the table. Then he accidentally smacked the moniter in the face. Me: Haylea... Haylea: Yeah? Me: So much for winning $50... xD

we started cracking up because he had to throw it out. xD He started arguing with the moniter!


Track. =P

I was like... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! On the first lap.

Jasmine(iky! =P) tripped and knocked out her big tooth. =D Yay!

After school:

(different Cameron)Cameron set off the fire alarm!!!!

We all started getting scared and Cameron cried Astrid was like: I WANNA GO HOME!!!


Smacked my face with the locker... AGAIN!!!

That's all I have xD
Wow... O_O and I thought my school was odd.

We have this *cugh*retarded*cough* kid. Who cries when theres a firedrill.


Mrs.Hansen has this mirror on the ceiling, and if you lok up, you can see people. xD So if you looked up, you could see Vinny, so I looked up, to see him! XD And he looked up to see what I was looking at! xD

Vinny smiled at me, and I felt like i was burning, that only happens around him and Scott O_O.

Amanda said Vinny is irresponsible and that I should marry Scott so she can harass him when I marry him. And she think me and Vinny would be a weird couple.


Scott was going t Mrs.Hoffman's room to drop off his Trombone. Scott:Skadi, can you open the door?? Me:Sure~. Amanda:HI SCOTTTTTT! > : 3 Me:Amanda! Stop! What did Scott ever do to you?! > : O Scott just looked at Amanda while I was scolding her.


Mike has a new word! Mike:*To Ms.K*Can I have a christmas tree?,I LIKE CHRISTMAS TREES! > : O . xD

Mike,Vinny,Emily,Marcus and Alyssa were passing messages. So Mike kept saying "_____ You got mail!" so for some reason, he said "SKADI! YOU GOT MAIL!!!" Me:O_O

Amanda was still shocked that I like-liked Vinny.

Vinny hit me on accident w/ a paper. O_O xD


(We leave) Vinny and Mike were walking out together. And my grandma's car window was open! xD Mike:*To Vinny* There's Skadi! Vinny:SKADI!SKADI! xDDDDDD

Today grade 6-8 went to the high school to see Footloose. My sister has the lead role, and every single guy in grade 7 and 8 thought she was hot xD Then I told Jacob about it, becuase he didn't go and this was his response. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? I MISSED OUT ON EVERYTHING! WARREN, WAS ALLIE'S SISTER HOT?" "Yeah." "CRAP!" It was pretty hilarious.

Cameron was making these stupid "AWOOOOGA!" car noises in French class, and the teacher said he sounded like a 1920 model. xD


Today it was like.... Hot in the annex! xP


I saw Mr.Hanna!!! w00t!!> : D I asked him if he got my email, he said yes. Me:It didn't crash your computer did it?! xD


We got notices, and Mike passed it to me... -____-; Mike:You've got mail! Me:xD

Mike was saying something weird to me. O_O xD


Mr.G announced that it was gonna be a half day! So everybody was like "YES!!" in Mrs.Triano-Davis's room.


My nose was bleeding, in one nostril. xD During a test, but I was in Ms.B's room, not in Mrs.Hansen's.

Vinny smiled at me and stared at me. Me: ^.^; I smiled back of course.

On the way to Gym:

Mr.Hanna announced something very sad... T_T BAND IS OVER!!!!!!!!! *Dies*

I told Amanda about the band thing...^ Me:Amanda.... You may want to make a card for Squidy(My flute).... :-( Amanda:Why? Me:BAND IS OVER!!!! I'M SO DEPRESSED!!! x_X Amanda was fake crying.

I told Amanda that I'll play Squidy for Jazz band! She was soooo happy! xD


Mr.Nemo didn't want us to get hurt, since it was so hot in NJ. :) (98d xP)

We watched a movie, called Bring back the titans or something. O_O it had a racist scene in it. :(

In the movie, the coach says "You'll need a tie. If you can't find one, ask your great man. If you don't have a great man, get one from a drunk." xD

Vinny and Scott were looking at me. Me:o_O Um...Hi?

Whenever Vinny looked at me, I looked back and then he turned his head torwards the hallway o_O.

Hallway (AG=After gym)

Scott was waiting to go to his locker... e_e; He was tapping the walls w/ his hands. Thora:Omg. Skadi look at Scott! Me:aaawwww!!~ >w< It was like, odd. He should do percussion, JK,I'd be the only Trombonist.... O_O


I wanted to draw another Scott doll! :3 But the lights were on.. AND I LOST MY HIGHLIGHTER!!!!! *Dies*

time to leave:

I left w/ amanda and thora.

Amanda was a horse O_O. So her backpack were her reins, and my backpack almost fell, and Amanda tried helping so we went in a circle. xD

Amanda gave me this picture she drew of the Redbird(Our mascot :angry: ).... He was on the farm.... Yes, with Cows, Chickens; you name it. Me:Why not give it to Scott????? Amanda:NO!! SCOTT ISN'T SPECIAL!!!!!! HE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS FINE WORK OF ART!! xD It was halrious. :angry: I gave her this POORLY drawn picture, of a clarinetist and a guitar player. xD She hugged me.

