Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Sakura's eyes lit up when she spotted something new. "Here, Wedy sent us something," she told L, pushing her laptop over to him.

"Well, uh... Alriighhtt theeennn." Light mumbled, plopping back down on the sofa.

L leaned over in his chair to look at the laptop screen. "He's acting very suspiciously, but there's nothing to do with a Death Note yet..." He glanced back at Light again, chewing his thumb. "You can go, if you want."

Sakura pulled her laptop back over to herself, closing it.

Light nodded curtly, turning and quickly walking back to his room.

Mello was creeping around the corridors since he lacked anything better to do.

L glanced over at Sakura again, dropping his hand. "We can't ask Light about this suspect until we see that he uses a Death Note," he muttered.

Sakura nodded, turning to look over at L. She stayed silent for a few moments."... Drunk Light sure is... Interesting." she commented.

It was then that Misa, hearing a different voice and becoming curious, entered the room, spotting Sakura. "Oh yeah! You ARE cute together!"

"He still denied everything," L said, sounding a little disappointed. "I think we should question him again later." He turned back to the desk, reaching over for the fork.

Sakura nodded at L. She jumped slightly at Misa's voice, turning to look at her. "Oh, uh... Hello, Misa."

Misa frowned, tilting her head. "Do I know you?" She asked blankly, before turning to L. "Where's my Light?"

L considered Misa for a second, then nodded towards the corridor. "He left a few minutes ago. I still need to talk to him later, though, so don't let him fall asleep."

L considered Misa for a second, then nodded towards the corridor. "He left a few minutes ago. I still need to talk to him later, though, so don't let him fall asleep."

"Ohhhh, why do you still need to talk to him? He's innocent, isn't he?!" Misa said, folding her arms and glaring.

Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes, turning to the monitors without saying anything.

"Yes, that's why I need to talk to him," L said, turning away. "That doesn't mean you can't look for him now, though."

Misa made a small noise, flopping down onto a chair and continuing to glare at L for a short while before turning to Sakura. "So you're Tala, right? How long have you two been together?"

Sakura glanced at Misa. "Oh, a few weeks now." she said, looking over at L.

"Well, you two look good together!" Misa was smiling, but inside she was wondering how Light was going to deal with ANOTHER person... She got up, giving them a small wave as she walked off saying "I'm gonna go see Light! He's on the same floor, right?"

"Yes, he's probably in his room," Sakura told Misa, turning to her laptop and opening it.

Light was sprawled on his bed, all giggly for no apparent reason.

Misa made her way to Light's room, opening the door and slipping inside. "Lighttttttt?" She sat down next to him.

L glanced back as Misa walked out, tilting his head. He turned back and watched Sakura as she worked, chewing on his thumbnail. After a while, he let his eyes slide back down

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