Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Light tilted his head. "Mello's a weirdo! He's obsessed with chocolate!"

"Well, chocolate isn't a bad thing!" Misa inisted. "I'll definitely have to meet him now!.. Or is he posessive over his chocolate?"

Light sighed. "He is VERY possessive over his chocolate. He would shoot you if you just looked at it."

"Oh..." Misa sighed, settling back. "I'm sure he'd give me some! Everybody loves Misa!" She snuggled up to Light again. "Especially you, right?~"

Aya's hand finally left her pocket after clutching the money that was inside for her entire journey as she opened the door to her current home. It was definitely one of the better places she'd lived in - someone she'd agreed to 'help out' with a big job was letting her live in it for a short while. That was all she needed and wanted, really. She pulled the money out, turning it over in her hands as she crossed the room to put it in her safe place. "Thank god for trade shops, huh? Lifesavers..." She mutterd to herself, crashing onto a sofa.

L pulled the box back over with his free hand, sucking on the fingers of his other. "What can I do, then?" he asked suddenly, his voice muffled.

Sakura sighed. "Not that." she responded bluntly, staring up at the monitors.

Light nodded. "Of couurrssseeee!"

"What am I allowed to do, though?" L asked, his voice still quite dull. He stared at Sakura, pulling his hand away and wiping it on his jeans.

"I knew it!" Misa said, absolutely overjoyed. And it showed, from the way she tackled Light and hugged him. "Misa's gonna stay with Light forever! No matter what you do!" She reached up, tapping Light's nose playfully as she teased "Every god needs a goddess, right?"

Aya had just settled into a comfy position when her phone - a fairly expensive one, at that - buzzed in her pocket. Frowning, she pulled it out and opened the message, before tossing it to the other end of the sofa. "For god's sake, let me sleep. Your job can wait." She scowled at the phone, rolling over and putting a cushion over her head.

Sakura looked over at L and shrugged, not responding.

Light nodded. "Yupyup~"

"I can do anything, then," L said, resting his chin on his knees. He looked up quickly when his phone started ringing, abnd grabbed it. "Yes, this is Ryuuga Hideki." He was silent for a few seconds, then turned to Sakura. "Get Matt."

Sakura frowned at L and released a heavy sigh. She nodded and stood, walking out of the main room and down the corridor to Matt's room. She knocked on his door lightly. "Matt, Ryuuzaki needs you."

Matt stood up and pulled his door open, running a hand through his hair. "Why?" He slipped past Sakura and leaned againr the wall, frowning.

Sakura shrugged. "I dunno, he told me to come get you." she explained, tilting her head. "C'mon," she muttered, heading back to the main room and motioning for Matt to follow.

"Oh, okay..." Matt followed Sakura into the main room, frowning. L looked up as they entered and held up a piece of paper. "You need to hack the email and send a message to the bottom email."

"Light! I can't believe you threw up everywhere!" Misa grumbled to herself as she stormed back to Light's room, a tray of cleaning supplies in her hand. "And I can't believe they're making Misa Misa clean it up! Light!!" She continued, kicking open the door to Light's room. "Light, you okay?"

Aya groaned into the cushion when she heard her laptop - sat on a table not too far away - make a small noise. Rolling off the sofa, she scrambled over to the table, kneeling down and opening the email she had just received. "Don't recognise that address... Then again I don't usually..." She muttered to herself, skimming through the email. "Blah blah blah... Just to let you know we will be... Starting a voice call with you soon?" She frowned, before getting to her feet and walking away. "Ah, whatever. I just won't give them permission or pick it up or whatever... I can't be bothered..."

"Okay, the call's been set up," Matt said, standing up. "You just have to start it, it doesn't have to be accepted. You know the rest...your logo appearing and stuff."

L nodded in acknowledgdment and slid his chair over, tapping a key. "Aya. This is L."

Aya froze on the spot, sneaking a glance back at her laptop. "What in the actual... I didn't even accept this call!" She half yelled, spinning around. Invading her personal space, much? Okay, Aya, take this calmly. She took a deep breath, moving over to crouch by the laptop and staring at the 'L' on the screen. "Uh, hi? Look, I don't know what's going on - my name's not Aya, for one!" She gave a small laugh. "So, yeah, wrong person? Whatever it is you're doing? I must admit you got the L logo down to a t."

Light had fallen asleep, sprawled out on his bed.

Sakura was silently sitting in her chair, watching L and Matt closely.

"It's quite common for people to think that this is a hoax," L said, resting his chin on his knees. "You are called Aya, you are sixteen. You have been on the run for approximately half a year. This was following the death of your father, something you were responsible for."

Misa sighed and sat down next to Light, abandoning the cleaning supplies. "Ew..."

After a long, long time of using fake names, hearing her real one spoken made Aya feel quite vulnerable. Especially with Kira going around. "T-that's not funny. Stop it." She said quietly as L spoke, before shooting to her feet and yelling at the laptop "How do you know that? How the HELL do you know that?!"

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