Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Yeah, you went on the easiest mode," Matt said, shrugging. "I'll go on Expert, it's the hardest." He changed the song and the mode, then started the game.

Misa sat there with her mouth open in a shocked 'o' shape as she watched Matt play the song. "You're really good! Go go go!" She cheered, throwing her arms up in a sort of celebration only to get caught up in the guitar and have it smack into her chest. "Ow..."

Matt grinned, managing to keep his focus when Misa got tangled up in her guitar. "This is why you should practice." He finished the song and turned to Misa. "Do you want another go?"

"Yay! You got it perfect! You're really good!" Misa cheered again as she got up, throwing her arms around Matt's neck in celebration and smiling. "Ahhh, I don't know... You're much better than me."

Matt froze, wide-eyed. "Uh..." He tried to extract the guitar from between them, going bright red again. "Y-you should have another go..." He tried to wriggle away from Misa.

Eventually Misa pulled away from Matt, going back over to the sofa and picking up her own guitar. "Ahh, okay!" She said, deciding to be clever and repeat her little trick of pressing the 'Retry' button. Which of course started the game. On Expert mode. "A-ah!"

Sakura sighed after Misa left the room. She looked over at L. "Hey, you want me to stay in here?"

Light leaned back on the sofa, stretching out his arms.

L nodded at Sakura, then hunched over and shuffled up to the sofa. "Light, do you know anything else about the case? Someone acting suspiciously at the club, for example."

Sakura crossed her arms, walking over to Light.

Light tilted his head."Nawwww, there wasn't nothing suspicious.."

"Are you sure?"L crouched down in front of Light, resting his hands on his knees. He glanced up at Sakura. "No one at all?"

Sakura sat down beside Light.

"I'm suurrree! I wouldn't lie to you guuyysss~" Light slurred, laughing a bit.

L glanced at Sakura again, chewing his thumbnail. "Okay, Light, do you know anything else about the case? Have you worked anything new out yet?"

Sakura sighed, sitting back and looking over at L.

"Weeellllll, Kira's definitely going to choose one of the top Kira followersss to success him... That's my opinion." Light muttered. Even though he was drunk, something seemed to click in his mind, allowing him to vaguely realize what L was trying to do.

"Do you know any of Kira's top followers, then? Are any of them the ones we're watching now?" He motioned to the screens on the opposite wall.

"Well, I diidd doo some researcchh on some of them... But I'm really not surreee." Light told them, tilting his head with a silly grin.

L was silent for a few seconds, staring at Light. He stood up, motioning for Sakura to follow him, then made his way back over to his chair. "Tala, can you check if Wedy's contacted us today?"

Sakura stood and stretched, walking over to her laptop. "Sure thing,"

"Contacted you 'bout whuuuttt?" Light asked, looking over at L.

"Just about the case," L answered, not looking back at Light. He watched Sakura closely, chewing on his thumb. After a while, his eyes slid down, until he was very clearly staring at Sakura's chest.


Sakura was completely oblivious, scrolling through the messages on her computer.

Light stood up and shuffled awkwardly when he noticed what L was looking at. Not wanting to mention anything, he began edging for the corridor. "So, uh... Can I gooo??"

L jolted and looked over at Light quickly "I wanted to hear your opinions of Wedy's ideas, if she's contacted us," he said. "You can go after that"

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