Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura scowled at Matt, sighing and crossing her arms. "It is a fair fight because you don't deserve to be able to fight back."

"She's got a point, Matt. That was a rude comment to make." Mello said with a shrug.

Light shook off Misa's hint and turned back to his work.

"GUYS!!! WHY ISN'T ANYONE ANSWERING ME??? WHERE ARE THE PICTURES???" Matsuda screamed, scowling.

Aya suddenly remembered what she had in her bag and scrambled up. "Um, it's okay, Ryuzaki. I'll find them myself, my bag's a tip."

"Here, Matsuda! Here!" Realising she wasn't going to be able to get any reaction from Light, she skipped over to Matsuda and showed him. "Look! Do you think it's gonna be a boy or a girl?!"

"I said it was a joke," Matt whined, still rubbing his arm. He slid up the sofa, still frowning slightly, and motioned for Sakura to sit beside him.

L didn't turn around to Matsuda, fiddling with the zip of Aya's bag. "No one's showing you the picture because you'll most likely..." He trailed off when he heard Misa, then looked up at Aya. "I'll do it," he said, tipping the bag upside down and scattering the contents across the desk.

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"Hey-" Aya cut off with a groan as L tipped her bag upside down. "For the love of god, be careful." She muttered, watching some pieces of paper twirl through the air and slide off the desk onto the floor. "Yeah, they weren't stapled. You'll have to pick them up now." She rambled, trying to distract L's attention.

"I wasn't expecting them to be," L said. He pushed the pile of Aya's stuff about a bit, extracting a couple of pieces of paper, then paused and crouched down slightly so he could stare. "Emiko."

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Aya instantly knew what L was talking about, but feigned ignorance anyway as she tried to think of an explanation. "Good, you can pick them up then. And what?"

"You know what I'm looking at," L said, still crouched over. He reached into the pile and fished out a music player, then held it up to his eyes. "You're going to give this back."

"How do you know it's not mine?" Aya retorted instantly, glaring at L - or rather, the music player that was so obviously not hers. The name written on the top proved that. She got up and walked over, ignoring L's other words in favour of trying to swipe the music player from his grip. "Give me that!"

"Do not try to insult my intelligence, Emiko," L said, holding the music player behind his back. "You will return it at the first chance you get."

Aya's hands clenched into fists as she muttered "Wasn't trying to." in some sort of strange defence. Continuing to glare at L, she asked "And how do you suggest I do that? Returning something to someone is a lot harder than taking it." At least for her.

Sakura tilted her head slightly before plopping down next to Matt on the sofa.

Light gave a sigh of relief when Misa left to show Matsuda. He watched as Matsuda squealed at the pictures and heard him call out. "I THINK IT'LL BE A BOY!!"

Matsuda, you're wrong. *shot*

"Emiko, you're supposed to be working against criminals," L said, turning away from Aya and studying the music player. "You have instead resorted to petty crime for no good reason. You will return this."

Matt held one arm out and wrapped it around Sakura, smiling slightly. "You happy?"

Aya sighed. "What can I say, old habits die hard. Just be glad I gave up the fire habit." She smirked, before remembering that Light - who she had to admit, she was a little paranoid about - was in the room and shutting up before she blabbed any more. "Fine. Give it here and take your stupid lists."

"I don't know! Either will be cute, won't it!?" Misa squealed, glancing between Sakura and L. "I hope she gets Tala's hair! Ryuzaki's is messy."

Sakura smiled a bit as well, nodding. "Yeah,"

"Oh, sibling-like love." Mello cooed, smirking.

"Yeah!! Tala's hair would be perfect for the baby!!" Matsuda squealed, beginning to jump up and down.

Matt raised his eyebrows, then lifted his other arm up. "Come on, Mello. Join in. Feel the guy love." He rolled his eyes and dropped his arm, then turned back to Sakura. "Hey, Tala."

L stared at Aya, then looked back at the music player. "Will you give it back?"

"Yeah?" Sakura asked, tilting her head.

Mello shook his head, scooting slightly away. "Nah bro, I don't need any guy love at the moment, thanks."

"You need guy love all the time," Matt said, grinning. He glanced back at Sakura, smirking slightly. "You're gonna get bigger. And then you have to start wearing maternity clothes."

"Yup, I'm so excited. Eh, what does it matter anyway? Since when have I worried my about my looks? I usually just throw on jeans and an old t-shirt. Maternity clothes won't be that different." Sakura said with a shrug.

"Not always, man." Mello told him, raising his eyebrows.

Matt shrugged, hugging Sakura a bit tighter. "You're still gonna get bigger." He glanced over at Mello. "All the time." He held up his other arm again, smirking.

Sakura sighed and frowned slightly. "Eh, I'll be able to deal with it."

Mello stared at Matt for a second before scooting back over and draping his arm around Matt's shoulder. "Alright, alright, you're right. I need guy love all the time." he muttered. He then paused for a second, "... Wow. That sounded really gay." he muttered, earning a laugh from Sakura.

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