Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura smiled slightly, but her eyes clearly portrayed nervousness. "Yes, it is..."

The nurse smiled at Sakura, nodding. "You've clearly got lots of support, though." She motioned towards L, who simply stared at her, then looked at machine. "Okay, we can start now."

"Yeah, I do." Sakura muttered, looking over at L with a sigh. She turned back to the nurse. "Alright,"

The nurse smiled again, then pressed the probe to Sakura's stomach. She turned back to the screen, running the probe across Sakura's stomach, until she stopped and pointed to the screen. "There."

Sakura stared at the screen as though she were in a daze. A smile spread across her face and she stayed silent.

The nurse kept the probe in position, running her finger along the screen. "There's the head," she said, after a quick glance at Sakura. She turned back to the screen and stared at it for a while, moving the probe slightly. "Everything looks fine."

Sakura was still mesmerized by what she saw on the screen. After a moment or so, she gave an absentminded nod to the nurse.

L glanced down at Sakura, chewing his thumbnail, then looked back up and resumed staring at the screen with wide eyes. The nurse turned to Sakura, keeping the probe in place and smiling slightly. "Is the pregnancy going okay so far? Any questions?"

Sakura finally pulled her eyes away from the screen to look at the nurse. "It's all been going great, and I don't have any questions to ask."

L looked away from the screen and back down at Sakura, the corners of his mouth twitching. The nurse nodded, taking the probe away from Sakura's stomach. "I think we've finished, then."

Sakura looked over at L and saw the slight smile on his face which caused hers to grow. Sakura then turned to the nurse and nodded. "Alright," she muttered, sitting up and holding her shirt above her stomach.

"You can go, then," the nurse said, nodding. L climbed off the chair quickly, still chewing on his thumbnail. "That took a long time."

"No it didn't," Sakura said as she took a paper towel and began rubbing the gel from her stomach, "You just have no patience."

"We can leave right after you apologize to the medical student, I think Marina was her name." Sakura told him, throwing the paper towel away.

"Well, you're going to apologize." Sakura said, rolling her eyes. "I doubt you'll want to deal with me at home if you don't."

"I don't apologise," L repeated, wide-eyed. "I am never wrong, so I do not need to apologise." He shuffled back slightly, apparently listening to Sakura's threat.

"You're going to apologize or I swear to God, I'm going to lock up all of the sweets until the baby is born." Sakura told him. She then moved closer to him and whispered," And I won't sleep with you for a long time."

L tilted his head, his brain wokring very quickly to find a loophole. "I don't sleep very often, Tala," he said quietly. "You know that."

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