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Yesterday, in art, I made Joe listen to Newport Living. And after 'Everyone's a let down it just depends on how far down they can go' yeah, on the line after that, he looks at me, Nicole, Sofie, and Sara and goes "WHO IS IT!?" You have to know the song to get it...

On Friday, we had a science fair. So me and my friends were with our project. (Which was disecting a Shark) Some 6th graders were all, "EWW!!"

Also, after the science fair, me and my frieds were helping to clean up. So my friend, Winnie, she picked up some slime from some 7th graders' project and gave some to me. It hardened.

(This wasn't really in school) But, after school, me and Nikki were thinking of ways to destroy Alynne.)

My class has a new phrase now. I'm fricken sick of it! I'm gonna light you on fire!

The class was watching me, Sam, and Taylor's videotaped play (Which is VERYY pathetic) And the whole time I was trying not to laugh, so I had the reddest face ever.

In French, Skyler was like don't be heartbroken, Allie. We will split up Ashlee and Pete for you. xD And sccording to Jacob I want to 'Bow chika wow wow' Pete Wentz o_________o

Taylor and Jacob had a HUGE fight in Music class, when I say fight I went slapping eahc other with duotangs. Then taking their duotang and throwing it across the class.

During Art some people behind me were talking in a little circle, and out of nowhere Brittany is like "Allie, you do know that Skyler likes you, eh?" And Skyler's just like "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa." For five minutes, as if he did like me and was in shock that I found out xD


Mike now says "Jamorning Mr.B!" xD.


Amanda wanted to see my poetry binder. She didn't say anything about my horribly drawn French Horn. xD

I went to the office to get a paper... AND GUESS WHO WAS THERE!!!

Who did I see at the Office?

A)Mike!!! xD

B)Scott! xD


D)Your mom.

If you chose C your right! ^.^ So we were talking about band. ;)


We were talking about Tech. O_O;;; Mr.V: How else do you think they kept the food cold?

Vinny:In their underpants? xD

Vinny thought Michelle was sharpening a pen! XDDD


For some reason, Amanda was calling me mean. Me:Yo momma mean. xD


Mr.Hanna(^.^) was grading our power points. He wanted me to save mine, and when I went to the file one of them said "BILLY ROCKS!!!" xD

Colby kept chucking eraser bits at people. Colby:*Chucks eraser....HITS EMILY x_x* Emily:What hit me?! Colby:She(me) did it! Me:NO.SHE DID IT > : O. So we were fighting. So Vinny told Colby that it isn't nice to throw things at others. xD Then I told Colby I would tell Mr.H so she pinky-swore that she would stop. xD

I asked Mr.Hanna about the summer band and if I have to put Flute and Trombone down... He said yes. So I guess I'll have to bring both. xP

Yesterday, 2:45:

Scott was LATE to get to his dad's car, so he was running! And his hair went in his face so he had to pull his hair out of his face. xD

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funny wild cat girl..


1 ok once i drew a picture of these two really popular boys in my class ,and they looked super funny in my drawings.Then this kid nathan ripped it out of my hands and past it on until it went around the whole class.It was so funny when it came to the two boys because their faces were red.One of them said "this is does look like us" then they put the pic up to their faces.It just looked funny

2 ok durring social studies this giant man in a red bird suit comes in and starts to talk to us.He was going down the isles giving us high fives and my foot happened to be out in the isle and BAM he stepped on it and didn't even noticed,but some of my friends did and we started cracking up!It kinda hurt,but it was so funny.

3 ok one of the popular boys,philip,alsmost burned the lab down.My science teacher lit a candle and turned out the lights and then philip got close to it and kinda knocked it over and he tried to pick it up,then finally he did.It was sooo funny cause the teacher was like furious!!!

My class is gonna be eight grade seven students for the rest of the week ^_^ The grade eights are at their huge year end trip.

For the first two classes, we were listening to the radio station and screwing around. I used my desk as a recliner, and we tried to call the radio station with people's cellphones. xD

When Bleeding Love came on, Jacob started singing along and we all said "Awwww! He's singing to Kristina!" And Jacob FREAKED. Then the principal walked in. xD

I went to Marlie's house for Lunch. She told me about how her brother has a whole bunch of Fall Out Boy songs on his user, so I'm just like "OMG! FALL OUT BOY!" So Marlie started typing random passwords, and everntually got onto his user xD then I sang alon to FOB for the rest of lunch xP

funny wild cat girl..--------------

1 ok once i drew a picture of these two really popular boys in my class ,and they looked super funny in my drawings.Then this kid nathan ripped it out of my hands and past it on until it went around the whole class.It was so funny when it came to the two boys because their faces were red.One of them said "this is does look like us" then they put the pic up to their faces.It just looked funny

2 ok durring social studies this giant man in a red bird suit comes in and starts to talk to us.He was going down the isles giving us high fives and my foot happened to be out in the isle and BAM he stepped on it and didn't even noticed,but some of my friends did and we started cracking up!It kinda hurt,but it was so funny.

3 ok one of the popular boys,philip,alsmost burned the lab down.My science teacher lit a candle and turned out the lights and then philip got close to it and kinda knocked it over and he tried to pick it up,then finally he did.It was sooo funny cause the teacher was like furious!!!
ZOMG. A man in a Bird suit? Sounds like a ****. xD JK

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