Funny Moments at School


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This retarded kid (No, really, retarded. Autism.) cried, super loud! XD And the odd thing is that our walls are made of stone. XD

Eric couldn't stop laughing XD.

we and Thora have this cousin named Jenna. So Jenna broke her collarbone(shes like... 16 mnths?) and it looks like she's in a straight-jacket(I know its kind of mean but still! XD)w/ her brace. So as a cruel joke, our dad printed a pic and I found it and put it in her folder! XD She was all "OMG!!!!!!!!! > : O".


Vinny Told Mrs.Hansen that he had 3 Frapochinos(sp?) w/ 7 cups of sugar. So he was hyper. XD

Me and Amanda were nearby this Planet map. Me: How about Pluto into Fluto(Flute X3). Amanda: Yeah! And Saturn into... Saxoturn(Saxophone)? What should Mars be? Me: Marimba. Amanda:Marimbars! XD


Mike sits behind my table. Mike:Skadi! Me:*Looks* Mike:*Hides* He did that two times! XD


Vinny told Mrs.K and Mr.B about the frapochino thing. Mr.B: I hope I don't see you if you get in trouble. He was still hyper. XD

Mike saw somebody's artwork and was all "EWWWYYY! EWWYYY!!!" Mrs.K:MIKE! BREATH!!! Mike:*Breaths*

Vinny was acting like Paris Hilton. XD

On the way to Math:

Ryan put his Trombone down on the curb and it rolled on the street! XD The trombone was only about a inch from the curb, then a car just passed by! XD But Ryan got his trombone <3. He was all " : O "! XD

Brian LdHAO.

(Old) ASK:

On the front of the Answer sheet, it shows a fill in the bubble, and above it says "HOMELESS?" and the only option is Yes! XD

I was calling a mean teacher, Mr.Leto, my BFFL. XD

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Today I started poking people. These 3 people who ere sitting in front of me and this guy one seat away from me.

We had this mega geology/geography lesson yesterday,and the lady that was teaching it said "crack" about every 3 seconds!!!

We watched "the video" yesterday,girls in one room,boys in another,and when we were halfway through our 'girls' movie,the gym teacher who was helping teach the guys,came over and said "I think we got the wrong movie." xDDDDD The GUYS watched about 5 minutes of the GIRLS movie!!!!!!!!!! xD

One time during recess this kid starting peeing on a tree. He got in really gigantic trouble, lolz.
Oh my gosh!! like how old was he? (Like I know he was boy) And, did you see this? TELL ME MOOOOOOOORE!!

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:) ok, i have a few of my own, i dont know how many, but here it goes.

1. We were in math class(the teachers name is kremer), and this one kid was sitting at the front of the class. kremer goes off and says "6B there is a surprise for you i have today" and the kid in the front screams out "CUPCAKES!" and everyone cracks up, and kremer goes"no i meant a new math paper, do you want to get a pink slip?"

2. We were doing the softball throw last week outside for gym, and the 3rd graders came out early for recess. I threw the ball and almost hit our gym teacher, and some 3rd grader i dont kno screams out " I DONT LIKE SPAGETTI ANYMORE CAUSE YOU CANT THROW".

3. Yesterday we had a field trip, and this kid i like, kept asking my mom(who was a chaperone) if he could have a cookie, and my mom gives him one. After he eats the cookie, he started hitting me on the leg with his mountain dew bottle and he goes" your mom is awesome cause she give the cookie monster cookie! i laughed my butt off!

4. this girl in my class,(lets call her panther) thinks she is a human cat....we had to run the 1/2 mile for P.E. the other day and when panther was running, she like fell down and starting Screaming" PANTHER!" over and over....then she started rolling around meowing and stuff. she hissed alot too....SHE DOES THAT ALOT......

5. I was on the bus yesterday morning, and this little girl on my bus comes up to me and goes,"What is a person?" I go, " U are a person" and she goes" No, Im a Jansen and ur a kruse, if i was a person, i would be on mars......WEIRd!

Lol. *poke*

My friend, Kell, was leaning/pushing my other friend, Nikki. Nikki was all, "Kell!! That's my problem!" Because she has a problem with leaning against people.

We were in flute practice and Me and Jess was doing stupid stuff and when she was doing a D note, I told her an ant was on her and she didn't get it. (because we call D-Note ant antlers. xD)

Me: (kills ant on her hand)

Jess: my finger positions were right.

