Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"With that creepy pervert stare!" Misa widened her own eyes and stared at L to mimic what he was doing, before settling back and pulling some lipstick and a mirror out of her bag. As she applied it, mainly to avoid looking at L, she said "Fine, fine, stare all you want. But I'm not going to do ANYTHING! Hmph!"

L widened his eyes when Misa imitated him, sucking the icing off his finger. "This isn't a pervert stare, Misa." He tilted his head again, considering her. "I don't expect you to do anything." He lowered his voice, talking more to himself. "I don't Tala would be very pleased with you if you did."

Misa automatically licked her lips after applying the lipstick - a habit picked up from making those adverts. "Tala?"

"Yes, Tala," L said, looking away. He turned his chair back so he was facing the cake and picked up the fork."My fourth successor."

Light snickered and leaned back on the sofa. "Tala's also his little girrllffrriiieennndd..." he muttered under his breath to himself.

Misa's attitude instantly changed. "Ryuzaki has a girlfriend?! That's so sweeeeeeeet!" She giggled, clasping her hands together and smiling. "Is she cute? I hope you're not being pervy though!"

Light's snicker grew louder and he looked over at L with a smirk, knowing he'd successfully set Misa off.

L decided to ignore Misa's excited ramblings, scooping up some cake, until curiosity got the better of him. "What do you mean by that, Misa?"

Beth says we need a posting order. Discuss.

By now Misa had turned back to Light, sliding onto his lap. "Are they cute together? Like, are they MADE for each other? Is she an insomniac who just sits and eats cake too?" Suddenly she squealed. "Aww! I can imagine them!"

Lol idek

Light grinned over at L, not bothering to answer Misa's questions.

Sakura was pulled from her sleep when she heard the squeal. She groaned, knowing she would have trouble going to sleep once more. After a few moments of just sitting there, she decided to go back out to the main room. She pulled herself off her bed and out of her room. She yawned when she reached the main room. "Hey, what's wrong with Matsuda? Why was he squealing?"

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L looked back around as Sakura walked in, spinning his chair to face her. "It wasn't Matsuda squealing, it was Misa."

Misa turned to look at Sakura, shooting to her feet. "Hi! Are you Tala?" She asked, looking between the couple.

L glanced back up at Misa, wide-eyed again. "Yes, this is Tala," he said quietly. "I need to talk to Light. You should go with Tala and talk to her."

Misa became annoyed again."But I want to stay with Light! I haven't seen him in ages!" She insisted. "Whatever you need to say, you can say it in front of me!"

L lifted his hand and started to,chew on his thumb. "It's important that you're not there when I talk to him, because it's about the case." He stood up, still watching Misa.

Misa growled slightly, before scooping up her handbag and storming off. "Fine, fine! Have fun together!" She ranted, storming out of the room and flopping down next to Matt. (lol I can't remember where he is so nehhh)

Matt glanced over the top of his DS when Misa walked in, then scrambled up quickly. "Misa! What...uh...why are you here?" He adjusted his goggles hastily, dropping his DS to the side.

Misa folded her arms, still rather annoyed. "Ryuzaki is stopping me from seeing Light. He needs to 'talk about the case'." She said, mimicking L's voice.

"Oh...uh..." Matt fidgeted in his seat. "Well...uh...You'll get to,see hin again in a minute, right?" He glanced around the room so he didn't have to look at Misa.

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