Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"It was quite easy to figure out," L said, leaning forward to scoop up some cake. "But that isn't why I wanted to contact you. I would like you to help me on the investigation around Kira."

Aya rubbed her eyes, thinking hard. She was impressed by L, although she was rapidly losing patience with him. "...And how do I know this isn't just a trap? You seem to know full well at least a small part of what I've done." She couldn't help but smirk then. This whole situation was ridiculous. "What use could a sixteen year old criminal be on the Kira investigation, anyway? I'm used to outwitting the police, not a #%^£& serial killer."

Sakura narrowed her eyes and tilted her head, staring at L's laptop. She wandered through her thoughts and tried to figure out exactly what was happening.

"That is exactly why you would be valuable," L said, his voice now muffled slightly by the cake. "You are able to outsmart the police, so you will be useful for setting up traps and helping us outsmart Kira." He tilted his head, wondering how he could successfully convince her. "You would also be protected from Kira."

God dammit, L was good. Of course Aya was bothered about getting protection from Kira. She was silent for a few moments, thinking things over. It would be one heck of a challenge. "Fine. But I want protection from the police too, for obvious reasons." She finally told L, sitting on the edge of the sofa arm and watching the laptop. "What do I have to do?" She was still annoyed with L about him knowing all that and invading her space, but oh well. He offered a pretty good deal.

Misa entered the main room, standing on her tiptoes and watching L with her chin on Sakura's shoulder. "What's going on?"

Sakura turned her head to look at Misa. "Shhh, Ryuuzaki's speaking with someone." she whispered.

"You've had someone following you for a while now. They will be waiting outside," L said, scooping up some more cake. "Although you might feel uncomfortable getting into a car with a stranger. If you prefer, we could send some detectives to pick you up and bring you to our headquarters."

"I've had..." Aya cut off, too stunned to be angry. How had she not noticed someone following her? "I'll be fine. Just give me a chance to get what stuff I have together." A pause. "Oh, and L? #%&@ you." She said, just for the hell of it, before slamming the lid down on the laptop and picking it up.

"Oh... Who is he talking to?" Misa whispered, looking at the screen before flopping into a chair.

I gotta go D: Hence why Aya disconnected and stuff xD

Sakura scowled at L's laptop before sighing and leaning back in her chair. "He was talking to someone named Aya apparently..."

L tilted his head, chewing on his thumbnail. "She was less calm than others usually are," he said, turning towards the others. "She might get very angry quite soon."

Sakura looked over at L and sighed. "This is a disaster waiting to happen..." she muttered under her breath.

"Look, I can do it myself." Aya scowled at the person who tried to open the car door for her. She already felt a lot of resentment towards him, due to the fact that - hello? - he'd been stalking her. Grabbing her rucksack and slinging it over her shoulder, Aya slid out of the car, looking up at the building. "...This place would be awesome to try and break into." She muttered, ignoring the guy trailing after her.

Misa frowned. "Why was she so angry?"

Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes. " She seems to have a short temper. Also, she's quite upset that Ryuuzaki managed to find her and corner her."

L nodded. "She also seemed quite upset that I knew about her reasons for running away." He glanced at Sakura. "No one else in the Task Force can know about that."

Sakura nodded, looking over at L. "I won't say a word about it."


Light awoke with a massive headache. He also felt quite sick to his stomach. He rolled off his bed and looked down at his shirt that was covered in vomit. "What the...?" He groaned, standing up and stumbling slightly. He slowly walked over to his dresser, taking out some clean clothes. He exited his room and went for the shower, wanting ever to badly to get cleaned up.

"Oh..." Misa fell silent again, inspecting her nails and frowning at the chipped polish on them.

Aya's eyes were flicking all over the place as she was led through the building, taking into account various details that might come in useful later - anything that could be a potential hazard or an aid in, say, an escape. She noticed her companion watching her closely and rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, what am I gonna steal? A floor tile?" She said, remaining silent until they reached the main room. Opening the door, she stood in the opening, glancing around. "Hi."

L looked over at the door as Aya walked in, pulling his hand away from his mouth and resting it on his knee. "Aya, you need briefing immediately."

Aya watched L as she reached up, pulling a headphone out of her ear. "Okay, if I'm gonna do this, can you just not call me Aya? Names are a but of a sensitive thing, nowadays." She asked, looking down at her music player as she said "And okay. But I'd advise you to stay there, as I'm seriously fighting the urge to punch you in the face."

Misa decided to go and check on Light, getting up and walking through the halls. "Lighttttttttt?~"

Sakura narrowed her eyes at Aya. "A little worked up, are we now?"

Light was in the shower, washing off. "Oh, Misa? I'm in the shower!" he called.

"You would be too, if you'd just got home and had the shock of your life courtesy of him." Aya said rather calmly, gesturing towards L. She suck into a chair, dumping her bag by her feet. "Okay, what do I need to know?"

Misa giggled, leaning against the shower door. "Can I come in yet?~"

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