Me: No, there was an ant---



Jess: NO I DID IT RIGHT!!!!! >.<


Jess: Oh, an ACTUAL ant.

Me: (in her ear) YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!! X_X

Jess: Ooooh. *screams*

Teacher: *laughing*

OH! I know what note that is! Its HiD(what we call it.) right?

Flute fingering:

(Diagram of the Flute)

O O O | O O O U


I don't understand the Flute... o_O i mean theres keys you don't use! So why is it on the Flute???

At lunch,Taylor was saying "I can speak whale! Whhhoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo" xD "I can do Chinese whale! Ching-whoooooooooooo-dooooowwwwwwwwwoooonnnng!" xD Then we were wondering what kind of sound a moose makes,we didn't know,so we kept going "Moooooose. Mooooooooooooose."

After lunch,Taylor gave me a note that said "Gnomes will eat u" xD And we kept writing back and forth. "Then peacocks will eat the gnome" "What about the zombie-elves?!" "What about the sugar-plum fairies!?" "AHH! We'll all die!!!" "NO. I want to die on a roller coaster." "I'll die flying upside-down through a barn "what?" "BARN where cows live" "No! The Boogy man will drown me in boogies!" xDDD

At recess,we were spinning in circles. Then Rachel and (guess who?) Taylor came up and said "I'll harvest you!" xD Then for the rest of the day,we kept saying "The Gnomes!!!"

While we were waiting for the bus,I was telling Cody and Bradley to be on Gnome-Watch and we got into this whole discussion about Gnomes. Then Bradley was clawing his hands up one of the divider/wall things,and I think he knocked some dust or sirt off or something,but he screwed up Cody's eyes. I kept telling Cody not to "rub your freaking eyes" but he didn't listen,now he looks like he's been crying. I would've helped him,but us being known rivals and all...

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Nicole was late today because she got glow-in-the-dark brackets on her braces. Yeah. :3 She showed up in 2nd hour apparently, and in our passing period she came up to me. I was in the middle of yelling, "YOU WERE LATE AND I WAS ALONE AND-" when she told me about her braces. Then we highfived and started talking about something else.

Shane acts mad and me because of things Nick did. So today, in study hall, he wouldn't sit by me. So I sat with Maria... But he kept talking to me anyway, like calling me across the room to tell me something Nick said or did that apparently hurt his feelings. Then he told me Nick was only going to Nicole's pool party because I was going to be in a swim suit and there would be closets, and then told me that Nick was moving over the summer and going to a different school next year..

All Nicole had for lunch was Hot Cheetoh's and water. In the gym afterward, she was handing out the remains of her Cheetoh's like crack or something. Then we somehow started talking about how the hot Cheetoh dust would really burn if you snorted it. We're somehow notorious for discussing drugs. I wonder why.

Deborah took a totally different bus route. We were supposed to get off first today, but she drove completely past our stop just to get the "wild kids" off first.


N/A :ph34r:


we were watching the movie of our play, California or Bust, and Scott is Tom Telegraph(a Telegraph owner U_U) and he looked so tall and good in his outfit (Black pants,white shirt,suspenders, black hat)! XD Thora was making fun of his voice cause its a little girly, but cute. :3


Scott was... Skipping to the mile track... o_O XD It was so cute!!~

Thora was mocking him. > : P

Marcus:I"M GONNA SKIP(a Movement) THE MILE RUN! Scott:Me too!

Band Rehearsal:

Me and Scott assembled our instruments at the same time.

I had my flute assembled, and Mike was sitting next to me. Mike: ITS SHINY LIKE GOLD BUT IT AIN'T GOLD!!!! o_O My Flute isn't gold... XD

It was random!

Mike was staring at me, when I was trying to put my flute and music on the seat.

I played super squeaky in front of the 7th and 8th graders... XD

Scott was packing up, then he must've said my name or his name. Scott:Scott/Skadi (somethingsomething)

Isaac: Are you hungry? Me:What??? Isaac:ARE YOU HUNGRY. Me:Yeah.

The 8th graders are doing the Simpson's theme song for the concert! XD

Michael said he had a embarrassing or funny pic of Scott. XD

I was texting Laura when Scott had Laura's cell. I just texted "Hi". XD

Scott tryed to play Hayley's flute. XD He failed. :D

Mike plays Alto Sax and this boy named Bryce was licking his A. Sax reed. Mike:BRYCE! HOWS THE CHEESE(Reed! XD) TODAY! IS IT YUMMY???

