Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura shrugged slightly, glancing up at the monitors and then back at L. "Oh, nothing..."

Light tilted his head. "I don't know. Not everyone knows about you." he explained, glancing back at Aya.

Misa continued to stare at Aya and Light in turn, slightly dumbfounded. Aya just shrugged. "Well, I guess I have been 'living under a rock', to use your own words. Surprisingly, keeping up with celebrity news hasn't been my top priority." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. As she did so, she caught Light looking at her. "What?" She asked, sounding a little annoyed.

Sakura tilted her head slightly. "Nothing, I swear." she muttered.

Light shrugged and didn't respond, turning back to look at Misa.

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Aya gritted her teeth, turning away to look straight ahead. Misa still looked confused. "Why have you been living under a rock?" This time Aya let out an audible groan before she answered, running a hand through her head. "Look, I have my reasons, okay? If you're that bothered, ask L, he might tell you. Hopefully not." She sighed after her little mini rant, glancing at Light. "Is she always like this?"

Aya gritted her teeth, turning away to look straight ahead. Misa still looked confused. "Why have you been living under a rock?" This time Aya let out an audible groan before she answered, running a hand through her head. "Look, I have my reasons, okay? If you're that bothered, ask L, he might tell you. Hopefully not." She sighed after her little mini rant, glancing at Light. "Is she always like this?"

L leaned closer to Sakura, sliding his chair towards her. "Was it about the other stuff couples do?" he asked, adjusting himself in the chair so he didn't fall.

Sakura gave a curt nod, staring over at L.

Light didn't respond in fear that Misa would explode at him. He stayed silent until he reached their room. "Here, you can stay in this room if you want."

L leaned even closer, sliding his chair further. "What about it?" He sat back slightly on his legs, chewing on his thumbnail

Aya wasn't too bothered that Light didn't answer her. To be honest, she wanted shot of them both, especially Misa, who was now staring at Aya's hair with an expression of disgust. So what if her hair was a bit messy? Again, she had reasons. She nodded at Light, opening the door. "Wow. This is nicer than a lot of places I've stayed in..." She said, mainly to herself. Turning in the doorway, she glanced between Light and Misa. "Thanks. I'll be okay. now." A pause as Misa didn't move. "That means you can leave now."

"Well, why are you wondering about it?" Sakura asked, her blush intensifying slightly.

Light held the door open to his and Misa's room. "Come on, Misa,"

Misa watched Aya until she slammed the door in her face, at which point Misa went into her and Light's room. "I don't like her! She was very rude!" She fumed, sitting down on the bed and folding her arms. "Who is she? Why's she here?"

L placed a hand lightly on Sakura's shoulder and turned her around, still chewing the thumb of his other hand. "Do you need to ask that?"

Sakura simply shook her head, not saying anything.

Light shrugged. "I don't know. I was passed out just earlier and I wasn't in the main room to hear about her."

"I don't like her." Misa repeated, getting up and moving over to the mirror to take her pigtails out. "We'll have to ask! Do you think she's another successor?"

"You'll see," Sakura whispered with a small grin on her face.

"I don't know, she could be," Light mumbled, laying back on his bed and closing his eyes.

Good place for timeskip? xD

VERY good place xD

L's eyelids slowly opened, and as soon as they did he pushed himself up onto his feet very quickly. "Tala." He glanced over at Sakura and prodded her with one finger, hunching over his legs.

Misa had been up for a short while, and had decided to make herself look nice before she woke Light up. Putting down the hairbrush and taking one last glance in the mirror, she walked over and knelt on the bed, gently shaking Light. "Lightttttt? It's morning!"

Aya had been up for a while, and had somehow found herself up on the roof during her exploration. Still, no matter, as it gave her a chance to have a quick smoke before retreating back into the building. She had managed to kick the habit after the second fire, as she didn't trust herself with a lighter back then, but hey, old habits die hard.

Sakura awoke and leaned upward, rubbing her eyes. "Hm?"

Light winced at Misa's voice, his headache had grown ten times worse. "Ughhh... Good morning, Misa."

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