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New member
Feb 20, 2025
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hi im mike im new to tamagotchi. i have the original gen2 and connection re releases and i have mimitchi and pyonkotchi. i didnt get the uni because theres so much to do on it and im worried it will take away from my enjoyment of the older stuff because theres less to do on them so i will be working my way towards it ideally

so far my life as a tamagotchi parent is riddled with challenges. i bring them to school but im pretty sure im not supposed to have them because south carolina is 1 of those states that bans the use of personal devices in schools. i looked at the state law and its worded weirdly but says it should be fine as long as it doesnt connect to internet, phone signals or take pictures but also says no gaming devices so i think its not allowed. none of the teachers have brought it up but im still looking over my shoulder whenever i check on my tamas (theyre usually paused or muted). so yeah hopefully i dont end up in jail and have to tell my cellmate im in for having illegal tamagotchi XD (joke(its not that serious)).

now im a completionist and i plan to do everything on my connection. my goal currently is to win all 14 games, get all the souveniers and dedicate half a year and too many batteries to obtaining every adult character. time well spent. trust me

ok i think thats all i wanted to share
Hello :D don't shy away from the Uni, it puts a lot of enphasis on dressing up your Tama friend. It's a good device for those very busy days.
Hi nice 2meet u. I am also new to the forum ^_^ wow I can't imagine tamas being against the law 0.o wildddd. When I was a kid (with first Gen connection, so 2005.....oooof I feel old) the most teachers would do is confiscate them but only if it was a distraction

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