Us 6th grade band kids were talking. Mrs.Tengood: YOU KIDS BE QUIET!

Mike: YOUR MOM! Mrs.T:Excuse me Mister? I wanna talk to you. So Mike got in trouble... XP

Scott asked this 8th grade boy if he had food. 8th Grader:I just have Gaotrade, Scott. Scott: Man! Scott: Mr.Hanna! Mr.Hanna:Yes Scott? Scott:Do you have any snacks? Mr.H:Yeah. Scott:Aw Man! o_O


And tomorrow, I'll try to bring my pink music stand to lesson tomorrow.

Pink Stand <3

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O.k., One time,My friend had some silly putty on the back of the bus. She gave it to this boy that was sitting next to us that is a major pain. He rolled into a ball and bounced it on the ground and it rolled to the front of the bus. "I forgot to tell you not to bounce it." She said. He went and got it and was very rotective the rest of the ride! :furawatchi:


This is a really funny moment! (And no; Mike isn't included in this part :eek: ) Scott: Skadi?(Me) Me:Yeah? Scott: Do you have a pencil I can borrow? Me:Yeah. And the pencil i picked was a broken one *headdesk* and I forgot it didn't have pencil lead in it... :lol: Scott:Thanks. Thora: *Comes to my desk* (Talks about Spring dance... ;) ) Scott: *Sharpens pencil* Thora: *Still talking about Spring dance... X_x;) Scott: Um...Skadi??? Your pencil is demented! We were laughing. XD

Mike had this book and me and Mitch sit near him(Mitch infront, me right side). Mike: *Slides Book* SKADI.MITCH.SKADI. OR MITCH! XD

Hallway:Thora was telling me what a cute couple me and Scott made... :furawatchi:

LA: I was prentending to be Courage from Courage the cowardly dog. Me:Ahumhumhumna! XD


NA > : (

Going to put my flute away:

I saw Scott sharpening his pencil, and he did that in HR. XD

I felt like I was burning when I saw him.. o_O


Amanda was scared because I put my stuff in one corner,dropped off my flute in Mrs.Hoffman's class, then went to Amanda.

We are doing Diabetes brochures in science so me and Amanda and Thora were working on them in Mrs.B's room. Me:*Prints out a pic of this boy playing w/ a kite* Amanda:HE'S GOOD LOOKING!!! :F

Me: No he isn't.(he had short buz cut hair and round oval eyes... O_O)

Plus he was black and white... o_O so Amanda must have a thing for printed boys! XD

I randomly said Tuba player. XD

Recess: I was coloring the kid(see above.. :unsure: ) . Then when I was done, coloring, I asked amanda if she still liked him. Amanda:EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! Me:You liked him better when he was black and white?

Music: Amanda said Duke Ellinton looked good, Scott Joplin looked sad while playing the piano. XD So I hugged Scott(OMGZ! Scott Joplin, not my crush Scott XD! ).

Amanda has John Straus Jr. so they have on a page a Octobass(Largest Double bass o_O <3),Large Ophicilde(sp? <3), LARGE TUBA! <3

Well, something funny happened at school today.

In Algebra class, these two girls, Nicole and Deana, were insulting each other mainly by saying "No one likes your..." and then a thing, like "face" and "personality". When Deana said "No one likes your... ears!" I got really pi**ed off so I said "No one likes your stupid insults!" Alec, a boy who sits near me, high-fived me on it and shouted "Everyone clap for Alyssa!"

Me, Emily, and Skyler were in a group for novel study. Emily started writing stuff on Skyler, and when she wrote on his wrist/veins, Skyler was shaking voilently, complaining that veins are gross. And Emily declared yesterday 'Vein day' xD

Skyler got pink and blue braces becuase his dentist was being a jerk xD

I made a pathetic attempt at high jump, and I got a high jump bar right in the back >.< Its still sore alittle bit. o__o

I *accidentaly* hit Jessica in the head with a baseball while practising ball throw, and now everyone will go up to me like "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT ALLIE? YOU'RE SO MEAN" Me to them: *eye roll* xP

