Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Just take your time, Marina," the nurse repeated. "It's better for you to take your time and get it right." L leaned forward again, holding his hand out. "You're doing it wrong. Give that here."

A few tears slipped from Marina's eyes and she turned towards L. "I'm not doing it wrong!" she told him. "Just leave me alone!!" She looked over at the older nurse with tears streaming from her eyes.

Sakura scowled. "Ryuuzaki!"

The nurse placed a hand on Marina's shoulder gently, shaking her head. "You're doing absolutely fine. Marina. Take as long as you need." She looked up, scowling at L. "I'm sorry, but in a minute I'm going to have to ask you to-" She cut off, watching in disbelief as L leaned forward and pulled the probe out of Marina's grip.

Marina squeaked and flinched away from L.

Sakura watched L, her mouth agape. "Ryuuzaki, what are you doing??"

"I'm taking over from her," L said, pointing at Marina as he held the probe between his finger and thumb. "She's doing it wrong." He glanced up at Marina after a quick glance at the nurse. "Are you sure that you wish to persue a career in medicine?"

Marina nodded frantically. "Yes! I'm only still learning!" she said quietly, looking over at her supervisor.

Sakura frowned at L. "Ryuuzaki, why do this?"

L ignored Sakura, leaning over her to stare at Marina. "This is a problem, though. You will not be a good nurse. You may as well give up now, while you still can." He leaned back again, holding the probe up to his eyes. "Would you like me to perform the scan?"

Marina let out a quiet sob and turned to the older nurse. "C-can I just l-leave?"

Sakura scowled. "No, Ryuuzaki! Give it to the nurse! I swear, I'm going to kill you when we get home!"

The nurse furrowed her brow, keeping her hand on Marina's shoulder. "Don't take any notice of him, you're one of the best students here. You can leave to calm down, though. I'll take you to one of the other rooms." She glanced over at Sakura. "I'll be back in a few minutes to start the scan."

L ignored the two nurses, keeping focused on the probe. "Why not? I kniw what I'm doing, I could perform the scan quickly."

Sakura nodded and watched Marina and the nurse leave. She then turned to L with a scowl. "I don't care, put the probe down and wait for the nurse to come back."

L glanced over at Sakura, keeping hold of the probe. "I could perform the scan while the nurse is out, and we could leave quickly. Don't you want to get back?"

"I'm in no hurry to get back," Sakura said simply, sighing. "Just put the probe down and wait."

L stared at Sakura, wide-eyed, then leaned over her to place the probe beside the machine. "I would be better than the student," he said. He looked down at Sakura's stomach, then scooped up some of the gel with his finger

L stared at his finger for a while, then leaned over and wiped the gel across Sakura's cheek. "The nurse is taking too long."

Sakura grimaced and wiped the gel off her cheek. "Ryuuzaki, that's not frosting! Don't wipe it on my face!"

"Why not?" L asked, wiping his,hand on his jeans and staring at Sakura. He looked up as the nurse walked back into the room and took the seat Marina had vacated.

"Okay, Marina should be fine. Shall I start the scan now?"

Sakura was about to reply to L, but cut off when she saw the nurse. "Yes," she said with a nod.

Sakura was about to reply to L, but cut off when she saw the nurse. "Yes," she said with a nod.

The nurse picked up the probe and started the machine, then pulled her chair forward so it was closer to the bed. "We'll have to wait a few minutes again for the machine. So, is this your first child?"

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