Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"No, you apologized and she accepted." Sakura told him, tilting her head. She smirked. "Why? Did one of them actually get your attention?"

L paused for a second, letting go of Sakura's wrist and starting to chew on his thumbnail again. "Both conditions were equallu unappealing," he decided, glancing over at Sakura. "I would not like for either of them to happen."

"Ah, I see." Sakura said with a nod. She released a sigh and reached out to grab L's hand. "Let's head home."



L walked into the main room again, peeling himself away from Sakura and heading straight over to the kitchen. Matt looked up as they entered, pausing his game and putting out his cigarette. "Hey, Tala. Everything okay?"

Sakura nodded. "Yeah, everything's great." she told him with a smile. She inhaled and smelled the smoke from Matt's cigarette. "Matt, no smoking in here anymore. Even when I'm out."

" were out, so it shouldn't..." Matt's protests trailed off, and he lay back down on the sofa, frowning. "Do you have pictures?"

At the sudden rush of voices Aya looked up from where she was draped over the arm of a sofa, sitting up. "Oh. You're back." She yelled through to L. "Hey, Ryuzaki, if you're not occupied with babies, I got the stuff from the new Kira's place."

Misa suddenly sprang into life, running over to Sakura. "Yeah! Do you have pictures? Let me see! Let me see!"

"Yes, I have pictures! Calm down!" Sakura told Misa, reaching into her bag and taking out a small picture. She held it out for Misa to look at for a few moments before passing it to Matt.

Mello grinned, leaning back in his seat and staying silent.

Light sat quietly in front of the monitors, praying that Misa wouldn't jump him and ask to have babies.

Matt took the picture from Sakura and stared at it for a few seconds, then looked up at her. "You know, Tala," he began innocently. "I'm suprised they managed to get this."

L walked back out of the kitchen, a plate with cake on it in his hand. "What did you find?"

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Misa stared in awe at the scan picture for a few moments, blinking in surprise when it was passed on. "Huh? Hey! I was still looking!. she protested, although she had a big soppy grin on her face. "Light! You HAVE to look at the picture!"

"I just got what you told me to. The lists I mentioned yesterday, remember?" Aya told L. "I'll have to return them by the end of the day, mind you, or at least a copy of them."

Sakura tilted her head and frowned slightly. "What do you mean?"

Mello looked over at Matt and shook his head. "Don't say it, Matt."

"I'm good," Light told Misa, tensing up slightly.

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"Well, Sakura..." Matt trailed off, looking over at Mello, then he picked up his pace again. "I'm suprised you can see the baby in the picture. Under all that fat."

L took his usual seat at the desk, placing the plate down carefully. "We can copy it and return the originals."

"No! You need to see it!" Misa insisted, snatching the scan picture from Matt and going over to Light. "Look!~"

Aya nodded at L. "They're in my bag, I left it on the desk, just there." She waved a hand before staring at Matt. "Hey, Mello. Do you want to start digging the grave or shall I?"

Sakura scowled and began balling up her fists. "Why you..."

Mello looked over at Aya and smirked. "You can dig it, I'm too lazy."

Light sighed and looked at the picture. "That's great," he said with a halfhearted smile.

"It is!" Misa cheered, throwing her hands up in the air. Her eyes were practically sparkling as she happily ignored Light's disinterest, saying "Can you imagine how cute a Light and Misa baby would be?!"

"Hm..." Aya watched Matt for a few moments before smirking and turning back to Mello. "Actually, I think I'll just leave him on his own. When Tala's finished I doubt there'll even be a body to bury. Unlucky, Matt."

Sakura raised her fist back and punched Matt somewhat gently. "You're such an a**, Matt!"

"Don't we all know that, Tala?" Mello asked, smirking over at Matt.

Light nodded and continued to smile. "Oh, yes. Our baby would definitely be adorable."

Matsuda burst into the main room with a squeal. "Tala, you're back!!! GUYS, WHO HAS TALA'S SCAN PICTURES??? I WANNA SEE!!!!!"

"Yeah, we all knew that." Aya rolled her eyes, smirking slightly. "Not to mention pathetic. You're being beaten up by a pregnant woman."

"Yes, they would!" Misa insisted, resting her head on Light's shoulder and raising her eyebrows in a not-so-subtle hint.

"Hey, it's not a fair fight!" Matt protested dramatically, rubbing his arm. "I can't really fight back."

L slid the plate away, grabbing Aya's bag and pulling it towards him.

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