Well,yesterday at indoor recess,I was showing Taylor and Caitlin The Ultimate Naruto FanFlash and one of us would put on the headphones and listen while the other two'd watch. Well,the part here here where Jiraiya is singin g"Brick House",well,before he started signing,and it was just as Tsunade came on the screen,Caitlin says "Hey,that looks like you!" and I'm like "Excuse me?!" (you'd have to watch that part)

Today,,we named all the Teletubbies and called people wearing certain colors the name of the Teletubby who wore that color. John was Lala because he was wearing green,Nick was Dipsy because he was wearing yellow,Kristina was Tinky-Winky because she was wearing purple, and, my personal favorite, Brennan was Poe becuase he was wearing all red. lol


We have a morning greeting. Mr.B:Goodmorning Scott! Scott:Good ---- Mike:Morning Mr.B! Mr.B:I was talking to Scott, not Mike. Scott: *Giggles*

Amelia tapped my shoulder and Mike's too. after that, she waved hi. XD

Band Rehearsal:

(I forgot this one! XD)

Scott was sitting infront of Mike so this was odd. Mike:Scott! *In a 5 year olf voice* WHERE YOU GOIN? XD


I went to get a band-aid, so when I came back to Mrs.Hansen's room, me and Vinny were looking at each other the whole time, then he smiled at me. :F :blink:

We were doing this Vocab game w/ dty-erase boards. Vinny:*Writes answer* Mrs.Hansen:Boards up1 Vinny: METAMORHIC ROCK! XD That was his answer.


We were doing jump-rope. So Mike has a jumprope, and pretends to be Indiana Jones! XD Mike: *Swings Jumprope* I'M INDIANA JONES!


Colby asked if she could call me Jenny... o_O

Vinny yelled, o_O it was half distrubing... :D He sounded like he had *cough*sex*cough*. Jimmy:Is the Kool-aid man near you? Vinny: I have Kool-aid at my house! Jimmy:What color?

When I held the door for Vinny, he smiled at me, like twice. I wanted to close the door on Jay, who hates Vinny T_T.

We have to call Mrs.Hoffman, Honorable Teacher, because were studying China. ;3

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LA:N/A :p


we were watching the movie of our play, California or Bust, and Scott is Tom Telegraph(a Telegraph owner U_U) and he looked so tall and good in his outfit (Black pants,white shirt,suspenders, black hat)! XD Thora was making fun of his voice cause its a little girly, but cute. :3


Scott was hop-scotching to the mile track... o_O XD It was so cute!!~

Thora was mocking him. > : P

Marcus:I"M GONNA SKIP(a Movement) THE MILE RUN! Scott:Me too!

Band Rehearsal:

Me and Scott assembled our instruments at the same time.

I had my flute assembled, and Mike was sitting next to me. Mike: ITS SHINY LIKE GOLD BUT IT AIN'T GOLD!!!! o_O My Flute isn't gold... XD

It was random!

Mike was staring at me, when I was trying to put my flute and music on the seat.

I played super squeaky in front of the 7th and 8th graders... XD

Scott was packing up, then he must've said my name or his name. Scott:Scott/Skadi (somethingsomething)

Isaac: Are you hungry? Me:What??? Isaac:ARE YOU HUNGRY. Me:Yeah.

The 8th graders are doing the Simpson's theme song for the concert! XD

Michael said he had a embarrassing or funny pic of Scott. XD

I was texting Laura when Scott had Laura's cell. I just texted "Hi". XD

Scott tryed to play Hayley's flute. XD He failed. :D

Mike plays Alto Sax and this boy named Bryce was licking his A. Sax reed. Mike:BRYCE! HOWS THE CHEESE(Reed! XD) TODAY! IS IT YUMMY???

Us 6th grade band kids were talking. Mrs.Tengood: YOU KIDS BE QUIET!

Mike: YOUR MOM! Mrs.T:Excuse me Mister? I wanna talk to you. So Mike got in trouble... XP

Scott asked this 8th grade boy if he had food. 8th Grader:I just have Gaotrade, Scott. Scott: Man! Scott: Mr.Hanna! Mr.Hanna:Yes Scott? Scott:Do you have any snacks? Mr.H:Yeah. Scott:Aw Man! o_O


And tomorrow, I'll try to bring my pink music stand to lesson tomorrow.

Pink Stand <3
Updated. :furawatchi:

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