Today it was like.... Hot in the annex! xP
I saw Mr.Hanna!!! w00t!!> : D I asked him if he got my email, he said yes. Me:It didn't crash your computer did it?! xD
We got notices, and Mike passed it to me... -____-; Mike:You've got mail! Me:xD
Mike was saying something weird to me. O_O xD
Mr.G announced that it was gonna be a half day! So everybody was like "YES!!" in Mrs.Triano-Davis's room.
My nose was bleeding, in one nostril. xD During a test, but I was in Ms.B's room, not in Mrs.Hansen's.
Vinny smiled at me and stared at me. Me: ^.^; I smiled back of course.
On the way to Gym:
Mr.Hanna announced something very sad... T_T BAND IS OVER!!!!!!!!! *Dies*
I told Amanda about the band thing...^ Me:Amanda.... You may want to make a card for Squidy(My flute)....

Amanda:Why? Me:BAND IS OVER!!!! I'M SO DEPRESSED!!! x_X Amanda was fake crying.
I told Amanda that I'll play Squidy for Jazz band! She was soooo happy! xD
Mr.Nemo didn't want us to get hurt, since it was so hot in NJ.

(98d xP)
We watched a movie, called Bring back the titans or something. O_O it had a racist scene in it.
In the movie, the coach says "You'll need a tie. If you can't find one, ask your great man. If you don't have a great man, get one from a drunk." xD
Vinny and Scott were looking at me. Me:

Whenever Vinny looked at me, I looked back and then he turned his head torwards the hallway

Hallway (AG=After gym)
Scott was waiting to go to his locker... e_e; He was tapping the walls w/ his hands. Thora:Omg. Skadi look at Scott! Me:aaawwww!!~ >w< It was like, odd. He should do percussion, JK,
I'd be the only Trombonist.... O_O
I wanted to draw another Scott doll! :3 But the lights were on.. AND I LOST MY HIGHLIGHTER!!!!! *Dies*
time to leave:
I left w/ amanda and thora.
Amanda was a horse O_O. So her backpack were her reins, and my backpack almost fell, and Amanda tried helping so we went in a circle. xD
Amanda gave me this picture she drew of the Redbird(Our mascot

).... He was on the farm.... Yes, with Cows, Chickens; you name it. Me:Why not give it to Scott????? Amanda:NO!! SCOTT
FINE WORK OF ART!! xD It was halrious.

I gave her this POORLY drawn picture, of a clarinetist and a guitar player. xD She hugged me.